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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Well-known member
I never heard of Haze in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area until I became aware of the seed bank catalog (1989). The same guy who showed me the catalog also supplied me with Northern Lights seeds. The weed I grew from the NL seeds was incredibly strong, but very one dimensional. I became disillusioned with Indica pretty quickly, though the NL was a treat to grow compared to the sativas I had been working with.

I was very aware of landraces and got my best stuff through a Vietnam veteran. Those guys had a very extensive network. ;)


Dread & Alive
Love the people who are doing it with passion and do not care for marketing, flowering times, etc. Even if I want to grow 70days flowering strains only, there will always be a place somewhere in a corner for one or more long flowering hazes or pure sativas.

They will be harvested once, when others will be harvested twice. So what's the problem??

Then I personally still have to find WLD x Haze genetics, or the 75% Haze x NL phenos, that I can smoke all night long, till noon, and be able to compete with people on synthetic drugs. But that's only me. Can't speak for others.

But it's easy to find reasons to not grow a pure or long flowering haze. What's not so easy is to grow it.

@JohnnyChicago, cultivating a long-flowering sativa, like original haze, is madness: a very long wait, a not too abundant harvest (usually), and an effect that many do not like...
(and we know it well because we are among those crazy people who grow up and love haze) ...
I believe that most of the problem is the decades of misinformation about the lineage (and I had an idea of why this happened), and then we come to the next question, with the most favorable laws will the seeds of original haze be back on the market? (not the tfd hybrids, I mean pure original haze)


honey oil addict
Ya what year did the name haze come about I wonder? I never heard of haze till around 84-86 I think. Columbian before that of course. It was the precursor to haze, but as yet unnamed.


Well-known member
I said it before and I'll say it again.
In the late 60's and early 70's the Viet Nam war was going strong. Lot of troops had R&R in Thailand
Mexican weed was coming into California big time...
strong trippy Thai that was coming in from SE Asia with troops returning. . . .

Colombian did not start to show up in Ca till the mid 70's and it was VERY MUCH like the THAI...
Love reading these posts Randy.

I have a question. Many people describe finding "Thai leaning" phenos in particular lines but never describe the effects they associate with Thai weed.
It would seem like there are many similarities between narrow leaf varieties from around the world. Among people like us, the most important difference would seem to be effects.
This more than anything else is what makes a rare strain desirable.

Can you contrast Colombian and Thai effects from your experience?


Well-known member
BTW Randy,
I bet most people don't understand why there are so few pictures of our gardens from back then. 35mm film had to be processed at the camera store. Weed was highly illegal everywhere in the states at the time, and people actually got busted in my town when the local small photo processing shop called the cops after developing and printing somebody's roll of film with pics of their grow.

I always took mine to the Kmart photo dept, thinking that they sent it out of town to some giant facility for processing and nobody local ever looked at the pics, but everything we did back then with the plant took balls.

Polaroids were also popular, but the ones I have didn't age well. Dark and blurry.


The Haze Whisperer
Can you contrast Colombian and Thai effects from your experience?

I always found Colombian weed to have a fast hitting high that was a head with body edgy type high.

Thai weed you feel it come on and its almost like Led Zeplins song Stair Way to Heavan it builds. It could take half hour to get the full affect of a Thai to hit.Thais i found to be mostly an electric tripy high but some Thai can give a little body and euphoric affect also.


The Haze Whisperer

Nothing has changed but a partial spell check
It’s great to see you

I answered your question, it would be gentlemen like to respond to mine . We should forget thia , it doesn’t exist in Original Haze . I believe it was created by a man from a land far far away

BigHerb i and so many others in here were around smoking and growing cannbis in the 70s.

Back before the boards people did not hype the weed it was good or it was shit and the good weed built a reputation because of its quality.

Face it Haze was a hybrid of unknown ancestry trying to claim to be an expert on haze is a moot point.


Love reading these posts Randy.

I have a question. Many people describe finding "Thai leaning" phenos in particular lines but never describe the effects they associate with Thai weed.
It would seem like there are many similarities between narrow leaf varieties from around the world. Among people like us, the most important difference would seem to be effects.
This more than anything else is what makes a rare strain desirable.

Can you contrast Colombian and Thai effects from your experience?

