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Purple Kush SSR

I Invite anyone to check out the thread where I supposedly started trolling Jdog. Outside of the threadI never PMd him once or otherwise contacted him. My posts are polite, encouraging, and reasonable



By the way Jdog in these past 3 days, I have gotten no less than 9 PMs congratulating my signature, talking shit on you, or advice on trying to deal with you.
does he annoy you as much as me??
stay safe man, dont worry bout jdog, just ignore his stupid ass.
I love his "well it's definitely chemdawg structure and smell..you can really see the chemdawg lineage" descriptions about everything even though he's never even puffed chem d or 91. lol what a character.
LOL yea, he's not worth getting worked up over, but he just bothers me withi his stupid one line typing and descriptions.

There are more but they are either too vulgar and inappropriate for this thread. They are all very funny and true though.

Thanks again for ruining a great thread Jdog!

P.S. All your posts are full of grammar and spelling errors, dont try to blame it on your haste... Too bad they dont make a retard check, huh? Please learn the difference between "your" and "you're"... spelling doesnt normally bother me much, but your amount of blatant stupidity and ignorance are just a bit too much.

Stay outta my threads and I will continue not to give a shit about you.

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And Mysta you can shut the fuck up too... You came into this thread outta nowhere with an "Orange Kush" quote on page 5 and started to "flame" me by your own admission. Why the fuck would you do that? Shit I've never seen you or conversed with you at all;,and suddenly you start flaming me with a post about Orange Kush? From a month ago at that.

Orange Kush has never even been mentioned in this thread... Did you just get bored and decide to stir up shit from a month old post? Sure as hell looks like it.

Jdogs immature little PM came right after that as well. Maybe you should take his cock from Grateful and put it back in your mouth, so you cant spew anymore bullshit.

Mods, please lock this thread, I doubt there will be any more good info or pics in a thread with such hostility. Fuck...
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Active member
theres only one way to settle this; Send me your Orange Kush samples, ill be the judge


Active member
No matter if JDOG is right or wrong, he P.M'd you so that the B.S could be left off the public forums. How could you possibly be so upset. Do we really need another ad hominem kush internet war? I feel like the community has finally made some progress with the kush drama B.S. I can't wait to read all your coming rants in the near future... please don't become a drama queen. You don't like jdog, cool, keep it off the public forums.
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CVS, please don't throw my name around man. It's all water under tha bridge as far as I'm concerned. :smile: It's all good n gravy. No sweat off my back. Karma check, sir..

JDOG, I wish things could be different between you two. I think it's safe to say everyone would like to see you cats on tha same team. I know I would. :smile: You, two. K+ your way.

Make friends, smoke Kush
Nandro :sasmokin:
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lets get this thread back on track. Cant we all just get along, lol

The Big Book of Buds 3 that just came out had the SR-71 version of PK

The newest CC mag also gave some love to SR-71 too, what a beuatiful clone room eh. Thats a lot of PK clones right there.



Lol, Cavalleycocksucker.. you spent all that time making fake quotes and what not. Your a chump who likes to talk shit. Jdog knows the breeder of that dank Orange Kush, and he'll probly be getting more dank ass cuts like that, AND YOU WON'T! Ha bitch.. lets leave it at that.

Go take the escalade your parents bought you, roll a blunt, and chill T-F out.

I'm done...if you wanta continue this, PM me, and I'm sure we can find a way to deal with it, OK Susy.

Hey DJ Highst, the SR71 is related to Urkle right?


gratefuldawg said:
Hey DJ Highst, the SR71 is related to Urkle right?

I think it came from Lavender or Ultraviolet stock from the guys at Tricome Tech


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
so this sr-71 cut has lavender in it? that sucks....

heres some real pk oil, funny cuz when i made it, the smell was an intense aroma of cinnamon, now its more kushy. funny to watch people rip this stuff

turns em from :joint: to :bashhead:


no need to argue chillllllllllllllll


Active member
cavalleysmoker said:
Yo Mysta17 that's some fine lookin plant you got growin there. And glad to see you changed your flame post too, all the damn Kush threads get muddied up with that BS :joint:. i love the Orange Kush but this ones all about enjoyin that dank ass bitch known as Purple Kush.
stoned regards, cvs
Follow your own advice!Focker
and You say I have "Cocks in my mouth".......lol..dam you got to much time on your hands or dicks. :jerkit:
:laughing:...cav....man u messd up :crazy: ....showed your true colors bra :muahaha: Just leave other peeps names out of your mouths..your a security risk already! If you wanna settle this another way let me know but as I can see im gonna :spank: :wave:. You should contribute more if your going to talk shit about shit you know nothing about or never grown it. Ohhh yea nice gallery theres nothing there just like what you bring here To IC. 000000000ZERO Step up punk lets see what you got.......yea im calling you out cum guzzla... I can grow can you?

Edit....Sorry for the troll bait post but this guy flames and delets his posts just like earlier in this thread....hes even admmitted to having a couple other nicks.... troll. MANY of you that know or meet me KNOW DAMN WELL im not going to let anyone talk to me like that on the net or in person.......in my casa thems fighten words SON>
maybe you should go be a school teacher instead of a grower since you like doing grammer checks instead of growing. :bashhead: :smoweed:

joeshmoe said:
hey M>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:]soon bro. :headbange

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Active member

nice thread guys

:yes: :yes:

damn Miss177 you're fuckin GANGSTA!!! KILL em ALL!!!!!
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Active member
Another thread headed towards the black hole...oh well
I'm not reading anymore......

Now I'm on my 4th grade ish :dance: .....just look at all the pretty pictures :eek: oh yeah JoeShmoe's pics rock :headbange


Active member
I've decided to let the Mods deal with this guy.
If CVS wants to keep talking shit and looking like an asshole.
So be it.
When it really comes down to it.
What this guy thinks of me is totally irrelevant.
I know who my good friends are at this site.
Just about everyone.
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no, that should read "strong the exaggerated sense of self-importance in here is!"
and I agree, but I would like to see this get back to being about Purple Kush its attributes and all for all those like me unlucky enough to get it.... or not. I want to know where to get it goddammit! :D
I don't know, I saw the henfighting, or was it cockfighting over at a High Times forum on purple stains being all the rage now, a battle of the titans as it were, some guy arguing with Elkslayer about the quality of Purple Kush versus versus Purple Urkle versus the whole northern cali scene and what clubs do or don't have, it was quite interesting, I think you all should check it out and then report back to me on what is believable and what is BS, since I have no northern Cali connections unfortunately.
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If you could have any one of the purple kush's, what would it be?

I'd go with the cut mysta won above, the SR-71.. Straight outta dank U on that one, and then probly the Kyle kushman one. That's only from pictures and reports I've read. Still waiting to smoke them all. Someday I will, but then there will be 5 more. I've seen a purple skunk kush that was the smelliest plant I've ever smelled. Smelled up a whole 5,000+ concert.