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President Obama- Drug Warrior?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
the only problem i have is registering as a republican to vote for paul - because if he doesnt get on the ticket than who am i left with ? romney? perry?... god forbid... bachman??

You can be registered as a republican and then go to the voting booth and vote for anyone you want. You aren't required by law to vote a straight party ticket or anything.

Personally, I'm registered as an independent so that that neither party will be counting on my vote.

When I go into a voting booth if I don't have a specific reason for voting for a certain candidate, I usually vote for whatever third party candidate is on the ballot. If I have no opinion on which judge to elect or which state senator to elect, I vote for the independent or third party candidate. They won't likely WIN, but at least I am sending a message that there are other choices out there besides red and blue. There are always several issues on the ballot that I have not studied in depth and so I have no reasonable opinion on one way or the other.

If its important (like when I didn't want McCain to be president because he might die and make Palin the president) then I vote for the lesser of two evils.

So what these guys are saying, and I agree with, is that you can register as a republican BEFORE the primaries and then you can vote in the republican primaries to lend your support to Ron Paul. If you aren't a registered republican, you don't get to vote in the republican primary.

Smoke Buddy

the only problem i have is registering as a republican to vote for paul - because if he doesnt get on the ticket than who am i left with ? romney? perry?... god forbid... bachman??

and lets just be real...besides the very few select of us who would VOTE for paul - most people on both sides of the party lines wont vote for him. if he couldnt do it in 2008 - i just dont see how he could do it now...

Unfortunately you are probaly right about Ron Pauls chances. But you should register republican simply so you can participate in the republican PRIMARY ballot. You are not even helping otherwise... Its no skin off your ass to temporarily reg R. You can easily switch back. Otherwise you wont even receive a presidential primary ballot to vote on.... well, unless the dems decide to run Hillary or something crazy like that.. there are rumblings of that. Anyhow it doesnt efffect your General election ballot to vote in the R primary. I know straw polls are not really indicative of the real race (ie:Bachman in Iowa) but I am bouyed by RP winning the poll here... Come on get your friends to reg R for the primary and make a frikin difference where you can eh...



Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm still waiting for one of you (I've asked twice now, this is the third) to explain how you reasonably expect Ron Paul to be able to push his "anti-government/anti-war/anti-federal reserve" agendas through a congress who are not supporting Obama's much more 'middle of the road' agends now.

The president can't do a whole lot if the congress doesn't go along. How is Ron Paul gonna do it?

Please answer. It's important.


Active member
the only problem i have is registering as a republican to vote for paul - because if he doesnt get on the ticket than who am i left with ? romney? perry?... god forbid... bachman??

and lets just be real...besides the very few select of us who would VOTE for paul - most people on both sides of the party lines wont vote for him. if he couldnt do it in 2008 - i just dont see how he could do it now...

the reason to change to republican is to vote fore him in the primaries, not the big general election.
in alot of states you must change your party to vote in this.

in the general election you can vote for whoever you want.
but usually the deadline before you can change is 12weeks before the vote,just check you local rules before taking my advice. :tiphat:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
^The way to change this is add mandatory term limits to all offices. Eliminate the "Career Politician."

get rid of governor's and mayor's mansions and things of that sort. Public service should not resemble, or facilitate luxury.

We need to remove lobbyists from the equation all together. Corporation's rights need to be scaled back in a massive way. They should not have the same rights as flesh-and-blood people.

Until we do these things, no matter who we elect, somebody is going to be clubbing us with something, according to the whims of the people with the deepest pockets. (i.e. corporations and the mega wealthy.) We need to make it illegal to contribute money to an election campaign, eliminate paid-for campaign ads and give each candidate an equal amount of tax dollars to run their campaign with.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I'm still waiting for one of you (I've asked twice now, this is the third) to explain how you reasonably expect Ron Paul to be able to push his "anti-government/anti-war/anti-federal reserve" agendas through a congress who are not supporting Obama's much more 'middle of the road' agends now.

The president can't do a whole lot if the congress doesn't go along. How is Ron Paul gonna do it?

Please answer. It's important.


"Large policy changes with wide-ranging effects have been effected through executive order, including the integration of the armed forces under Harry Truman and the desegregation of public schools under Dwight D. Eisenhower."

I personally don't believe Paul would go too crazy using them, and will (probably) vote for him if he snags the republican nomination, but yeah, that's how he can cause some trouble and circumvent congress were he so inclined.


