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:::::::Pipeline Farms 2024:::::::


ICMag Donor
Taking it easy this year with just the Sativa Candy Chunk cultivar, so it will be less likely to get things mixed up during harvest. This year is the 15th filial generation (F15) so am making it easy to be certain there is no genetic contamination in the population. We want everything to keep going as its been to attain inbred line, true breeding status. Its becoming obvious the line is approaching that point. With a few more years selections, it will begin to have more and more traits similar across the offspring. Terpene profile is similar on each type with the laundry detergent signature SCC terpenes. However some are more pine and some are more fruit leaning but they all have that base flavor of the 'Signature' phenotype.

I prefer the more pine leaning because its a higher potency more pronounced effect with more medical benefit.

We do have a couple volunteer plants, they are from the SCC side and appear to be SCC. Will not use them as pollinators because the seed source was not certain. Last year had some other varieties but had selected 5 male SCC for pollination until early August when they were cut.

Got the plot planted last weekend, so this weekend spent some time pruning and re-digging drainage. Last year had some root rot issues on the east side of the garden where it didn't drain as well. After digging the entire plot, rounded it well with a rake and dug a second drainage ditch, so should be much better. Have used the plot for a couple years and usually cut it back a bit every year.

Got a new STIHL rope pole pruner and have an extension to make it 18 ft, so was able to cut the trees back pretty well. Also have a pole chainsaw with 6 ft extra extension I have used to prune in the past. Should get plenty of sun and ventilation for a healthy garden this year!







ICMag Donor


Volunteer plants germinated very beginning of march or possibly beginning late Feb with a push of warm air late winter! They made it through some really cold nights. Had some leaf cover on the garden with sticks which helped offer some protection, plus they are in a wooded area on the top of a hill so cold air drains well! Air had been in upper 20's several times when they were young, and they made it through fine!

Could just sow the garden in the dormant period in Feb/Early March, and let God take care of it. The seeds know when to emerge. Maybe till and fertilize in the fall with no till and top dress during the growing season. Would be fun to experiment. The ground gets loosened up by the frost anyway. I have to do camoflage though, so have to wait until surrounding brush and trees start to leaf out before planting anyway.



ICMag Donor
Just Sativa Candy Chunk IBL this year my F15 this year!

Seed planted May 4 and a few more may 12. Got plenty of Healthy Grow chicken manure mix and cotton seed meal. Will likely mulch in early july, once some males are pulled.

Waiting a year or so to grow the CBD hemp. Too risky since I can buy it any way. Saving the seed for planting in the next couple years hopefully.

Shots from today! Had some excessive rain yesterday and today. Totaled over 2 inches over a long period of time!

Cleared the plot yesterday in between and during a torential rain so it would dry out better. Found 2 volunteer plants about 1 foot tall. Volunteers I had been watching since early March when they germinated, they made it though temps in the upper 20's F a couple times! Pinched the tops, and we're off to the races!





Been making infused coconut oil capsules with them. Definitely recommend these, really easy going and helps medicate the body much better.


Yeah flowery is a pretty good describing word, but it tastes like laundry detergent smells.

Mission accomplished, plot is installed. Worked out perfect, didn't have too many or too little. Will be warm the next couple days with rain on wednesday so these guys are going to be on the move!

It was pretty wet soil conditions, but was actually a little drier than it has been in the past. No need to water. Thanks @mudballs @Mudballs 2.2 for sharing his secret for transplants. Just transplant into pre-moistened media with no watering after transplant to allow maximized oxygen and root development. He said it results in quicker rooting.

This is the way I do it every year, as long as it rains within a couple days its good. Since the ground was already way moist, and there are trees providing afternoon shade.

Going to be a patch of trees soon.

Was a beautiful night, got done at about 3:15am. Day of rest, going back to clear brush around the garden to open up light and plant some veggies today!






New hash-making attachment for the reciprocating saw. Works with a 220 size screen and dry ice to help shatter the flower and release the trichomes.







Making the infused coconut oil capsules :smoke:



Ended up watering with 50 gallons since its going to be pretty hot for a couple days. Plants looked great since it was just a day since planting, and they had a good amount of oxygen with pretty moist soil.

