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Ron Paul Is In!

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One day you will have to answer to the children of
smoking or growing cannabis is rather trite when compared to this travesty.
That or how our education system is failing our children, which thus leads to some of the problems we have today.
But ignorance is bliss, till you end up like N. Korea and can't feed your people.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i love ron paul...

but when you tell america you want to legalize all drugs...

and you tell the gov. your going to repeal income tax...

you just got too many enemies on both sides of the line.

just my .02...
Education is failing b/c kids think that if they aren't doing exactly what they want, exactly how they want, exactly when they want and "having fun" that they aren't obliged to play along. Teachers have no power b/c parents think all their darlings are brainiacs b/c since they can pass a stupid multiple choice state test (which many states keep making easier so that more can pass and they can make national guidelines) there isn't any reason to demand A work for an A. So everyone gets A's and B's and parents get the idea that their lazy kid who isn't really smart but could learn a lot if he/she worked, are A students. Administration backs parents b/c of fear of lawsuits. Kids learn they have all the power. Kids are told that their opinion always matters and is THE opinion that matters. Well there you go. It's going to be really run about 10 years from now b/c none of these kids will be able to hold any job. School is about learning to follow a schedule and meet deadlines and produce quality work under specific circumstances in specific timeframes so that then the person has these skills and can hold down a job.

But since we let all the jobs go to India or wherever, who cares whether the kids are prepared to hold a job b/c we don't want them overprepared to flip burgers or live on the government dole, now do we?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Ron Paul money bomb for todays first debate is happening now! ronpaul2012 is the site, go give if you can!


Active member
hey guys ron paul just said somthing so simple yet profound im voting for him without a doubt . and this knowlege is for you too.
that means every time you are aprroached by the police they are assuming you are guilty.
this means again this is a violation of the 4th amendment also the one reguarding having the right to not incriminate yourself or testify against yourself.
they are sworn to uphold the constitution in wich our rights are contained.
remind the officer of this and if you have a encounter.
i beleive this could be explained quickly with your next encounter with the law.if not perhaps a retained lawyer on speedial could help before your even in cuffs.


Active member
forgot this too... would you concider the definition of kidnapping be,being taken against you will. you could also see everday on the tv show cops that their methods are crule and unusual punishment wich i beleive we are supposed to be prtected in the bill of rights.
perhaps if you could get ahold of your police record you could prove these rights were violated from the getgo. and then possibley sue if you so desire.


Active member
if RP runs under the republican ticket i might have to vote for him....but if they put up huckabee or some other bible fearing right winger no way in hell.....


weed fiend
Ed Rollins helped put Huck's exploratory committee together, says Huck will prolly bow out tomorrow. Roger Ailes told Huck to quit his FOX show in advance of announcing for prez. Huck didn't quit the show so he'll probably abstain.

Huck aside, we've got too many fuck heads trying to make a living on the pretext they'll run for high office. I read that Newt has raised $32 million, more than the entire field together. He'll be in until something he's said or done in the past comes back to haunt him and drop out of the primary.

Newt doesn't necessarily have to give the money back. Rudy showed how to consume $10 million in a few months... bought himself one measly delegate. Does all that money go toward speaking venues, arrangements and fees? Nope, the party covers that crap. High-priced hotels, restaurants and transportation? :chin: I bet RP gets more bang for the buck. Prolly even stays at Motel 6.:D

I just don't think that any president could change the system the way RP advocates.


speaking of ron ...

speaking of ron ...




May your race always be in your favor
I have to ask, if Ron Paul hates the government so much why has he spent the last 30 years as a part of said government,and why does he now want to be the head of the very thing he says should be destroyed. Just askin.......


I have to ask, if Ron Paul hates the government so much why has he spent the last 30 years as a part of said government,and why does he now want to be the head of the very thing he says should be destroyed. Just askin.......


maybe he could not get a job at a news network....or with big pharma

puppet show ..... i mean election 2012 will at least be entertaining! that is what elections are about, right ?:tiphat:


i dont think i'll ever vote again, but if i were i would put one last vote in for the doctor


I have to ask, if Ron Paul hates the government so much why has he spent the last 30 years as a part of said government,and why does he now want to be the head of the very thing he says should be destroyed. Just askin.......

do your research first man, he doesn't hate the government, he hates what the federal government has become. he has been in office as a public servant for 30 years because he believes in standing up for whats right and doing his part. so even if he is just the lone voice of reason in the federal storm of tyranny, he can never give up. his deep seated belief in the constitution being the guiding principle of the law, forces him to go up against those who are and want to break the highest law of the land.

all the fear mongering about him getting rid of all social nets and shit is just fear mongering. he just doesn't believe it's the job of government to do all that stuff. the biggest argument being that government programs by design are wasteful and achieve very little bang for the buck. where as entrepreneurial individuals make sure to get their dollars worth. further more the whole federal reserve system is causing 70% of income tax funds to be spent on just the interest on the national debt. so getting rid of them and income tax will give such an economic boom to the country that the poor will be a small minority again which well off citizens will be glad to help get back on their feet through church and other private charity. making it mandatory for everyone to pay charity for anyone who wants to claim it, is not a sustainable system. and it takes all opportunity away from the individual to be charitable in his own life. but this issue is way to complicated and vast to give a proper insight in one post. but believe you me the more you research his speeches on different subjects the more you realize how much sense he makes. be it the federal reserve, education, welfare, military industrial complex, lobbying, religion and individual freedom.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
^ Ron Paul really is the best choice for the Republican Party. I have been watching the other candidates and they are all fucking idiots. Like reality TV star idiots. They have no place in politics, and Ron Paul has 30 years of experience and everyone in his state loves him, even the democrats.


weed fiend
...his deep seated belief in the constitution being the guiding principle of the law, forces him to go up against those who are and want to break the highest law of the land.

Constitutional scholars have argued the degree of federal authority since the Constitution was signed into law. Paul's it but a single opinion.

However, Paul has a democratic process to work with. If enough of the electorate agrees with his policy proposals, he'll be vindicated. Until then, many voters see Mr. Paul as unelectable.
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