Active member

As President, Ron Paul will work for passage of comprehensive audit legislation, and he will also fight to legalize sound money so Americans will have alternatives to the Fed’s inflated paper money.

Ultimately, he will lead the charge to end the dishonest, immoral, and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, enabling America to take a giant step toward economic security, financial responsibility, and lasting prosperity.

As President, Ron Paul will lead the way out of this crisis by:

* Vetoing any unbalanced budget Congress sends to his desk.

* Refusing to further raise the debt ceiling so politicians can no longer spend recklessly.

* Fighting to fully audit (and then end) the Federal Reserve System, which has enabled the over 95% reduction of what our dollar can buy and continues to create money out of thin air to finance future debt.

* Legalizing sound money, so the government is forced to get serious about the dollar’s value.

* Ending the corporate stranglehold on the White House.

* Driving down gas prices by allowing offshore drilling, abolishing highway motor fuel taxes, increasing the mileage reimbursement rates, and offering tax credits to individuals and businesses for the use and production of natural gas vehicles.

* Eliminating the income, capital gains, and death taxes to ensure you keep more of your hard-earned money and are able to pass on your legacy to your family without government interference.

* Opposing all unfunded mandates and unnecessary regulations on small businesses and entrepreneurs.

These are just a few of the steps we can take to put America back in place as the world’s leading economy. Taking a stand for these principles has often been a lonely fight in Congress for Ron Paul, but, now more than ever, our nation needs a President who will champion sound money, responsible spending, lower taxes, and free market enterprise.

this is just a few,ummmm im not completeley sure this is what you asked for ,but if you need to go deeper into detail ,im not sure how one would do that except write the Dr. a E-mail .

there is a alternative that i see,barak has given unpresidented powers to the executive branch,so once the Dr's in he could weild his power wherever basicly,but im unsure if he'll still see that as preditory,but im sure he'll use his common sense.


I'm still waiting for one of you (I've asked twice now, this is the third) to explain how you reasonably expect Ron Paul to be able to push his "anti-government/anti-war/anti-federal reserve" agendas through a congress who are not supporting Obama's much more 'middle of the road' agends now.
Have you not been paying attention? You must not know much about Ron Paul. The answer is easy. If Ron Paul is president he can veto anything that comes across his desk that has anything to do with the war on drugs, foreign wars or anything else he sees fit. And if congress cannot overwrite his veto then government gets cut in half instantly, which is fine with myself and a lot of other people. It's really not any different than what he has been doing his whole carrier as a congressman which is to refuse to vote for corruption, lies and war.

Smoke Buddy

I'm still waiting for one of you (I've asked twice now, this is the third) to explain how you reasonably expect Ron Paul to be able to push his "anti-government/anti-war/anti-federal reserve" agendas through a congress who are not supporting Obama's much more 'middle of the road' agends now.

The president can't do a whole lot if the congress doesn't go along. How is Ron Paul gonna do it?

Please answer. It's important.

In my opinion, the best answer is The Tea Party. A groundswell of people demanding the Paul agenda supported by the exreme landslide Tea Party win in the 2012 Senate with RP at the helm they simply vote to follow the constitution and begin unwinding the machine. If we keep going the way we are, the dollar will eventually crumble and we will see alot more willing to accept these kind of changes...

I really am tired of those people demonizing the tea party as racist or biggoted etc... its not true. In general they are the nicest people you ever met... not burning things down turning over cars and rioting but peacefully assembling to air their grievences, So lets keep it civil and leave "Garafolo" type hate at the door.

peace :rasta:


@Smoke Buddy
I have mixed feelings about the Tea Party myself. In the begging they were only about tax reform and sound money. Now they have taken sides on social issues like abortion and religion mainly because they have been taken over by republicans. That is just my opinion from everything I have seen.


Active member
they are funded by the koch brothers ,and actually a offshoot of dr pauls 07/08 ; campeign.
im sure they are nice people,but dont know who they're owned by.
and besides decreased taxes im not sure what else ther are for.


Those numbers are seriously manipulated. Your comparing entire countries who are under a universal healthcare system as opposed to the 25 million who are covered in america. What about the other 278 million americans who dont have coverage?

Plus most of my relatives live in Canada & I don't hear them bitching about healthcare , they have had knee surgeries etc., what kind of healthcare can you get here if you don't have insurance?! Not very good!!!!!!!!!!


