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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds



Uh oh sounds like a full house, not a bad problem to have though

It always hurts to cut down and I have to cut down soon.

I don't think dropping to 400 on the center is the thing.

I can even out these two since Tiki-jo Kush Left is a lot slower on the Reveg that Tiki-jo sweet.

Not such a problem and the Reveg power of these two is a mater of record!

The Bags have to be here tomorrow or Tuesday so the clones will get done soon.

I only fed them the once.


Sorry if I missed this, but why were you thinking of downsizing to a 400?

Burned Colas because I can't raise the lights after a certain point.

Also I will be taking Cuts tonight.

I will be doing 4 blocks. The ZipLock bags are useful.


Update 7-20-2010

Update 7-20-2010

Well the large Zip lock bags came today. They look fine.

I went in to the box and watered well so that these thirsty gals would hydrate and they did. Too well but I will get to that.

So now the plant is in play. I started 4 clones of just the Tiki-jo Sweet and again I'll get to that.

They look cool in there.
So The Soil blocks had time to cure and dry out. I took a drill and made the clone hole bigger.

Then looked at how the Bag will work out with just the blocks to get an idea of the space and it's rather spacious in there. I am not sure about the Blue bag color but we will see.

into the holes I spooned the Raw Organic Honey .

The honey has the effect of being an antibiotic that will turn to food in a short while from what I understand.

I then cut a few clones, scraped the stems a little, dipped them in rooting hormone and inserted into the honey. I then filled in the holes with soil mix making a "honey and dirt" mud.
This packed the soil around the cuts.
I will check on the fill again in a little bit but I feel I filled the hole well with soil mix.

Then I misted these cuts and blocks. Starting with a dry block I will let them slowly soak up the moisture. I want them to be moist but not wet.
I will have to check on the weight to know but for today it's all good.

Then The Zip Lock bag was zipped up and that is it I trust. The LED will run 24/7 and with some luck 10 days from now there will be clones.

That is very important today.

Today I opened the box before lights on and gave the girls a good watering. They were due and I wanted them to soak up water so I could take a good and hydrated cut. They had a good draw of water.
Later I was in the next room and I heard a thump but didn't think much about it. It didn't sound like much and I didn't recognize the sound either.
Come lights on tonight I open the door and two branches had broken off the TJS ( Tiki-jo Sweet ) and had fell to the floor. Whoa..
I was trying to figure this out. I mean did the Cat or what cause this but I have been here all the time in-between seeing the girls get water in the dark and opening the Box at lights on.
We are not talking small branches here as it was 80% of the plant IMO.

And now a real <OH SNAP!> I get it. I truly get the "Oh Snap" now. Totally.
Wow.. So did the Tiki-jo sweet reveg well.. Yes indeed a bit too much.

I have what is left of that plant and maybe she will recover. I took some hard wood cuttings and they are in the refrigerator in water. I also coated a stem with rooting hormone after a light scraping and buried it in the box.
I'm humbled. I was proud and now I see the need to be wise and support the plants when they get big.
The water uptake was the reason the two broke off but you understand just how well the plant reveged. Had it been outside It would have grown way more than a couple ounces of bud.
That brings me to think that I should grow just one Feminized plant in there and see what she can do.
How sad.. Shit happens. Water weight never crossed my mind. I have never had such a heavy plant in that box before. She grows healthy friends.

Last edited:


Hah, that's some good learning experience there!

I assume you mean the branch snap. Shocked me twrex! I didn't even think twice on it growing that big and heavy. Oh I was about to trim it down tonight but not like snapping off two branches at the base.

Everything will be recycled back into the soil. I have hope the plant will stay alive and put on some colas. If she does then all will be good. I need room to do bulk seeds.

Also friends. I forget what they are called officially but those nodes on the stalks look like they could root. I hope so. I planted it.

Other than the Snap.. I hope I have luck with the clones. It's the simple things that are up to nature doing it's thing that seem difficult because I can't help the process along. Seeds sprout and seedling can die off. Clones sometimes grow easy and sometimes refuse to root. Exactly what makes things go wrong can be a worry.

The naked truth is change is the only constant.


Have you peeked to see if there are roots yet?

No they are in big blocks so I will see growth before I see roots.

I do have one clone in a 2 gallon. It was a test a cutting style and it was one of two .
It sure takes a long time Eh Kannubis.
I am thinking of adding the heating bad today. It may not be staying warm enough at night.


You know what guys? I am wanting to hedge my bets here. The branch snap and the time frame makes me want to switch to the 2 inch blocks and go with numbers to insure I get some clones going.

I will be making a frame to give a square space. I have to practice cloning. I just don't do it often enough.

