Man jumps to death after cops respond to pot complaint boy, 5, fires ‘my first rifle,’ killing his toddler sister
Romania e mai imposibila ca statele, cateodata. Doar ca nu avem multi maniaci, ci idioti.
Inca una de peste balta:
La astia copii parintilor iresponsabili se impusca, la noi se inmultesc ca orbii de la 10 ani.
Marijuana-like compound could lead to first-ever medication for PTSD
Of the 1.7 million American men and women in the military who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, approximately 20 percent have been diagnosed with PTSD.
Pe mine m-a socat un paragraf din articol :
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Pe mine m-a socat un paragraf din articol :
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Of the 1.7 million American men and women in the military who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, approximately 20 percent have been diagnosed with PTSD. [/FONT]
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sa fim seriosi. nu fumam pentru ca am fi bolnavi