I don't get why everyone wants taxes decreased. If we paid a small infrastructure tax, and rebuilt America the econemy would be booming. Everyone would be working, and we could then afford the small amount of tax increase.

Of course we can't afford tax increases atm, when were making less and less every year, yet inflation still happens.

For example, when GM workers were at an all time high, making good wages, they spent money as fast as they made it. On vacations/Toys etc. Which put people to work in those industry's, which then spent there money in other places.

There are true worries happening here and now, such as infrastructure. If your not in the skilled trades you probably don't see it.

Almost every powerhouse around needs to be rebuilt, not just patched up again, and again, until failure occurs. Same goes with ALL of our nuclear power plants.

Once this country starts to rebuild , then we will see some economic stability.

I don't mind paying my share of taxes, or a little more. As long as it's for something that will help this country... unlike the bank bail outs.



Active member
the problem with taxes is its govt theft,and we already pay local and state taxes that are supposed to go to those things,thats why a tax increase from the feds is rediculous.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
In my opinion, the best answer is The Tea Party. A groundswell of people demanding the Paul agenda supported by the exreme landslide Tea Party win in the 2012 Senate with RP at the helm they simply vote to follow the constitution and begin unwinding the machine. If we keep going the way we are, the dollar will eventually crumble and we will see alot more willing to accept these kind of changes...

Ron Paul is the best answer for BOTH parties - but hes just too radical. Even though what he proposes is desperatly needed in this country - the way he says it turns people away. If you saw Paul on the street wearing old tattered rags rather than a suit - youd say DAMN - this guy is crazy.

He can't even get support from his own party. Every poll shows indication that Perry is going to get the nomination. The Tea Party / GOP dont like smart people - they want a pretty faced gun slinging tough on crime - take no prisoner make no compromise candidate.

Hell Boehner camer out and said he got "pretty much 98% of what he wanted" and was STILL criticized by the republican party for slightly compromising with Obama.

The only way Ron Paul has a chance to get the GOP nomination is to make some super model his running mate - throw on a few bandoliers on his chest and a 6shooter on his waist - talk with a heavy texan accent and make a bunch of wild accusations against gays and drug use ruining christian values in america.

I really am tired of those people demonizing the tea party as racist or biggoted etc... its not true. In general they are the nicest people you ever met... not burning things down turning over cars and rioting but peacefully assembling to air their grievences, So lets keep it civil and leave "Garafolo" type hate at the door.

peace :rasta:

Well, it's not like the attacks on the Tea Party aren't totally unwarranted. They are the group you see screaming obscenities and angrily throwing 1 dollar bills at disabled veterans who are fighting to keep their health care - they are the ones who cheer for people to die who cant afford health insurance - they are the ones making the racist signs and calling Obama a tribesman... If you dont like the heat, dont start the fire.

But to me all that don't really make a difference, thats just a few assholes going overboard to garnish the media's attention to put them on the frontlines and I know (or at least hope) thats not the entire parties views/feelings. What scares me is the amount of misinformation they perpetrate and which is vastly accepted by their members.

I always hear them screaming "Obama is a socialist - he has spent more money than any president in history." What else was he to do? Bush had caused such a financial crisis that if he didn't act - our country would have been in an economic chaos.

It's the same if you took a gas can, poured gallons of gas throughout your house, then struck a match and set your house on fire, then blamed the firefighters for the fire when they come to put it out.

As someone who went to the tea party rallies all over CA to help garnish support for prop 19 from the tea party - I saw alot of hate and ignroance (normally from a select few) and I will admit some of them were nice - but the problem is that the tea party may not encourage the blatant hatred, ignorance and violence that has been seen in its prescense by other members, but they sure have never done anything to dismiss it.

When I set out on my mission - I thought what I had was a well prepared plan to help show these people that we have alot of common interests (states rights - job creation - no government interference - the right to choose what we put in our bodies, etc.)

So I printed out thousands of copies of three flyers. The first one showing that it is harder for children to get access to marijuana if it were in a regulated system much like alcohol and tobacco. The second one showing that the legalization and regulation of marijuana could lead to tens of thousands of jobs created in CA, thus helping our state emerge from a massive debt crisis - and the third showing that the prohibition of marijuana leads to large profits for gangs and cartels who continue to cause bloodshed, thefts and violence in our country, while dismantling the freedoms and securities that many americans are entitled to by the constitutions via militarty swat raids, wiretapping, and warranted survaillance.