Spent some time digging drainage ditches and pruned back the trees and brush. Put down some animal repellent, and my dogs did some hunting. Used pepper based repellent yesterday and Liquid fence today. No animal issues since yesterday!

Got a couple shots to share, will post them soon. Happy growing! Have a good one! :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Looking great flowerpower! Get them out early! Yeah plenty of time to get things going still. Work on the root system though, have to have strong plants by the time the storms roll around. I remember we had some losses last year when you got strong storms. Make sure they have good source of calcium.

Happy growing! Temps will be 88 F today and tomorrow with sunny conditions, glad I watered a day after transplant. Mid week storms and some more later in the week to keep them hydrated. Going to move this week. May get 2 sets of leaves. The volunteers I have aren't too far behind those! They were on the 5th set of leaves when I topped them last week! :smoke:

Yeah there are different variations but all have the same distinct flowery laundry detergent terpene. Either combined with pine or fruit. Planting more of the pine leaning ones with indica type leafy flower structure instead of the over-ripe fruit sativa leaning ones that have more loose structure with less leafy flowers.

After a couple seasons of selecting for more specifics on the female flowers, hopefully it will thin out of the crop and we'll have a nice IBL set up. Just a couple more traits to get dialed in and we're there at true breeding status. I saw online it said around F 20 the line has become an IBL and is true breeding.

Time to relax this weekend, hoping the storms get the water to the crop and I'm going to go boating with the family on Memorial Day. :smoke:

Few more views from this weekend. Looked great after watering with 50 gal. Watered about 40 gal then took a break and watered the rest later in the evening. Settled without puddles. Shaped the garden in to more of a mound with the rake so it drains better this year. Also cut 2 drainage ditches instead of 1 to allow the east end to drain. Had some root rot issues.

I was out at the garden earlier last week when it was raining pretty heavily and saw how the water puddles up there. Highly recommend checking out the garden during heavy rains to see how it drains. Its fun too.

The volunteers at node 5 overlooking the plot. Topped a week ago.

See the spacing with diagonal rows to camoflage better :smoke:


Buckeye tree providing cover. Similar palmate leaves. Match made in heaven, plus you get to pick up a buckeye and keep it in your pocket for good luck while you are at the garden for a visit. :smoke:


Coarse serrations on the leaf margin


On the move

East view before doing a little pruning to the mulberry on right to shorten it to 10-12 ft. I cut it all down to lower height to allow light in.


Precious seed. God provides everything we need by the power of His Spirit.

Home made seed makes it easier to grow this way since seed is larger with more stored energy. The plants take off really well. Seed is larger because there are fewer seeds per plant. The males are cut early in early August to allow only a few pistils to be pollinated, resulting in larger healthier seed. :smoke:


When I walked into the garden to plant this weekend, there was a happy frog hopping down the trail in front of me. Had a frog friend digging in the garden last year during the drought in June. Frog is happy, I'm a happy frog too. Love the rain! We've had a lot this spring. Could end up getting pretty wet in June. Watch them grow, the plants love the rain as long as the rootzone is well drained. God is good! :smoke:

Didn't do any watering. Will just put down some repellent, trench the ditches a little deeper, and prune some brush/trees.

Going to have a chance to plant the veggies and relax a bit. Have a good Memorial Day weekend! :smoke:

Looking like some great fertilizer Mountain outlaw! Horse manure will have weed seeds and may be hot so get some stuff thats all the way broken down with no sharp strong smell, just earthy manure compost. Looks like a great plot! Mound it a little bit for oxygen and it will have regular water below!
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ICMag Donor
Checked on the plot in between rains today. Looking great and definitely anchoring in and starting to get growing.

Pinched the tops on the 2 volunteer plants again. Trying to make sure they don't shade out everything else too bad. Trying to make an even canopy. May have to top one more time in a couple weeks we'll see. Topped all growing points.

Found just couple seedlings that looked like they had burn from being too close to the fertilizer. Dieback from leaf tips on lower leaves. Its difficult to get the chicken manure to mix thoroughly when its a little on the wet side.

