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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
doesnt rule out the afghani as the source for the skunky aroma though despite what rob says about origins ..
Clarke (1981) accepted Anderson’s “Indica” concept for plants from Central Asia, “Strains from this area are often used as type examples for Cannabis indica.” In addition to morphological differences, he noted a phytochemical trait – Central Asian plants uniquely produced an acrid, skunk-like aroma.


Well-known member
I grew a pre soviet Mazar this year. It was far from skunky. Very Citrus pine. Looked alot like dutch sk1. It was pungent don't get me wrong. Def not rks.

Now if Sam and Clark are being forthcoming about the mazarxcolombianxmexican I would say after growing all 3 the skunk came from the sativas pre 1980 , circa 75 when skunknwas all over bc, all the old timers across n America say it was a NLD type. Just look at madjags plants from Arizona 78-82

When nevil said "skunk archetype " he meant sk1 not skunk weed.

By the time Sam got to Holland in 85, after the sacred seed bust, and was couch surfing. Sk1 basically had 0 "cailifornia skunk weed" left in it.

My best asvice to anyone is throw away the cookies and start up some old landraces. You will do far better understanding lineages then hearsay from others. Experience always trumps gossip

As Donald said the skunk gene comes from maybe Afghanistan but definitely Asia not Colombia. I smoked my share of Colombian when I was a youngster and never a skunk smell, I would remember ,anyone would. Medman ,respectfully, I think if your getting it out of Colombian it's because your finding it in hybrids,IMO your better off looking in the Kush mountain range for the real skunky stuff. Hybridization goes back to the early 70's and spread like a cancer. Good luck with your search.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I know of no one that smoked Colombian sixties to early seventies and said it tasted like pine or skunk. Late seventies I had the three main kinds of Lumbo and no skunk there, all incense and cedar smell. Good on you going to Peru and locating it but that has some indica in it.

Just because it has hybrid genes present does not mean some phenos will not revert back and maybe be more powerful for the mix of genes. The original Afghan was narrow leaf and I guess you would say sativa.

Early seventies that changed and I think that is where the skunk aroma came from. Just what I read as I was not smoking then, but good sources. Some of the Colombian of the seventies likely had some indica in it for that matter. They were breeding indica into sativa landrace by early seventies.
I would conquer with everything you said minus one point

That you cannot judge Dr pepper sprayed compressed bricks grown in s America in massive valleys outdoors in the 60s and 70s vs modern day techniques.

I have grown so many seasonal mothers outdoors in the summer and albeit they are similar to the offspring flowered Inside could be sold as a different flower under a different name
Genotypes are the key word. Sunshine, soil type and weather, the earths electromagnetic field will bring out features indoor plants will never have.

Like dude those people were smoking dried leaf calling it quads back then lol



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
If anyone wants to grow a non skunk ghani that's frankincense and spice. Look no further then gypsies afghani. I think in 09 I grew it skunk hunting. Talk about a landrace. Totally looked isolated/ Original. 0 skunk.

I got those free soldier mazar ic was giving out with the order the ones that can handle snow....one of the worst landraces I ever grew. Also no skunk. Ghani and skunk terps are not synonymous by any stretch.

I grew og Greg's / nevils garlic bud this summer. Once again. 0 skunk. Was beautiful. But. Smelled exactly like a unswept carpenter shop after a weekend of no human activity. Maybe a dash of garlic hidden under the sawdust

Here is the garlic. Super duper resinous



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I've grown northern lights #5 since the late 90s
Very ho hum smell. Very subtle pine. They claim it's a pure adghanica.



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I've grown northern lights #5 since the late 90s
Very ho hum smell. Very subtle pine. They claim it's a pure adghanica.

But if you want pungency skunk bottom. The thai in the nl2 brings it out.

I here the #1 though is very burnt rubber pungent. Im geussing the father of sensi star.



Well-known member
You have to have it dialed in or its not gonna shine... had two people grow the same cut, couldnt even tell it was the same weed.

You know chemdog aint chem?
unless its in hydro. Go ask Greg he can tell you!
Run it in organics just not the same...

Gotta grow skunks in coal and shale soil
Thats when they are the best!

Not some loamy corn field, they need sulfur
Grew horse radish one time no bite at all
Threw a handful of sulfur on it the next year
Like to burn your sinuses right out your nose

Even if you have to lime one hand and sulfur the other its gotta be in there or no rks

Thats the chemistry of VOCs volatile organic compounds... its science cant argue with that.

Garlic & Sulfur ?


Science of musky scents
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Well-known member
Even if you have to lime one hand and sulfur the other its gotta be in there or no rks

Epsom salts - Magnesium Sulphate?


Does anyone use it anymore now calmag is pushed?

Calmag has no sulphur? Magnesium Oxide vs Sulphate?

Maybe modern nutes dont contain sufficient levels of sulphur but hydro does due to epsom salts used.

Interesting. Sulphur is touted as the 4th nute, important for oil production in crops.

You may have found a missing link :unsure:
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Well-known member
The cation exchange capacity (CEC) determined by a soil test is a direct indication of the amount of negative charges on your soils.
Common soil anions (with their symbol and charge) include: chlorine (Cl-), nitrate (NO3-), sulfate (S04=) and phosphate (PO43-).
The 'soil cations' essential for plant growth include ammonium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Factors influencing the CEC include the soil type, the soil pH and the soil organic matter content.

:huggg: frontiersin very good resource!!!
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Well-known member
In regards to fertilizers, lots of folks have been shifting to salt blends for quite a few years now. Compared to what people were using 20-30 years ago, we’re using way more sulfur than we ever did when you compare nutrient profiles.
i think people quit growing those varieties for different reasons. Security risks being a big factor.


Well-known member
Triple bagged in your pocket and can smell it!
Have to use mason jars to contain it...
Now maybe since smell alone isnt enough in most states it can make a comeback?

Secluded backwoods where you would smell a skunk and steer clear
was the best place to grow those stinkers... :ROFLMAO:

Donald Mallard

el duck
I've grown northern lights #5 since the late 90s
Very ho hum smell. Very subtle pine. They claim it's a pure adghanica.

But if you want pungency skunk bottom. The thai in the nl2 brings it out.

I here the #1 though is very burnt rubber pungent. Im geussing the father of sensi star.

no one claims nl5 as pure indica ,
its definitely not ,,
please check these things as they are well known ...
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