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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
Yea I'm hoping to get some good seeds.

The last plant had almost all fully mature seeds by the time it had amber trichs.

I'm thinking I should get some pretty tough seeds because the plant has been brutalized since day one. Lol

Just about every possible type of stress.

It's supposed to finish in 8 weeks which is 4 days from now but all of my plants have taken a lot longer.

I guess it's time to start checking the trichs.


Active member

I think, the young clone could take a lot more light allready. She looks perfect except stretching. If your main goal with the old hermied plant is seedmaking, i would consider replacing her with the young healthy clone.

Btw I would raise the seeded plant till it dies. If you have luck, and get homogene feminized seeds from her, you can make a good pack of seeds for yourself. Probably you mentioned earlier, but can I ask, what strain she is, or what is her origin?


Well-known member
I think, the young clone could take a lot more light allready. She looks perfect except stretching. If your main goal with the old hermied plant is seedmaking, i would consider replacing her with the young healthy clone.

Well, I guess I've got a few options.
I could screw in some more bulbs but my intention is to transplant one or both of the window plants outdoors in about a month.

I don't really care too much about them and just wanted to keep them relatively happy until they go outside.
The bigger window plant is a clone and the smaller one is from a seed.

My bigger clone would not transplant into the cooler very well. The kitty litter container is too big for the cooler. I've got 4" of clay pellets at the bottom of the cooler for drainage.

Btw I would raise the seeded plant till it dies. If you have luck, and get homogene feminized seeds from her, you can make a good pack of seeds for yourself. Probably you mentioned earlier, but can I ask, what strain she is, or what is her origin?

I assume that the plant wouldn't be smokable if I let it die.
All my plants are White Widow feminized seeds from Crop King Seeds. I meant to order Autoflower seeds but messed up my order and I want to switch to Autoflower because they are a lot easier to deal with.

I've got 5 Candy Cane Autoflower seeds ready to go once my closet plant is done and I don't really want regular seeds.
I do have over 100 seeds from my last White Widow that must have hermed as well.
I originally thought it got pollinated with pollen from outside but then I realized it must have hermed and I didn't notice.
I didn't notice my current plant had male flowers until you guys pointed it out.
I need to be a lot more observant. Lol

So I think I'm going to harvest my closet plant when I see some amber trichs and not worry about the seeds.
That will free up my closet sooner so I can finally try to grow something new that isn't bothered by light leaks and I should end up with some smokeable weed.

I've only grown and smoked White Widow for years now and really want to try something different.
I had been growing one seed at a time from start to finish and only end up using about 3 seeds a year, so I really don't need a lot of seeds.
Now I'm going to be smoking Candy Cane for the next two years. Lol


Well-known member
I intend to do a much better job with my next plant.
I'm going to plant the sprouted seed directly into the cooler and then try my very hardest to just leave her the F*** alone.

Nothing but water and nutes and leave the lights the way they are.
No more harassment or experimentation.

I'm posting this here in an attempt to make sure I stick with the program.


Well-known member
... I'm afraid of what that beast could do to me... :biggrin: cute fluffy little thing. :cathug:

Actually, I let my cat out to run around and explore the neighborhood.

I've had her for 5 1/2 years now and three separate times she got into a fight with some nasty feral cat and came home with her nose all out of joint.

I was fricken scared of her.
She was hissing and swiping at me and I couldn't walk past her without the threat of attack.

Each time it took her 3-4 days to calm down and spent all of her time hiding under my bed.

Even treats wouldn't tame her scary ass. Lol


Well-known member
Poor little thing..
See? I've told you she is a beast! :biggrin:

The last time it happened, she pooped on the back porch and was sitting in a puddle of pee.

Something scared the shit out of her. Literally. Lol

I don't let her out at night anymore. That's when she gets into trouble.


recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
Yeah man, you got some serious wildlife over there, even the coons can be a threat to her.
Around here I barely found deer. But I did! Guess who's gonna poach them? :biggrin:
Funny part is that I've found them while hare poaching. Unless you're an animal lover, which case I'm a dirty bastard. A dirty bastard who knows the midnight watering spot.
It's the same for hares, 'cause their only two but only a couple days ago I found hoof traces and dong.


Well-known member
I'm definitely going to wash my plant after I chop it.
It's completely covered in cat hair.

Thanks bajson for informing me of that technique. I had never heard of it before.


Well-known member
I'm really not impressed with my plant or myself with this grow.

The plant is hermed, tiny, purple, and covered in dust and cat hair.

I'm kinda wondering if my new lighting is working but it's probably the multitude of other factors that played the biggest part.

I've realized that the bigger better plants I grew that didn't herm were Autoflower so I'm hoping my next attempt with the Candy Cane auto flower will be better for me.

So far my current plant and set up is an example for no one except to show what not to do.

On a more hopeful note, my current plant reminds me of this plant from a couple of years ago where I had given up on it but it ended up being the best weed I ever had.
I was hoping for a 4-foot plant and finally gave up and chopped it.
It suffered a life of brutality as well.

Another thing that should help with my next grow is that my local government stopped the 'time of use' costs for electricity so it's at off-peak pricing all the time due to the COVID crisis.

That means I can have the lights on during the day which will help reduce the chances of my drunken gardening.

I'll tend to my plant when I wake up sober. Lol


Active member
Ha! I was admiring all the cat hair on your buds thinking "mine look like that!" I almost always do an h2o2 bath when I harvest my plants. Kills whatever mold spores might be on them and rinses off all the dust and fuzz.

I'm excited to see what your next crop looks like in this space. First run is almost always a guinea pig run. I only had 1 plant out of 12 survive my first run this year.


Well-known member

bajson mentioned using lemon juice and bicarbonate for a wash then two dips of fresh water.

Maybe I could put some peroxide in the second dip?

How much H2O2 do you use for your wash. ?


Well-known member
I'm thinking the purple-colored stems were from my plant being really cold.

It barely hit 75°F with the lights on and dropped to low 60's at night.

I don't mind spending 220 Watts on lighting but 500 Watts for a bit of heat bothered me.

It's spring now and by the time I get my Candy Cane growing it will be much warmer in my closet, and even if she herms, I will hopefully get Autoflower seeds.

Maybe I'll torture my next plant to get some seeds I want. Lol


recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
I've shuffled thru my old albums and I found one of my favorite plants:

It's a Jack Herer clone in one liter pot, so you see? Your shame (dwarf plant) is my pride and joy. :biggrin:


Well-known member
that purpling looks more deficency related than cold.

phosphorus and maybe magnesium is what it looks like to my eyes..

however not much to it, this late in bloom, next run make sure you use a little more P

shrimp/crusteatan meal and a good rock dust would do well for you.