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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Active member
Beautiful cat, man. I was never much of a cat person til I aquired the one I currently have. He's a very special boy... I know cause I grew up with a crazy cat lady and have seen many lol. He knows a larger vocabulary than most dogs and is smart enough to know to turn doorknobs to get them to open. Unusually intelligent kitty. Someone declawed and dumped him, then he showed up at my door meowing, trying to get in. I opened the door and he dashed in, grabbed a dog toy and ran back out. I had no clue what to make of it cause I've never seen a cat pull a stunt like that before. The next day he was back... I let him in again and he refused to go back out. Fair enough, you're mine now. :cathug:

Your cat looks quite a bit like one of mine (I have 3 cats currently)..


He's about a year old, and is what's known as a Savannah Cat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savannah_cat), which is a crossbreed of an African Serval and a Domestic Housecat. My boy is a F5, which means he's 11% Serval and 89% housecat, but his Serval tenancies still come through. Savannaha Cats are very smart and communicative. They come in both striped and spotted patterns. I wouldn't be too surprised if your cat is a Savannah Cat too, especially considering that someone spent money on him to get declawed.


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Well-known member
My stems have gone all purple...

I think she's resorbing so she shrunk and turned color...

She was taller before...



Active member
I think roots suffer lack of oxigen. I hope it is just a slight overwatering, but my root rotten plants had exactly the same symptoms at first.

Might be PH problem too, but I'm almost sure, there is some discomfort of the roots.


Indicas make dreams happen
@PCBuds: Haha thanks, for some reason the pic would only post horizontal for me, even when flipped. Maybe the file size was too big... In case you're wondering, his name is Benny :)

@indagroove: Gorgeous boy you have there. I'm familiar with Savannahs and Servals. I guy I used to work with tried to give me his male Savannah, but the cat sprayed on everything and went to town clawing the furniture. I had to pass even though it was a beutiful cat being the spotted variety you mention. I have no idea what his genetic background is but that's a very interesting guess I'd of never thought of. He is the most vocal cat I've ever seen too, which is supposedly a trait of Savannahs. Not sure if there is any sort of company doing cat geneology or not, but now I'm intrigued and want to know. I guess for now I'm going to have to settle with him just being a Tabby.


Active member
Hey, cool job with those covers :)
When I look at that plant I say 99% certain: too much light
The leaves stop praying and curl like that, purpling stems from stress. Loss of green at tops, which can look like all kinds of deficiencies.

I've had this exact thing many many times over. And when mother or clones grow too tall in a headspace limited area, it still happens. (It's not like I'm slamming the light down anymore like I used to before figuring this out)

other factors:
too much light - too low temps. At 21C they cannot metabolize as fast as they can at 28C.
This is a big one. (the light level may be adequate but the temperature is not. In this case "too much light" is a bit too simplistic of a conclusion, due to an interaction effect of the temperature variable)

the effects of too much light are more apparent on rootbound plants, not the case here

Dim to 75% or 50% and it will surely resume praying in a day, or 2.
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Active member
Also, try cloning without a dome. If your plant can live in 40% RH, there is no reason its clone can't. I do it all the time. It makes cloning a lot easier. I have had plenty of problems due to clones living in very high RH for extended periods.
66F, 70F is pretty low too. At 70 it should be doable though

What makes them look fucked up like that is all the rot and nastiness that happens from living in stagnant air that is completely saturated with water.
if they manage to survive the 2-3 weeks of Great Flood they can still die within 12 hours after being moved into low RH if you don't harden them off. Humidity dome is the only thing that has ever killed my plants apart from drought
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Well-known member
I think roots suffer lack of oxigen. I hope it is just a slight overwatering, but my root rotten plants had exactly the same symptoms at first.

Might be PH problem too, but I'm almost sure, there is some discomfort of the roots.

Hey, cool job with those covers :)
When I look at that plant I say 99% certain: too much light
The leaves stop praying and curl like that, purpling stems from stress. Loss of green at tops, which can look like all kinds of deficiencies.

I've had this exact thing many many times over. And when mother or clones grow too tall in a headspace limited area, it still happens. (It's not like I'm slamming the light down anymore like I used to before figuring this out)

other factors:
too much light - too low temps. At 21C they cannot metabolize as fast as they can at 28C.
This is a big one. (the light level may be adequate but the temperature is not. In this case "too much light" is a bit too simplistic of a conclusion, due to an interaction effect of the temperature variable)

the effects of too much light are more apparent on rootbound plants, not the case here

Dim to 75% or 50% and it will surely resume praying in a day, or 2.

Okay, I've got both things going on.
The planter weighs a ton.
I watered it heavily after transplanting it thinking I needed to water in the roots.

I've got no problem turning down the lights.
It would be safer anyway.
The strips won't overheat if my fan craps out.

It can fail safely with them turned down.


Well-known member
Also, try cloning without a dome. If your plant can live in 40% RH, there is no reason its clone can't. I do it all the time. It makes cloning a lot easier. I have had plenty of problems due to clones living in very high RH for extended periods.
66F, 70F is pretty low too. At 70 it should be doable though

What makes them look fucked up like that is all the rot and nastiness that happens from living in stagnant air that is completely saturated with water.
if they manage to survive the 2-3 weeks of Great Flood they can still die within 12 hours after being moved into low RH if you don't harden them off. Humidity dome is the only thing that has ever killed my plants apart from drought


She really is wet and I don't want her to rot.

I think she'll be fine.
She's a tough little plant, I've put her through hell. Lol



Well-known member
This one's been through hell too.

This was her just after she born on December 4th.

This is when I dug her up on January 5th



Active member

She really is wet and I don't want her to rot.

I think she'll be fine.
She's a tough little plant, I've put her through hell. Lol

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/0yxDxCmN/1583677365068-212299282.jpg]View Image[/url]

They are survivors, for sure :)

Here is 3 pics of a mega stunted clone recovering from its humidity hell (after pruning bad parts)
It took a 2nd set of new growth for it to look healthy

Same plant never a problems without dome

(Snipping the leaves is not necessary, I just do it to make them a little smaller)


Active member

You might want to add some cal/mag. My water is already high in calcium, so I just add epsom salts @ 1/2 tsp per gallon of water. I noticed when I switched from T5 to LED for vegging. It seemed to perk my girls right up when I started adding the epsom salts.


Well-known member
You might want to add some cal/mag. My water is already high in calcium, so I just add epsom salts @ 1/2 tsp per gallon of water. I noticed when I switched from T5 to LED for vegging. It seemed to perk my girls right up when I started adding the epsom salts.

I've got garden lime in the soil and my nutrients have both as well.

I'm not going to water again until she dries out.

I've got a packet of Cal/Mag that I can add to the mix if she ever dries up. Lol


Well-known member
My clone was really wet and heavy so I dug her up and transplanted her into seedling mix.

She is doing great, ... the roots are really growing now.

I watered her and reweighed her and she's a lot lighter.



Well-known member
I think they'll both be fine.
They are probably both going to take forever to finish but I'm used to that. I'm in no rush.

Hey Super, ... What current do you have your strips set at and will I be able to turn mine up as she gets used to the lights?


Well-known member
I just measured my current and the one foot long strips on the walls are drawing 114 mA each at 18.7 volts.

The two-foot strips on the ceiling are drawing 329 mA at 18.95 volts but they are 3' from the canopy.

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