I used a tiny brush and cleaned up the electrode on my PH meter.
I tried to find a replacement electrode for my meter, but I didn't have any luck.
Fortunately, my meter will tell me when the electrode is worn out, so I know that I will have accurate readings until the meter can't calibrate itself anymore.
It's always those foxtails that keep throwing me off.
I'll chop it and hang it now.
It's nice and dry right now with about 30%-40% RH in the house so she should dry out nicely without any risk of mold.
I'm just going to dry it right out for 10 days, skip the curing, then jar it.
That's how I did the CandyCane, and it turned out fine.
Lots of great terpines after it was in the jar, and really easy.
I'll start another of the same seed tomorrow and see if I can get it to germinate.
I want to grow the same strain in the big SIP container in the closet from start to finish to see what happens.
I should be able to get another 400+ gram plant in the closet.
I'm curious to see what kind of yeild this current plant is going to give me.
I chopped it, rinsed it in the shower then hung it up with the big fan blowing on it.
I cut it into two pieces and it's got a HUGE hollow pith at the middle of the plant.
The pith is solid at stalk though...
I still want to plant a seed in it though, so I think I'll drill a hole down through the stalk. Lol
That might allow the seeds tap root to get into something that it can penetrate.
The small diameter drill bits are pretty short though.
Maybe I'll start the hole with a drill bit, then try to sharpen up a piece of coat hanger and chew it down through the root system ??
It worked,...
I drilled a hole then drilled it deeper with a piece of coat hanger that I chewed up with a diagonal cutters.
I started one of Reiko's seeds to try to grow in the root stalk.
I'm going to just do one seed at a time so I don't get things mixed up.
Once this one gets planted, I'll start another Grapefuit seed from Fitzera to grow in the closet.