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Pre-gaming for the 2015 Outdoor Season


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Yep, Emerald Triangle. I haven't grown it out before but I watched a friend's grow closely who did and it was his favorite strain out of all 10 strains he ran. It yielded massive and was quality smoke as well, he said he's running it again next year so I'm gonna try it this year for the first time. I like anything in the Blue family pretty much, they all seem to have great anti-mold properties. Haha I can't blame ya, I love hoarding seeds it's addicting!

Delicious Seeds makes Cheese Candy. What is KC33? You just listed some serious growers so now I'm interested... is it by KC Brains? I've never grown anything from them. What about you?

yea bro its kc brains and all the old guerillas highly recommend this strain..no i havent grew it but i just placed my order for a pack of kc33,blue widow(per ur advice) and blueberry headband..lol ur just like i am then i love anything with blue in front lol..i been researching hard core on here ever since i found the "discussion on mold" thread by Silver back and they all said kc33 is a tank and practailly bomb proof i havent ran anything from KCbrains..i hadnt even heard about him till i found that silverback thread,but i will find out next year how it does and since my humidity here can stay around 95-100% all summer they gotta be tough for sure..i have prolly read that thread 3-4 times..there is some great info in it..since u and i are gonna be doing guerilla in 2015 and doing a few the same strains,i will follow along this thread with u and hopefully we can learn something from one another if thats cool?..i seen another thread on here with moondawg giveing the blue widow high remarks to since u told me its great..now i will have to search/research the cheese candy..takes me a whole day or 2 to go thur all the fourms lol and google search on a strain..i have learned over the years no matter what kinda strain u get mold resistant or a classic or bomb proof if u dont do proper planning then it will be mediocore at best..i wish growing weed was as easy as some ppl think! some thing u can just plant it and come back in 6 months and get it lol if that was the case everone would be doing it then..:dance013:..im a hardcore guerilla grower have been for years and i admire ur dedication! happy to see other guerillas such as ur self as passoinate about growing out in the bush as i am...


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Great start! I'm in the preparation phase too. Good to see this thread were we can share our experiences. :)

hey chris! what strains will u be growing guerilla style for 2015? always good to see more guerillas bc knowledge is power in this syle of growing for sure


hey chris! what strains will u be growing guerilla style for 2015? always good to see more guerillas bc knowledge is power in this syle of growing for sure

Good to hear you, Kygiacomo! I'm not sure yet what strains I will use in my guerilla next year but I think the "Skunk #1" from Sensi Seeds should be in the list. And then maybe some strains from the seedbank "Dutch Passion". But I will complete my strain-list in March when I'm going to my local grow-/headshop. :)
Good guerilla-growing to everyone! And good luck to you, Kygiacomo. I will follow your report for sure! :tiphat:



Skunk #1 and most of others skunks have poor mold resistance, better try with something else...
If you gonna buy from Dutch Passion try Frisian Dew, very popular by outdoor growers in Europe...

I had kc33 last year, indica pheno had good mold resistance and it is good smoke, but sativa pheno had terrible mold resistance and also needed support when starting flowering, fluffy sativa buds were too heavy for her...aparently was kc33 good outdoor strain years back, but not so much anymore...



Skunk #1 and most of others skunks have poor mold resistance, better try with something else...
If you gonna buy from Dutch Passion try Frisian Dew, very popular by outdoor growers in Europe...

I had kc33 last year, indica pheno had good mold resistance and it is good smoke, but sativa pheno had terrible mold resistance and also needed support when starting flowering, fluffy sativa buds were too heavy for her...aparently was kc33 good outdoor strain years back, but not so much anymore...

I know, but I think I could manage the Skunk #1 in my climate :) Maybe I'll re-think to start growing the Skunk #1, but I'm an indica lover and the skunk varieties are some of my favourites.
Yeah the Frisian Dew should be very good, I'll definitely give it a try! :tiphat:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i been digging deep into the outdoor growing thread and around 147 back there is some great info from backcountry,hamstring and silverbacks threads..also found this thread to about some good mold resistance strains..https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=98802..

also team microbe i found this this thread..i have also seen moondawg post many other posts about the blue widow that u spoke so highly of..all the guerilla grows that been doing it 20+yrs all recommend kc33..i want to get the spotinca now damn it lol but i will save that one for next year..i already got enuff damn seeds!! https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=246013

i also found out that Silverback was from KY..im from same state and only 2 countys over..fkk i wish i had found Icmag long before he passed away bc i would have drove to met him and learn all i could in person..so if he says the kc33 is a tank then i beleive him no matter what anyone else says..


sorry to be posting so much in ur thread team microbe but here is another thread that i found very interesting about mold resisant strains that can help us guerillas
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Well-known member
Miss my old guerrilla days now that my state's legalized. What an incredible rush.
I used a lot of organic slow release granule nutrients and lime. Didn't add much else and I did well.
But I didn't like to make a lot of trips to the spot, worried about blazing a huge trail in and out. To get into my spots you had to belly crawl like a worm. Or wade in armpit deep water through a swamp covered in bramble.
I can see you're really going all out love all the attention to detail. If you're organized and plan as well as you have you'll keep on point and not get caught daydreaming or goofing around. I loved the way all my senses came into focus as soon as I reached the area near my site. I knew every branch, every leaf. If anything was the slightest bit disturbed I noticed it.
The neighbors were often firing their guns while I was there. I'd here Boom Boom Boom in the distance. Always weird. And the sound of a chopper, that can be a very unpleasant sound. Fortunately they weren't looking for me.

