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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor
Another 19 plants have been culled. Most were plants that were severely shaded out, with upper leaves that weren't expanding.

Found 2 SCC females with a strange growth I had seen before at the node by the preflower, and I think it is stamen being produced. The Champion #1 male sativa candy Chunk has that same special structure where it has a preflower and then another stamen being produced off to the side, maybe a little larger and with more developing bract/leaves. There are so many different expressions in cannabis it could just be a minor mutation, but I think its best to play it on the safe side and cull them since its early.

Got some airflow now after removing all the plants! Watering tomorrow and it will be easier now with it opened up. Heat coming back this week getting into low 90's for a couple days! Going to see them spread out hopefully! I can smell the cottonseed meal working and there is visible white fungus from the fertilizer on top of the soil. So they have plenty to eat! :smoke:



ICMag Donor

Psalm 110 NKJV​

Announcement of the Messiah’s Reign​

A Psalm of David.​

110 The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
2 The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
Rule in the midst of Your enemies!

3 Your people shall be volunteers
In the day of Your power;
In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning,
You have the dew of Your youth.
4 The Lord has sworn
And will not relent,
“You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek.”

5 The Lord is at Your right hand;
He shall [a]execute kings in the day of His wrath.

Psalm 111​

Praise to God for His Faithfulness and Justice​

111 Praise[a] the Lord!

I will praise the Lord with my whole heart,
In the assembly of the upright and in the congregation.

2 The works of the Lord are great,
Studied by all who have pleasure in them.
3 His work is honorable and glorious,
And His righteousness endures forever.
4 He has made His wonderful works to be remembered;
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.
5 He has given food to those who fear Him;
He will ever be mindful of His covenant.
6 He has declared to His people the power of His works,
In giving them the [b]heritage of the nations.

7 The works of His hands are verity[c] and justice;
All His precepts are sure.
8 They stand fast forever and ever,
And are done in truth and uprightness.
9 He has sent redemption to His people;
He has commanded His covenant forever:
Holy and awesome is His name.

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.
His praise endures forever.

6 He shall judge among the nations,
He shall fill the places with dead bodies,
He shall [b]execute the heads of many countries.
7 He shall drink of the brook by the wayside;
Therefore He shall lift up the head..

2 Timothy 4:1-8 NKJV​

Preach the Word​

4 I charge you [a]therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead [b]at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Paul’s Valedictory​

6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.



ICMag Donor
Running it out this year right. Getting ready to go water with 114 gallons. Have never kept up with watering like this, so this has been my best season so far. Hoping for better terpenes and heavier yield! Will be doing less lollypop pruning and leaving them alone for the most part per Reverend's recommendation since they may use the carbohydrates from photosyntheseis and late pruning could delay the onset of flowering.

Its always a science experiment. My favorite! Have a good one. Stay tuned for some pics. Plants are fingertip height now, praise God!:smoke:


ICMag Donor
Found some good flowers to take with me today. Some super dense floral incense with purple coloration and then some thats more loose and green with floral refreshing terpenes and very uplifting. Still lots of smoke testing work to do. Would like to have a good run of Sativa Candy Chunk next year to try and bundle all the good phenos in there and lock it in with a decent number of champion males.

This years SCC planting was limited because I am a slow, very thorough, smoke tester and I'm just now getting to quart jar #6! At harvest I prioritize the flowers by scent and jar the best ones first. Will have 3 piles, indica , sativa, and keeper. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Had a dandy day yesterday, and had a nice hot lunch picnic at the garden with the camp stove and skillet! Went through the plants looking for more that needed taken out.

Found a couple small plants in the shad that needed pulled and ended up deciding to remove 2 males, Male #6 and Male #3 that was next to the large Champion Male #1. These males are the indica dominant structure with smaller stamen that are slower to develop. Pollen must drop on time or the male is useless for early pollination. One of these was in the middle of the garden and was shaded out quite a bit, the other that was next to the champion #1 male I decided to pull not only because it was behind a little, but it was shading out the champion #1 male which needs a little more sun to make sure it drops on time. So we have 4 good males, that are able to drop pollen the 1st week of August, and everything is spaced out really well!

Let them grow during the good daylight and started watering in the evening to help keep them moving.

Not going to do compost/mulch this year, the cottonseed meal seems to be doing a good job and I want to keep the root zone happy with plenty of oxygen. Surface roots are all developed and are visable across the surface, so I think the plants have it under control. Will apply some more in mid August.

Got some pics in the sun. This is before culling 4 or 5 more plants, but I think you'll get the picture. Some plants have reached 7+ ft. Going to be a heavy harvest, hoping to keep mold at bay with better spacing and healthy plants going into fall.

Not pruning lower growth this year per Reverend's recommendations. Seems to go with my understanding of carbohydrate source and sink balance working in the plant. Lower leaves are utilized to feed to roots even though they are mostly in the shade. Will let the plants be the boss. :smoke:



Well-known member
Pipe, everything looks so green. Are you having any draught issues this year at your plots? Here in northern IL its super dry this year.


