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Red_Greenery's Handyman's DIY Grow Tub


Active member
pieceofmyheart said:
Do ya think Red needs to step it up? hahahahahahaha oh please

give me a break

....and your grow thread is......where?

Word :sasmokin:
I stepped up and stepped back down ;) it's all relative to you.


Yup... sometimes your living situation ultimately forces you to downsize your grow for the saftey of yourself and/or your family. I started with a 250 watt HPS cabinet when I was living in a house, but now that I'm in an apartment/flat I'm using a 50 watt HPS & 42 watt CFL in a PC case setup.

Sometimes ya just gotta scale your grow to fit the environment around it. There just aint no point in growing a half a pound if it gets ya busted in the process. :canabis:


Here's my version of the rubbermaid grow. This is my first cfl grow and I'm shooting for 3oz. I've only used hps lights (150 & 400) for growing so we'll see how it works out. The heat is much easier to manage with the cfls. This is because the heat is dispersed over a larger surface area which allows for more efficient cooling. I've got a light strip similiar to Red's but it has 4 sockets rather than 3. This will allow for 8*42= 336 watts cfl. For anyone looking for those 42w, check at Lowe's. They have them for about $6 each. Walmart sells them for ~$8.5 where I'm from.

The lights hang from the second tub's top. I placed the tubs in the "normal" non-growing position to draw less suspicion. I glued the top of the bottom tub to the bottom of the middle tub and cut a big hole. This may reduce the efficiency of the light reflection but i plan to scog so that the buds grow only in the top portion.

The inside of the tub is painted with 2 coats of black and white krylon fusion paint. Going back i think it's easier to just tape an emergency blanket in. Even with the 4 coats of paint, some light (very little) manages to shine through. It's only noticeable when it's really dark though. I had to paint inside because i have no yard and nosy neighbors and I definitely don't reccomend this. The entire inside of my house was covered with paint dust, and the fumes were terrible. And yes those are 2*8 inch square darkroom vents. I had these left from a 400w c13 i built a while back. The fan i use is WAY over kill, it's a 6 inch elicient also left from the c13. I have a fantech speed controller and it's turned down to about 1/4 speed. I also don't have a heat shield, i don't need one with that huge fan.

5 AK-48 at one week old. I'm shooting for 3 girls, but will be happy with two. I've had a 75 % female ratio in my couple of years growing. I hope my luck doesn't run out this time. They are on 18/6 with my digital timer.

I've got a long wait ahead, but this bubblicious makes it a little better. Feel free to ask questions or make comments.


Awesome setup PhilosophyAskew!

I think you pretty much covered all the issues that made me skeptical about stealth style Rubbermaid growing in the past. Your setup looks totally inconspicuous and theres pretty much no light leaks at all. Using darkroom louvers on your intakes was a most excellent idea! I had looked at some of those 4" midget louvers for my PC cases but a passive intake ultimately turned out to not be all that practical for my setup as far as temp. control goes.

I did have one little question though... are you using a carbon filter? If so, how is it set up? Do you have it in the small top box?


I honestly have never used a carbon filter. I'm eventually going to make one for this one though, just not until they get a little stinkier. I have an idea that is in the works, I'm just shopping around and looking for the best way to make it happen. I've wasted way too much money rushing into things in the past like most excited new growers. As soon as I figure it out I'll make sure to post it up. So far I've only had to buy the lights and paint, everything else was laying around the house. You must sacrifice precious growing room to stack the tubs this way, but mine were a little bigger than Red's to start. The hole in the bottom of the middle tub allows for 12" by 25" of plant matter through. Roughly two square feet. The other thing is that i can fit more lights because the top is wider. It's kind of a pain to get into the box sometimes. Other than that it's fairly low maitenance, the best part is that i don't have to watch my ac like a hawk because it only runs about 6 degrees above ambient at the speed the fan is on now. The best thing about the fluoros is that don't give off much radiant heat, so when you stick your hand under them it's not like putting it in the oven. For busy people like me i think this is the way to go, at least until I move to a cooler climate, it's tough cab growing with big lights in the south.
PhilosophyAskew said:
The fan i use is WAY over kill, it's a 6 inch elicient also left from the c13.


