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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
G'day Jack, love this thread. I just did a clone run and used SPHAGNUM MOSS as the clone medium just for something different. 49 out of 53 cuts survived. I like trying different ways to clone.



G'day Jack, love this thread. I just did a clone run and used SPHAGNUM MOSS as the clone medium just for something different. 49 out of 53 cuts survived. I like trying different ways to clone.

Nice! Did you track the humidity?
I got some droop in there and the humidity was about 66% I let it dry. The Droop may reverse hopefully.
I feel awkward with the cloning. The Goal is just a few plants say 3 of each so hoping for a solid 6/20.

Finger crossed here. I have one Sweet that took in a 2 gal from the first try. She may be my Pollen Donor for sweet.

It's not going exactly like I envisioned.

I'll get there it's just going to take time.


Okay the Ice Tube Trays are in and modified. I will pick up some vermiculite soon and be ready.

These were a bit more expensive from Rei.com but they were the only place that had them I saw.

I will try this wick cloning method next.

I use a row and a reference side to know which row for all my projects so I marked rows A1, A2 .. C3 and I will write A1-1 for the first to C3-3 for the last.


Update 7-30-2010

Update 7-30-2010

The First Clone.

I experimented with the LED to see how and if it would work. I took two cuts and simply put them in my soil mix under the light.

One made it one did not.

It's a start.

The Mini-pot cuts are looking okay in there. They have a heating pad and a humidity tent.

I read The Humidity dome/tent is not necessary for the wick cloner.


Update 8-2-2010

Update 8-2-2010

The first clone a Sweet girl is really taking off.

Top dressed and fed with a witches brew.

Hey I have a Question. What is the preferred method of selective pollination?

I read rice flower, pollen and the paint brush.

Now to get one of the Kush clones going right.


Huh.. I thought I had posted already .. Heh..

I checked on the cuts in the little pots and there are 5 Tiki-jo Sweet and one Tiki-jo Kush that seemed to make it.

I need three Tiki-jo Kush so i am going to use the Ice Tubes and see if I can get three clones that way.

I noticed a small bag of Vermiculite was $5 and a very large bag was $7.. Go figure.

I have the tray in a small Tupperware container and there is a heating pad under it all.
My only alteration is to float some vermiculite on the reservoir water so i can see the water level better.


Active member
Huh.. I thought I had posted already .. Heh..

I checked on the cuts in the little pots and there are 5 Tiki-jo Sweet and one Tiki-jo Kush that seemed to make it.

I need three Tiki-jo Kush so i am going to use the Ice Tubes and see if I can get three clones that way.

I noticed a small bag of Vermiculite was $5 and a very large bag was $7.. Go figure.

I have the tray in a small Tupperware container and there is a heating pad under it all.
My only alteration is to float some vermiculite on the reservoir water so i can see the water level better.

high Jack, good to see you've got all the pieces to
the puzzle, now to root some clones!

something you might consider, especially if you only
need a few clones at a time is to cut one of the trays
in half, or almost as you'll end up with one that has 14
cells and one that has 13.

the operative point is that it will give you fewer cells
to clean after each run. ...i'd also recommend that
you take 6 cuts for your first run, that way you'll be
sure to get three healthy clones and if all root, you
just use the 3 best ones.

also, if you haven't got one yet i'd suggest you get a
cheap aquarium thermometer to hang in the cloner
reservoir, you want to keep it as steady and close
to 80 - 82 degrees as you can.

i also like to dump the res after 7 days as it starts
to go green with algae, i don't think the algae will
hurt but i think a fresh res with fresh water will be
more oxygenated than the algae filled res.

you don't need a dome and misting is optional, if you
have your cuts close to the bulbs as i do, you'll see
significant die-back of the leaves if you don't mist,
i need to correct a design flaw in my micro clone
factory, lol.

anyway, you'll see, this method is perfect for us
micro guys to provide ourselves with a reliable
source of healthy rooted clones.

good luck and have fun man, and give a shout out
to Burnt Rope, he's the original poster of the thread
i linked to earlier.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


Man, I havent been through here in a while, I would be lying if I said I hadnt forgotten about this thread. BUT here I am, and dude.. looks like everything is going very very well. Good luck in your edevores... I feel like Luke Skywalker in A New Hope trying to tell Yoda that he rocks with the force haha


high Jack, good to see you've got all the pieces to
the puzzle, now to root some clones!

something you might consider, especially if you only
need a few clones at a time is to cut one of the trays
in half, or almost as you'll end up with one that has 14
cells and one that has 13.

