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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread


Well-known member
indalo, you are not weak. you are still alive and you write here to show us how bad your situtation is. it's brave that you don't hide yourself in dark days which most people do.

don't TRY it soon, you have to DO it right now! just quit drinking forever, you are not alone. alcohol is not for you, not for me or not for anyone.

one thing if you don't know it already is that people have believe something. no one can be forced to religion. people have to find it by on one's own. by yourself from inside of your heart. for me it's only way to be straight, because it will give you so important emotional bond to life.


Hi ho here we go
I quit years ago

I quit years ago

My 30 y/o had a seizure last week and had to go to the E.R.

I Everyone to quit, do yourself a favor and switch over to weed. If you need get a Doctors help.

Love you all, take care of yourself

Peace & weed:peacock:


Active member
still struggling. decided i'll go to a noon meeting today. i've been hanging out with some kids next door drinking & doing cocaine. i absolutely detest the stuff but just can't say no. pretty sick of myself right now


Pleasantly dissociated
Almost 6 months no booze,way longer off cigs,wow I feel fucking great,made it to northern Cali working a legit job now trying to stay and live the dream, wow , we can all do it !!!

soil margin

Active member
still struggling. decided i'll go to a noon meeting today. i've been hanging out with some kids next door drinking & doing cocaine. i absolutely detest the stuff but just can't say no. pretty sick of myself right now

Hey I feel your pain man. I hate the consequences of coke and booze myself but if my neighbor invited me over for a couple lines and a few shots I'd probably have a hard time saying no. The temptation to do things we know we shouldn't is a life long battle than you never completely win, you can only keep fighting, keep struggling, and keep getting better at the fight day by day. Just try and remember that you can always wake up tomorrow and be a little better than you were today.


Active member
Almost 6 months no booze,way longer off cigs,wow I feel fucking great,made it to northern Cali working a legit job now trying to stay and live the dream, wow , we can all do it !!!

That's incredible! Congrats to you- that is a hell of an accomplishment. Yes, we can do it!

Every day is a challenge but the more years go by the lesser the challenge is. I can't even imagine drinking again. I am crazy as hell as it is. And I love it that way.

soil margin

Active member
Almost 6 months no booze,way longer off cigs,wow I feel fucking great,made it to northern Cali working a legit job now trying to stay and live the dream, wow , we can all do it !!!

That's awesome shawkmon. Cigs can be even harder to quit than booze sometimes and giving up both is one of the best things you can do for your long term health. Norcal sounds like a great place to start a new life, find new friends and build some new habits.


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
November the 9th, is called a german "Schicksalstag", day of fate. In 1918, the first german democratic republic, 1938 a progrom against the jews, 1989, the Berlin wall came down and 2018 on 9th, Hermans last day with red wine. :)

On November 10th I burned all my Bukowski books.:biggrin:


Well-known member
30 years ago

30 years ago

30 years booze free today!

I had 3 DWIs by the time I was 22. I have no doubt that I would be dead had I not made the change.



Active member
last night i didn't drink & i feel pretty good today. i resumed antibuse this morning & intend to start going to aa.

...any updates? ...you going to meetings and meeting other sober people? ...you get yourself a sponsor yet?

...AA will work for you bro but only if you have an honest desire to put the jug down and you are willing to do whatever it takes to free yourself from your bondage to John Barleycorn, including going to those boring meetings, you can't drink at meetings so if you want to stop, go to meetings.

...i took my last drink in the spring of '97 and i'm here to tell you that life is better sober, no fucking comparison.


peace, bozo


.Have been booze and cig free for 3 months or better now and feel great.
I've taken up smoking pot again , not a lot mind you , but in the evenings I'll have a few tokes.After taking a hiatus from pot for a while it's a double edged sword.Last night maybe a smoked a bit too much and my mind was racing with negative thoughts , overthinking otherwise everyday things such as how I presented myself to people that day or did I say something stupid and now people think I'm weird.
It all sounds comical now but it can be unpleasant at the time and I'd hate my relationship with weed to go south.
Anyone else out there have the same issue or gone through the same thing?


Well-known member
I'm going through DTs really bad right now.no one to take me to the hospital.id kill for a drink.proud of you guys

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