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Revival of the REVIVAL of the ULTIMATE SATIVA THREAD a.k.a R.U.S.T II


Well-known member
Nice lambsbreads Mustafunk. Beautiful calyxes.

Oldtimers Haze #5 my frankincense keeper

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I hadn't seen any color change from light green on her until now. Going through around 43F/6C temps outside brought out a blueish violet color with purple tips that doesn't translate too well in pics.

Quite stunning lady you have there. any chance of a full plant pic?:)


This is a poor representation of her natural structure. She was started late and trained into a bush. Also, this is her first time outside, and surprisingly, there have been growing pains after two years inside under cfl. Anyway, I sound like an excuse machine..


Here are some better examples of her spiraling, asymmetric structure. Grows like a spiral staircase. First pic is next to a hybrid.



Old Timer's Haze

Old Timer's Haze

Old Timer's Haze,

Is this OTH male perhaps a similar phenotype to View-Master?

Old Timer's Haze, another phenotype.

OT Haze as a reference growing alongside Highland Colombians selected for light green and gold. The Colombians are happiest when you sing to them in Spanish.

Neither OT Haze is speaking Spanish yet. That spiraling asymetrical vine-like growth is too much. One phenotype of NLD Oaxacan grows like that asymmetrical vine.

Cannabiogen's Highland Colombians are P1/P2 landrace and in theory should add vigor to Haze (without adding WLD genetics).
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It's certainly possible satva. Viewmaster's progeny was included in the gold pack. Indoor buds cure to gold. Just going off of leaf morphology, it looks a bit like my male #14 but hard to say for sure. I know you know what frankincense resin smells like. That's the indicator I would look for, it'll speak to you :) Her stem rub is very bright--I would say sweet, piney, and minty.


I just want to clarify the frankincense smell a little. I've smelled my fair share of church incense. Some have a more earthy, acrid scent than others; I would guess these have myrrh or other herbs mixed in. I've also attended services that I would consider pure frankincense due to the sweeter, more refined scent. Pure Omani frankincense (hougary grade from boswellia sacra) is described by most people in general terms as citrusy, piney and sweet balsamic resin. My description of the plant is similar to the sweet, pure frankincense aroma. These are examples of what I'm describing in both stick and pure resin form::

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Thanks, just when I thought I knew frankincense.

And old Catholic alter boy, recently told me that Church incense ("piff" ?) is a combination of myrrh, herbs, and frankincense resin.

We're vacationing in south Florida and then Cuba. Planning a day off to raid the Dominican Republic and Haiti mafia's grow operations and settle this "piff" story once and for all. hehehe................... You should be able to smell " the piff" mile away, just like the warehouses in Denver.

My favorite "Heard on the streets of Denver - Road Kill Skunk story" -

On a recent trip to DIA airport, the shuttle bus traveling west on interstate -70 fills with the sweet aroma of dead skunk, wafting from the marijuana warehouse district along I-70. Your first two perceptions of Denver arriving from the airport,

1) First you realize, there are no trees on the eastern plains of Colorado. You've landed in the middle of nowhere. You're happy to be heading west towards the Rocky Mountains.
2) Second you realize Denver warehouses smell like skunks.

The sweet aroma of dead skunk, fills the shuttle bus, the stoners (the ones wearing sunglasses at night) get real quiet. But everyone else is whispering politely in their friends ears, letting them know what marijuana smells like. One of the white haired eighty year old ladies sitting in front of me, turns to the other white haired lady, and loudly announces, "Someone must have run over a skunk!" The other lady turns to her friend, and just as loudly proclaims, "That's not dead skunk, that's marijuana growing in those warehouses along the interstate."

PS> Denver just passed a constitutional amendment allowing retail establishments, such as coffee shops, clubs or yoga studios to provide public marijuana smoking rooms, where you can bring your own and share with others for that enlightened legal and public experience of stoned yoga. Opens the door to improve cannabis tourism.


Alchemical Botanist
Thanks. Here's what I wrote about her indoors under LED with a moderate/heavy tolerance at the time:

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I later came to realize the visual effect reminded me of looking through one of these toys from the 80s

I've nicknamed her viewmaster :) The visual effect is greatly enhanced when you're outside. No ceiling whatsoever from my experiences--including high tolerance.

Outdoors the smell is similar, but spicier with stronger fresh cracked pepper tones.

wonderful description. Thank you for sharing


Well-known member
This is a poor representation of her natural structure. She was started late and trained into a bush. Also, this is her first time outside, and surprisingly, there have been growing pains after two years inside under cfl. Anyway, I sound like an excuse machine..

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Here are some better examples of her spiraling, asymmetric structure. Grows like a spiral staircase. First pic is next to a hybrid.

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Nothing to excuse about that bud bush!
She's a beauty.


Poor clone, very strong 'seedlings'

Poor clone, very strong 'seedlings'

Pure Sativa clone, now three months old, from a cutting of 6 week old FEM, back in August.