the operative point is that it will give you fewer cells
to clean after each run. ...i'd also recommend that
you take 6 cuts for your first run, that way you'll be
sure to get three healthy clones and if all root, you
just use the 3 best ones.

also, if you haven't got one yet i'd suggest you get a
cheap aquarium thermometer to hang in the cloner
reservoir, you want to keep it as steady and close
to 80 - 82 degrees as you can.

i also like to dump the res after 7 days as it starts
to go green with algae, i don't think the algae will
hurt but i think a fresh res with fresh water will be
more oxygenated than the algae filled res.

you don't need a dome and misting is optional, if you
have your cuts close to the bulbs as i do, you'll see
significant die-back of the leaves if you don't mist,
i need to correct a design flaw in my micro clone
factory, lol.

anyway, you'll see, this method is perfect for us
micro guys to provide ourselves with a reliable
source of healthy rooted clones.

good luck and have fun man, and give a shout out
to Burnt Rope, he's the original poster of the thread
i linked to earlier.

peace, and stay safe, SOG

Hey SOG! I went with the full boat all 27 have a cut in them. I hate to kill a clone but this is untested technology here.

Got that cheap as hell aquarium thermometer ($1.67) and it reads 85 so I dropped the heating pad down one notch. It;'s for humans and water proof but no exact temperature control. I could add some water to the main tray to create humidity and disperse heat.

The Vermiculite has sunk that I put in there to float for me. Doh! That's good tho because now I will set the tray up on it so there is some gap between the flat surface of the Tupperware tray and the Ice Tube tray.
There are more than three holes in the caps so I doubt the water wicking will be blocked.

I don't know about the light intensity issue. If some die and I am left with at least three out of 27 then all is well I guess.

So this is a watch and learn. I am counting on the ease of use I read about in that thread...
I sure will Shout out and add a link once I have some results.
I have enough vermiculite to make several thousand clones this way. I just couldn't see paying $5 for such a small bag when the 2 CF bag was $7.. Oh well.. I should add Vermiculite to yard plant mix as things dry out fast here.

Other than that the first pollinating will be a Sweet-Fem'd with the Kush and Sweet in the box now. That will cross off those two of my intended crosses and open the box for new friends.

Man, I havent been through here in a while, I would be lying if I said I hadnt forgotten about this thread. BUT here I am, and dude.. looks like everything is going very very well. Good luck in your edevores... I feel like Luke Skywalker in A New Hope trying to tell Yoda that he rocks with the force haha

Nothing much happening.. Just the slow pace of growing plants and learning new things.
I am sure i could have cut 30 days or more off this program's run if I had it all dialed in from the start but nope I am learning and adapting as I go.

The organic program is dialed in and I may enter one of the sweets in the 16 oz cup competition once I know for sure they are rooted well.
That Kush cut is still iffy on the rooting. Not looking like it feels good.

The First Tiki-jo Sweet however is growing fast! Loves witches brew and top dressing. I did add some raw washed cane sugar to that top dressing and it looks like all the good stuff is getting processed well. Time to top dress again I think.

Think of this as a magic act. I am juggling and waving my wand around so lets see if I pull a seed crop out of the magic hat.

I will be turning the soil after these two are harvested. Mixing in some materials and hoping the composting revs up a bit for a while.. There is a layer of plant material that needs to be turned in with some soil amendments.

That's it really. No real sadness just the history of delays.


I would be interested in seeing how it does in the 16 oz comp. I like to see well grown organics stacked up against hydro setups. I think that when I take clones of these two I am going to put thm in 16 oz cups. Probably not enter the comp but definitely emulate what I see over there.


I would be interested in seeing how it does in the 16 oz comp. I like to see well grown organics stacked up against hydro set-ups. I think that when I take clones of these two I am going to put them in 16 oz cups. Probably not enter the comp but definitely emulate what I see over there.

This would be my all home made products. So it's nothing tested in a lab.

I'll give it a shot. What the hell..


Dude, hell yeah go for it. I cant wait to see your strains. I am restricted to only a micro grow space so its cool to see organic guys growing small scale indoors.


Update 8-8-2010

Update 8-8-2010

Now I am in position. I will start a new CS Batch tomorrow and have placed the pollen mother clone into the main box.

I wanted to pollinate the Tiki-jo Kush with Tiki-jo Kush pollen but I want to free up the box more so I will open pollinate these two with Tiki-jo sweet.
So that will give me TJS X TJS and TJK X TJS feminized seeds.