I have a 265 CFM blower on my C13 and I can only imagine what would happen if it was hooked into a rubbermaid grow.

Why did you stop using the C13 to grow?

Good luck!


Hi PhilosophyAskew - Welcome to the lodge.

That's some real stealthy innovations with the upright stacked tubs. They fit in nicely into the closet clutter. My R2D2 costume as Duggy calls it, sticks out like a sore thumb if my secure closet in a secure room is opened.

Wow, that's a big honking fan to stick into a little garbage can. I'd be worried about getting sucked into that thing. Too much of a good thing can be a problem too. If you have too much airflow, it stresses the plants by drying them out.

I can just imagine the fumes and mess in the house from a couple of cans of spraypaint. I needed to use a respirator to paint mine in my woodshed outdoors with the doors open. I'm sort of sorry that I did the paint job now cause the emergency blanket is really easy and clean to put on and I'm trying to give advice for anyone, anywhere to put a box together.

I bet you had problems cooling the 400W in the C13. I've seen lot's of guys struggle with high temps and too much noise from huge fans. It's easy to spend money on these things too. That's why I'm doing the DIY method with cheap junk. Muahahaha


Very nice set up Philosophy.

Thank you POMH

Why did you stop using the C13 to grow?

KTC: the heat got out of control. I run my boxes at night but the summer heat here is bad and i always had to make arrangements to be at lights on so that i could turn the a/c on. It really became a pain in the ass. The yields were awesome, but it was just too demanding. With this new setup thanks to Red's idea i don't really worry too much about heat. In fact if you were too add up the watts used for a 6" inline on full blast with a 400w hps and an 8000 btu window a/c and divide it by yield the ratio would be very close to this new setup. The 336w of fluoros with the fan on 1/4 speed with WAY less a/c might not be efficient but then again neither is the 400w in a cab in the south. It was also tough to explain a cabinet with locks on it. I'm eventually going to put the tubs up on a shelf in a store room so they are totally stealth. As soon as i have the room and proper climate i will probably return to the 400w or maybe a 250w.

Wow, that's a big honking fan to stick into a little garbage can. I'd be worried about getting sucked into that thing. Too much of a good thing can be a problem too. If you have too much airflow, it stresses the plants by drying them out.

Hey Red! thanks for the awesom thread. The fan is hooked to variable state speed controller and is turned down to about 1/4 speed. Humity here is consistently 50% so that's one issue i've never had to deal with, thank the lord. My next POA is to design an acrylic shield similiar to yours, but with holes in it. This will allow the air to flow freely from the darkroom vents up thtough the shield and exhaust through the top. I'm thinking of maybe doing a row of holes in the shield on the opposite side from the darkroom vents. The air will then flow through the back of the tubs, over the plants, then up into the shield in the front of the tubs. I hope that made sense. This will allow me to never have to run the a/c and i won't ever have to worry about the plants being burnt. Thanks again. :joint:


Active member
...This thread is just great! I've been stalking the forums for quite a few weeks, and your design & procedures tipped me right over the edge - I "sucked-it-up", got all of my (albeit meager) courage together, ordered/mailed my check to Gypsy-Nirvana (now for the wait!!), and have been working on my Rubbermaid grow tub for several days now, with very little modification to your excellent design. Here's hoping my seeds make it to me!

I gotta tell you - I haven't gotten stoned in about 23 years - I have a lovely wifey who tolorated, but frowned-upon it... kids, job... "the public image" all prevented me from doing what I really enjoy. Well, enough of that, dammit! - I comming-up on 50, so I'm doin' it for me!! - I'll keep it discreet, and if the wifey finds out - she'll deal!! I won't buy off-the-street (too expensive and dangerous - I live in a small town) so the micro-grow is the right answer for me!

From what I've read - I'm in for an interesting ride (Heh-Heh) - I guess todays weed surpasses what was around 20 years ago, potency-wise, eh? I purchased feminized Northern Lights and White Widow for my 1st grow attempt... anybody - which would you cultivate 1st. if you were me - just getting back into the game after warming the bench for 2 decades???

OK - back to the subject @ hand:
I wanted to run a few of my mods. by you, more for your approval then anything else, OK?