Team Microbe

Active member
Thinking about running some autos outdoors, Dutch Passion Think Different. Holes will be 8" wide and 2' deep, total volume around 5 gallons or 20 liters, drilled with gas powered auger. Ferts will be Epsoma Garden Tone, how much would you recommend adding / hole? I was thinking 1 cup.... Would that be enough to get them from seed to flower, about 3 months total?

Take whatever they recommend and cut it in half. Top dressing would be ideal afterwards if the plants show signs of deficiency, it's better to go that route than be stuck with burnt plants from adding too much food into the soil itself. They make a bloom fertilizer mix as well, I'd pick that up and top dress in early August once or twice to help influence flowering production. I did this last year with great success :tiphat:

Team Microbe

Active member
Miss my old guerrilla days now that my state's legalized. What an incredible rush.
I used a lot of organic slow release granule nutrients and lime. Didn't add much else and I did well.
But I didn't like to make a lot of trips to the spot, worried about blazing a huge trail in and out. To get into my spots you had to belly crawl like a worm. Or wade in armpit deep water through a swamp covered in bramble.
I can see you're really going all out love all the attention to detail. If you're organized and plan as well as you have you'll keep on point and not get caught daydreaming or goofing around. I loved the way all my senses came into focus as soon as I reached the area near my site. I knew every branch, every leaf. If anything was the slightest bit disturbed I noticed it.
The neighbors were often firing their guns while I was there. I'd here Boom Boom Boom in the distance. Always weird. And the sound of a chopper, that can be a very unpleasant sound. Fortunately they weren't looking for me.

You and me both brother! It's the rush that drives us I feel, it's so addicting. Sounds like you knew what you were doing. It's funny you mention the wading around in swamp water.. somehow I managed to snap this pic last year while hauling bales out to my swamp next to the tracks:


That shit was a natural barrier in itself... nobody in their right mind would track aimlessly through waist deep swamp muck :laughing:

It sounds like we had similar spots... right under everyone's noses. Sometimes those are the best spots because nobody would think to look in places like that... sometimes it's a bad idea though as poachers scour the woods right around this time. Which brings me to my next post....

Team Microbe

Active member
Location #1 is now compromised

Location #1 is now compromised

Well, timing is everything I suppose folks. I thought this place would never get any visitors, it's close to a golf course and I was almost certain nobody ever went back there.



As you can see, this place is very overgrown and I thought it was unlikely that anyone would be wandering through here. WRONG. I came back yesterday to a trail that pushed through all 3 patches on this hillside, and a missing trail camera. I had a successful season not 20 feet from this tree this year, and was busy prepping and digging holes for next year to set up shop at the same spot... because why wouldn't I? Everything looked just fine up until last week:


They busted the plastic case on the camera I think, because the lock was still on the tree and untouched. Faaaackin poachers. You never know who will frequent your locations when you're growing "under everyone's noses" like this. I almost would think that finding a property with an owner would be a better bet... that way you only have to worry about him/her finding your plot. It looks like someone helped themselves to these woods, possibly even the owner of the golf course? Who knows...

I posted this because I want everyone to know that even though you have success one year, it may not be the case the following year. This location is compromised, and I'll never go back... not even to clean up. Now a complete stranger knows what I do back there, and while my identity is still unknown to him it's still too close for comfort. The camera costed me $250, but that's not a lot money compared to the potential of a ripped crop next season. I was going to go big in this spot too. I guess that only proves the old saying right... "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"

Back to the drawing board! I still have a site along the tracks that is far away from this one, so I'll be using that if need be but I'd like to find some property up for sale and utilize some land that isn't in use any longer. My close buddy knows an old man who doesn't use his 7 acre property any longer, and it's in the middle of nowhere. We'll be scouting that this month on Google Earth and on foot.

Team Microbe

Active member
Which brings me to my next topic -

Where do YOU like to grow outside?

And how do you go about searching for your site(s)?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Which brings me to my next topic -

Where do YOU like to grow outside?