ICMag Donor
I'm trying to optimize yield and potency this year so been watering every week unless we get an inch or so of rain. Yeah we had a severe drought in June, but now its only moderate drought and the lawns are looking pretty good after getting several rains the past couple weeks. Rains can be spotty though, so conditions vary depending on where you are.

I'm not wanting to haul water up hill from the creek anymore, just using the truck and hauling in about 114 gallons to water out of the metal can. Its so much more fun when you cut the leg work out of it. I was getting some hardcore workouts the past couple years.

They grew about a foot this past week. So may be getting a little bigger plants this year on a few of them! Its very uniform and full this year too! Going to be a lot to process but thats alright! :smoke:


Well-known member

Psalm 110 NKJV​

Announcement of the Messiah’s Reign​

A Psalm of David.​

110 The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
2 The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
Rule in the midst of Your enemies!

3 Your people shall be volunteers
In the day of Your power;
In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning,
You have the dew of Your youth.
4 The Lord has sworn
And will not relent,
“You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek.”

5 The Lord is at Your right hand;
He shall [a]execute kings in the day of His wrath.

Psalm 111​

Praise to God for His Faithfulness and Justice​

111 Praise[a] the Lord!

I will praise the Lord with my whole heart,
In the assembly of the upright and in the congregation.

2 The works of the Lord are great,
Studied by all who have pleasure in them.
3 His work is honorable and glorious,
And His righteousness endures forever.
4 He has made His wonderful works to be remembered;
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.
5 He has given food to those who fear Him;
He will ever be mindful of His covenant.
6 He has declared to His people the power of His works,
In giving them the [b]heritage of the nations.

7 The works of His hands are verity[c] and justice;
All His precepts are sure.
8 They stand fast forever and ever,
And are done in truth and uprightness.
9 He has sent redemption to His people;
He has commanded His covenant forever:
Holy and awesome is His name.

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.
His praise endures forever.

6 He shall judge among the nations,
He shall fill the places with dead bodies,
He shall [b]execute the heads of many countries.
7 He shall drink of the brook by the wayside;
Therefore He shall lift up the head..

2 Timothy 4:1-8 NKJV​

Preach the Word​

4 I charge you [a]therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead [b]at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Paul’s Valedictory​

6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.


Pipe is this your son/daughter? What strain is he/she? Very nice looking dog. Shepherd features, but the color of a Aussie .



ICMag Donor
Thats a boy Sambo, he is my ex's family's old dog, probably passed away by now. He is a great dog, he would jump up in the truck bed if you told him. Very vocal responsive, a good listener. High level of intelligence on those dogs.

One of my customers has one named Lucie, and she just wants to get you to play frisbee, all day every day. Hard working dogs! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Sambo was lost twice and then found. Sambo would go to jobs with my father in law and then get lost. One time my bro in law found him at the humane society. The next time he was spotted in someone's yard who had been keeping him, a few miles from the house. Must wonder off, or my father in law forgot to get him and went home without him. Some drinking may have been involved. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Had a storm yesterday so had to go back out and check on them to make sure they were standing. All looked pretty good, a couple were leaning. We didn't get more than a tenth to a quarter inch rain but its something, and will really help with the heat wave this week. Going to be a jungle out there with heat index up to 105 and actual temps in the mid to upper 90's! These plants are going to grow. They are 7+ looking for 8-9 ft on some of these with lots of branches! :smoke:

May need to bring out a ladder to do inspections! Would be a good idea, last year broke a main flower bending it down to inspect. :smoke:

Few pics from the morning. After this pic, pulled the 2 males and a couple little plants, so there is plenty of space now for most of the plants!





Early Skunk x Lebanese


Early Skunk x Lebanese



ICMag Donor
Deep Chunk x Blueberry






Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush busy stacking pistils. Will have lots of seeds from this one! :smoke:


Paradise Cheese x Lebanese--struggling in the shade of a couple DC x LVPK x HK. Will see how it develops in flower, and may decide to pull it. I'd like to see the flavor on it though! I may be able to lean it over to find some light. :smoke:



ICMag Donor
About to get another thunderstorm under severe limits with a tenth or quarter inch light rain. I'm so glad because its going to be hot this week. Going to see some growth going on. We've reached "Warp Speed", strap yourselves in... :smoke:

Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush










Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush



ICMag Donor
Ahh an easy thunderstorm, don't have to worry about blowing over with this one. Will be great to have the extra rain.

Sativa Candy Chunk




SCC--Can you spot the Champion #1 male?







ICMag Donor
Sativa Candy Chunk--3 of the tallest ones


SCC- will have pollen early! Great to not have to wait for pollen, that really ruins the fun because the plants get so heavily seeded! Its best to make sure you have early pollen drop to cull males when its time.


SCC Champion #1 male- removed the other male that was beside it, so now it gets more sun exposure. Hopefully will drop pollen on time. Looks like it will, but it won't have as much production as some of the other males, but thats alright.




ICMag Donor
Thanks Mountaingrower! Its always a little bit a of a learning process and thats what makes it fun. Try to get a little better ever year. Glad to be able to share my experience.

With this grow log as a guide anyone could grow any size garden like this and have it pretty productive. Its a weekly process, but its really pretty easy. Small plants are easier to manage. You can cover all across the crountryside if you wanted to. :smoke:

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