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Purple Kush SSR


Active member
So I just picked up a HT issue and seen an artical that reminds me of these threads. Ithad to do about urkle and other names urkle had. Very interesting but one thing stuck out to me.......it says swerves garville PK is the same as urkle????? Thats not true with my exp. Well hell we got the PK from swerve himself......grows nothing like the urk or tastes like it IMO......oh well its dank so thats all that matters. thx swerve UDAMAN
What up Dankest.....nice pics in HT bro.....another smokeout is on its way. Ill see if joe will post some pics of the PK WE won from sr71.
Hey jay much respect to I always love to read you killer 411 exp on kush....always seems to be 100%...keep er green!
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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
way to ruin a good thread jdog. no reason for that bullshit.

mysta damn anyone who says pk and urkle are the same is an IDIOT! haha. ive smoked so much urkle and twice as much pk there not the same, urkle is extremely mellow and pk just shatters your face. i believe the homie nandro said once. "urkle is that stuff you give to your little cousin and keep the pk for the headstash" ive never tried swerves pk but damn i HIGHLY doubt its urkle lmao. cant wait to see some more pk shots.


me and the wife had a huge blunt and passed the fuck out! Surprised I even got that post off lol...

Pretty common story.

I'm pretty sure that strain was crossed with valium!


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
Im waiting to work this in to my setup...This one comes from the west coast held as clone there for 20+ yrs...I hope its this wicked PK you all speak of...cant wait really..



Jdog, I still dont know how anyone here can talk shit to you??? He must be jealous or somethin. Lets talk shit on someones grammar........oooohhh..burn. Just shows that Jdogs smokin better herb then you and he's baked outta his mind not worrying about grammar and petty shit like that.

From what I've seen the sr-71 like the one mysta won is the dankest of them all. Thats by looks though, some of the dankest looking herbs are my least favorite highs.
I had the gaberville cut, but she died from a move and some bunk ass fish mix. Keep the pix and good information comin.


mysta the ht article wasnt saying urkel and pk are the same, i believe you read it incorrectly. it says; purple urkel or humboldt purple aka purple urple, bridgeville black afghan, nepalese purple, pakistani purple kush, and tooty fruity purple are believed to be the same cut.
subcool then goes on to say that he believes that all the purple kushes are the exact same cut well; garberville purple kush aka swerves cut, mendo pk and kyle kushman pk.

i thought the same thing as you mysta, but after re-reading it realized thats not what was meant.


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
hey Greatful and Ibtokin..Garberville..is this a relation to what Reeferman rel'd as Great Garberville??...I hope you say so cause I have a handfull of f.2's sittin in waiting..The grower said it was a bit hermi prone tho..just curious if not its casual..


those are some fine pics and a fine strain! I am posting so I can catch up when I have more time by using the "my posts" feature. :D
I am new and learning, but know this is a fine strain and want to learn more! peace


Active member
IB...thanks for the re read.....You are right. But still thers no way most of those are the same in anyway. Just my opinion tho. Dont get me wrong the art had some good info in there that I thought could be true also. I grape ape coming so im stoked.
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Active member
Mysta~ Tha "Grapes of Wrath" article yer talkin' about...

...That article was BS...

That's all I'll say 'bout that.


Now THAT speaks volumes.... He DEFINITELY knows his shit....


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
Fuck this guy and his thread.
You'd be pissed too and you know it. I know you guys are on the same team, but come on. Just because he kisses your ass doesn't mean he isn't a dick.

aww dont start bringing this to my front door. i dont need it. same team lol? theres no teams on the internet. where do you get ass kissing , ive had no problems with him as he knows the kush well and its rare nowdays. got no shit with you either so..... what goes on without me aint my business. im here for the pk as its my fav smoke, it is a PURPLE KUSH THREAD isnt it? it has lots of good pics and smoke reports and stories of the pk.

time to go rip some pk oil and CHILL


Active member
Yea it was a bit of a odd artical....You can deff tell some came from IC. Now Back to the PK. Is there any pics of swerves PK?




