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Red_Greenery's Handyman's DIY Grow Tub


Active member
Yeah, what-up w/ the boards last night? :confused: .... I Kept getting a message that there was an error posting to the boards - (I tried 4X last night, as you probably can tell!).

Welllll, my post still wasn't there this AM, so I re-posted again, and lo! Redundancy Compounded!!!!!!

I'm really sorry folks ( :badday: ) - Hope there's an board administrator that can clean-up my mess!


Active member
Yeah I dunno, I was having problems last night too.

But you can push the edit button, and there will be a checkbox for deleting the message, I had to do this lastnight in an outdoor thread I posted multiple times in.


I2Kangrow - Woohoo! Looks like you're all set to go now. That's a first rate build.

I didn't know what "Edison sockets" were until now. That's pretty innovative, trimming them down to fit.

That dimmer on the scrubber is cool too. Hopefully, you can keep the temps up in the growchamber. You could add extra carbon to do the same as well.

So when are we going to see some action?

Hahahaha, you me and subzero are all on at the same time making a mess. I've had duplicates happen to me too. No big deal.
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Active member
Geeeze - I feel like Dorothy in the Wiz of Oz - I had the power to delete those extra posts all along!!!!!..... Can you tell I'm new to this game??

RE: Grow action - It's now up to the USPS! Soon as those beans arive - they're going to work for me!!
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Active member
Thanks, SuperZ...
...Ehhh, you're not by chance a Federal law enforcement officer, or a NARC, are you????? :yoinks: :wave:
Red_Greenery said:
About showing sex. Unless you are growing an autoflowering strain like Lowrider, the plants won't show any sex until you put them into 12/12 lighting. You can veg forever under 18/6 or 24/7. Most plants take at least 30 days to mature and will start to grow nodes with alternating leaves. I usually switch the lights to 12/12 around 30 - 35 days when the plant is big enough. It will take 1 to 1-1/2 weeks under 12/12 for the preflowers to show.

Red, I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you on this point: You *can* sex a plant while still in vegatative growth. 4-6 weeks into vegatative growth, plants will begin to show preflowers. These preflowers allow you to determine the sex of your plant when you switch it to 12/12. I've personally seen this occur in several grows and I've used it with 100% effectiveness.

Now, in all fairness, I don't think we're going to be letting a plant vegatate 4-6 weeks in these rubbernaid tubs, so this tidbit of information may not be relevant for rubbermaid grows.

Here is a diagram as to what male and female preflowers look like on a plant...take note that all plants will grow Stipules and are not an indicator of sex:

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Active member
I2KanGrow said:
Thanks, SuperZ...
...Ehhh, you're not by chance a Federal law enforcement officer, or a NARC, are you????? :yoinks: :wave:

I just happen to work for customs, so I'll just pickup your package for you and deliver it :wink:


Hey Krusty, that's a real nice diagram of the pre-flowers. I'm not sure if all strains will show the preflowers during the veg cycle. I know that alternating nodes is the sign of maturity and the preflowers show up after 1 to 1-1/2 weeks of 12/12.

It's my experience to force flowering at 30 days to manage the plant size. I follow BigfatJ's Super Simple SCROG method using 8" pots and a coat hanger screen. BigfatJ's method is universal and works well for HPS and CFL lighting in tubs, cabinets, closets and open light grows.


Active member
Yo SuperZ - Customs, ehh? Do you work one of the North/South borders, or one of the interior ports? we may just be neighbors, I personally live right near the edge of this great land

- a hint... we're, right now, having a very colorful season!!


Active member
I have to admit, SuperZ - When you said Customs, I felt a rather uncomfortable tightening of the ole' sphincter! Ya got me!!


i got everything i needed today...excpet the light fixure but i thik my wife has one we can use....would have been about 50$ total except i couldnt find any cheap fans so i went with some more exp ones..so my total should be close t 100...but i doubt ill get 4 oz lol...will assemble it all begining next week...also would u could lights in the 100$ ? lol


ok i figured out the wiring for the ligth...but the fans have a red/blue wire...not white and black..which one is which? or should i do the guess method and f its wrong switch it around...i just dont wanna eclecticute myself



I just did that today an let me tell you its a bad idea, i hope you already didnt.

My fan blew up in flames pretty fast. But as soon as it happend something in my head clicked and i thought i remembered seeing Red use 12 volt d/c adapters instead of just wiring that to a regular outletstyle plugdealy.

Im just posting this fast with what i think when wrong with mine so you dont try, hopefully Red'll give us both an answer before i go destorying any more fans.

In the mean time im going to go start harvesting old answering machines!


no i didnt do anythign yet...was making sure it was all correct b4 i wired it up...i just went and bought this tho..wold this work?


New member
I'm looking at setting something like this up and I had a few questions.

I was looking at the TrueAir filter and my local walmart doesn't have them so I went to the next best thing, amazon. They list two. and I'm not sure which your using.

They are:

Once I get this sorted I'll be sure to post some pictures of my setup so far in its own thread. :)


Active member
Yo Darren:

Definately use the Coby AC adapter - put the voltage selecter to 12VDC. You can also use any old AC adapters (wall-wart), ya know, like the ones that are used to power a cordless phone cradle, for example... that are rated @ 12V DC.

You definately DON'T want to plug this fan right into house current - it would be very, very ugly!!!

Good luck!
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