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Rez the snitch is back


Active member
I found all the info I was looking for , even a picture . It was pretty easy to look up.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
This is a difficult one to get into - since the original case/indictment against me and my eldest son by the feds is still live - although it seems like they can't actually get us foreigners (I'm a Brit and my son is Dutch) to the court in Maine USA - due to the fact that the U.S. authorities have been denied my extradition last year in the High Courts of Justice in London.

Yes - many people have been what looks like more than slightly perturbed as to my keeping relatively quite about my case, and those involved. I guess that I could post all the court details, names etc - but if someone is really bent on getting this info - its out there -

Me foaming at the mouth with righteous indignation over being grassed up to the coppers by some growers in the USA who I thought were friends - and essentially framed over a crime that is no crime here in the UK by a bunch of feds who seem to have considered me some sorta 'King-Pin' (lol) - so made some effort to get me detained in the Philippines without trial for 30 months after trying to shanghai me to Los Angeles etc (I could go on) - well, what would be the point?


Active member
RAT fokkkk not hard to find




Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Gyper

You know that the fellow who once tried to hijack your business was extradited from Thailand to the USA of course ?

Haven`t heard of him for a while . What a job it would be interrogating him . Leave the interrogator permanently scarred . lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
Best of luck, Gypsy.

Federal judges don’t have jurisdiction and can file a warrant for a person anywhere in the world, and the Federal Marshall Service has a track record of always getting their man.
All thanks to the Patriot Act.

Fucking Team America World Police.

We live in the dystopian future.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have been following POM's case - and apparently he is still jailed awaiting trial in N.Y. - but his trial won't come up till later next year due to there being several terabytes of disclosed evidence surrounding the silk road caper for him to go over - so they have given him loads of time before trial to go over it -

G `day Gyper

You know that the fellow who once tried to hijack your business was extradited from Thailand to the USA of course ?

Haven`t heard of him for a while . What a job it would be interrogating him . Leave the interrogator permanently scarred . lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
I haven't been popped since I was an adolescent. 2 busts from my pre-17 y.o. time-line, of more than a few busts, come to mind. And those records are sealed from the pre-computer days, back when a state said that at age 18, they were sealing hard-copy records, they actually sealed them. At least that State did.

agree with you...BUT... run for public office and i bet somehow your 'sealed' hard-copy records will see the light of day...


Well-known member
Ive heard some of his old east coast buddies have forgotten about it and hang out with him.... I can tell you on the west coast we dont forget who snitches are .

Yeah, maybe the East coast junky rats, we sure do have a lot of junky rats who hang out and shoot up together.

Other than that fuck Rez! I barely even heard of the guy before Gypsy was busted really. Though nothing surprises me, one of the biggest names in marijuana has been accused of working for the DEA by several people and he's respected in the community. Could be all lies, but I'll still never trust anyone too much.


Well-known member
Bust #1; 74 hits of mescaline(decent clean acid),

I don't want to distract from the matter. I just want to know, were they on paper with a dragon on it? I'm looking for this picture of the dragon. They were called mescaline dragons (1995). Really potent acid...4 trips gave one picture.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Gyper

Did you read POM`s tale about being extorted by an FBI agent ?
Who wanted the hidden Bit coins from silk road .

POM contacted the judge that over saw the Silk Road case pleading innocence and saying his life was in danger .
It was quite a work of fiction .

The judge took early retirement after the cluster fck that was the Dead Pirate Roberts trial .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yep - I have read up on what there is of the case Elmer - and naturally I will follow it till the end -

Had a journalist from The Daily Mirror come after me to ask me some questions about my contact with POM in the early 2000's - so there is quite a lot of interest in the media about the whole story - it is kinda sensational …

G `day Gyper

Did you read POM`s tale about being extorted by an FBI agent ?
Who wanted the hidden Bit coins from silk road .

POM contacted the judge that over saw the Silk Road case pleading innocence and saying his life was in danger .
It was quite a work of fiction .

The judge took early retirement after the cluster fck that was the Dead Pirate Roberts trial .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Lost in a SOG

Swear ive seen that same poor bugger post here a dozen times over the years. Its always aimed at GN but always complete gobbledygook. Defo neurotransmitter imbalances..

Rez was too arrogant to rear his head again, he was also good at making enemies which doesnt serve you well as a pollen chucker thesedays. Look at cookie maine, that douche will sink soon enough..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Swear ive seen that same poor bugger post here a dozen times over the years. Its always aimed at GN but always complete gobbledygook. Defo neurotransmitter imbalances..

Yeah every once in a while the nurse has to go to the bathroom and leaves the computer up!

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