Everything else looked great, part of the process.

Getting another long light rain this evening. Will have some sun and dry conditons this week. Should see them start moving along. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Thanks! I let all the females grow, and a few males will be selected for open pollination until early August.

Like to get a canopy cover for better yields and camoflage. The site has partial shade, so I plant closer together to get the yield of one big sun exposed plant.

Males are identified and culled as early as possible in July, so the females have time to grow and fill in the gaps during the end of veg and early flowering stretch.

Thanks for stopping by, feel free to check out the grow thread from last year.



ICMag Donor
Glad you made it here, farmerfischer! Enjoy the ride! :smoke:

Several rounds of rain this week with sun in between with temps reaching upper 80's F a couple days, plants have started to make themself at home. Had a couple seedlings damp off, and a couple that looked like nitrogen leaf tip burn likely due to being too close to fertilizer. Its difficult to mix it really well when its somewhat wet soil.



Drainage ditches worked well. Got a half inch to an inch the past 24-48 hrs.



ICMag Donor
Thanks! Yeah ended up growing more numbers after animals got to them at the other plot a couple times. That was the initial reason for more plants, turns out its better for breeding your line. Have more diversity for the preserveation of the line plus looking through more plants, you can make selections across more individuals and more easily find the keeper phenotypes you like.

Thanks for stopping by, could do a mini patch. Used to do 3-6 seedlings per hole is you are doing single holes. :smoke:
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ICMag Donor
Can't plant them too dense or they end up kind of lanky. Also if they are put out early and are very close together would also end up being too dense. Its good to plant them as seedlings at the right time so that by the time they are mature enough to determine male/female they have just started to compete with each other. It works out well, they get thinned by culling males as they begin to be big enough to compete with each other.

Early detection of preflowers is important so the females can fill in the gaps before the end of stretch phase
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ICMag Donor
Plants are doing well, been cooler this week. They are adjusting to low light and getting taller as usual. The leaves are beginning to expand. Next week has several rounds of rain and temps in the low 80's F so they will get some good growth.

Saw a little bit of nitrogen burn due to difficulty mixing the plot and may need to dial the rate back next time. Its pretty minor and is what I saw last year. Relatively small spots on a few lower leaves, and all the new leaves are unaffected and expanding well. Should do well especially with abundant moisture in the next few days. Will help wash out the nitrogen a little. Then we will see some awesome growth! :smoke:

Going to be on the low side with the rate when doing a broadcast application later in the month. Will be using Healthy Grow 3-3-3 which is chicken manure, feather meal and potash and also using cottonseed meal like last year.

Straw phase. Should see great things this week. Stood a few of them up and pulled the runts. Had a nice rain today about 1/2 inch. :smoke:


One of the volunteer plants snapped and was weak rooted anyway, so got it pulled out. The other one is cooking along pretty well and is going to be a high yielder! Has about 2 months lead on the other plants. Pruned twice so far, may do one more topping or more if necessary. Want to let it grow up with the other plants and not tower too much above the canopy.



Well-known member
Nice plot. I also use festhermeal bone meal chicken manure pellets. Jobes 3-5-4 Really like it. Reckon how many of those you'll wind up thinning out. Nice area


ICMag Donor
Thanks! Sounds like a good fertilizer mix to use. I am cautious using bone meal because of the possibility of attracting animals, but if its mixed in to the soil may be fine. Do you use any repellents? I only do as needed, but more often in the spring since plants are small.

Thinned out a couple more, found a mutant and a runt or 2. I try to leave them all as much as possible, but since there are so many, I don't feel bad about culling mutated, diseased, or runt plants. There is quite a bit of flexibility, if some get pulled, the canopy can still close in.

A little bit of burn issues on just a few plants, but they are recovering. Should see some great growth in the next couple weeks.

Be sure to callebrate the scale used. I have 2 scales and when I weighed using each one of them it was slightly off. I may have got a little heavy of a rate, but its within the range.

Have to be careful not to burn. If they get a little burn, they recover fine usually. But if weather really dries out, they may have to be watered to help them recover from the burn. Love the chicken manure, will get it dialed in over time. :smoke:

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