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Purple Kush SSR


jaykush said:
duuude nando the ladies loooove the taste of pk, everytime they rip it no matter who it is. you get the" mmmmm it taste soo good" always puts a smile on mine and their face.

It's everyone's favorite down here at tha mo'. Totally forgot about everything else. :yummy: My girl super luvs it for nighttime. I luv tha PK bubble for nighttime. Dependin on yer favorite grade/if you press/leave unpressed/whatever you do - you can get that krisp PK flavor real nice on tha exhale and then it's a coughin' fit after that. hehe I cannot believe it put us out so hard last night. I was a mumblin, fumblin fool. Been a while since that feeling.

Nandro :sasmokin:


hello friends :joint:
hummm so the grape ape is better then the GDP but not as good as the PK, where does urkle fit in there with you two??

and i'm guessing the PI kicks all those others??
interesting for sure :joint: :chin:


Urkle fits in with other 'daytime' Indicas for me. Urkle has just enough Indica to keep my body feelin good, and enough Sally in there to keep me heady and busy. But never so overpowering that I can't do much/couchlocked. Great taste and aroma.

PI is a straight-up high quality purple Indica with a similar taste, but not quite there. A bit more distinct [aromas, too] from tha others with a crushing knock-out STONE. No HIGH to it, all stone'ya to tha bone'ya.

I don't think you could improve on any of these purples w/o losing some of those qualities we all enjoy. Best left alone, if you ask me. Especially original PK.

Now, maybe some backcrossing in my spare time for shits n giggles on tha other hand...
Nandro :sasmokin:


hello nandro :joint:
cool cool thanks for the info, now in post 21 which PK are you talking about..i think we need #next to the letters PK....

which one is the ORIGINAL PK that your talking about, sorry i must seem slow to you but just trying find the best purp i can....and i keep getting turned around by the casual use of the letters PK, i use to think that stood for pure kush but now it stands for far more it seems...
thanks bro :joint:


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
urkle dont really get me stoned. it taste good. well, im kind of sick of that purple taste so i dont even really like the taste. stone is pleasant but not stoney at all. for daytime dandro lol pk is my daytime, morning and nighttime smoke. be mumblin and stoney all day long. with that grin you just cant loose.

pk is best left alone but i have some plans with her, you just gotta pick the right partner thats all.


Tha PK I speak of, Jaws, is tha original olskool PK. Tha one that's all over from tha south bay up into tha valley all tha way through bako all tha way up to tha north bay.

Jay haha bro I feel ya' I just put it as eloquently and nicely as I could. Urkle is good weed to give yer younger stoner brother when you have plenty of PK to keep ya' nice and medicated. hehehe :smile:

Peace, bros
Nandro :sasmokin:


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
Urkle is good weed to give yer younger stoner brother when you have plenty of PK to keep ya' nice and medicated. hehehe

omg hahahahahaha thats the funniest shit ive heard in a while hahahaha. so true....
nandro said:
My g/f's last words last night were "it tastes go good....*ZzzzZzzzzZZZZZzzzzZzzZzZZz....*" after a coupl'a cano bags and roor snaps. lmao And shes a fuckin' toker, lemme tell ya'.

Shit will catch ya off-guard,
Nandro :sasmokin:

lol thats some funny shit. I fell asleep halfway through a huge bowl of ice cream last night , woke up and put my foot in the bloody mess this morning. Purple kush is the only bud that affects me like this.

Smokescreen, at least you got some AK don't despair. I dedicate this PK joint to you though :joint:

Beautiful Purple kush there Kigy. You're 3rd run with her? Could you tell me a little bit about how she grows, and what she reacts best to? Great pics.

The Purple Kush does inspire a lot of reactions from the ladies "oh my god Ive never seen weed like that, its so pretty, wow it smells so strong, it tastes so good!" etc. On the rare occasion my wife tokes up, I always give her the PK cuz she gets all rowled up for some reason. But then in bed, she just lays there. Kind of a win/lose situation lol but understandable.... smoking PK without a tolerance will disable you.

This thread needs more Purple Kush pics. What's up with some PK nugs and closeups Jay? Hook a brother up ;) And maybe some more plant shots Kigy? lol I'm ripped and I gotta go to work. Much love guys
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cavalleysmoker said:
This thread needs more Purple Kush pics.





Nandro :sasmokin:


Active member
yeah the Grape Ape is the best out of the purples. and the PK is in a class of its own.


I feel like I'm in a Bay Area rap video with all this talk :yummy:

@cavalleysmoker: I don't have a whole bunch of harvest photos as they all came out blurry or awkward. You asked about how it grows. I always run my purple strains in soil FFOF with the FF line of nutes. This is the first time I'm keep my mothers in coco but they seem a little more vigorous than soil with AN's A+B veg. Will turn purple w/o temp drop but defintely gives it a deeper color if temp is dropped to high 50's during nightand let go til ~60 days. Here's 3 of my 9 PK's that I have. I like to tie mine down especially the PK so the side shoots develop into good size buds. Slow veg as usual with purple strains with minimal stretch as you flip the switch.