For the most part - alot of people took my flyers and stuck them in their pocket - some waded them up in a ball and made a point to throw it in the garbage in my view - and about 10 - 20 at every event made a point to yell, scold and insult me about how im just a fucking doper who wants to get their kids addicted to marijuana and ruin thier lifes with pot.

Some of the people you wouldnt believe the amount of ignorance - it honestly would have made for some AMAZING you tube videos. So come next year when another mj legalization goes to ballot - I will be out there at every tea party rally - with my uncle sam hat and a hidden go-pro camera to record every moment of tea party gold in a hope to get some extra support or at the very least have some comedy to bring back to ICmag to show you all that im not just some lying asshole hell bent on accusing the tea party.


weed fiend
I'm still waiting for one of you (I've asked twice now, this is the third) to explain how you reasonably expect Ron Paul to be able to push his "anti-government/anti-war/anti-federal reserve" agendas through a congress who are not supporting Obama's much more 'middle of the road' agends now.

The president can't do a whole lot if the congress doesn't go along. How is Ron Paul gonna do it?

Please answer. It's important.

I'm not a Ron Paul (especially Rand Paul) supporter. IMO, the answer is leadership. One can't demand respect but they can command it. Ron Paul has never had a leadership position beyond committee. So whether he could lead government is speculative. I know everybody here want's weed reform but if we're a mirror of the nation, less than 2 out of every 100 of us are libertarian. That means a large majority of us wouldn't prefer libertarian government (even if we got legalization.)

We may have never had big 'L' libertarian government, where registered libertarians make up a working majority. But libertarian philosophy used to be a close cousin to republican ideas. Many 19th and early 20th century republican leaders were of libertarian thinking. This period produced the largest income disparity in our nation's history.

The biggest disparity was 1929, 3 years before the Great Depression. Wanna go back there again? We now have the largest income disparity (since 1929). We're knocking on the door right now. All we need is one more supply-sider and we're back to the 1930s.


I'm still waiting for one of you (I've asked twice now, this is the third) to explain how you reasonably expect Ron Paul to be able to push his "anti-government/anti-war/anti-federal reserve" agendas through a congress who are not supporting Obama's much more 'middle of the road' agends now.

The president can't do a whole lot if the congress doesn't go along. How is Ron Paul gonna do it?

Please answer. It's important.

I don't think he could. But the people could.

I think what Paul would do as president is illuminate many things that have been kept in the dark for so long. As a candidate he's already beginning to do that which is why he has such passionate and growing support. That's why he's winning all the straw polls. People are ready for the truth. They're fed up with the lies.

As president he will really have a platform to showcase all the real issues that are brushed over by the current and past administrations. It's up to the people to demand change when they see all the corruption.


weed fiend
Scrappy, why is the truth angrier than the stuff you post? So, it's not true now but it used to be then? What kinda bs is that?

Straw polls are great but many ballots are bought by the candidates and given to constituents to vote for them. In Iowa it's a prearranged contract. Besides, only a portion of Republicans participate in politics 14 months before the election. Many who rise tend to fall as the larger electorate comes into play. That's why Paul doesn't get a fair amount of air time. In the final count, Paul never makes it to the big dance.

It's not that some of us don't know Ron Paul. Some of us knew Ron Paul before he became a cottage name in the reform movement.

It's your right to vote your conscience. But I wouldn't be surprised if I know more Paul policy-ideas than you do. And I'm old enough to know what some of those policies would cause.
Last edited:


New member
IMHO, Obama will not ( even if he waned to ) legalize marijuana. The political problem is just too big. If he did anything pro-marijuana the Republican law and order types would impeach him. I believe the same thing would happen to Ron Paul or any other president.

Legalization of marijuana will happen when the political pressure is significant. We are not there yet. Legal medical marijuana in 14 states adds to the pressure. CA, CO, WA & OR having state legalization on the ballot next year will add to the pressure. Every state that de-criminalizes marijuana adds to the pressure.

Here’s something interesting:

Washington State Democratic Central Committee Endorses Marijuana Legalization Initiative

This endorsement may make it easier for many to vote pro legalization. It will also give cover to other politicians and state parties.

Red Fang

Active member
Do you honestly think Ron Paul will live long enough to complete 1 term let alone 2?
And if this was a pro-Obama thread masquerading as a mmj thread, it would have been closed after like 4 posts. This one is a political thread also, but since it is so far to the right, it is still going after 7 pages! Just sayin'! ;)