Kannubis has good things to say so far on the TJK X TJS. I will expect more of a spread of traits in those seeds.
The TJS x TJS I expect to be a stronger Juicy Fruit experience. I will be trying to improve that quality since it is a nice smell.
Both plants have notably different highs. Well I can tell the difference.

So a few days to get this clone on the box light cycle and to make the CS and I will start the 12 hour days and start spraying the clone.

So it's on. I started a tray of TJS in the clone station and I have at least two good clones in the Mother room from what I can tell.
There is already a tray of TJK in the clone room.

This is the time of getting these seed projects done. I will be busy for a while with this effort but it will be worth it I am sure.

Photo below is after a cut down on the two plants in the main box. They have been cut down several times over the reveg days. TJS had damage and never seemed to be phased by that and all the "trim" has become mulch.

The pot is on a removable shelf in there. It comes in handy to add small pots to the flower box.

That's it for now.. I am buying some black spray paint soon and spraying the jar i use for the CS. That should help.
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I've been watching this channel now for a while, it beats the crap outta cable E-man.


I've been watching this channel now for a while, it beats the crap outta cable E-man.

It is a long one isn't it. I think it's more than half way over. Just waiting for the third coat of paint to dry and I will start the CS for this bath.

I have spray painted the Jar and the spray bottle to block light.

I think 1 or 2 days in the Main box is enough for that clone so as soon as the CS is ready i will flip the switch!

It On!


Dude you are doing great things. A couple years from now I'll be ordering 'super weed seeds' by Ernst, guaranteed organic from start to finish. I wonder if there will be increased viability with seeds grown from organic plants vs the commercial hydro setups?


Ummm,, That Hydro bred vs Soil bred and then Organic Soil bred.. That's a good question. I was reading that environment the seeds are bred influences how they grow. That seems reasonable.
So we can expect some behaviour of plants grown from seed bred in the places and ways they were is safe to say.

But Viability? That has to do with the state of the seed more than how it was grown I think.
Quality of plants? That could be argued. So far what I read from Kannubis the qualities of growth and scent are being expressed in the F1's and F2's and I believe organic soil is the best way to get a girl to perfume-up.
I'd have to have more data and/or experience with hydro and chemical growing to know for sure.

You know I do have several several hundred seeds here. I don't need them all..


I don't think that ten out of ten seeds, even fresh from the plant will always crack. You are right, though, maybe I meant vigor or flavor or quality over all. If a series of plants are grown organic would offspring be predisposed to aromatic and flavorful tendencies? Or is it all about nurture? Would two of the same strain, grown for generations side by side hydro/ organic end up varying enough to no longer be the same?

I am halfway hoping that my unknown turns out to be male. Forkin out 40 for a five pack just isn't making me happy.


I don't think that ten out of ten seeds, even fresh from the plant will always crack. You are right, though, maybe I meant vigor or flavor or quality over all. If a series of plants are grown organic would offspring be predisposed to aromatic and flavorful tendencies? Or is it all about nurture? Would two of the same strain, grown for generations side by side hydro/ organic end up varying enough to no longer be the same?

I am halfway hoping that my unknown turns out to be male. Forkin out 40 for a five pack just isn't making me happy.

On the Seeds cracking. They do have to basically have matured enough to fall off the plant or in the case of Kush be shot out like a BB to truly be ripe. So the best seed harvests are the ones where the plant naturally emits the seeds rather than harvesting a seeded plant after a number of days IMO.
With these Tiki-jo's I saw that the stray seeds kept on germinating weeks after harvest. Interesting enough but that means that even seeds have traits from what I can tell. Some will wait a while to open or perhaps wait for some ideal condition.
I remember the 10 day rule. Allow for 10 days for germination. If after 10 days they don't chances are they never will. But giving up after say three days is on the drastic side for good seeds.

On Scent: So far that is what i would say from this garden. At lights out, when the air is chill, the ladies express cherry or strawberry scent. These BOGO related genetics are Cherry while some of my older strains are Strawberry.
That's when I know the plants are as healthy as can be.
You will get there. No problem.
It took me a few years to dial in my system. Each season I learned something. Saw something I could improve on. Worked to improve each season, season after season.

That is how it gets done.

But to be back on topic.. The CS is on a 24 hr cycle. I'll check it in 24.. I hope I have that dialled in now. I should..

On a personal note i will continue here as long as i can. The future is uncertain now. I may have income or I may not. Fingers crossed.

No income means garden lights off soon. No mater where I am in this. Just an FYI.

Think good thoughts for me getting a job soon.