Thais,Columbians and other sativas will give you high like most good haze or sativa seeds you can buy, few will be up and clear but no feelings,few will give you up postive high beautiful colours trippy like. and strongest what i have sampled will give you like very rushy and at a same time very stony and confused disoriented paranoic feeling which last for few hours.those phenos are light green with golden trich with woody musk pepper oily scent while burning straight pine resin. taste mentholated pine haze.


with stony i dont mean indica relaxing feeling it is like in head feeling that is like you want sit up and run an the sam time. lots of toughts and scenarios in head and you cant control them for not expirienced smokers these buds will be like they eat mooshrooms and even better.

I wood

Well-known member
Myself, unhindered by any actual encounters from days past am left to gleen information from threads like this, and grow to judge for myself the mythic sativas.
Something like haze is what i was growing for since 1987 without knowing it until recently after growing some tom hill haze.
As confusing as this thread is, it is still a wealth of information so thanks to all involved.


Well-known member
BigHerb i and so many others in here were around smoking and growing cannbis in the 70s.

Back before the boards people did not hype the weed it was good or it was shit and the good weed built a reputation because of its quality.

Face it Haze was a hybrid of unknown ancestry trying to claim to be an expert on haze is a moot point.

Your post as usual has no substance. I first smoked around 97-98 and there was countless amazing no name strains. Not sure the significance on the Haze subject. You have your theory of Haze lineage and then there is the truth

I’d appreciate if you did not post in my thread , you are not welcome here . Years later you are still a negative figure in this community

You have never contributed any knowledge of OHaze , you’ve always been a Nevil / shanti fan boy but still couldn’t deliver the Haze info of Mns origins properly. If I recall I’ve seen ssh and maybe MH from you . I’ve grown more Haze varieties then yourself . But one thing I’ve never claimed to be is an expert of any kind

Thanks to all those and their senseless contributions for turning this thread from something special to shit once again

I’ll let it take its course once again


far beyond driven...


hello haze lovers,
in the meantime here some last images from my diva...
she is a good yielder...

Seedsman O-haze





would really love to see a new release of da haze by SamS.


The Haze Whisperer
Your post as usual has no substance. I first smoked around 97-98 and there was countless amazing no name strains. Not sure the significance on the Haze subject. You have your theory of Haze lineage and then there is the truth

I’d appreciate if you did not post in my thread , you are not welcome here . Years later you are still a negative figure in this community

You have never contributed any knowledge of OHaze , you’ve always been a Nevil / shanti fan boy but still couldn’t deliver the Haze info of Mns origins properly. If I recall I’ve seen ssh and maybe MH from you . I’ve grown more Haze varieties then yourself . But one thing I’ve never claimed to be is an expert of any kind

Thanks to all those and their senseless contributions for turning this thread from something special to shit once again

I’ll let it take its course once again

As usual the insults continue from BigHerd yes i am a fan of Nevs work but so are many in the community so are you going to insult them also or is that just reserved for me ?.

Sam and Robs information on haze like it or not is the information on haze.

I did many grow threads in icmag /cw / and mr nice threw the years from pure Thais /Pure Colombian to Hawaiian hash plants that i was told originate from the Hawaiian BOAL to Mango Haze SSH AFxHZ ShitxHaze NH and more.

If people quote or post what Sam or Rob have posted in the past on haze you get upset because it dose not match the BigHerb spin on haze. Well if are we here to discuss haze as we know it or are we here to please you at the expense of the facts told by the people that have told the story for 20 years now ?.

Stick to the topic and leave the childish insults out of it.


Well endowed member


Love reading these posts Randy.

I have a question. Many people describe finding "Thai leaning" phenos in particular lines but never describe the effects they associate with Thai weed.
It would seem like there are many similarities between narrow leaf varieties from around the world. Among people like us, the most important difference would seem to be effects.
This more than anything else is what makes a rare strain desirable.

Can you contrast Colombian and Thai effects from your experience?