I'm installing 5 edison sockets in my tubs (these are the same tubs you're using) - this will give me the ability to install 10 26W CFLs (much cheaper then the 43W-ers, at about the same total wattage, give-or-take). I purchased 2 packs of 26w, 2700-degree Kelvin CFL's - 6-pks. @ Sams Club - $15.85. I'll use these for flowering. I'll shortly be purchasing 5 2-pks of 26W, 6500-degree kelvin CFLs @ Wal-mart @ $6.44ea. I was finding the 43w CFLs overly expensive, locally... and this arrangement gives me a total of 17000 lumins/260w for both veg-in' and flowering. 5 sockets mounted in-line on a board...It was tight! I needed to trim 1/2" off of either side of the sockets in order for the row of sockets to fit in the bottom(top) of the box!!

Question: do you change the temperature of the lamp between vegging and flowering?

Question: should I mix spectrums, during the phases, or should I stick to all cool for veggin' all warm for flowering. There seems to be quite a bit of debate of this issue.

Question: is there any reason why I shouldn't run all 10 lamps for both vegging and flowering? Is more light always better??

Next mod: I'm cutting the rim off of one of the lids, and gluing it upside-down onto the bottom tub, to act as an alignment flange... you see, I'm a klutz, I envision myself knocking the top tub ajar and ruining my grow. I'll also be installing a bead of foam for air/light tightness.

OK - I'm putting my growtub in a tiny room (in my basement) that houses a diesel generator - there is a bit of an odor to the room when you walk in.. it's not "knock-you-off-your-socks stinky, but it's definately got a "Joes Garage" smell to it. The room itself has a bathroom vent on a dimmer, for exhausting when the gen. is running.

Question: do you think will this odor affect the growth/taste/my health? I can install a charcoal furnace filter over the tub intakes if you think I should, will this solve the above problems (if you feel there even is a problem)?

The room that the growtub will live is pretty cool - hovers around 60F - will I have a problem with too low temperature? I was thinking of routing some of the heated light exhaust into the tub intake, if you deem it necessary - thoughts?

FINALLY - (eh, for now...) I'll be doing the SCRog thang - will I want to set the screen up in there right from the beginning? Does it block-off enought light to warrant waiting till the plants are getting close to height??

Thanks so much again Red - for this fine thread!!


Hi Philosophy - I'm really enjoying this thread too! It's great that you guys are trying out my design. We're going to have a good group of tubbers in the Lodge pretty soon!

Since you're using the big fan, do you have a scrubber to go with it? That 6" inline fan with a speed control and an inline CAN scrubber would be pretty sweet! It would work really well with vents cut in the heat sheild.


I2KanGrow said:
...This thread is just great! I've been stalking the forums for quite a few weeks, and your design & procedures tipped me right over the edge - I "sucked-it-up", got all of my (albeit meager) courage together, ordered/mailed my check to Gypsy-Nirvana (now for the wait!!), and have been working on my Rubbermaid grow tub for several days now, with very little modification to your excellent design. Here's hoping my seeds make it to me!

I gotta tell you - I haven't gotten stoned in about 23 years - I have a lovely wifey who tolorated, but frowned-upon it... kids, job... "the public image" all prevented me from doing what I really enjoy. Well, enough of that, dammit! - I comming-up on 50, so I'm doin' it for me!! - I'll keep it discreet, and if the wifey finds out - she'll deal!! I won't buy off-the-street (too expensive and dangerous - I live in a small town) so the micro-grow is the right answer for me!

From what I've read - I'm in for an interesting ride (Heh-Heh) - I guess todays weed surpasses what was around 20 years ago, potency-wise, eh? I purchased feminized Northern Lights and White Widow for my 1st grow attempt... anybody - which would you cultivate 1st. if you were me - just getting back into the game after warming the bench for 2 decades???

OK - back to the subject @ hand:
I wanted to run a few of my mods. by you, more for your approval then anything else, OK?

I'm installing 5 edison sockets in my tubs (these are the same tubs you're using) - this will give me the ability to install 10 26W CFLs (much cheaper then the 43W-ers, at about the same total wattage, give-or-take). I purchased 2 packs of 26w, 2700-degree Kelvin CFL's - 6-pks. @ Sams Club - $15.85. I'll use these for flowering. I'll shortly be purchasing 5 2-pks of 26W, 6500-degree kelvin CFLs @ Wal-mart @ $6.44ea. I was finding the 43w CFLs overly expensive, locally... and this arrangement gives me a total of 17000 lumins/260w for both veg-in' and flowering. 5 sockets mounted in-line on a board...It was tight! I needed to trim 1/2" off of either side of the sockets in order for the row of sockets to fit in the bottom(top) of the box!!

