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Price of Electricity

  • Thread starter sallyforthDeleted member 75382
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Well-known member
What are they expecting families on benefits who have small kids meant to do when power bills exceed their income and they still need food etc? We just won a war in Iraq and gave their oil to U.S. and U.K. oil companies for 75 years, why do we need to pay market prices when the public just paid for a war to get cheap fucking oil?
The only people who "won a war in iraq" are the oil mongers, military industry, and mercenaries. They cashed in big. Everyone else lost. UK And US citizens included, much like Vietnam. The war was paid for so the rich could expand their influence and protect their assets, not so any peasants would get cheaper oil lmfaooooo. If you thought any of that War was being done for the benefit of the filthy peasants, you were greatly mistaken. Literal $trillions from the common people to the rich. They're laughing all the way to the bank, to this very day.

My childhood friend served in the shit. He paid. He still pays.
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Well-known member
My kettle's great. It takes the usual 1.7L, but only boils a cup full, then pours it for you.

In practice, I put a cup in front of it, press the button, then race to get everything in the mug before it gets filled.

I drink it black, so it's just mug, power, bag, sit back down. Fetch it later.

'one cup kettle' they call them. Not at all rare.

Helps if you live alone, but it is fast,


Well-known member
My electricity has doubled since last year and that's with using less wattage too. I have never had to pay these prices for electricity before now. It may be time to move outdoors. 😎


The Tri Guy
Redrum, there are laws. Rules that govern behaviour, sadly, when it comes to the civil service, no one enforces any of them. So the merry-go-round of top jobs in public/private sectors keeps the money flowing from public to private finances. But they keep changing the rules as soon as someone gets to see them.

In the past, the loser of a war, got a bill for all the weapons used to beat them. The world Bank put this bill on their accounts, and credit the accounts of the winners.

After Iraq, for the first time, this changed. The oil companies got the oil, and the taxpayer got their money back in the additional taxes these oil companies would pay, due to their increased profits on free oil.

So in theory, the govt gave the profit from war, to privately owned companies, while waiting to get their investment back. So the govt won't order these companies to lower their prices, as the higher the prices, the more they make and the more tax the govt gets back, making the deal look on paper, like a good one.

However this has to happen at the expense of those paying for the end product, us. So we get screwed to make the accounts of old wars add up.

Now we are financing a war between a country with nothing and a country with lots of natural resources, we took the side of the country with nothing. Of course we did. If we collectively beat Russia, think of the bill we can send them. Now look at how it's going. We will have another bill to pay soon, when Russia wins.

I'm not blind to the game being played, I'm pissed off about the incompetence and treachery of those paid to act in our best interests.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
We heard all this bollocks about us getting cheap power forever - when they discovered and started to develop the North Sea oil fields - 50 years or so ago - in the UK - but it hasn't panned out that way - utilities used to be nationalised - but since privatisation - prices have skyrocketed - now mostly owned by foreign companies - the power companies have us by the balls -

You can also add stocks getting lower to the reasons behind prices increase.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
In the UK, the Tories sold off the gas storage facilities we had. Now the gas we get from the North Sea is sold into the EU then we buy it back and use it generate electricity. Absolute madness! Seems like all the privatising Thatcher did has turned to shit.
In Ontario the previous Tory govt floated the idea of privatizing hydro. The Liberal party screamed blue bloody murder about it giving all kinds of reasons why it was wrong and unethical. Well, seems their only REAL objection was due to the fact the Liberals had their own plans to privatize it and set up THEIR cronies, which they did after getting elected.
Some people complained that we ended up with highest hydro rates in North America. That wasn't quite true. The rate increase put us in the median for hydro rates, but the bills were fucking ridiculous once they tacked on all the taxes (including some new ones), fees, and taxes on the fees.
For example, back in June 2015 the city I lived in used $3,678.89 worth of electricity for "useless" things like traffic lights and street lights. The bill they got was for $143,072.43.This included a $62,325.42 so-called "Global Adjustment Fee", $59,663.31 for the delivery charge and $17,404.81 in Harmonized Sales Tax (also charged on the GAF and the delivery charge).
That's almost $140,000 worth of taxes on $3700 worth of hydro use. Even individuals saw a huge jump in their bills on just one year. People who were routinely paying $120-$130/mo for hydro were suddenly getting bills pushing $400/mo for the same usage. And if your house was heated with electricity, well fuggetaboutit, you were pretty much screwed once winter set in. Some people were getting winter hydro bills pushing $1000/mo.

