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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds


Active member
mornin' Jack, sorry to hear about your financial woes,
i'm a disabled veteran myself living on short shrift now
for over 12 years so i know how it is my friend.

anyway, i had a thought the other night about CS
storage and it occurred to me that an old Thermos
bottle would be perfect, glass inside and lightproof
by design.

...and i'd bet you could find one in a thrift store for beans, lol.

peace, and stay safe, SOG

btw, sending good vibes your way bro, hope you find
yourself a job that makes you happy.


Thanks friends. It's a bit exciting and frightening at the same time.

I really don't know how it will turn out. I am ready to be working already so where are the Jobs?

We will see!

I read there is a 20 week extension for benefits in the works but that could be 4 or 5 weeks away. maybe I'll make it maybe not


I just looked closely at the TJK tray 1 cuts and they all look lush at 5-6 days depending on how we measure that. No obvious roots in the bottom pushing on the cap yet but no signs of death as well.

I will keep on keeping on until I cannot keep on any more.

This Tiki-jo line is something I believe in.

The Chinese have a curse and it is something like "May you live in interesting times." Well I'm here now.

So Chin up.. There may be light at the end of the Tunnel.. We shall see..


Update : Flipped the switch today..

Just checked the ppm and it's about 40 so another few hours and i will have the CS.

To answer a storage question I will be storing in a Juice PET plastic bottle.
I understand that works just fine.. Perhaps for long term safe storage a Thermos would be better but I can always make CS now for the price of distilled water and the electric to run it.
Those bars will produce CS for years.

I will spray tonight or in the early AM.

So again.. It's go go go until I can't go no more.

I do have 1 job in the Queue so there is a chance. I had a small set back on that but so far no phone call saying no and I am scheduled for orientation next week. I just have to make it a couple weeks more.


Update 8-11-2010

Update 8-11-2010

I have now started spraying the Clone with CS. Below is the control photo.

Lets see how it works. I also have started a second batch of CS so I don't run out.

It was a better batch of CS this time..

I spray painted the plastic spray bottle as well..

Fingers crossed this works right from the start.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
This is what I wanted to see, the CS experiment. How old is that clone Jack?


This is what I wanted to see, the CS experiment. How old is that clone Jack?

Good question. This one was a test of two cuts stuck in a pot under the LED with no special care.
So about a month old approximately.

It is growing well.

Oh and by the way. I cut a slit in a Styrofoam plate and slid it over the top of the pot and taped the slit closed so that the CS doesn't drip into soil when I spray the plant.
If CS gets into the soil it will stop biological life from doing the job they need to.


I checked the mini-pots today and they indeed did root. So I have two sweets and no Kush since it died.

The Tray of Tiki-jo Kush kuts looks lush! So I am guessing I will have 19 clones when i need three. LOL isn't that the way it goes?

Well , better too many than none at all.


Active member
I checked the mini-pots today and they indeed did root. So I have two sweets and no Kush since it died.

The Tray of Tiki-jo Kush kuts looks lush! So I am guessing I will have 19 clones when i need three. LOL isn't that the way it goes?

Well , better too many than none at all.

high Jack, good to see your cloning efforts beginning to bear fruit.

...and i assume by 'trays' you mean the ice-tube-trays?

if so, lol, you're gonna find very quickly that you can have as many rooted clones as you want, so many that you can pick and choose only the best, most vigorous to flower and return the others to your compost.

...and like High Country, i'm anxiously awaiting the results of your CS experiments although i have full confidence in your success in that regard.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


I sprayed at lights on yesterday and at lights off today.
The dry residue on the Styrofoam is a grey-brown so i figure I have a good solution. The PPM was way up there. 90 before I swished so more than likely no less than 70ppm.
With the "Big Boy" set-up it needs 36 hours to be about 50 PPM.
I'll have to rig up some netting to divide the two plants so the seed isn't mixed when it ripens and falls.

The last time I had 50 or so unwanted seedlings.
I'd like to catch all the "poppers." If anyone has ever seen a Kush plant spit a seed then you know what I mean.
It will eject a seed away from the mother plant and it makes a faint pop sound.
The Hindu Kush I grew for my first medical grow did that. The seed hit me in the forehead as i sat next to the plants on the floor looking at them.
Maybe it was just me it didn't like?
Last edited:


Update 8-17-2010

Update 8-17-2010

I have a report on the Ice Tubes.

Out of 27 there were 22 that rooted. Out of 22 there were 9 that were as advertised.
The ones you see are just fine and even if the rest had been equal I wouldn't have a place for them.

Now what can I do to make a better outcome next time? Well water temps could have been better. I ended up filling the big black tray and that was hard for the heater to keep up high.

These clones did well under the cheap LED GlowPanel unit.

So ease of use cloning? Five stars out of 5 stars...

It feels good to have a library now.

I am spraying the clone in the main room. I am having a lot of white stuff on one electrode and black on the other. I have what looks like silver floating on the surface when I make CS.. I wonder if my silver bars are as pure as I need?
Anyway the clone gets sprayed twice a day . I see some early pistillate growth but no Staminate growth yet.
The two seed mothers got another trim down. The last i hope since those girls get cut short more than a Marine.
I have a feeding for them ready. I need to bubble that since it has sat a couple days now.

