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:::::::Pipeline Farms 2024:::::::


ICMag Donor
Thanks for following along, Shiva! Glad you're enjoying the updates from the farm. Plants are all on the same page this year and it is much more developed than last year, so yield should do pretty well hopefully.

Trying to do better with watering to reduce damping off and to promote deeper more full root systems. Watering deep still, until some of the plants are falling over, but will be watering less often to allow for more drying.

Likely rain tomorrow but will be less than a tenth of an inch. Several rain chances later in the week and cooler weather in between less than 80 F highs for a couple days. Will do well to wait until then for water since we had a couple days with light rain this week and nearly a half inch Sunday which was plenty. They have shade, and I will check to make sure they are doing alright. Rooted in now, so not as much of an issue, but there are a lot of plants so does use up some moisture with more evapo-transpiration with all the foliage.

Picture from 2023--June 22--Canopy is a little more full this year!



ICMag Donor
May end up watering tomorrow. Got less water last weekend and not much during the week with heat. May not have much rain until thursday. Will dig down and test a few areas, some parts of the mound stay wet and others dry out easier. Its pretty even for the most part because its fairly level. Stay tuned for the update! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Thanks! Is been a long time, but so glad I have these phenotypes in seed form. Will be interesting to see how it compares with other strains as time goes on. I think it may be somewhat unique!

Getting some rain this morning! God's grace! Won't have do any watering this weekend, summer break! Mid week storms are likely too, so should be about perfect on moisture. Need to work on the vegetable patch anyway. Have some chores to do. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Had a developing thunderstorm roll through yesterday and bring about 0.85 inch rain! Saves a lot of work having to water them. Thank you God!

Well they were watered deep from the rain and a wind came though so there was a swath down the middle of the garden with fallen plants. Tried to stand them up yesterday, but they were still a little wet with weight and the soil was soft. Will get them stood up better today.

Didn't use stakes, just use clumps of soil to pile around the plants and press down around the base of the plant to help them stand up. Also use some of the other plants to help them stay standing. Once the sun comes out, they will be able to straighten themselves out a bit. Will see how they are doing later on after it dries out. :smoke:

Couple views--They did some growing! Leaves have expanded now pretty much fully on many plants. Some leaflets are nearly 3 inches wide!






ICMag Donor
Was windy today and needed to dry out, so waited until evening and got them all stood up as good as possible. Pulled the kinked stem plant, a mutant, and a few smaller runty plants that were shaded out by larger plants.

Looking for signs of preflowers. Seeing some primordia. A plant or 2 has alternate nodes forming. Need to keep thinning the patch! Will work out. Should be able to ID some next weekend and begin male pollinator selection. Will select about 5-10 best males for open pollination until early August.

Few views from the garden today. Waist high now!







ICMag Donor
Few more views. Leaves are getting big. Going to really get going this week. A day of heat and several days with highs in the low 80's with more significant rain chances!

Glad to have smaller plants when the wind comes through. They can just be stood up, but the larger they are the harder they fall. Big plants can blow over in summertime thunderstorms, so outdoors its best to grow somewhat smaller plants unless able to build a secure framework to structure them.




