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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



On a mailtrain.
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we have run a few sativa leaning plants over the years and currently trying a few more over here in eastern colorado

but it is a real challenge to find a sativa that will finish at 37 degrees latitude…has to be done around Oct the first week

otherwise it is a roll of the dice

i have acquired some South American genetics over the years and I would love to plant a hundred or more seeds and take a look at what comes up

but I do not want to waste my time if the plants won’t finish

looking at options


Well-known member
I have had this strain for a long time ,a deceased friend I got it from told me when he got it he was told it was a Colombian hybrid but who knows?. Some phenos will dry goldish without gridling or special techniques and some phenos stay green and some turn a bit purple even before it gets cold but to be honest I have only ran it a few times and I live in Southern Ontario so its expression will be different depending but it is cerebral. I don't fuck with it since it offers different phenos but inside it is really loose and gets huge.I just hung it on fishing line in the garage,that's why I mentioned a strain may have to have the genetics to turn the true color or you get green or just weed void of chrorophyll like the color of a dead leaf that falls or one could call any strain gold if that's all it took.

Beautiful buds there. Reminds me a lot of the honduras from ace seeds, which is also a colombian hybrid


Well-known member
Yeah, there are plenty of nld types that will turn "gold" after curing. I have a phenotype of Velvet Buzzsaw (doc D) that goes straight gold after a few months cure. Beautiful smoke.

And yeah, also plenty of types which carry the Sandalwood incense terps. I have several; Lime Kush (Swamp Boys breeder cut), a "Piff" line from PCF, and one that I made last year (GG4 x Velvet Buzzsaw). And I didn't spray one single mL of Dr Pepper, or Coca Cola (since his Dr Pepper claim was shot down, gotta pivot). I also didn't have to work my mafia connections (das a joke).

This whole thread is like an Abbot and Costello skit. Can't make this shit up.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
you mean with sun drying , coke , fermentation and then compression???

what about people who report that from plants that have had none of those things done to them ?
ive smelt it plenty with mango haze and from nevils haze ,
a mate toking a joint on my verandah said he couldnt take any home because the smoke just permeated through the air and his neighbours would definitely smell it ...

ive gone back into a room an hour after having a few bongs in there ,
the room still stank like a woody, musty , incense aroma , as though the smoke was still in the air ,
and it sure wasnt skunk smelling ...
Conflating 2 separate strains means nothing really



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Masters, I hope you dont mind some facts
It is impressive the passion, you guys keep this bs for decades going

In Pucallpa, it doesnt matter if is the sativa or the indica hindu kush skunk, it will all be auto and very little plants
The indica side will get eaten alive by the local fauna. A very humid swamp environment is not of the liking of these types of plant.
And the sativa side of skunk will be a short plant with little productivity starting to flower at 40-45 days from seed at any time of the year in Pucallpa

The sativa side of skunk and CG72 from USC outdoors have the same flowering time. The difference is the flowering onset. Skunk flowers under 14 hours of light but CG72 will flower below 12 hours of light outdoors

No colombian cartel in Ucayali province. This is territory of the comandos

The weed in Ucayali province were Atalaya and Pucallpa are located arrives by Cessna planes landing at these jungle airports and backpackers
The military destroys one and the comandos make 10 new ones
View attachment 18923097
The local market is just for tourists. Police catches in Pucallpa is 50 kgs a batch maximum
In comparison, this is a typical paraguayan weed catch. This one is from last week
Every brick is one kilo
View attachment 18923098
Show me your tonnes of Mangobiche catches please
This is Mangobiche TLT. It is hemp, no high at all. It had a lot better resistance than the spanish version though and I believe it is because it is adapted to this continent and have the same ants and shit
Hard to believe the hype. At this part of the world, nobody ever heard of Mangobiche nor Colombian Gold and whatever the colombians are bringing south as colombian gold is cripi, euro amnesia smells
View attachment 18923099
People dont talk about strains. It is called marihuana. And people refer to flowers and brick, thats the only distinction made. And weed has 2 qualities: good weed or bad weed.

Peru is a very traditional society people dont smoke much but you can find weed at any tourist hotspot
The figures for south america are doubtful. and the reason is what Maha points out about being looked upon, so people hide their vices and when asked for the polls they are all saints. And the figures dont include the black market, the figures for Brazil are unbelievable

If sourced in Pucallpa doesnt mean it is grown in Pucallpa
You can call it comando's gold and nobody will complain

Have a nice weekend and thanks all for the posts and entertainment
Hey dude. Appreciate the info

All be it half truth.

Atalaya is not pulcalpa #1
No plains fly from Paraguay there just to drop weed off people can grow themselves

There's alot of documentaries on coca production in peru by vice news and other independent journalists

Here is a massive weed patch literally in atalaya just across the river from the city

Peru is a very self sufficient cannabis producer. They have no need for imports

It foolish to assume otherwise. It also extremely unwise to say atalya is a tourist town. It isn't. I saw maybe 3 other foreigners there iver my 33 day visit

Telling and and everyone else the locals in atalaya don't drink, smoke weed or do cocaine is a massive lie. Or grow weed locally to supply themselves.

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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Here is some more amazing single source isolated haze




Well-known member
ended up doing a 33 day bobinsa dieta and 18 ayahuasca ceremonies. The cannabis was grown up and down river from this property. Every night leaving the ceremonies around 1 am the stream just reeked like pungent skunk

Conflating 2 separate strains means nothing really


Your own words.
This crop you found at a tourist attraction is commercial Skunk
Not Colombian Gold, not Peruvian Gold.
Skunk. Polluted Skunk schwag. Just like everyone here said.

And, buddy, 18 Aya doses??
This thing you said has been swimming in my head for a whole day and night. Its making me pity you a bit.
1- that part of the story is as accurate as the other claims
2- that was so much DMT as just a touristy brew of MAOi's, which would still produce some effect for a novice, and points to a trend of not being fully cognizant and discerning
3- something like Asperger's.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
He sells a version of RKS that doesn't have any Skunk lol. People still think they can find it. We old timers looked for many decades and never found anything close. The only clone Ive never tried to confirm or deny was Shoreline which supposedly has some skunk aroma?.


Well-known member
He sells a version of RKS that doesn't have any Skunk lol. People still think they can find it. We old timers looked for many decades and never found anything close. The only clone Ive never tried to confirm or deny was Shoreline which supposedly has some skunk aroma?.

I see lots of people claiming they have shoreline these days but none of them seem to be coming forward claiming they have skunk. So I’m calling BS at this point.

I think it’s fair to say that no one has it. Anyone who really had a real roadkill smelling skunk would be screaming from the mountain tops about it with proof to back it up. All these guys are just trying to cash in on a lie in my opinion. It’s disgusting


Well-known member
I dont see what the skunk obsession is to be honest with you. Ive grown sensi skunk n1 as well as lemon skunk from dna and it certainly didn't jump out at me, tastewise or potency. Maybe i need to go on the hunt for this infamous rks to change my skunk point of view


Well-known member
Does this guy sell his own seeds too? I keep hearing him brought up. Im not a member of any other grow sites

Yes he does and don’t get me started in this guy lol. He took some seeds that are

50% haze
25% blueberry
12.5% skunk 1
12.5% African

and named them roadkill skunk. years later after selling his lie, not a single roadkill skunk plant in circulation?
Imagine how much money could be made selling a true RKS clone ? It’s all built on lies
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