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Pure colombian gold (peru)

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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
I know they have strains of hemp they breed to intentionally hermi because they produce higher yields of grain and shive for gaskets and bottle corks and oil . I read an article from one of the hemp breeders and he said they have to keep selecting for Monoecious strains or in a short time they revert back to their normal dioecious state.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
If you have a true pure landrace. Like this colombian gold for instance. Or most equatorial. Hermies are very natural as open pollination over hundreds of years keeps a massive genepool. Generally 20-25% are true hermie. With some male clusters expected here and there on the "female" plants

Afghanis and pakis will do it too. Just not as high as 25%



Well-known member
Before the drug war and people started growing clandestine and sensi became the rage it wasn't even talked about. All the imported weed that was seeded must have had some intersex plants among them at some point.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I know they have strains of hemp they breed to intentionally hermi because they produce higher yields of grain and shive for gaskets and bottle corks and oil . I read an article from one of the hemp breeders and he said they have to keep selecting for Monoecious strains or in a short time they revert back to their normal dioecious state.
yea ive read that too dime,
i wonder if they are a bit more vigorous also ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
If you have a true pure landrace. Like this colombian gold for instance. Or most equatorial. Hermies are very natural as open pollination over hundreds of years keeps a massive genepool. Generally 20-25% are true hermie. With some male clusters expected here and there on the "female" plants

Afghanis and pakis will do it too. Just not as high as 25%

perhaps that is because the equatorial stuff is grown for flowers ,
so they remove all males , so any seed in the crop is from hermies ,
i read that places like thailand used to get a persont to breed seed and they would purchase it to grow crops..

whereas in some places , im not sure if all ,indica grown for hashish still has some male floating around pollinating the girls as a few seeds is no issue ...
this is speculation really ,, but could have some basis for differences in % of hermie plants perhaps ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yes, but after over 100 pages you've convinced no one that you have a pure landrace, let alone Colombian Gold. The only thing accurate in the title is Peru!

The entire thread is misleading the community and trolling in my opinion.
this is true , i remain unconvinced they are a pure colombian/peruvian , or pure sativa ,
the flowering time on some is just too fast , and some of the flowers ive seen are just not like most equatorial sativas ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Seems a mod removed my last post. Not sure why as it was on topic. I'll repeat some of it. If you are going to allow this thread to remain, at least allow the topic to be discussed.

After over 100 pages you've convinced no one that you have a pure landrace, let alone Colombian Gold. All you have is something you found in Peru, which may or may not relate to Colombian Gold.


See the world through a puff of smoke
this is true , i remain unconvinced they are a pure colombian/peruvian , or pure sativa ,
the flowering time on some is just too fast , and some of the flowers ive seen are just not like most equatorial sativas ...
It's to broad leaved to be a pure Colombian. I'm not convinced either. You should have a flowering time of at least 16 weeks. Seedsman OHz was Colombian and the leaves very narrow.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
View attachment 18946842
Colombian Gold pic from the book Marijuana Grower's Guide from Ed Rosenthal & Mel Frank.
Haven't seen anything like this in this topic.

Looks identical

Maybe you guys would enjoy your life's more if you were here to learn something vs spending every oz of energy trying to slander and make me look bad?

Paranoia will distroya



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
ICAMG is a great sorce for info


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ICAMG is a great sorce for info

I appreciate you sharing these. I will mull thru them

Sadley. The cg / med-man deniers here aren't really into truth or reference material.....and are just hung up on making me look bad / confirmation bias

There's a few select breeders from the 70s still around today that sadley don't and won't post on ic that still hold pure gold like me. They opt to post on more professional and open minded platforms sadley as their experience and Info is well needed here....ironically not appreciated here. See the pattern?



Well-known member
Seems a mod removed my last post. Not sure why as it was on topic. I'll repeat some of it. If you are going to allow this thread to remain, at least allow the topic to be discussed.

After over 100 pages you've convinced no one that you have a pure landrace, let alone Colombian Gold. All you have is something you found in Peru, which may or may not relate to Colombian Gold.
Same here. And mine was really innocuous. Yet OP continues openly trolling the thread.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
med-man brand: critics to crickets

I will have to report any more conspiracy theories that this isn't cg as off topic trolling by the folks that have never grown it or even smoked it for that matter. Or even taken the time to read the thread but feel entitled to spam misinfo

Sharing your opinion once is fine. 100x is borderline bunny boiler status....no one cares

Screenshot_20240116_165935_Samsung Internet.jpg



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Most of us post personal experiences. Don't be so shocked when others are different.. Be honest about the seeds you offer. How you label them matters. It should never only be about $$$. That should be the last on your list. When people use your seeds to breed with and there not what there listed as hurts everyone.
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