But here's where it gets truly disgusting. The Liberals split Ontario Hydro into 2 corporations. The portion that still remained public generated all the cheap power from nuclear and hydroelectric but was exported, with the Liberal govt only contracting 3% of the generation from those sources for Ontario. The rest of Ontario's power came from the privatized and super expensive wind and solar with natgas for backup. The wind and solar power generators were paid even when they didn't generate power.
The half that was privatized was the half that Ontarians were forced to buy their hydro from (sounds a little fascist if you ask me). On top of that, the CEO of what is now called Hydro One was getting paid $6 million/yr. The Liberals' excuse for that was "you have to offer those high salaries to get quality people for the position". Which is a load. Next door at Hydro Quebec the CEO AND President was the same person and was paid a little over $600,000/yr total for two positions and for running a power system that is larger than Ontario's.
Things got so bad that not only was Ontario regularly dumping excess hydro, there were times when we literally paid Quebec to take excess generation off our hands.
And the worst part of it all was? Those stupid windmills were nothing but an idiotic virtue signal. Ontario's power generation before the Libtards "greened" it was already 80% emissions-free.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Now we are financing a war between a country with nothing and a country with lots of natural resources, we took the side of the country with nothing.
Da fuq? The Ukraine has a LOT of natural resources. Meanwhile Russia's only real major industry is fossil fuels. They're basically a gas station masquerading as a country.
Ukraine is rated 4th in the world for highest total dollar value of natural resources and has 25% of the world's black soil. It also has one the largest lithium "stashes" on the planet.
Ukraine has the largest commercial-grade iron ore reserves in the world accounting for 20% of the global supply. Manganese is used to make steel and Ukraine is ranked second when it comes to explored manganese reserves. It's the 3rd largest exporter of iron ore and the 11th largest exporter of steel.

Ukraine feeds 600 million people each year, most of whom reside in Northern Africa, Southern Asia and China. Ukraine is the world’s largest exporter of sunflower seeds and sunflower oil. It is the number one producer of honey in Europe with approximately 700,000 employed in the honey industry. Ukraine is ranked number 2 in the world for the production of barley, and 3rd in the world for the farming of corn. Ukraine made the list for rye production as well, 5th largest producer in the world, 9th for chicken eggs, and 4th in the world for potatoes.

Ukraine also has decent reserves of uranium, titanium, coal and natgas.
Back in the day, Ukraine was a key economy for the Soviet Union.

But yeah, Ukraine has nothing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We heard all this bollocks about us getting cheap power forever - when they discovered and started to develop the North Sea oil fields - 50 years or so ago - in the UK - but it hasn't panned out that way - utilities used to be nationalised - but since privatisation - prices have skyrocketed - now mostly owned by foreign companies - the power companies have us by the balls -
Yep ,,,,
Really sad thing is that people will steal electric for there grows and some will get caught and more then likely go “ behind the wall “ for robbing the electric and not the 20 plants they were running,,,
during the first lockdown people were profiteering from banging prices up,,
we put ours down,,,
I have no intention of putting them back up regardless of the energy costs,,,
a tweak ,here and there ,knock a lamp off and things will be fine,,
Shitstorms incoming though but have no fear ,
Boris told us we can save £10 a year from £4K by buying a new electric kettle,,,,
I shit you not ,,he was deadly serious


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
What are they expecting families on benefits who have small kids meant to do when power bills exceed their income and they still need food etc? We just won a war in Iraq and gave their oil to U.S. and U.K. oil companies for 75 years, why do we need to pay market prices when the public just paid for a war to get cheap fucking oil?
Cause Obama and Kerry gave the oil to Iran.
Europe is still buying Russian natty gas, but they are getting it delivered the long way with added middlemen. Nice way to waste money. Buy LNG from China, cause Russia bad.

you can bet the “rulers” will have nice warm offices and homes. Suffering is for the useless peasants. The poles are fools for letting the globalists wage war on Russia from their territory.

