...so, what happened to the shop vac?
It ran really fast for about half a second and then, as Jhhnn said, the all-important smoke escaped...
the cheapest outlets are rated for 15 amps at least , & even with 2 ballasts plugged into one duplex outlet on 220volts is only going to draw 10amps max ......
No Dan, you are missing the point. "Rated", in this case, is absolutely meaningless. They are built by unknown manufacturers because no reputable manufacturer would touch building something that bypasses a 100+ years of electrical standards. They meet no standards, and can claim anything they want because they aren't tested for compliance by any agency. It's like buying roadkill off of the back of someone's truck and expecting it to meet FDA standards because the meat at the store does.
10 amps at 240v, continuously, is a significant load. The receptacle and the plug are the weakest link in the circuit. This is not the place that you want to save a couple bucks.