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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread


good luck Hazy. you can do it.
I quit 30 years ago, still get the cravings around Xmas especially (quit Xmas day), but if I can quit and stay sober you definitely can.


Well-known member
Seems if I keep a steady supply of LSD in me (every few weeks) I really do not even enjoy alcohol.

Not sure if it works for everyone. I do not really have an alcohol problem. Used to binge drink alot.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I had an episode the other night like Mr. Hazy... again. I am getting too old to keep get hurt when drunk. Good luck Hazy, it is the best idea.

I have a hard time stopping at a couple beers.

So this isn't the first time I have disgusted myself into wanting too control my alc issue. Mind you, I am a case/day light beer alkyhaulic and that can be just as bad. No more - I am going too try like hell to quit.

Edit follows - BTW I have been updating this post via edits which can be tracked via the link below. This is a good way to keep myself honest.

Update 1/27 - None still. As of now I don't miss the stuff but my brain still craves carbs.

I am still amazed at how much water I am drinking and still feel thirsty all the time, but that could be cottonmouth. I add baking soda to the water I drink, to reduce acidity. Since I cut out the food group BEER my brain has been trying to get me to eat carbohydrates. I have to focus more on not eating potato chips than not drinking, which I don't miss... Weight has come off but the carbs are hurting. I bet my new found addiction for grapes is also a sugar craving.

Little secret to not getting lonely and going to the local bar is starting a new hobby and continuing the education. That would be ICMag and dope.

The other secret is I am now scared as hell of drinking even one simple little light beer. Delicious, frosty, long neck beer. One beer follows another, and sometimes too many. Not drinking, it is almost nice to be able to interact with people in public without telling them they are ignorant F's, at least not as much.
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if it smells like fish
My only problem is I got 2 hands and only one mouth....joke aside addiction ain't that funny..good luck to all ..yeehaw


ICMag Donor
It's been more than 20 years for me thank G-d, but back then it was frozen Belvedere gimlets ( Hey my ancestors came from Poland what can I tell ya ) with a splash of cointraeu ( sp ? ) maybe 5 or 6 of those, then a bottle or 2 of cabernet with a jumbo lump crabmeat appetizer along with a rare rib eye at ruths chris, followed by a couple of pain pills I would regularly scam my dentist out of, weed of course, and a 12 pack of coors or so, plus don't forget that peppermint schnapps in the freezer, every night with some variation for years and years :tiphat:

Thank heavens for Bill W and Dr Bob and those 100 men and women who helped them figure this shit out in writing the big book and my sponsor and higher power who helped me figure it out !


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I ate at Ruth Chris once, and it was F'in expensive. You sir were a baller or had an expense acct like the sales guy who took me had. :biggrin:


Well-known member
On December 7th, I completed 9 months 100% alcohol free after 7 years of daily drinking 24/7. I was an alcoholic completely physically and mentally dependant on alcohol. I would wake up with horrible shakes, it was a nightmare.

Eventually I said enough is enough and hired a team of doctors, and have been feeling amazing. I just turned 30, but now that I no longer drink 24/7 I feel like I'm physically 21 again.

Alcohol did nothing positive for me, quite the contrary. I was using it to self medicate depression and anxiety and to not deal with the multiple deaths of loved ones that I have experienced while in Chile. I never grieved properly because I was constantly drunk. At times it would turn me into a monster, my tolerance was so high, but it would only take one extra drink for me to lash out and destroy friendships/relationships with people who I truly cared about and cared about me. Alcohol is poison.

Since quitting alcohol, I have lost close to 100 pounds, have been able to properly grieve, and am now on actual medication in addition to cannabis to help me deal with this society I have to live in. I was diagnosed with major depression and ptsd. In retrospect, alcohol was only contributing to those disorders.

Now that I am past 9 months 100% alcohol free, there is no turning back. I only had mild cravings during the first few weeks, but luckily did not experience any withdrawal symptoms because of the clonazapam they gave me. My next goal in life is to quit cigarettes, but each day at a time.

For me, I have no desire to ever drink again. My house is filled with various types of alcohol and there are liquor stores and bars all around me and the majority of my friends drink, but I feel no temptation. People have came to me for advise, as well as confiding in me that they too have a problem, because I was very public about everything.

I am close to 9 years opiate free, 9 months alcohol free, and have faith that if I can do it, anyone can, and I am putting it out here, that if ANY one wants to talk or needs help, they can feel free to PM me.

For me, I didn't feel the need to go to AA, as 1. alcohol was never my drug of choice, and 2. with my team of doctors, therapy, and proper medication I don't feel the need to be around alcoholics, or hear their story as it's different than mine. I am ashamed of the 7 years lost of my life drowning in the bottle, but it's in the past. Each day I feel better, both physically and mentally, and even on rough days of depression, I don't even consider drinking. A nice joint, bowl, or bong load will have me feeling much better. PLANTS OVER POISON!

I fully support this thread, and as I said, if anyone wants to privately discuss this with me, I will provide any and all advise as well as answer any question honestly.

Peace & Love!

P.S. While I don't go to AA, I don't have any issues with the program. I am glad it works for a majority of people. Luckily I have support from many who attend AA regularly who respect my choice and decision to not attend, but I still have to deal with some assholes who tell me I need to go or else I will relapse, which I find to be complete BS. With that said, I do believe in the 12 steps, believe in a higher power, and have done everything I can to fix and rebuild the relationships I've destroyed. I see AA in the same way I see going to church. I have my own personal relationship with the creator, and I have my own personal relationship with myself and I know myself and I know that I am done with alcohol, nor do I feel like it's a daily struggle to stay sober, so I don't feel the need to go somewhere to prove something to anybody, but I respect those who credit AA for saving them.


Well-known member
4 days sober.thats the longest since I got out of jail.that was about 2 months ago.its kinda a big thing for me but I'm broke so got no choice anyway.congrats to everyone that's quit.its harder than a lot of people realize


Well-known member
Thanks guys.i really appreciate it.espicially cause I've been a dick lately.4 days is alot when you literally drink a case a day everyday.youd think I'd weigh over 200lbs but I just got a big beer gut.guess my goal is to lose it.been drinking detox tea.basically herbal tea.havent slept or ate in 3 days.this sucks


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Mr. Tetra (excuse my short memory), If you can stay very afraid of being that shaking guy again then you may have enrichened your life more than money. You are 30 and you have a lot of healthy living ahead, or you could have F'ed it up. I am about to go on medicare and decided getting drunk was a bad idea because I get hurt easier, so I quit the Sunday after turkey day. I have beer and wine around too, and ran some Everclear on the heater yesterday, but don't want anything but a lot of water.

As for cigs, go to one of the little country beer bars during the day and look at the hardened faces of the smokers, 10 years older than their age - and that is another helpful tip... stay away from the damn beer bar.


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