And how do you go about searching for your site(s)?

good thing bro they busted that cam for u..just think of the loss it coulda been..i agree with the success 1 year and fail the next..i had that happen to me many years ago and it was my 2nd year of guerilla growing and they got all 14 of my plants..i was so sick and depressed but i was determinded not to let that hold me down..now when i put out plots i put 2-4 plants in 5 or 6 locations and spread them out all over..i also go a bit extra nad put like 4-5 singles out in other plots as well just for backup..guerilla growing is no easy task thats for sure! my spots now are a abonded coal company lot which we call a strip job and many pl ride quads on it so it dont really look to obvoius when u pass someone riding a quad..we call them a strip job here in my area and they prolly have 500-1000 acres of land to choose from..for last 3 yrs i have been useing same spot and not seen any signs of traffic in the areas i have scouted but like u that can change in a instant..i always figured why not use same spot if u get by with it the year before right? keep me posted on how the new scouting turns out..i like to get inside thorn thickets bc that provides a barrier against critters like deer and ppl accidently stagering into it and they stay green here up till around dec and it also provides a good thing to tie ur plants onto when they start getting thick with big buds and rain making them top heavy and flopping and also wind storms cant blow them over..


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
here is one example of the singles i put out in a thorn thicket..this is the delahaze i love so much..oh i forgot to mention that also the thorn thickets blend the plants in from the air as well


Im growing where water has left what resembles a dry creek. There are no beds so I have to grow smack down where the soil is sandy. since I've never had mold problems, I'm fearful this will be the year. Any tips on how to improve the groun will be appreciated. I started prepping sat/sun just like you op.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Im growing where water has left what resembles a dry creek. There are no beds so I have to grow smack down where the soil is sandy. since I've never had mold problems, I'm fearful this will be the year. Any tips on how to improve the groun will be appreciated. I started prepping sat/sun just like you op.

i use topsoil bought from lowes and horse shit and also stick a few those MG sticks in the ground to let them fill the soil with nitrogen so in 5 months when i go there all the natural rain and what-not will have time to cool the soil down..i have also been searching plant success stuff to use on crops to get a better root system and also helps make the plant alot more healthier at least that is the reports i have seen so i will try the great white..30$ for 4oz tube is well worth a try as i have seen some cannabis root balls with this stuff and they are just massive..im also gonna be doing only outdoor strains that was made for humid and wet climate like blue hash plant,the church,kc33 and spotnica are just a few..the Op turned me on to blue widow but i havent bought it just yet bc i think im gonna go with bluebrry headband instead which TM also recommends and i was already looking at that strain anyways..my goal is to fine 4-5 differnt strains that i can master and that is mold resisant..i will also be on the prevention plan bc there is not been a year that has went by that fkn bud rot has fked me up..i found the silverback thread in sept but it was a bit to late bc i was already infected with this shit! it really dont matter how good a damn strain is if the fker molds bc either way u not gonna be smoking it so like i said i am goign with proven and tested strains from growers on here and other sites that lives in same climate as me..the prevention things i will be useing is actinovate,sns244c,neemoil 100% cold pressed and i already have a tub of greencure..what strains are u planning on runnning this year? it takes a tough damn strain to handle the conditions that a guerilla grower will have to endure for a succesful season


Well-known member
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They busted the plastic case on the camera I think, because the lock was still on the tree and untouched. Faaaackin poachers. You never know who will frequent your locations when you're growing "under everyone's noses" like this.
I almost would think that finding a property with an owner would be a better bet... that way you only have to worry about him/her finding your plot. It looks like someone helped themselves to these woods, possibly even the owner of the golf course? Who knows...

You are a very fast learner it took me years to understand how human encroachment works. I would never grow on public land because humans make cockroaches look like dodo birds. They are everywhere. Private property is the best place.(I know others will disagree with the morality and i can live with that.)
Private property keeps many people out especially if there are many "no trespassing signs".

Nice job on the trail cams $250 is a small price to pay for freedom or 2lbs of weed right? Better to find out now then after you put time and effort into the plot.

I like to look for public land and see if there is some private land adjacent to it. If there is a prime growing location check it out further. Does the land owner visit this particular spot? If not you may be on the right track. Because the land owner will help you keep peeps out of your plot. Land owners are especially sensitive when they have property next to public land.

Once i had a spot across a small river from a private camping area. I could see peeps mowing and taking care of their camping sites. This spot was next to public land and yes people did stray onto the private land to fish and party but never went close to the private camping area for fear of being seen. It made a great spot for 3 years or so until the state bought out the private land then I was gone.

You have to think out of the box sometimes. Oh and by the way I didn't come up with this before i planted I figured it out after. I was lucky. I had other plots but they were soon inundated with fisherman and partying kids.

Like I said you are learning at a high rate grasshopper.:ying:


@giacamo. Thanks and also was recommended the shit. I worked with thoroughbreds and once it mixes with either straw or shavings it retains moisture. Would it need to be dry like chips? Also someone mentioned gypsum but I already use well water that has lots of calcium in it.. I'm growing some kind of diesel, but looking to get some bag seeds. They seem to be mold resistant and even heard some of those strains were cross bred with rudelas. Not sure if one year my plant was intersexed or was pollinated by a mex. Male but I got one bud with a bunch of good seeds. What exactly are mg sticks?