Here's where they stay at:

(my only other harvest shot)

(and the full plants hanging out [vegged 4 weeks])
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On another note, I plan on selecting on a father out of one of rez's Apollo 11's and crossing it with one of my PK's. Couldn't think of any clever names but I should have A11xPK beans by the summer.

Awesome nandro and Kigy thanks for the pics and info. You should take a page out of Rez's book and just call it "Apollo Kush" lol... Sounds like the cross should have some potential though I've heard nothing but good things about Apollo 11. Quite a colorful boquet you had hangin up there to dry must've smelled wonderful. I just love the resin coverage on PK the plant pics never fail to surprise me. And just look at them purty Kush leaves... Any particular reason you run your Purple strains with FF nutes? Props again on the info I just got a pretty new Purple desktop picture :joint:

gotta go to work wish I could take a closer look at the pics...keep it green all. Or in this case, Purple :bandit:


cavalleysmoker said:
Awesome nandro and Kigy thanks for the pics and info. You should take a page out of Rez's book and just call it "Apollo Kush" lol... Sounds like the cross should have some potential though I've heard nothing but good things about Apollo 11. Quite a colorful boquet you had hangin up there to dry must've smelled wonderful. I just love the resin coverage on PK the plant pics never fail to surprise me. And just look at them purty Kush leaves... Any particular reason you run your Purple strains with FF nutes? Props again on the info I just got a pretty new Purple desktop picture :joint:

gotta go to work wish I could take a closer look at the pics...keep it green all. Or in this case, Purple :bandit:
I stick with what works I guess. I'm not trying to get huge yields out of it, I just enjoy that good quality tasting medicine. If it means less yield but a better smell and flavor I'm all for it. The reason I use FF nutes actually is because the cut of PK I have seems to run extremely well with it without sacrificing taste. I stop Tiger Bloom around week 5 though. Flipping the switch on 6 of em this wednesday and I'll make sure to document them a little better this time. Since those pics i have a fancy 8.0 MP cam that's great for macros.


ahhh pk god i love it. smoking some right now... ahhh so smoooth. got a few nice ladies getting ready for a nice tree run again but with her other siblings as well... no crooses from the pk here just pk... man its almost wrong in terms of flavor and smell. i mean it smells so good and the taste i mean the taste.. ahhhhhh.... hang on a sec....


ok much better now..

i feel pk is really just like everyone has said in a class of its own...end of story. lol

and its a trip how you can tell dank as pk from others. they ahve the same taste and smell description.. its a trip dude cavalley you nailed jays descrip. kinda what we always smell...haahhah

got to love and rep the pk... its a fav.

bubba in front pk in back. will ahve better pk pics in a few days.
MysterX said:
i feel pk is really just like everyone has said in a class of its own...end of story. lol

and its a trip how you can tell dank as pk from others. they ahve the same taste and smell description.. its a trip dude cavalley you nailed jays descrip. kinda what we always smell...haahhah

The taste and smell of PK are unmistakeable and you have to smell/taste it personally to truly understand. The indicators in the Taste and Aroma categories simply can't describe it. Lovin those leathery ass Kush leaves MysterX thanks for the contribution... Can't wait to see some more shots

And yeah that was almost creepy how alike our curing descrips were... Sparked some intense Kush discussion via PM lol.. Can't believe he mentioned "the essence of Kush" when describing taste and smell as well... Jay really knows his shit as far as Kush is concerned thats for sure.

Thanks for the input Kigy, I've never been one to take quantity over quality either... Especially not if PK is added to the equation heh.

I really have to get back to work, beautiful pics all.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey whats up guys

mysterx man always got the kush pics, flavas galore with the kush. hope ur good and toasted off that pk. its not that crazy we got the same descriptions theres only one pk and we both know it well so thats why there so similar. plus kushheads think alike. proves theres one real deal haha. cant wait too see more pics from u.

CAvalley damn you know it, cant beat the essence of kush only a few heads down like that. i know u been buggin with the pics so heres some macros and a dense 6 gram pk nug, this is a big KUSH nug they dont always grow small just gotta pimp em right. and a shit load of macros of the nugs inner goodness. mmmm it taste sooooooo good damn nice n stoney shit tears you up.

enjoi :joint:
Shit Jay i didn't even see those macros until today...Helll yea that shit is awesome... LOL didnt mean to bug you about em... but your Purple Kush pics are off the hook.. Didn't dissapoint either... For real... thanks for takin the time to handle that for me brother those close ups are siiick. That fuckin 6 gram nug looks good enough to eat. Hope all is well brother...

I got a half ounce of PK that's been curing since january stuck up in the closet, opened the jar the other day and was absolutely blasted by the aroma. You could almost hear it rushing out of the jar lol.. stanky goodness...4/20 needs to come already... I know these nugs are going to taste so damn Kushy. Any you other Kush smokers got special plans for 4/20? It's gonna be a good one this year.

MysterX... Whats up brother... Did you ever get around to takin those pics? Sounded pretty promising... Post em up if you got em...

Im so stoned... You know you're ripped when you're singin along to the Jackson 5... "A-B-C... easy as 1-2-3"... lmao... time to put the bong down... peace everyone

best regards, cvs