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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Herbal relaxation...
That would be the only option Monsiour Core!!

Your Panama´ian Rojó looks really sexy, I would love to give her a go in my garden!

Have been waiting pics like these from her for age´s, really glad you finally got her dialed in :yes:

JJ: Higland sativa from SE Asia would be very strong bet, when looking genetics as described. Also.. certain African varieties can do that, as high altitude South American cultivars also.. Take your bet and grow, grow, grow & grow more sativas around globe, that´s the tickect :2cents:


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Heres my luang prabang lao's sativa clone,i harvested the mother after 5 and a half months bloom and she's a very nice plant,the high is quite euphoric head high,no anxiety or racing heart.She was the only 1 out of 3 fem's that didn't put out banana's so she's definatly a keeper.

And here's my mexican michoacan which has slightly wider leaf's than my other sativa's i have.

And my trainwreck which originate from woodhorse seed's but i got them of a member on here(you know how you are and i thank you very much) who incrossed them i believe.

And last but not least my original haze.



Crazy X Seeds Breeder
What is interesting, is that SSH takes more time to ripe than 100 % pure sativa Malahazi (Original Haze x Malawi Gold) Althought im sure there are longer taking phenos in the Malahazi bunch, but the pheno I got is definitely quite special with it´s resin production & floweringtime, all this for pure sat = mad for marijuanamat!!!

Thank you very much herbalistic,respect right back at ya.You've done a great job growing the malahazi out,super resinious,i'm sure it'll be top notch weed.
I'm going to grow the last of the F1's out and start inbreeding/BX them and try to keep the flowering time earlier like the phenotype you found,as i think i'm on to a winner here.


Well-known member
What is interesting, is that SSH takes more time to ripe than 100 % pure sativa Malahazi (Original Haze x Malawi Gold) Althought im sure there are longer taking phenos in the Malahazi bunch, but the pheno I got is definitely quite special with it´s resin production & floweringtime, all this for pure sat = mad for marijuanamat!!!

That's not entirely true... and I will explain why.

Herbalistic's malawi x haze 1) was not cut very ripe , although he says he had cloudy trichomes, I am sure that he could wait for the next harvest window , which could be in one month so the plants can show some amber trichs . Cause it's quite easy for the trichs to become cloudy but then it takes a long time for them to get amber . Plus that malawixhaze pheno was still shooting pistils. So he could have harvested at the next harvest window which could be more than 100 days totally flowering, easily. I am saying this because SSH has ,already, many cloudy trichs already from day 50 , when flowered from seed (!) But then it needs another 50 days to fully mature and trichs to get amber. Plus it doesn't make sense that a pure haze crossed to a pure malawi can finish in 11 weeks ! ( I know some fast malawi pure sats tha finish in 12weeks though but the pure haze never finishes before 16wks ) I can understand that you can harvest it earlier ,though, and still end up with very good smoke.

Generally, I think, SSH doesn't need more than 10-12 weeks flowering. Yes there are some extreme phenos that will take forever to finish but this is only an exception and they are found at not more than 1 female in 10 females ratio and these show the most hazy traits. One reason jj48's SSH can take more than 100days to finish is that the plants are quite big for a 400w so they will need more time to fully rippen , plus they aren't clones . 400w is not a powerful light source at all for sativa dominant plants like SSH , unless u scrog them or similar techniques , like herbalistic does , cause its the only way ( and efficient ) to make the most ouf the bulbs and you can make sure you have very high light intensities on all the main bud sites . So the plant finishes faster.

Generally, SSH shouldn't take more than 100 days to finish if we induce flowering from seed. Or 80-85 days from a mature plant ( 5wks vegged ) . And most ssh phenos need 70 days from a mature clone. Plus , I would like to say that indica dominant ssh phenos are NOT rare and you can easily find a 65 day finisher in a SINGLE ssh pack, maybe two. There are many examples on these boards on ssh finishing in 65 days , dead ripe , but this generally with the more indica phenotypes.

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All this is a bit over my head because I lack the growing experience.

I think though that the two phenos I have that are heavily seeded are pretty much done. The big seeded sativa pheno looks to me like it is dying. The branches are drooping over( you can see it on my thread) The little indica pheno(NL pheno?) is the same way. Nothing going on with it excpet it is yellowing off and looks like it is dying. Water uptake on both is minimal.

