Gary Johnson repeal President Obama's Health Care Plan!
Discobicuit's candidates desires seem quiet askew from the ones DB is toutng.
Maybe some people imply things about you because the evidence supports it.
What is the difference between GJ and RP on monetary policy? I see none. You have shown none.
You have shown a propensity to dismantle Ron Paul's ideas....Created your own Gold Conspiracy theory among others...
Meanwhile, You claim "Gary Johnson" is your guy and yet you contradict yourself and Gary J. policies and back a socialist healthcare policy. Gary J. says says repeal Obamacare. Disco touts it.
Gary J. doesn't want to end the FED but fix it.....Yet I see nothing from you on this subject to support GJ over RP.
I like that GJ is like, Hell yeah, let us smoke weed..Great for our "cause"
Ron Paul ending the drug war on principle. Preserve our freedoms.
The neocons (Newt) use the drug war to take away any gov't funded programs.....I.E. food stamps, unemployment, Pell grant.....& if we have Gov't MANDATED healthcare they would take that away too! 100,000,000 out of 300,000,000 Americans have used or use drugs and risk not being able to get any help from any Gov't Programs.
DOGMABISCUIT all you have is......
a distinct rhetoric of repression in the blame games and in depiction of concerted political violence as self-interested criminal activity to delegitimized Ron Paul, organizers, supporters, their motives, and their claims. You Point to traditions of rural banditry. Your covertly overt repressive rhetoric hinders our nation security in this way, the rhetoric of repression draws on an establishment of central social control.
Don't try to say I am attacking you. I am merely trying to discuss issues as you circumvent, deflect, and ignore the facts. You don't offer fixes but you tear them down. You give a candidate (Gary Johnson) then back something completely opposite (Gov't Mandated Healthcare) of what your GJ backs. You rip Ron Paul monetary policy but the guy you offers suggests the same fixes! AM I THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS????
You know. This!
You attack one candidates position and never offer up your position, much less have to defend it. Then you start with your insane Ron Paul Gold Conspiracy Theory linked to his portfolio and monetary policy. You imply he is racist with 20 plus year old newsletter he has disemboweled. You rip his monetary policy and your Gary Johnson candidate monetary policy is the same.....So all you are doing is dogma!