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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Natural unmined and unsold resources and farmland, doesn't make a nation rich. It makes it ripe for takeover.
The dims thought so too. Don’t forget the needed corruption, which the bunch the obomites installed were experts at. The ‘west’ is clearly in the wrong regarding Russia and the Ukraine IMO. News media is flat out lying and covering up.

Wait until the US has depleted the SPR and stocks of munitions, then the Taiwan situation gets interesting.


Well-known member
In France they installed a snitch meter : linky
View attachment 18751418

Linky: the Smart Meter for electricity in France - https://en.selectra.info/energy-france/guides/electricity/linky

Linky meters are smart meters, currently being deployed nationwide in France by French power grid operator Enedis. Find out everything you need to know about the Linky meter in France in our guide.

How the Linky Smart Meter Works
View attachment 18751419
All smart meters do this. Many power companies don't take advantage of all the meters functions though. Generally there's a switch under the cover plate so they know if it comes off. The screw sits upon it. Many now have two covers, to get around the fact it might be an electrician working without permit, but only on the paid for side. If you try to get power before the meter at the service fuse, any power outage is reported by the meter instantly. The power company monitors the distribution network, looking for groups of meters going down, or individual ones.
Many just have a guy walk about remote zapping meters for readings still. Not using the meters fully at all. While other areas have full data reporting that can be mobile network based, or a private network with masts at the substations.
You really need to know what you have. Some smart meters can still be stopped by manipulating back metering. So the time machine will still work.

If anyone has info specific to rewinding smart meters, please do fire me a mail.


Well-known member
What we need to know is can the meter tell when it's powering hid lights etc,like a built in grass.76
If they are paying particular attention to usage in your area, they could take readings as often as they like. Revealing patterns like 12/12.
Tropical tanks are often lit 12 hours per day. So a couple of hundred watts wouldn't be seen as evidence to get a warrant.

As things advance, artificial intelligence will step in. Identifying areas that really are using too much power, and tracking down where it's going, automatically. Finding faults and thefts is why we are getting these meters. It's not for us. The project is about grid security. It's been forced upon power companies, who were quite happy to just spread the losses across all bills, and not bother with all this expensive infrastructure.

If you are caught in the UK, the power company bill you 3 months estimated usage. Plus the reconnection


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I read the min wage in the UK is based on age?. Is this accurate?. It seems very counterproductive to have a living wage that no one gets. That is also different based on age. If they know people cant live on a lower wage what's the point?.

16-17-year-olds £4.81
18-20-year-olds £6.83
21-22-year-olds £9.18

USA FED has no age difference, it's $7.25 But ea State has its own min wage. We have a living wage of 1803.00 USD/Month..The same applies here if people arent making this what's the point and having a living wage..
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Well-known member
A 16yo can drop out of school, but you really don't want them to. The standard format is education until 20yo.

14yo idiots will see £400 a week as more than they have ever seen. They won't school themselves. They will band together into groups, to share houses with. Thinking life at 16 will be great.
We don't want that to look appealing. We want staying home and going to college to look better.

Parental responsibility is at play. Parents must recognise kids are a 20 year commitment. If you bring up shit ones, they won't get to go college. They will be forced into bad jobs, and won't move out. Parents must remain motivated to educate them. Not suggest they piss off :)
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Well-known member
I don't know why u would want to steal leccy if ur growing in the uk,it just draws attention to you,and then u get extra time on ur sentence for it,76
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The Tri Guy
@Hammerhead the difference is whether you are public or private sector employed. If it's private sector, you'll get minimum wage, if it's public sector, you'll get the living wage as a minimum. Public sector gets percentage increases year on year automatically and final salary schemes. Private sector you beg and demand a rise until finding a better paid job, then start begging again. While of course funding your own pension, paying their pensions, and the cost of the entire country.
You're not still expecting to find fairness anywhere are you?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Fairness from any corporate entity for us peasants is a pipe dream. Only the top management gets far more salary/bonuses.. Higher Profits is their main motivation/priority. Payroll is their top expense. Anything that cuts into their profits is a problem.. A living wage cuts into that so IMO that's why getting paid enough to live is unlikly. Greed is prevalent in all countries. The top brass wants it all.