The UNseeded one is the one pictured above. That one looks like it has a way to go like others have mentioned. So I think I will let it flower for another couple weeks. I really need to do something soon. Ihave more plants coming(bad planning on my part)

And I think I will grow these next plants in a style that keeps them short. A scrog without a frame maybe.



Herbal relaxation...
Oh yes, you are very true as usual l33t :redface:

I was making rough generalization with the above statement...

I was amazed of the speed this harvest window came, I would think + 10 days more minimum :chin:

I think it´s pretty clear there comes another harvest window later, I got one little Malahazi coming at the moment and hopefully I have better situation when it´s time to flower her again and I can test her to the fullest!

I also think the harvestday explains lot´s of the heady effect I get from her :chin:

Btw, Swazi´s are lovin the 11/13 lightcycle and filling real good -> finally :jump:

Now I decided they are going to receive as much time they need, shiit.. Did pollinate them after 40, or 50 days with Destroyer pollen and almost all the seeds are harvested at this point :yes: Quess I should do another seedcrop with them :D


Well-known member
hehe hey herbalistic , hey pedro

how are you guys doing .

Yes I think I originally knew what you wanted to say herbalistic. That a pure sativa , sometimes, can finish as fast, or very similar, as a 60%sativa/40%hybrid ( like SSH )... which is quite amazing if you think about it. But, it's no secret that there are very fast pure sativas that can finish even in ~11 weeks. But a pure thai needs 18 weeks so a pure thai x afghani hybrid can be slower than a pure african sativa that takes around 11 weeks to finish !

There is another but , I think from clone the situation changes very much . I mean that from clone will be dead ripe at , let's say, day 70, but from seed , most of the time you can leave the same pheno up to 100 days for the same amount of amber trichomes. The difference is quite exagerated when the seedplant isn't mature when we induce flowering and it is pure sativa. This is quite true for all genetics, though... That ,with seedplants, you get the latest harvest window very late compared to clones ( for the same amount of amber trichs).

I have grown a 100% pure swazi rooi bart and it finished with 30% amber and 100% dead pistils in 83 days (10/14 from seed). Maybe you have seen it , if not I will upload later :) Nice plants, But let me tell you I didn't like the smoke at all hehe Hope you have better luck than mine , cause it smoked like hemp ! :(

Have fun guys !

Not a pure sativa, but.... MNS Mango Haze ( nl5xhazeA ) X (sk1xhazeC )





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moe said:
nepali at 1000 meters:

chronix X haze:

Hi Moe,
Sweet looking plants, Can you tell us more about them Nepali?

Here is some Sativa that has Nepalese blood, and actually matures and finishes here @ 50 D. in the northern hemisphere, the Purple Peace!
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Herbal relaxation...
Of course I like your MangoHze l33t :yummy:

Btw, talking about MNS gear.. The Neville´s Haze cut I have kept for some years now has disapeared from my library, at least temporatery, but I hope not definitively..

I have shared that cut with friends and now are waiting for little paypack in the form of cutting...

What happened is these hot first summer days we got here in Finland, the weather really surprised me and all the clones I had rooting dry to death...

You got my thoughts quite perfectly mate btw..

What about the Swazi´s you did grow, was it authentic Swazi, or from Seedcompany?

Reason I asked is because there seems to be lot´s of variation considering wild/feral plants. There also seems to be great variance among Seedcompany Swazi´s, mine are from African Seeds and they still push new pistils after 90 days... Odors are too complex at the moment to describe but they have ranged from carrot overtone to lemon kinda fruitness with rotting undertone! That´s the best I can do to describe them Swazi odors :redface:


Well-known member
African Seeds but not F1. I think they were F3-F4~ an overgrower had sent me before 3 years. The plant that was restricted in a 1litre throughout the whole stretch period finished in 84 days . The root unrestricted swazi plants went for 110 days to reach the same maturity. I can describe the smell... as morning mountain freshness .. not really rotten smells... some carrot/vegetable smell in there yes... very little lemon smell (not really citrus) , more like woody and when smoked like a fine cigar(earthy) but when smelled they had that mountain freshness , thats the only way I can describe it , or similar to some "Ocean/Seabreeze/Freshness" cleaning products. The buds had many many pistils and it was quite frosty. Definitely looked better than it smoked or the SSh was way more potent , cause I was smoking them together. Oh and the rooi bart had 2 phenos , one with more compact and trichome covered buds and the other less yield .

