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Rez the snitch is back

Sticky Sat

Active member
Gypsy knows as well or better than anyone what went on back then. What ever the reasons, he has his own mind as to what needs or doesn't need said. The possibilities behind his reasoning for lack of comment are many.

I was gone from my first stint here back then when all the shit flew relative to this series of issues. I had left for my own reasons, and then, as well as the second time here, and the current time, my handle was what it is now; 'moose eater.' All lower-case, for cause.

What Rez did was chicken-shit. What Dutch Grown did was the same:same.

I wrote 10 years ago here, and I'll write it again, having watched numerous legal derailments of life from a safe distance, brought down on the canna community where -I- live; 95% of folks in the game swear they'd never give anyone up in a pinch.

The -facts-, as I've observed them, are that 99%+ of folks pinched, when faced with the threats of over-charging their spouse, kids, seizure of home, finances, vehicles, businesses, equipment, and sometimes a half-dozen serious felonies sufficient under the old Minimum Mandatory sentencing guidelines to bring a 40 year or better sentence down, is that the persons under the light tell everything they know, and often things they didn't even need to give up.

I haven't been popped since I was an adolescent. 2 busts from my pre-17 y.o. time-line, of more than a few busts, come to mind. And those records are sealed from the pre-computer days, back when a state said that at age 18, they were sealing hard-copy records, they actually sealed them. At least that State did.

Bust #1; 74 hits of mescaline(decent clean acid), 12 plants, and 2 syringes. I'll skip the mostly successful details of my wrangling with the Powers that Be, pro se', pro per, but when I got out, having kept my mouth shut, the co-owner of the acid wanted compensation for his half... after I'd done the 'right thing,' and kept it -exclusively- as MY beef. I told him the cops had his half, and he might want to talk to them about compensation.

Bust #2: I took the heat for 1-1/2 lbs. of Indiana ditch weed, and the co-owners were classy enough to know not to ask for compensation after I had again taken the dive on my lonesome.

People righteously unload on the snitches, and the snitches get what they get. The Cosmos has a way of balancing things out.

But the fact is that folks can boast all day long about bravado and honor, or rules of the game, in an ethereal or hypothetical context. The fact is that until they're the ones under the hot lights, with everything they own on the table, and everyone near them in the lurch, too, most have no fucking clue what they'll do or not do.

There are MANY reasons to keep your game tight, and many more not to succumb to the threats laid down by an inherently extortionist system.

But in the end, before any shit flies, if it's to fly at all, be obligated to tell your loved ones that, if it's your determination to not cooperate with the enemy, that your rules dictate that the day may come when everything you care about is up for grabs, and that you will not blink. Because the folks closest to you deserve to know that they may come down to being collateral damage. Poker chips on the table.

My preaching here today is done. Like I said earlier, the hate is just brain pollution.

Play safe, and accept that your taking chances doesn't mean in any way that others should take the heat for you. Your bets are YOUR bets to cover. If you step in shit, it's YOUR boots to clean off. But there's costs to that.

Great post... Thanks :)


Well-known member
Yep - I have read up on what there is of the case Elmer - and naturally I will follow it till the end -

Had a journalist from The Daily Mirror come after me to ask me some questions about my contact with POM in the early 2000's - so there is quite a lot of interest in the media about the whole story - it is kinda sensational …

I noticed hidden away in one of the more recent court briefings published, that USA govt was going to be using info. incriminating PoM (his old posts on PG?) that came to light during his court case involving Gypsy in the UK.

..... if it shows a pattern of deception similar to his current bogus claim of a rogue FBI agent (Diamond) out to kill him, PoM's goose is cooked.

Karma, Baby! ;)


Active member
But Babbabud


OK I edited it for you Babba


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Please just report the trolls and dont acknowledge them in threads as it just makes for more cleanup deletions for the mods .. thank you


Elite Growers Club
Damn says the dude was employed at Roadhouse Grill as a waiter??? WTF. This is Rez??? The guy that drives Ferraris lol. Man he talked a big game to be working at a fucking steak house. When grilled about why his seeds cost so much Ive heard him tell guys you wanna drive a Ferrari or a Ford lol. I wonder if that's really him in the mugshot. It says something about 97 arrest also.


