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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
Check out this guys Instagram pages. All of them. He has many. His web sites too.

To anyone who hasn’t been reading his previously posted bs… Let this be a lesson to the new members & beginner growers ,… do your research before buying seeds. Ask around too. Use your better judgement and try not to fall for the claims made by such Seed Makers/fertilizer experts/ world travelers/ neo shaman/ landrace expert/ rks expert. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

There’s many factors in cannabis cultivation… don’t let the same pitch be one of them.

There’s a lot of scam artists in this industry unfortunately.

But! We can always take something good from something bad and 30k people may have just experienced that.
He's just playing the recent game of some of our more shameless and deplorable politicians. Every accusation is really an admission, it's pure projection. These are the things he has been doing himself, so if he simply accuses the "other guy" of doing it, the water is sufficiently muddy. Some won't pay attention, or will think folks are ganging up on him... there was already such an example earlier in this thread.

I'm pretty sure a few of the replies supporting him were his own fake accounts, which he conveniently accuses others of doing. Thing is, the people talking against him are all at least fairly well known people. I'm not, because I just never wanted to post pics and shit back when things were hot. Old habits die hard.

Anyway, yeah, this is a frustrating thread.

Potato salad.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
There are no unexplored areas of the world that have not had indica and hybrid seeds introduced. The best of the old lines seem to be scarce for some reason. Best meaning you felt like you lost your mind kind of. Too much for the masses maybe.


Well-known member
At one point they joined forces and grew it at an Eli Lilly farm which is now controlled by pfizer so we can all see who is going to take the industry over time and what legalization is really about.


I may have things to say about Rockefeller's involvement, depending on how things go over the next couple months.


Well-known member
I watched a strainhunters episode once and I can't recall where they were looking for landraces and they recognized one of their strains in a patch.

They go through the patch and Arjan says 'this is crap, its all Cheese(Skunk)'
The farmer turns to him and says 'yeah, these are the seeds you gave us a decade ago and we've been growing this instead of if Lambsbread as you told us to do'


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Pretty funny how we are on one of if not the worlds largest cannabis data mine (icmag)

But no one is willing to use it....or they have and feel ashamed lol the former or the latter doesn't surprise me either way

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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Any more theories, conspiracies, or conspiracy theories that need debunking....as you can see during this whole thread I take pleasure in doing so. education as my career has shown to be my #1 platform

If that tickles your pickle....Google the difference between education and indoctrination


Donald Mallard

el duck
so basically you are saying we are a bunch of dummies , who dont grow much , are riddled with conspiracy theorists and have no idea what we are on about ,
and you are here for what ? to save us , to educate us, mere mortals, with your superior knowledge ??
its fantastic isnt it ,,
we are saved guys ,, geez it was a worry for a while , but our savior is here ,
how we coped before , i have no idea , but we can rest easy now ,
the medicine man is here to save us from ourselves ....


Well-known member
So you are comparing commercially grown high altitude native soil pot that's grown and bricked by poor native farmers and imported to something grown with the most cannabis specific nutes in a hydroponic medium? In a greenhouse?

I think anyone that grew gold better from those seeds in Cali from then till now will have opposing opinions

Stay tuned let me change your mind

Was there Colombian Dorada in the video? In what second? In what month of the year is flowering so advanced? Or is the title confusing me, and what are you talking about a Skunk "genotype"? They all look like commercial hybrids, some with a lot of indica blood, right?


Well-known member
It’s hardly an Enigma. Rks is a term that grifters and scammers use to get your money. I may submit this to urban dictionary

Roadkill skunk : skunky weed; smells of dead skunk. A description often used by scam artists and grifters
to trick their customers in buying something that will smell like fruity pebbles.
How long has this nonsense been going on now? I stopped reading it after talking about selling to the tourists in the jungle. 🤣 CL🍀


Well-known member
Any more theories, conspiracies, or conspiracy theories that need debunking....as you can see during this whole thread I take pleasure in doing so. education as my career has shown to be my #1 platform

If that tickles your pickle....Google the difference between education and indoctrination


Oh, what a paragon of modesty and sincerity we have before us! Your unbridled passion for debunking theories is truly a shining example of selfless dedication to the greater good. I'm sure the halls of academia echo with tales of your legendary feats in exposing the hidden truths, as you humbly tout your career in "cannabis education" as the ultimate moral high ground.

But let's not forget your stellar advice to "Google the difference between education and indoctrination." Because, clearly, your profound insights are on par with the wisdom of the internet's search bar. It's almost as if years of study and experience can be replaced by the magic of instant search results!

And how can we overlook the magnanimity of someone who takes such "pleasure" in debunking, a true modern-day superhero. I'm sure the cape is in the mail. Your commitment to education is undoubtedly as sincere as a snake oil salesman's pitch. Bravo! Please, share more of your pearls of wisdom – the world is surely on the edge of its seat awaiting your next enlightening Google search or Instagram post revelation.


Well-known member
It's all true guys. Just yesterday I thought I had found the long lost Christmas Tree Bud. As I set up my clone lab, grinning to myself, I'm thinking damn... Madman would be proud of me. It's a very isolated example, classic form, smells all of conifer resin. Not a tourist in sight. Damn, I'm gonna be famous!

Imagine my embarrassment when I found out it was in fact, our Christmas tree. Madman would not make such a rookie mistake. But now I know better. I thank this thread for my meducation, can't believe this shit is free!

Potato salad.


See the world through a puff of smoke
The "catadores, "or crop tasters, report that although Santa Marta Gold is still the most famous of the Colombian line, the Arhuaco Indians in the higher altitudes are growing an even more potent variety of pot: Mona (blond) plants so pale that they look bleached. The Cielo Azul heights produce a pale plant known as Blue Sky Blond, developed as a hybrid two years ago with seeds from Thailand. Even the arid and low-lying fields of the Guajira peninsula, which are irrigated and farmed with tractors, grow a good green grass.

Article from The Times 1979 about Colombia.

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