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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Elevator Man

Active member
Yeah, this latest batch is pretty potent stuff really - very pliable and sticky. We'll get some finished and harvested one day definitely! You're our only hope now, Lou...

Funnily enough, my two Oaxacan Golds are still really small - less than a foot, and not stretching much. Though they're right under a metal halide, and have been pinched out and LST'd since germination. I'm going to let them grow out now as I think they're 'under control'...:)


Active member
Great thread people!
Malawi sativa 12 weeks flowering, growing outdoors at 34ºLatitude South
i think is ready :yummy:

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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Killer ACE Malawi...#4 :D
Nice Raco, you always got the dank sativas!

I just came across some nice durban poison trees, three green phenos and one purple one. I'll post some pics soon.


Active member

double the pot size at least and fliping it

gona put it to flowering today,,,, growing outdoors but put it in dark room,,,, 100% organic im not even gona feed the water in this one

should be done sometime around end of aug

this thing will really set you off on the right foot

outdoor buds flowering mid summer hitting the mid summer sun become so potent, the resin drips off.....

anyway ill keep you up dated this monkey is gona stretch massive its probley about 6'5 right now it is looking me in my eye,,,,, just gota keep it below my 11 ft shrub line

also got some other stuff but i dont think they share in the spirit of this thread as much,,, one might but im gona wait a few more...

anyways that plant come from see i start it march 15,,,,,

love your life, love your garden

stay above the wickeds and fly.......



Active member
Just popped or qeued to be popped, theres some Phnom Phen, NIgerian, Island Thais, Columbiano Sabanera and Taco de something, some Koh Tao thais, angola x banghi, vietchunk, haze x angola/banghi. Soon I will start a thread for the 'indica' landraces :)


Herbal relaxation...
Really sorry to hear that GP :badday:

Lougrew: Wow, 8 hours of ligt per day :yoinks: Sure put´s them into flowermode, but do you plan to rise the lightcycle with hour, or 1.5 hours say at about half of flowering :chin: I know they would propably do ok with that little light, but hour more aint going to revert them into veg :chin:

My sativas are doing ok/fine, but they did almost dryout because I was in severe bicycle incident that gave me some serious headtrauma, so I was hospitalized and that made things difficult.....

Many dead fanleafs + first Destroyer x Purple Kush beans harvested ->2 (redface)

Will share some with you maybe tomorrow...

Btw, 5-O visited friends house confiscated many DWC & bubbler plants. There was big tres of Swazi & Malahazi, which I gifted now all harvested by exited young narc, who also got 2 Kw electricshock from homemadeionaser. Friend said they were about call him on station nextday, but after that electricshock & pissed toy-po he got to enjoy of the luxury of Finnish jailhouse!

Do I feel somekind of personal revenge regarding this eshock thang? :biglaugh:

Here´s some mixed Neville´s Haze & Purps drysift till tomorrow...

Splendid sativas everybody, please continue sharing them and please do your thang safely!!!

TheHashAssassin: That sounds like a dream team for sativacannaseur, eh?
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Herbalistic said:
exited young narc, who also got 2 Kw electricshock from homemadeionaser.
Sorry about your friends troubles,but it was great to hear about wonton oppression turning around and biting the pig in the ass. :rasta:


Herbal relaxation...
Hardhat & Lambsbreath: I wish I could tell you more about that hilarious comedyact, but wount do that because ultraparanoia, fearing it could reveal my location for wrong people, if they even are reading this forum :jerkit:

Friend said that the piggy (who was "just" doing his job) had eyes of a madman when he saw my friends garden and took somekind gardencutters and started to rip friends medicine down :fsu:

This is really a narc that takes his job too seriously and is after homegrowers instead of organized hashtrade/smack- & speed dealers etc. REAL drugcriminals!

This prohibition must stop at this globe, it does kill people, sick & also "mj-criminals", destroy families by sending familymember, or the whole family in jail! It´s all about the mighty $dollar$ and the hugef market for all kinds of antidrugshait & propaganda that they use for making new laws that decrease privaterights and spooking people with the devils weed that makes everyone crazy & paranoid + Let´s not even talk about all the huge financial losses that pharmaceutical companys would suffer (cancer, pain etc. med´s) if mj would be legal to examine in every single country in this globe :2cents:

Sorry for the ranting offtopic... I took some sativa pics in couple hours and share them with you guys/gals for compenstion for this offtopic :redface:


Green Mujaheed
Colombian,from Barranquilla.Grown by Kolmus,one of the very best spanish growers IMHO.Just awesome!!

My, Raco ! this colombian plant (don't know how to quote pics, it's page 216 of this thread) is absolutely stunning ! Would love to have such a tree on my doorstep ! Do you know how much was the yeild ? Thanks for sharing and big thumbs up to Kolmus !

Irie !
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Hmm, I'm kinda worried about LEO knocking on my door at the moment, expecting it anytime now...


Bodhisattva of the Earth
That's just that ugly FEAR that's gonna make you stronger and wiser after this whole thing passes.............gets resolved.

Peace of mind bro!



Here's that Colombian mriko mentioned, I thought it was worth posting a second time!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
That's impossible,......someone pinch me!......... Please, tell me it's not real..........That picture BH just shows me anything is possible! You just made my day.

I'm starting my garden from scratch again and I'm gonna plant 5 of your Columbian Golds you sent me bro. You have just inspired my ass!



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Well that columbian must be the biggest plant i've seen in picts for a while...

Herbalistic as always your drysift is really amazing... I always wanted to taste some neville hash, as this strain is probably my favorite of all... That must be a hell of a smoke !

Ganja Pasha all the best for ya bro, that must be quite a hard time, but i'm sure you'll be back among growers soon... I'm gonna pray for that even i don't believe in god !


It is a hard time for me, but I will come out of this stronger!

Must point out, that's a pic Raco posted of a plant grown by one of his friends in Spain, nothing to do with me, I ust re-posted it!

Here's some Colombian Gold x Lowryder BX1 plants I bred (75% Colombian) as grown by a friend in Central Europe last year:




This is the pure Colombian Gold, grown outdoors by the same friend, this picture is taken on the 12th September:


Here's a CG x LR BX1 on the same day, as you can see, the lil bit of LR made her a LOT faster:

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