Question: do you change the temperature of the lamp between vegging and flowering?

Question: should I mix spectrums, during the phases, or should I stick to all cool for veggin' all warm for flowering. There seems to be quite a bit of debate of this issue.

Question: is there any reason why I shouldn't run all 10 lamps for both vegging and flowering? Is more light always better??

Next mod: I'm cutting the rim off of one of the lids, and gluing it upside-down onto the bottom tub, to act as an alignment flange... you see, I'm a klutz, I envision myself knocking the top tub ajar and ruining my grow. I'll also be installing a bead of foam for air/light tightness.

OK - I'm putting my growtub in a tiny room (in my basement) that houses a diesel generator - there is a bit of an odor to the room when you walk in.. it's not "knock-you-off-your-socks stinky, but it's definately got a "Joes Garage" smell to it. The room itself has a bathroom vent on a dimmer, for exhausting when the gen. is running.

Question: do you think will this odor affect the growth/taste/my health? I can install a charcoal furnace filter over the tub intakes if you think I should, will this solve the above problems (if you feel there even is a problem)?

The room that the growtub will live is pretty cool - hovers around 60F - will I have a problem with too low temperature? I was thinking of routing some of the heated light exhaust into the tub intake, if you deem it necessary - thoughts?

FINALLY - (eh, for now...) I'll be doing the SCRog thang - will I want to set the screen up in there right from the beginning? Does it block-off enought light to warrant waiting till the plants are getting close to height??

Thanks so much again Red - for this fine thread!!

Wow - I2KanGrow - You sure got the Rubbermaid fever! That's a lot of questions at once. I'll try to answer as many as I can.

The 10 x 26W CFL's will work great. That's slightly more light than my 6 x 42's. We're close to 100W/sqft. Only 30 w/sqft is needed for vegging. I start seedlings with 4 x 26W and increase to 6 X 26W after repotting from the beer cups. Lot's of light in veg won't hurt the plant but it will grow faster and will need to be more carefully tended.

I don't buy into that lumens and spectrum stuff. I like the look of the soft whites cause it's close to sunlight, so I use them. That nasty hard blue light from the cool whites gives me a headache. I can't see the plant liking them any better than me. LOL

That alignment flange sounds like a nice mod. I'd like to see some pics of it when you're done. I've never knocked the tub off but I did tip the scrubber off the tub with everything running, once. There was carbon all over the place. LOL

I don't think the "garage" smell would hurt the plant. I'd me more concerned about a fire hazard if there is fuel nearby for the generator. Some of that furnace filter with the activated carbon would work well to absorb and odours.

60F is pretty cool. I think the plant starts to slow it's growth below 68F. I think routing the some of the light exhaust into the box would work well provided you don't block the exhaust too much.

Finally, whew, I only put on the SCROG screen when I repot just before flowering. If you put the screen on early, it would be on a big pot and that would promote overwatering and root rot with a small plant. I repot several times through vegetation as the plant grows.

I think you should show your wife your little plants once you get them going. Tell her it's a hobby, like winemaking. I've done beer and wine and pot is definately more interesting. You've got two nice strains, why not grow one of each?
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Right on, brother! You've played the "square" for the last 20 years; you've earned the right to do whatever the hell you want!

If nothing else, the act of growing is a very satisfying hobby...the end results are even better ;)

Besides, it's a great feeling knowing there is a part about you no one else knows about.

Good luck on your grows!


New member
My R2 Unit

My R2 Unit


Good Growing!! I too have been inspired by your tub growing and you have thoroughly convinced me this is the way to grow considering my needs for a nice personal stash. I have been following the threads now for about a month and a half, in that time I have managed to successfuly order quality seeds, build my tub, and get a nice little grow going!! I'm taking up the challege, and determinded to get 4oz out of my little R2 Unit! Although I am way over budget!!

