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Powdery Mildew Rx for flowering plants?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
did you try hydrogen peroxide? at what strenghth? did it work?

years ago, when i didnt know about eagle 20 and even before sulfur burners, i had big time trouble with powder mildew.

so, before i would harvest, i would spray hydrogen peroxide at a 15-20% strength and drench the entire plant. wait 5 minutes and them put the plant in front of a huge fan to dry it off. then i would just trim the plant normally and the powder mildew was completely gone! there was absolutely no hint of it at all! good luck!

Sparky 6

Uh I just kinda screwed up and I need some advice. I accidentally watered one of my plants with the Zone/Penetrator foliage mix. It was the weakest mix they suggest on the bottles but still.

I immediately flushed with a couple gallons of water but I need to know if I'm ok or if I should continue to flush.


Uh I just kinda screwed up and I need some advice. I accidentally watered one of my plants with the Zone/Penetrator foliage mix. It was the weakest mix they suggest on the bottles but still.

I immediately flushed with a couple gallons of water but I need to know if I'm ok or if I should continue to flush.

You should be OK, did you PH adjust the flush? If not I might flush enough PH adjusted water to rinse. What was your mix/gal? Zone used for PM spray is 10ml/gal and is not on the label.

Sparky 6

Oh. Then I'm thoroughly confused. I used both Zone and Penetrator at the lowest they suggest on the bottle whatever that is- actually I think I halved that. Yes I did PH correct it first. Oh and whew! Thanks.

BTW while I have you here I transplanted a small plant yesterday and the bottom of the plants roots were covered in a mold/mildew. I cut that part out and went ahead with the transplant. That is a plant I am treating with the Zone/Penetrator combo- will any of that stuff remaining be killed off eventually by DM treatment?


OK I remember how much Zone I used- 1/2 tsp per gal.

You'll be ok. you can use Zone continously at the lowest rate I use it every watering. From the label: 5ml to 12 ml/5.3 gal didvide by 5.3 you get .94ml/gal to 2.26 ml/gal. I add 1ml each watering.
If you just use it occasionaly then you can use the higher level.
The penetrator label states do not ph adjust.
You can google DM's phone # they are happy to give advise.
Use something like Cannazyme for dead root material.

Sparky 6

Excellent. The labels on those products leave something to be desired regarding instructions. So then these products are not designed to be used exclusively for foliar feeding, and can be mixed in the water meant for the soil?


Excellent. The labels on those products leave something to be desired regarding instructions. So then these products are not designed to be used exclusively for foliar feeding, and can be mixed in the water meant for the soil?

No, Penetrator is for foliar, it is a wetting agent to be used with whatever you are using to foliar feed
We are using Zone off label as a foliar addative

stickey fingers

i use penetrator as a systemic addetive in combo with zone to dip whole plants,along with a burner, i always think my plants have pm and bugs and treat them accordinaly?havent noticed since:D RIP DR JAY


i use penetrator as a systemic addetive in combo with zone to dip whole plants,along with a burner, i always think my plants have pm and bugs and treat them accordinaly?havent noticed since:D RIP DR JAY

By systemic, do you mean you add it to your water when feeding, or systemic as you dunk the whole plant.
The term systemic should be used when the chemical is absorbed through the roots.
A whole plant dunk is the best way to get complete coverage


Systemic just means that it's in the inner workings of the plant, regardless of how it gets there.

Is there a guide for dunking plants? I've never done it and it sounds so weird.

The term systemic should only be used with root up-take
putting something on the leaves won't get to the roots so it wouldn't be systemic.

Dunking is easy; get a suitable sized container, invert your plant (upside down) and dunk (dip) take it out and let drip dry right side up. The use of ventilation and fans is recommended.

I was in my local grow store today and the guy was wondering if Zone alone would do the trick for PM as he said some of his customers think the Penetrator will disolve the PM and some of it may get into the plant.
I don't think it's a worry but I never heard that before, any thoughts guru's.

Sparky 6

The term systemic should only be used with root up-take
putting something on the leaves won't get to the roots so it wouldn't be systemic.

Dunking is easy; get a suitable sized container, invert your plant (upside down) and dunk (dip) take it out and let drip dry right side up. The use of ventilation and fans is recommended.

Well yeah if penetration through foliar feeding does not extend to the roots I guess you're correct.

With the dipping though wouldn't the soil just fall out? This is where the process breaks down in my mind.


Active member
Well yeah if penetration through foliar feeding does not extend to the roots I guess you're correct.

With the dipping though wouldn't the soil just fall out? This is where the process breaks down in my mind.

i wrapped my 5 gallon pots with garbage bags... then put a cardboard jig... which was basically a square pce of card board with a 7 inch cut down the middle for the root to slide threw...

no soil spills... and the zone and penetrator really work!

good luck


i wrapped my 5 gallon pots with garbage bags... then put a cardboard jig... which was basically a square pce of card board with a 7 inch cut down the middle for the root to slide threw...

no soil spills... and the zone and penetrator really work!

good luck

7 inch cut down the middle for the root to slide threw...
I'm sure you ment to say the trunk

stickey fingers

hey gold, i belive mark6666,or something like that has a thread on pm and zone,penatrator,i mix 10ml zone and 3tsp peneatrator per gallon,i make about 10 gallons and dunk plants,from top to soil.i think the penatrator allows the zone to be systemic i dont sulfer my plants just the room. RIP DR JAY

Ras Mason

Well-known member
how about a good,powerfull dehumidifier that keeps atmospheric RH under 40%
Works wonders.

Neem, high ph, peroxide, sulfur etc... will only knock it off for a few weeks tops.(not to mention the nasty taste left by sulfur)

Applying a systemic fungicide on the clones will prevent pm and dissipate by the time you harvest...
good luck