Make friends, smoke Kush,
Nandro :sasmokin:



mysta177 said:
So I just picked up a HT issue and seen an artical that reminds me of these threads. Ithad to do about urkle and other names urkle had. Very interesting but one thing stuck out to me.......it says swerves garville PK is the same as urkle?????
That article was written by someone who hasn't grown or smoked most of the purples in the article. They also aren't from Cali and don't know shit about the NoCal purp scene. That person also lives in a little bubble and mostly only reads his own threads.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
mmmm nandro, always got the dank. a few puffs of that and theres no way you wont have a smile. :)


so where (what region) do you get Purple Kush? I take it they are clone only? Cali med clubs maybe?
not that this would work for me, but just wondering. thanks
JDOG6000 said:
You decided to troll me for months now.
So get a life and shut the fuck up already.
You got nothing worth saying so you talk about my grammer?
Sorry ,I don't check my spelling sometimes when I type real fast.
Your a sad sad man.

Excuuuuuse me? IVe been trolling you for months? Where? What threads and PMs have I trolled you in? I'm a troll right? Just like Nandros a hater? Grow the fuck up kid.

If anyone's trolling, its you.... YOU pmd ME awhile back, 5-11-07 titled "Troll" out of nowhere... after I posted that I have had Orange Kush before 1996. That is the PM where my sig quote comes from.

Then out of more than a month later, totally out of the blue, you send me this PM. Keep in mind, I have never once mentioned anything about club Orange Kush, or his Orange Kush period. I have not trolled this retard in the slightest, or mentioned anything about club Orange Kush He seriously Private Messages me a month later thinking I said his Kush wasnt club Kush. I Have NEVER said anything even related to what he's whining about.

In case you were still wondering

You were wrong about the orange Kush.
It's the same one that was in the clubs, just like I said.
Thought you'd want to know you got all pissy and you were wrong.
Really jdog I could give 2 shits about your "Orange Kush". Your "Orange Kush" had to have been created some time after the 1996 Cannabis Cup, and I've had dank Orange Kush long before that. All my posts in the thread that started this were exceedingly polite I even was giving you props. Then when everyone calls you on your BS, you get angry. You called Nandro a hater... He's one of the coolest fools on here and your other info was BS too.

JDOG6000 said:
By the way this is an old ass strain too.
I think like 20 years old?
steel savage said:
How is it a 20 yr strain when WW was developed by Shanti approx . 10-15 yrs ago . & only has 7 % ? WTF I guess that makes it OK , right ?

J , maybe NOT posting is your best bet , as they do seem to contain alotta false info , or just speculation .
Nspecta said:
DOG~ Please explain how Orange Kush was bred 15-20 years ago...with White Widow...when GreenHouse & Shantibaba didn't even release WW seeds for sale until '96...a mere 11 years ago. On that note...I truly mean you no disrespect man...but...KK's not laughing at us (tha Truth Seekers)...he's laughing at you...because ya repeat all tha complete bullshit he tells ya.
jdog said:
ust remember guys.
This threrad is not about 100 % accuracy in info and all that.
Nspecta said:
Excellent info mota...sounds like Jdog's Orange Kush is only a year or two old then at best...I figured tha Double G/Widow was someone else's work from good ol' CW...
steel savage said:
This shit just gets better and better . Crackin' tha case wide open JDog , as quoted "you get all your info from "breeder" and ppl you've known for yrs " , but then you knowingly try misrepresenting a plants genetics "sneaky" like . And though I'm not a "knowitallofKush" , false representation is pretty fuckin' weak .

According to Motarebel you Orange Kush is only a year or two old at best. Orange Kush has been around California MUUUUUUCH longer than 2 years.

And this is the kicker -------

Jdog said:
Anyway, I'm more interested in seeing how bomb this Orange Kush is then arguing about wether it's the real one or a fake one.

Then why the fuck have you been PMing me out of nowhere talking shit?I COULDNT GIVE 2 SHITS ABOUT YOUR FAKE ORANGE KUSH, PLEASE QUIT PM'ing ME ABOUT IT, AND DONT POST YOUR BULLSHIT IN MY THREADs.

Even if you "screwed up the years" (after you got caught in your BS lie, lol) , your Orange Kush is still to recent to be the real bomb Orange Kush thats been in Cali for a long time.

Thanks for screwing up my thread Jdog, you've just made yourself look more childish and immature. Dont harass ME anymore with your PMS. I Havent PMD your dumbass, I havent trolled you, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
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LOL he said there's 2 real purple kush cuts. Man are you serious. I'm not even gonna get into it cause this clown really thinks he knows it all. And you can't tell a dude like that nothing. And dudes if you were to call all the people on these boards out for having fakes we'd be here for an eternity. One
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