This has been my first "serious" grow and like many new growers I have made some mistakes, fortunately my plants have survived!! This post to the Lodge is actually almost two weeks overdue. Due to a family emergency I had to take off last week for 4 days and my tub and babies were left to fend for themselves. Upon my return home I found my four plants a wilted mess, I was completely devastated as you can imagine. The plants were originally transferred to the dixie cups 9-7 and were growing quite nicely before my trip. Fortunatley, Jah was smiling down on me and after trimming off all the dead dried leaves, and watering with super thrive, the plants appear to be making a complete comeback!! Below I am going to post some picks of my R2 Unit and i also have a couple of ?'s of course.

Here is a shot of the unit, Pretty good lookin' eh? I followed your design pretty closely, why reinvent the wheel? Here are some close ups of the carbon scrubber.

Here are some shots of the lights and heat shield taken through one of the exhaust holes.

Here's a shot of my babies the day before I left, Three Blue Mystics and a Skunk in the back left.

I have affectionately named my plants Bob, Rita, Ziggy, and Damian Marley of course! Although, as an after thought I hope I am not cursing them to be male by giving three of them male names!! :yoinks: These were all started from seed in peet starter cubes.

They were then transferred to the dixie cups with Scotts "seedling" soil. I am feeding my plants 10-10-10 at a 1/4 strength. After their near death I started watering them with a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of superthrive plant booster and transferred them to 4 in pots. All four pots are under 24/7 and I am patiently waitng for them to veg out and show sex. I am hoping for all females (ok, praying) and I am planning on putting the best two in 8 in pots and Scroging them out. Tommorrow I will be taking some updated pics and post those.

Here is one of my questions, i had so many but they seem to be escaping me at the moment, Damn Mary Jane!
My upper tub seems a little hot to the touch on the outside directly adjacent from the lights. I am running 6 42 watt CFL's with a 38 cfm fan exhausting the heat. On the other side of the fan their is a 4 in circular air intake hole covered by a tissue box. On your early posts your upper tub has one exhaust fan, but on your later photos I see two fans. Is this second fan bringing air into the light chamber or simply another exhaust fan? My tub has been successfuly running for three weeks now and I have not noticed any burnt plastic or smell, I am just trying to bring down the temp a little more. I am not quite sure of the temp in the light chambet but my grow chamber temp is about 83-86 deg. F. Or should I just get a bigger cfm fan?

Again, thanks for the inspiration Red, I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks, Sizzlrod
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Hey there Sizzlerod - that's a fine looking R2D2 unit. You've nailed the design right on.

I noticed that most of the guys don't do the full ventilation system and you're is right on. I'm planning to use that aluminum ducting when I put my tubs back together because the white plastic glows. Yours is even stealthier than mine!

I'd try cutting the lighting section intake a little larger. The intake has to be twice the area of the exhaust. A 4" circular duct is 12.5 sqin, needing 25 sqin of intake or a 5"x5" square hole. Check your exhaust temps and I'll be you'll see a good temperature drop after increasing the intakes. I don't think you'll need a bigger fan.

That's too bad about the seedlings. I would have pulled a few light bulbs and "parked" the plants while you were away. MJ is pretty tough, they'll come back with some TLC!

I'm only running two fans in the setup. One fan is in the lighting section and the other fan is in the scrubber. I posted some old pics that had two fans in the top section but the final design only has one. I've have fans stuck all over this box trying out different things. LOL


Active member
Red_Greenery said:
I start seedlings with 4 x 26W and increase to 6 X 26W after repotting from the beer cups. Lot's of light in veg won't hurt the plant but it will grow faster and will need to be more carefully tended.

Ahhh, that was a question I meant to ask you... in your post #24 (pg. 2) - you said...
"When the seedlings pop, I plant them into 12 oz beercups with holes in the bottom for drainage using the basic soil mix. I put saran wrap over the top of the cup and put the cups back on the hot water heater under a towel.
I check the cups every 12 hours and when the seedlings pop out of the soil,
they get put under the lights."

...Am I understanding that you aren't using any light on the seeds, until the seeds break the ground, and only then after you put them into the beercups and into the growtub? It looks like you place your lights on the bottom of the tub, instead of using the lid... do I have that right?? It also looks like you may have a special tub you use for starting seedlings (no vent holes)... is this correct?