Well, it's all moving along just fine. All looks good on the Job front too friends. I have one that will call when it's time and I was just contacted that an even better one is interested in more information from me.
Nice feeling.

Alright. I will post some photos of things in the main box once I see some progress.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Good on you Jack, I love to see cloning going well. Check out this little experiment. This is a leaf off a plant 7 weeks into flower. 20 days after cutting the leaf IT HAS ROOTS. WTF, a leaf?



Cloned in tap water.


Good on you Jack, I love to see cloning going well. Check out this little experiment. This is a leaf off a plant 7 weeks into flower. 20 days after cutting the leaf IT HAS ROOTS. WTF, a leaf?
Cloned in tap water.

Looks cool!


Update Thursday, August 19 2010

Update Thursday, August 19 2010

I don't see male parts. I am working on a new Batch of CS.

Perhaps my Bag isn't as Light proof as it could have been? I went with a black plastic bucket over the spray painted jar.

I cleaned the electrodes too.

No hurry here as I did one last cut down and the ladies are just starting to recover.
I watered and will feed soon with BSF leachate and Witches brew. I'll be adding extra bone meal to that brew..

Well lets see if these old ladies can muster a few flowers.. Their clone sure can.



Active member
high Jack, good to see things progressing so smoothly for you.

i haven't had any bandwidth in almost a week so i've been
out of touch so it's really nice to see you have roots!

as to the CS, are you switching polarity on the electrodes?

i believe that it was recommended that you do that periodically.

anyway, keep up the good work man, looking forward to
seeing your girl go trans and jump the other ladies, lol.

peace, SOG


high Jack, good to see things progressing so smoothly for you.

i haven't had any bandwidth in almost a week so i've been
out of touch so it's really nice to see you have roots!

as to the CS, are you switching polarity on the electrodes?

i believe that it was recommended that you do that periodically.

anyway, keep up the good work man, looking forward to
seeing your girl go trans and jump the other ladies, lol.

peace, SOG

I'm concerned with the CS.. I have female flowers on the clone and no male flowers.
Now just to be safe I have gone to a bucket to cover the jar and I read 50+ ppm the last check. I started spraying the new batch.

I'll keep trying here. I don't need bud I want seeds.

I am wondering if letting the CS drip down the stalk to the main root is what makes it happen?
I have a tight fitting plate over the top of the pot.

I have one thick and narrow bar and one a little wider and thinner but I do switch. I'll be wiping the white crud and black smoot off the electrodes soon when i check PPM maybe tomorrow.
Until then the Higher the PPM the better I assume.

Would be nice to be able to say Tiki-jo is an extreme Hermi-resistant line but will suck to not have any feminized seeds to back up this cut or to breed with.
Not to mention running the room all this time with other projects waiting.
Fingers crossed!


It is starting to look like pollen sacs on two bud sites on the Mother Clone.
They are really small so it's a bit hard to be sure except they look like pollen sacs rather than anything else and there are many of them.. If so then the timing may be spot on.

The girls are regrowing from the last marine cut down and are starting their flowers.

I will have pictures in a few more days to share on how it goes.
If what I am seeing are pollen sacs forming then there will be enough pollen to open pollinate these two big girls.
It will be nice to have a supply of feminized seeds once again.

The first time I ever made feminized seeds was from seeds I bought my very first time I ever visited a Dispensary.
It just so happened I bought a Seed plant ( hermaphrodite ) and let that make seeds and not knowing what was up from down on breeding my first year as a medical person. I made seeds and they were all female and I grew them for 6 years!
I learned a lot from that experience especially how some made on-line friends fun of me for breeding with a Hermaphrodite but now we know that early on female seeds were made that way.

So this round is using Colloidal silver and wanting to lock these two mothers in a moment of genetic time.

Some variation will occur as it does for any pollination but the basics of scent and the medical effect i hope will be locked down.

Here in Central California the Summer has been mild. Seriously we have averaged about 94 for the whole summer.
It has been a very pleasant season to grow these. Perhaps a season I will remember the rest of my life.

So I will send this up from page 5 here and let readers know I am still on the Job, Tiki-jo seems to be a stable line so far.


Update 8-28-2010

Update 8-28-2010

Good news! Pollen sacs forming.

It is a bit hard to see them yet I offer proof.

So they started two days ago and I could see them yesterday but they were small..

15 days give or take a few hours and they were growing pollen sacs. 17 and I can see them better.

So this Tiki-jo will reverse but it takes a while and 50 PPM is better than 30 PPM for this one.

I hope I get all the bud sites to put on pollen sacs. I have two big girls in there.

I will be doing the TJ-Kush S1's with clones so I will just go ahead and make a Mix of the Sweet and the Kush and the Sweet S1's

I understand the Mix is alright. Does well in dryer places with deep roots I do believe.

I was joking that I should see if these big growing girls can do a third grow.. I joked I should reveg this a second time and see how they do..
Would be interesting to discover they could produce for two years or more.

So Success! Friends.. The best part is about to happen after so many posts and so much learning about CS and Cloning with Ice Tubes.
Getting that Nifty LED and well sticking to the plan.

So lets hope the future is as kind as the past.

Lets see some beans on those girls!


You shouldn't joke about something that serious. :)

Watch out for those spitfires! Would hate to see you lose an eye :D

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