So today I will make 2 inch blocks and improve the system. Dial it in as we say..


Time flies when you're having fun though. This is a great hobby. There are aspects that can be applied to everyday life. Plus there will be a market for boutique flowers whether or not Prop 19 passes.

The heating pad is purported to add the extra little bit of environmental control that gives the baby cuts that just right condition for rooting. Set it at 78° and forget it for a week if moisture stays constant in your box/bag getup. This is one that I want to see work out as planned or better.



Time flies when you're having fun though. This is a great hobby. There are aspects that can be applied to everyday life. Plus there will be a market for boutique flowers whether or not Prop 19 passes.

The heating pad is purported to add the extra little bit of environmental control that gives the baby cuts that just right condition for rooting. Set it at 78° and forget it for a week if moisture stays constant in your box/bag getup. This is one that I want to see work out as planned or better.


It's a concern here since I don't clone that often. If I had to produce clones I might work with a bubble cloner just for production.

I built a pvc pipe frame that fits in the bag so it will hold open the space. I am Thinking some today to dial this in. One clone in a container did do well under the LED unit so I have faith the light works.
I think I will make a wire floor to keep the blocks off the bag floor and above the heated area. A water space and an insulator from the heating pad..
If there is a place for water to be then humidity will be generated.

Time to get serious. Two inch blocks are drying on the hood of the car in the sun. I expect them to be ready to use today as it is 99 - 100 and hotter on the metal hood because they are much smaller.

I want to see it work out well too. I have never had a clone program.


Alright friends. 10 of each line in.

When i made this soil mix I made it for the large blocks. Smaller blocks do better with finer materials ground up and mixed in. Like glue or filler.

So the 2 inch blocks I made did dry enough but would not hold up for poking a hole for a clone. So I got out the mini-pots.

10 each will give me a few clones to work with.

So the Check list is :
1) Cutting 10 each
2) neutral soil mix.
3) Large Ziplock bag ( humidity dome )
4) heater pad.

Cross my fingers there will be plenty to work with.

Tiki-jo Kush was cut back a little and Tiki-jo Sweet is doing alright after the Snap.

It's on!

Also change of plans for who will get crossed. I will be crossing with Iced Grapefruit as well as selfing.
I had planned to use Widow Warrior but that strain is more mystery than i had planed for. Flowering from seed @ 14 hour day is the main reason crossing with my male Widow Warrior is out.
So unless the ( 3-4 year old package) GHS White Widow will germinate ( 2 down + out and three in the bag soaking ) I have no other plans than the Iced Grapefruit.
I expect the Iced Grapefruit and the Tiki-jo's to offer an interesting spread of phenos. Should be fun to grow them out to see what is what.

So Kannubis says a week. I figure 10 days. Lets see a few take. I'm not going to worry about being perfect with the cloning program right now. I'll practice and work on it.

Thanks for reading everyone. It's nice to share this hobby with others.


Active member
high Jack, you are one busy guy, lol.

as you know from our PM's i am doing similar things in
my garden and i will soon start my own thread documenting
my own CS experiments, i can't wait to pop some femmed

anyway, as i am a micro-grower with limited space i
began learning how to clone almost from my first day.

in truth i have been a mostly clone grower for almost
3 years so i'm pretty familiar with getting roots reliably.

during my climb up the learning curve i tried many methods
until i decided to build a bubble cloner that i used with
great success for over a year getting near 100% .

then i discovered a passive wick-style method which
seemed so easy and cheap i had to try it.

suffice it to say, i've never gone back to my bubbler
and i never will, it just wouldn't make sense.

also, as it uses only water and vermiculite i thing it will
appeal to your organic heart, lol.

anyway, here is the link and some pics of one of my
cloners and the results, these were left in for 17 days.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=42847World class cloner new at walmart

hope this helps, SOG


About those trays SOG.. They are hard to find. So I ordered two. Thanks for the heads up.
They are called Water Bottle Ice Tubes.

So I'll be trying this method. I love soil and I love soil blocks but to make clones easier I like that too and you are right vermiculite and water is organic enough for me.

SOG said he uses rooting powder so that makes it easy too.


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Introducing JackTheGnome

Introducing JackTheGnome!

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Also the Clones have not done the flop of death.. Well one looks like it was a bad choice for a cut.

The humidity and keeping it warm at night seems to be helpful.

Just that i will not count my clones before they root,


Things Are looking good. I have some questions on the back 40.. looks like some air is good back there.


10 of the sweet and 10 of the kush should come out awesome. Lots of possibilities there. Hope to see somebody I have talked to make the CS work. If you make it work, I'll try it again.

Shout out to JackTheGnome.