Elite Growers Club
from grillmaster to seed breeder wtf!!!!! Nothing wrong with a good Roadhouse but this guy acted like he was the Jordan of Cannabis GOAT. I hope this clusterfuck makes sense to me one day


Elite Growers Club
I'm glad Gypsy is here, you can tell more from what Gypsy doesn't say about Rez. That tells me all I need to know. It's really a shame, all these so called friends of Gypsy sell his ass down the road when a lil heat got on there ass. That's why it's important to keep this thread open, we definitely need to know if Rez is collaborating with somebody or solo. I mean like I said the dude had some good strains but there's no way Id want him to have any info if you were to place a order. And im sure 100% of you guys wouldn't trust even buying from Rez/exchanging info.


Well-known member
I'm glad Gypsy is here, you can tell more from what Gypsy doesn't say about Rez. That tells me all I need to know. It's really a shame, all these so called friends of Gypsy sell his ass down the road when a lil heat got on there ass. That's why it's important to keep this thread open, we definitely need to know if Rez is collaborating with somebody or solo. I mean like I said the dude had some good strains but there's no way Id want him to have any info if you were to place a order. And im sure 100% of you guys wouldn't trust even buying from Rez/exchanging info.

Don't really take much to "create" a good strain really. I've just tossed a little pollen around from good strains and the seeds produced pretty good buds.

I honestly don't doubt the guy started in a closet, Subcool started in a shitty little grow tent with one male and a bunch of Calli clones he acquired. Now some people love TGA Seeds, which I'm sure his seeds produce pretty good bud, I just wouldn't say he created a strain.


Elite Growers Club
Don't really take much to "create" a good strain really. I've just tossed a little pollen around from good strains and the seeds produced pretty good buds.

I honestly don't doubt the guy started in a closet, Subcool started in a shitty little grow tent with one male and a bunch of Calli clones he acquired. Now some people love TGA Seeds, which I'm sure his seeds produce pretty good bud, I just wouldn't say he created a strain.

Oh yea there's plenty of great stuff around to run. Never ran any TGA stuff, but there's 100s of breeders anymore. Yea I tossed some pollen last yr, and germed a few seeds to try

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - that is what the whole 'credo' behind this site has been about since its inception - encouraging members to grow and make their own seeds to share and/or sell - so long as it interests new growers (and keeps the veterans happy too), and they get the encouragement, knowledge and sense of community here to get them sorted on the way to produce their own outstanding med/rec cannabis - then my time and conviction to this quest has not been wasted.

Surely - along the way there has been many pitfalls, and human greed, trouble and strife enters into the narrative - along with the perils of having to encounter the wicked laws surrounding the plant and its distribution - heavy paranoia ensues often - and coppers lean heavily on growers who aren't really gangsters with some sort of 'Omerta' going on - Most all growers are just quiet out-laws who would rather just mind their own business - and watch the flowers grow - without getting involved in some sorta criminal underworld - but due to the illegality of this particular type of horticulture in most parts - that's hard to avoid at times for some.

Still - no matter what nasty bits the past has thrown up - I'm still happy to see that there are many more home hobby cannabis horticultural enthusiasts today - than their was over 40 years ago when I started out - it most certainly is a growth industry.


side note:
over time there have been comparable, or much better, strains to hit the market since this guy was pinched.

move on and let the dead lie. (pun loosely intended)

why give this person more time under the sun?
keep the massive progress we have -all- made going forward.
not backwards. the past is the past and there are better times ahead.

just my thoughts.



Active member
Damn says the dude was employed at Roadhouse Grill as a waiter??? WTF. This is Rez??? The guy that drives Ferraris lol. Man he talked a big game to be working at a fucking steak house. When grilled about why his seeds cost so much Ive heard him tell guys you wanna drive a Ferrari or a Ford lol. I wonder if that's really him in the mugshot. It says something about 97 arrest also.

It is REZ in mugshot, It's an old picture from his 97 arrest. He has a lot more grey hair now.

I know he met with his buddy and a breeder at cannacon in Me. I don't want to throw the breeder under the bus but it saddens me to know he is thinking about working with him.

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