Hey Raho, I'd love to hear other old timers stories too. After I smoked herb for the first time I was All about it, I thought it would be legal in less then a year, how could it not be, alcohol caused so much trouble for people. My body did not like booze, I did it cause everybody else was doing it. But the first time I tried weed in high school it just felt right and felt like it was giving me something rather then like booze which felt like it was taking something away from me.
The highs very much alike. But the Thai felt like you were extremely awake and aware, very up all head. The first time I smoked a Thai stick we were hanging out at my place. My old lady and the neighbor couple, I worked with the guy. Two of our friends came by who I also worked with were local dealers. They had a baggie(before ziplocks) with five little dark gray green sticks not much longer then a cigarette about 5" and they were called Thai Sticks. I was by then totally into learning more about this stuff, so I slowly dissected one of the sticks while everybody visited. The smell was deep and dank, you could tell it was strong and had a funny oriental smell I could not describe. I untied the thread, it was black sewing thread the stick was split bamboo and the weed was like a couple of stems of stringy weed with largish for then caylx's that even had a male flower and a seed or two. I broke up the weed with my fingers and rolled a pinner. The joint went around the circle twice and the chicks only took one hit and back then you held a hit for as long as you could to get the max out of it. I ate the tiny piece left of the roach and we all sat there for a second and took it in and you could feel it going to your head and we all looked at the dude who brought it and said what did you put on it? We were all kind of stunned and it felt like everything had changed and we were somewhere else, tripping like feeling like coming on to acid, those first rushes like, "what just happened?" And even though we were laughing at the price when he told us when he first came, $8.00 ea. we all wanted one. An oz of Mex reg was $8-10.00 The taste of the smoke was a metallic, mango like flavor that left flavor in your mouth. It left a mark in my brain. I have tasted flavors like this again in Zamal/ThaixTHH and NH and in the A5. When I taste it I automatically think back to that Thai and also associate it with the high, but have not found any as strong.
The Colombian was little dime to quarter sized buds full of seeds and with so much resin it looked like chocolate in the middle brown with seed shells showing in some spots and with very thin little gold leaf fingers wrapping around the bud. Colors were gold, brown, orange and red. beautiful lbs. not smashed or sticking together. The Red Colombian was more like dark wet tobacco in chunks full of seeds and was all reddish brown some real dark and more stemmy. The Gold was I used to like saying, "like shooting up weed" I remember, My babe and I were living in a tiny house in a peach orchard down in the central valley it had a tiny "front room" and I had two huge RTR column speakers and a LOUD Macintosh amp and I'd put on some Frank Zappa or Jimi and turn it up loud and sit in an overstuffed sofa chair right between those two huge speakers with 10 speakers in each one and roll a regulation sized joint, no fatty. I used to like to say it was like shooting up weed, you could feel it when you took a hit, it was going from your lungs and radiating out to the tips of your fingers, the rush was soo strong. It tasted woody, incensey, spicy with a real strong dankness like a loud bottom bass note, almost chocolatey. Sometimes I get flashes of it in Angola/Thai and other Zamal/African. It also really expanded and you had to be careful or you'd cough like crazy.
Great story, my little sister was going off to college in Santa Barbara and came to visit on the way down. She wanted to try getting high for the first time and I wanted her to feel what I was feeling, it was like a soaring takeoff with a roller coaster ride up and down for a long time then you go introspective and get into whatever is inside your head and trip, big time trip. She started smoking one with me friends were over and the music was playing and she took off and was laughing and talking and having a great time and then I asked the old lady where'd my sister go? She was sitting in a chair in the front room by herself hands folded head down contemplating who knows what but it freaked her out pretty good and she never wanted to go there again. So since then she has not smoked any more weed. That's why I never spent for WackyWeed, this shit was wacky enough. Closest I've ever come to riding on a magic carpet.

This is all from memory but like I said those two varieties really left a mark and they were not just one time experiences.
Back then a few friends would sneak a little plant in their veggie gardens or do a small patch on the river and you'd get someone who finished a plant proper and it was usually a Mexican plant but it was always really good homegrown. After I found out how good you could grow this plant in California it blew me away and I started studying real hard about latitude and weather and geography.


Dread & Alive
In a few years the story of haze will be like Santa Claus, someone will believe it, someone else will not, hahahaha.....
@bigherb sorry if I'm among those who ruined your thread, I certainly don't want to ruin it(as I told you before, I have always appreciated your work, even if some times I had different ideas), over the years I have an idea about haze, sometimes I even wrote it, but it wasn't always appreciated, so I decided to follow the thread, to learn as much as possible, without commenting too much ....
Stay blessed

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