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Pure colombian gold (peru)

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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
They opt to post on more professional and open minded platforms sadley as their experience and Info is well needed here....ironically not appreciated here. See the pattern?
If you feel that way why are you on this forum… trying so hard to convince us all you have a landrace you call Pure CG?

With that in mind… please elaborate on what makes your CG “Pure”?
In my 20 years around the plant I’ve never seen or grew anything that I’d classify as Pure. That term just doesn’t settle well with me… I feel the term Pure is more of a marketing ploy than anything.

So keeping things on topic, why is your “Landrace CG” “Pure”? Please let’s keep this honest and to the point.
Thank you.


Well-known member
I appreciate you sharing these. I will mull thru them

Sadley. The cg / med-man deniers here aren't really into truth or reference material.....and are just hung up on making me look bad / confirmation bias

There's a few select breeders from the 70s still around today that sadley don't and won't post on ic that still hold pure gold like me. They opt to post on more professional and open minded platforms sadley as their experience and Info is well needed here....ironically not appreciated here. See the pattern?


What forums ? Please link us. I would like to check out any new information I can find


Well-known member
Has anyone here ran the colombian from underground collective? It seems to have a better reputation than most of the other varieties


Well-known member
I've taken part in 5 Ayahuasca ceremonies; we have a shaman who lives on the edge of our village. And I've taken DMT (I make my own) possibly 20 times.

DMT, although not really recreational, can be taken as such, without needing to prepare ones self. DMT was a shock for me the first time I took it, despite 40 yrs of acid, mushrooms and most recently several Aya ceremonies. I was met be an entity who gave me a lot of information, as well as instructions on what I should be doing to improve the spiritual side of my life. I've not had the balls to go back there for a while.

Aya is much smoother but one does not always break through. It is generally not as intense as DMT (for me at least).

Every time I have done Aya I felt that it had a very positive effect on me. I was able to resolve issues from childhood and it helped me greatly with my spiritual life. My wife occasionally jokes that "you need to do Ayahuasca again".

I will do it again at some point but currently don't feel ready for it (I know it will kick my arse big time).

If you want to talk in more detail about Ayahuasca then please feel free to PM me.

I’ve been wanting to try DMT for years but haven’t had any luck getting it. I know the ingredients are available but I don’t really have the place to do it. CL🍀

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
I know they have strains of hemp they breed to intentionally hermi because they produce higher yields of grain and shive for gaskets and bottle corks and oil . I read an article from one of the hemp breeders and he said they have to keep selecting for Monoecious strains or in a short time they revert back to their normal dioecious state.

I’ve been wanting to try DMT for years but haven’t had any luck getting it. I know the ingredients are available but I don’t really have the place to do it. CL🍀
I had thought of making it for many years, but a while back met a cheap who had made some and I bought 1/2g.

I broke through on my first attempt and was met by an entity. It felt in a strange way like going home. I was told that it was ok to use up what I had, but that in future I must make my own.

It was surprisingly easy to make, once I had sourced all the ingredients. I did it outside in the patio table. I still have enough for 20 good hits, but haven't yet worked up the courage of the headspace to do it.


Well-known member
I had thought of making it for many years, but a while back met a cheap who had made some and I bought 1/2g.

I broke through on my first attempt and was met by an entity. It felt in a strange way like going home. I was told that it was ok to use up what I had, but that in future I must make my own.

It was surprisingly easy to make, once I had sourced all the ingredients. I did it outside in the patio table. I still have enough for 20 good hits, but haven't yet worked up the courage of the headspace to do it.
I stocked up a few years ago. It's the type of thing I might want to indulge in every few years. It's also the type of thing you can spend a few years thinking about after partaking. I also have some 5-meo dmt I have not taken the time to try. Not sure when the right opportunity to be in the right headspace at the right time will arrive.


Well-known member
I had thought of making it for many years, but a while back met a cheap who had made some and I bought 1/2g.

I broke through on my first attempt and was met by an entity. It felt in a strange way like going home. I was told that it was ok to use up what I had, but that in future I must make my own.

It was surprisingly easy to make, once I had sourced all the ingredients. I did it outside in the patio table. I still have enough for 20 good hits, but haven't yet worked up the courage of the headspace to do it.
Closest I have ever gone was an intense 🍄 trip. I tried buffo but never got a break through. CL🍀


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Anyine need any more conspiracy theories debunked feel free to Holla...

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Pics are not the best measure. They are all hybrid looking to me. Plants that have dominantly narrow leaves carry more of an NLD influence but variation within the gene pool is at play. Plants with wider hybrid looking leaves are gonna show. Afghan genetics will produce both narrow/wide leaves.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Pics are not the best measure. They are all hybrid looking to me. Plants that have dominantly narrow leaves carry more of an NLD influence but variation within the gene pool is at play. Plants with wider hybrid looking leaves are gonna show. Afghan genetics will produce both narrow/wide leaves.

That's a good point....one I should have considered

But if you told these colombian gold experts that have never grown or smoked it that genetically its 10-25% afghanica or indica, just pictures from 60 years ago they would autoswitch their stories to it being a pure sativa drop of a hat lol

So....pure colombian gold can easily be a African or Asian sativa x some type of hashplant. Only dna tests would know the true story. It happened in Mexico. So why not colombia?

But I am always open to being meducated myself.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Anyine need any more conspiracy theories debunked feel free to Holla...

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If I'd gone to Cambodia and found some cannabis plants and claimed they were pure Thai stick some 40 plus years after they disappeared I'd no doubt get a lot of criticism, same as you are getting.

The fact remains that you don't really know whether you have CG or not? Lets remember these come from Peru, could be anything? You are just assuming (or outright lying). At least I am old enough to have smoked Thai stick. You are not old enough to have any experience with the old CG, so in fact you don't know what you have.

Using leaf pictures as proof is really naive.

People in the landrace section care about the truth which is why many of are still pointing this out. If we don't comment on the legitimacy of your claims then newbies to the site are getting misinformation.


Well-known member
Claiming Colombian is one thing as a source of origin. Claiming real unadultered gold genetics is another. You can leave a plant outside in the cold and it will turn purple,that doesn't mean it is a true purple,you can sun dry any weed and it will turn yellow if you let it,that's harvest color that's not gold. ,gold is expressed in the calyx and is a genetic trait and isn't just controlled by the environment. We could all girdle stems and let them dry under a light and claim it's gold
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