The mother was doing very well outdoors, 5-7 ft. tall, but with LST and others to keep it 4-5 ft, and then all of a sudden in late september, 'Hermied' or I don't know what happened to it, but went to seed, stopping all trichome production which looked to be really great even after the mother split in half right at ground level from too severe bending.

Then the other day when i was watering it, I noticed one, then two, then 4 little 'seedlings' that rooted off the main stem undergound, just below the soil level.

Don't know whether to cut away the new shoots at the main stem and repot, or wait till 2-3 sets of leaves form. Or other, like just leaving them be.

The clone mother is a poor growth one, (or I am impatient) not showing much if any growth for two months, but now showing more vigor coincidentally at exactly the same time as these newbies sprang up.

Anyone ever have a mother that threw off new plants, that are exactly like seeded sprouts with Cotyledons (but not from seed) that have sprouted??

Is there something I should do with this plant, and shoots, to assure a good outcomes?

This clone developed from a cutting I took two months ago which has been near dormant, but I kept nursing it, and then the other day, after nearly 60 days, these newbies came up (i really don't know what to call them because they do not fit the description of 'clone', 'seedling', 'sucker', or 'sprout'). That seems like an awfully long time to be underground and yet they are coming off of thin white roots that trace right back to the mom.

Any ideas, GREATLY appreciated since the seeds that were originally planted were 20-25 yrs old that I had kept for the future anticipating decriminalization, which took a whole lot longer than I thought it would, but kept the faith, that are Pure sativa that was never, to my mind, very Ultimate trippy. But I'd still like to get a mature harvest to try it again, and preserve it as it is the only Pure Sativa that I can confirm myself from antique seeds and considering this totally new development, am more than ever getting obsessive about it. My concerns since it lost its Fem and seeded (the millions of seeds are dry as dust, white, lite green, and a few brown ones so I may not get any that sprout) is that it may be a male, hermie, or some other.
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New member
Currently growing SSH from GH Seeds.
Approaching 8th week in flower.
Three plants growing. Two are typical SSH. Third expressing very heavy towards Indica.
Indica very behind in flowering. No trichome production. No smell. Just taking up valuable
Space. Any advice would be much appreciated


Most Loved
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70630&pictureid=1680601&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70630&pictureid=1680600&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70630&pictureid=1680599&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70630&pictureid=1680597&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70630&pictureid=1680598&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Pure Sativa clone, now three months old, from a cutting of 6 week old FEM, back in August.

The mother was doing very well outdoors, 5-7 ft. tall, but with LST and others to keep it 4-5 ft, and then all of a sudden in late september, 'Hermied' or I don't know what happened to it, but went to seed, stopping all trichome production which looked to be really great even after the mother split in half right at ground level from too severe bending.

Then the other day when i was watering it, I noticed one, then two, then 4 little 'seedlings' that rooted off the main stem undergound, just below the soil level.

Don't know whether to cut away the new shoots at the main stem and repot, or wait till 2-3 sets of leaves form. Or other, like just leaving them be.

The clone mother is a poor growth one, (or I am impatient) not showing much if any growth for two months, but now showing more vigor coincidentally at exactly the same time as these newbies sprang up.

Anyone ever have a mother that threw off new plants, that are exactly like seeded sprouts with Cotyledons (but not from seed) that have sprouted??

Is there something I should do with this plant, and shoots, to assure a good outcomes?

This clone developed from a cutting I took two months ago which has been near dormant, but I kept nursing it, and then the other day, after nearly 60 days, these newbies came up (i really don't know what to call them because they do not fit the description of 'clone', 'seedling', 'sucker', or 'sprout'). That seems like an awfully long time to be underground and yet they are coming off of thin white roots that trace right back to the mom.

Any ideas, GREATLY appreciated since the seeds that were originally planted were 20-25 yrs old that I had kept for the future anticipating decriminalization, which took a whole lot longer than I thought it would, but kept the faith, that are Pure sativa that was never, to my mind, very Ultimate trippy. But I'd still like to get a mature harvest to try it again, and preserve it as it is the only Pure Sativa that I can confirm myself from antique seeds and considering this totally new development, am more than ever getting obsessive about it. My concerns since it lost its Fem and seeded (the millions of seeds are dry as dust, white, lite green, and a few brown ones so I may not get any that sprout) is that it may be a male, hermie, or some other.

if i'm not mistaken...looks like you got spidermites bro. if you didn't already know about em.


I'll definitely check for them, but so far I don't see any mites under 60x mag. This is the only plant that has those white specks, which I assume is what is signalling to you that they are spider mites.

Thanx for the heads up.

Checked again, and can find not a one.

UPDATE: See my post below, thanks again for the Spidey alert.
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Active member
These are Centennial Seeds' Rio Negro Colombian at 5 weeks flower-


Oddly enough there were only 3 females from 12 seedlings. I've pollinated a branch of each from 2 nice males I set aside in another space, dessicated & frozen some pollen as well. They're just now starting to have trichomes & some aroma. I have high hopes for these girls as they seem to be the real deal...

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