I have a nevilles haze female cut as well and its the first time I am running her. It is from old nev's haze seeds, shanti sent me, now 11/13 from clone You can check the motherplant in my gallery... youll know which plant it is :D

have fun man
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it is the nepali from bluehemp !
mostly sativa, i try to grow it the more altitude i can ;)
she grow very nicely, even if it is rainning a lot


heres a few pure sativas finishing in the cold , has taken them a long time to mature ...



Herbal relaxation...
Oh, I love them Wally!!!

Any info about the lineage, or are they some oldschool Aussie sativa´s that go by the name bushweed?

Could it be there is some Colombian genetics in the mix, or would SE Asia be better option for the source of these genetics? I know I connect the upper pic on some general traits we see on sativas from SE Asia :chin:

Anyways Wally... Those are really beautiful pics, that´s the way it should be, big sativa tree´s outdoors under the biggest hps of all time -> SUN :D


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
MMMMMMM,very tasty looking sativa's you've got there wally.
I would of thought most aussie sativa genetic's originate from south east asia,indonesia and the philippenes.


marijuanamat said:
MMMMMMM,very tasty looking sativa's you've got there wally.
I would of thought most aussie sativa genetic's originate from south east asia,indonesia and the philippenes.

Speaking oif the Philippines...I spent a lot of time in the PI when I was in the US Navy back in late 60's early 70's. One of my "girlfriends" there use to get some really great weed for us.

I never see much on here about anyone growing in the Philippines. I remember the climate there. I would think the PI would be an ideal place for sativas to grow??

Any PI growers on here?



The people of the Philippines are really wonderful folks. I had a great time on my two tours over there.


Paraguay brick seed, sativa pheno

Paraguay brick seed, sativa pheno


I just wanted to drop a few pics and the link to my experiment (brick seed from Paraguay). Link to the experiment is below (signature).
But I copy/paste my last post here :

Update (for the sativa pheno one, I have some other paraguayans looking more indica) :
- 36 days ago, two paraguayans were placed under 12/12. One turned out to be a male (chop), this one is a female (showed hairs 20 days ago, took 18 days to show female sex under 12/12 and 16 days for the male sexed one).

Those pictures :
- 36 days (5 weeks and 1 day) under 12/12
- about 6 weeks since seeds sprouted (it's almost a 12/12 from seed since I almost didn't vegged).

Comments :
- It's the first time I grow such a sativa, hence my experience is limited.
- bottom leaves look more indica while upper ones are truly sativa (good for light penetration since I grow indoor, 400 HPS).
- pot is about 1.1 liter, I wonder if the roots will keep on growing (have been reading than sativas keep producing roots long after indicas). I'm probably about half way in the flower process, maybe should I transplant it (I think I'll do it) ?
- I got some other paraguayans growing but this is the only sativa one for now.
- a week ago, leaves were of a very light green color, so I gave a nitrogen boost and green got darker (among the 20 plants I'm growing right now that's the only one who needed a nitrogen boost but that's the most developped as well, strains I'm growing now are : paraguayan, white rhino nirvana, papaya, sweet kush, safari mix, ch9 aroma, ch9 green bud).
- I'll breed this sativa, probably with a male paraguayan sativa (if I find one), with a white rhino, with a sweet kush and with other varieties if I have the opportunity (I'll reveg it anyway, so I'll have enough flowers).
- Can it be considered that the sativa gene pool from this paraguayan is inherited from a paraguayan landrace ?



anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
some BSC sativas at day 90 (or 100 ?)

punto rojo
(faster one)

punto rojo
(100+ one)

colombian gold


anthropomorphic personification
ICMag Donor
not pure sativa
A11LHxC99 "sativa" pheno at day 60
(look like sativa, smoke like sativa, done at day 60, what more one can wont)

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