I've read where one should have the fluorescents almost touching the plants - do you raise the beercups/pots up so that the top of the plant is right up against the acrylic - or does all that reflection from the solar blanket do the job for you?

One last question... while I'm posting; I plan to be away for about 9 days in Feb... I'm hoping to be growing some clones by that time. What do you think are the chances of anything being able to survive on only light for that amount of time? Any thoughts on how to help the odds of survival (lower level lighting, cooler ambient temps)? any thoughts or insights would be appreciated!

Thanks alot - again, Red - for the encouragement and priceless information... you definately be da' man!!!! I'll take some pics of my mods and post them at another time (I'm being WAY to verbose on this post!).
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Active member
OK - as Promised... some pictures:

This is my homemade lightbar - 5 sockets/10 lamps... pretty tight, eh? I've only put 1 6-pk. of lights in so far, to support my acrylic shield - but I promise, all 10 lamps will fit in there!


Detail of the inverted lid rim I glued to the lower tub rim - I installed pop rivets just in case I grab the siliconed-on handle instead of the real lower tub handle. Probably overkill!


Here is how the mod accepts the upper tub, look to the right - see how it nests?


Finally - the top tub fully nested on top of the lower tub - nice fit! I'm also going to add weatherstrip in the flange I created on the lower tub for seal - should be very stable.

After Red's last post - I'm now considering the small mod of putting some velcro on the top of the upper tub, it's mate will go on the bottom of the scrubber, so that I'll hopefully avoid carbonizing my room!

Red commentz: I think you should show your wife your little plants once you get them going. Tell her it's a hobby, like winemaking. I've done beer and wine and pot is definately more interesting. You've got two nice strains, why not grow one of each?

I've actually thought about this quite a lot - my wife works for the federal government, in a position where it would really matter if she had knowlege of someone growing pot... I don't think I want to put her in the position where she would have to lie about former knowledge, should I get caught - however unlikely that should be. I believe the term here is plausible deniability!

...I'll noodle-it some more!

Krusty Sez: Right on, brother! You've played the "square" for the last 20 years; you've earned the right to do whatever the hell you want!

If nothing else, the act of growing is a very satisfying hobby...the end results are even better ;)

Besides, it's a great feeling knowing there is a part about you no one else knows about.

Good luck on your grows

Thanks, Krusty - I really appreciate the support... hey, I'm finally becomming intriguing!!!

That's all for now!


Active member
Nothing to write home to mom about, but I gots a rubbermaid setup too, thanks to kevvie as I remembered back in the og days, still have his thread bookmarked; Kevvie's Revegging Rubbermaid-LOL
Here's what's inside, also have some seedlings.
The two in flowering were both planted on the same day, under 12/12, and as you can see one is definately more sativa.



Hey guys, if you want to start a Rubbermaid club, just hang out here at the Lodge. I'll toss a few logs in the fireplace and load up the fridge with beer!

I2KanGrow - I've never seen those Edison sockets before. Can you give a few more details on how you mounted them? Basic electrical stuff is hard to do for the first time so any advice or examples is really helpful for the newer members of the Lodge.

That's a cool mod for the tub rim. It sure won't slide off accidentally. That pop rivet gun can be real handy too for mounting lights and fans.

Hey, your velcro tip reminded me that I have some of that adhesive velcro somewhere in the clutter. I'm going to stick some on the top tub and the bottom of the scrubber so it won't get tipped off.

About starting seedlings, they don't need light until the cotyldons (first leaves) poke out of the soil and open up. I start the seedlings on paper towel on a saucer and use the hot water heater for a nice toasty spot. Just put the saucer under a towel and the temps run 90-95F, just perfect. I put my starter soil mix 2 Promix, 1 Perlite, 1 Vermiculite in beercups with drainage holes. I prewater the cups and let them drain, cover with saran and park them under the towel too so the soil is nice and warm. When the seeds pop, they get transferred to the beercups and then to the lights when the leaves pop.

Too much light on the young seedlings can easily burn them so I only use 2 x 26w lights in old bedroom fixtures until the first couple of leaves develop. These are just stuck loose in the big growbox. I plan to use the lights that I just installed in the drying/veg box to do the same.

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