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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
Oh crap...

What I could do is buy cigarettes on the reserve then empty the tobacco out of them and fill them with my tobacco. Lol

That's not gonna happen either. Lol

Oh well...
It's just something to do.
It's only cost me $6.15 so far.

I don't think I want to roll up full leaves and smoke something like a cigar.

Apparently, that's a more dangerous alternative to cigarettes.


Well-known member
I should be able to buy cigarette tubes cheaper on the reserve if it comes to it.

Even regular rolling papers are quite expensive now.


Well-known member
rez bombs have gotten better and depends on where and what your geting your not paying much more than just the tubes you just listed.

serveral decent variaties under 20$ a cart, would doubt tubes are cheaper on rez, papers generally are not unless they are rez counterfeits. but Rez red Zags without water mark.. nice papers as long as they are fresh. no clue what they are using but damn sure it ain't zags


Active member
Oh wow, ...

I didn't know that.

I'd need to grow more than 50 plants to do me for a year.
That's not going to happen.

Oh well, it's just to give me something to do.
I'm probably just going to try 10 plants max.

And I know nothing about curing, preparing, cutting, smoking it.

Even the empty tobacco tubes are really expensive now.

It might actually be cheaper to buy cigarettes at the reserve than tubes at the store.

Grow them outside. Plant a cannabis plant right in the middle of the plot. = winning


Well-known member
This is my water level in my closet SIP plant...

But she is looking like this...
I'm thinking too wet ??

This was her when I watered her yesterday...

This is her with an empty reservoir...

I'm thinking, she's too wet and needs to dry out...??

I'm not going to water until she perks up unless anyone has any input.

She is adjusting to more than 10 times more light, being transplanted, and different nutes though, so it may all be related to that?

She still looks too wet and she is pretty cold
(this is Canada though and we grow our weed inside our igloos. Lol)

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Tubes are 4 bucks at leafonly. I buy the all black ones. Looks less offensive in my ashtrays, or littered about my garage floor in between sweepings. 5 packs are only $20 at the smoke shop..

I'm sure they're just as cheap at the reservation, if not a bit cheaper..

If you go that route, theres only 1 real option as far as stuffing goes.. which is the powermatic 2. s'like... 80 bucks... but it's a fuckin workhorse which lasts forever. Buy once cry once scenario, where nothing else really makes good sense, anyways.

I don't even bother with the shredder anymore.. shreds the tobacco too thin, smokes burn too long, tobacco runs out quicker. Good pair of hefty kitchen scissors, ftw. Takes me all of 5 minutes to cut up 20g of tobacco and stuff as many tubes.


Well-known member
I tried that the other year as an experiment, Perique I think it was. I didnt do very well, but I didnt do bad either. I wasnt around to cut back the flowers, and they were so sticky they had a matt of tiny dead insects everywhere, ended up tossing them. Maybe another time I'll try again.


Well-known member
She is looking pretty good up top...
(except for her varicose veins.
Fricken old bag. Lol)

But she's pretty damn droopy in the middle...

Maybe she's got too much CO2??

I'm quite the alcoholic so she gets lots of CO2. Lol


Well-known member
She's looking very sad in the middle...

OMG !!

I think she's got the COVID !!

She needs a ventilator !!

Seriously, I should put a circulation fan in there but I don't want to get too automated.
Too many points of failure... ?

I found another thermostat...

I could use it as an emergency temperature cut off switch...?

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I tried that the other year as an experiment, Perique I think it was. I didnt do very well, but I didnt do bad either. I wasnt around to cut back the flowers, and they were so sticky they had a matt of tiny dead insects everywhere, ended up tossing them. Maybe another time I'll try again.

I think perique is chocked full of sugar. It's comes super wet and sticky. Tastes like foot and cheese. I think it'd be harder to grow. It's the priciest variety, and the stem accounts for like.. 3/4 of the weight. It's more something you would blend in at <10% into a cigar..

I've smoked straight perique cigarettes while waiting on a delivery of fresh tobacco, ordered all sorts of samplers of the priciest varieties, tried making all sorts of blends.. If you are a camel smoker, you might enjoy the pricier varieties, or creating different blends.. but if you smoke marlboro.. Virginia tobacco is.. the same shit.

Sometimes I buy the Canadian grown Virginia tobacco. Whatever is the freshest and lightest available. Aged or darker tobacco tastes harsh to me.

My smokes taste pretty indistinguishable from a marlboro light.. just.. fresher, and smoother.


Well-known member
We here in Ontario (and Canada for that matter) air dry our tobacco in tobacco barns.

Apparently, the Americans kiln dry their tobacco...?

I've smoked a lot of American cigarettes and to me, they smell/taste like parmesan cheese/Limburger cheese/dirty socks/feet.

But I like cheese and the first cigarettes I ever bought were American and I still like their stanky smokes... Lol


Well-known member
I use a lot of parmesan cheese in my recipes...

I've never used my dirty socks.

When the COVID really hits the fan, I may have to use my dirty socks as a spice...



Active member
Different strains of tobacco require different drying methods. Some are air-dried in barns, some are heat-dried, some are oven-dried, and some are sun-dried. The guy who sold me all his tobacco seeds told me that each variety needs different methods. I imagine kiln-drying speeds up the process, which is a very american thing to do.

Your flowering plant looks great!


Well-known member
Different strains of tobacco require different drying methods. Some are air-dried in barns, some are heat-dried, some are oven-dried, and some are sun-dried. The guy who sold me all his tobacco seeds told me that each variety needs different methods. I imagine kiln-drying speeds up the process, which is a very american thing to do.

All I know is that American smokes definitely taste and smell different.

Your flowering plant looks great!

She's a little droopy in the middle but I think she's gonna come around.

She's probably quite stressed but I figure that will just mean she'll take longer.

I always watch the trichs to decide when to harvest.


Well-known member
My window plant is sprouting some roots.

It'll probably stick to the container when I transplant her.
I'll probably have to cut a bunch of roots off to get her out of the container.

I'll probably have to run a butter knife around the inside of the container to free her.


Active member
Seems overwatered for mee too. Do you ever use h2o2?

I would add 1,5-2ml/l of 3% H2O2 to the next watering. I have a fungicide against pythium called Proplant. It helps in situations like this a lot. I guess Hydroguard may have the same effect.

Anyway, I think you should wter her in smaller dosages..

(sry i forgot to use quote, so this was about the blooming plant. I think, roots are in lack of oxigen again)
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