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Paul/Frank co-sponsoring legalization bill


weed fiend
why don't you consider getting the facts. you know? the reasons this guy doesn't qualify as an innocent civilian. but then that would be hard to limit the ends to political reasons.


whats the difference between him and mcveigh?

Im not sure where i come down on this issue. On one hand he was an american citizen, who is suppose to get the same 'due process' as the rest of us. If they can take this from him, they can take it from anybody.

All they really needed to do was try him 'in absenta'; even a 'show trial' in PoDunk GA, or at 'ground zero', anything that found him guilty (and there appears to be plenty of evidence) of treason, and sentence him to death.

Firing squad, gas chamber, laser guided weapons from flying deadly robots, who gives a shit?

One has to wonder, if someone 'assassinated' Hitler in 1938, should they go to prison?


What the fuck is going on with this bill? I figure it just 'got lost' like every other one.


Active member
it doesnt qualify him for a speacial presidential assasination. its due proccess.as a citizen you have the presumtion of innocence until wait for it ...... proven guilty in the court of law.a fact.

and if the govt can do it for one person they can do it for groups of people,because theres no restraint on the govt if they dont obey the constitution,and somhow brainwashing people into thinking its ok if the govt dissobeys its own constitution if ya only do it once and never again ,you know they will do it again and again if its to meet those political ends.


Active member
whats the difference between him and mcveigh?


mcveigh actually blew up a federal building in Oklahoma,this guy had 0 evidence of any wrong doing except excersizing his 1st ammendment rights when in yemen.

and the bill is still in review.


Well-known member
The events of the past decade have been orchestrated by "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It's preparations are concealed not published, it's mistakes are buried not headlined, it's dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." -JFK This is just the beginning, we are fucked. That guy was another pawn in their mind game they are playing on us. Don't worry they will start flying those drones here to get "Terrorists" I wonder if anyone can see the reality that's unfolding here? This is an amazing time to be alive! They are going to take our freedom with this war on terror. Don't be fooled by their political puppetry, they are conditioning us through these media whore houses! This is a war for our minds.


mcveigh actually blew up a federal building in Oklahoma,this guy had 0 evidence of any wrong doing except excersizing his 1st ammendment rights when in yemen.

and the bill is still in review.

Well 'inciting a riot' could be applied, and given the terrorist rhetoric, i dont see why you couldnt charge him with treason. They say he had multiple conversations with the army guy (Hasan) who shot up the army barrack, inspired the 'underwear' and 'time square' guy.

Its one thing to rally against the govt, its another to incite violence; freedom of speech ends when you yell fire in a theater.

Bush set precedent, with extra judicial detention, the Obama 'Administration' is not going to give an inch, (kinda like a machismo contest between exec, leg, and judicial branches). Hell he even fought/danced around the War Powers Act of 1973 in regards to Lybia. It not solely an 'Obama' thing, its a 'presidential administration' thing, God help us if Rick Perry gets in.

Change my ass.

Whats up with the MJ bill?


Active member
@ shroomdr

freedom of speech isnt there to talk about the weather,its there so you can say contrivercial things without fear of violence. the KKK encites violence all the time in marches ect..... they have that right and yet people are smart enough to ignore them and some do join but they shouldnt be assasinated.

you could create a anti KKK group to raise awarness instead of drone attacks.

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weed fiend
I just wonder where half of you were when Saddam Hussein and OBL were said to be partners and we had to fight em there so they wouldn't fight us here. That stuff doesn't just go away when you change your mind. HSA is a whole lot more than you've seen. It doesn't just say what happened Friday is legal, it rubber stamps anything (any president) wants to do.

Instead of getting so caught up in the politics of right vs left, reserve a little brain power for what they're actually doing. We had a chance to raise hell before we preemptively invaded a sovereign nation, killing tens of thousands of innocents. Instead, we went shopping and allowed a president to play the fear card. That shit don't change when the president's a democrat.

It takes Congress and Congress takes us to kick their ass and keep shit like this from happening. We missed our chance. Maybe we'll get it back. But don't expect one man to settle our differences, it'll never happen. That's why we have laws. Unfortunately we blew this one 8 years ago.


the kkk skirts the line as much as possible.

Their signs preach their 'superiority', not to 'hurt people'. It is obvious they are trying to act provocative, and im sure they would probably love to get into fisticuffs when marching in an urban city. But as long as they dont make the first move, and stick to the 'positivity' of themselves, and not the 'harming of others', what they do is perfectly 'legal'.

It seems nuts, but it really is the only way. Society has not yet, and i dont see how we will ever solve this problem...

Again, if someone kills Hitler in Feb 1939, they go to jail, they do it Feb 1942, they are a worldwide hero. How do you resolve that (cause i dont know)?


All the govt would have had to do is put him on trial. But if they start with this guy, they have to do every 'guy' henceforth, the 'administration' only sets precedent when it is favorable.

Lawyers get to everybody, even when they promise 'Hope and Change'.


Active member
oh for those who didnt know ,the good dr, has raised 1.4 million with ordinary donations this quarter, the goal is 1.5 but i have a feeling its going higher.
also lots of primaries dates have been moved sooner than their traditional dates because they obviously want to limit campeigning time for him, and the time to register republican to vote in the primaries,that way only cannidates with coprate sponsorship will have the neccesary cash when the time comes.
you all have to do it 12 wks, before the primary in your state.


Active member
@ shroom dr,

im not sure about the relivence of those two dates could you inform me what your reffering to.


weed fiend
Accept for the fact we've been killing whoever we wanted to kill for decades, we used to have a pretty good system.

We used to special op and criminal trial these bastards. But that wasn't good enough for those who point the finger of weakness for political gain. We actually accepted a think tank mentality that said we could transform the world by occupying it.

In another time, this two unfortunates might have met their fates differently. Special ops and law enforcement have captured and convicted hundreds of terrorists, not including the ones killed in attempted capture.

But that wasn't good enough for a storyline that says we have to throw away what works and establish a monument to failure. Military tribunals have heard 3 cases while Guantanamo has released 63 prisoners, many who were never charged. Some may rot there because we can't establish guilt in tribunals yet we can't let them go.

What about the old way? Let the FBI and Justice dept handle these cases and we'll go back to not openly killing Americans. But that'll take an act of Congress and we'll have to kick em in the ass to do it.


@ shroom dr,

im not sure about the relivence of those two dates could you inform me what your reffering to.

Hell, i should have said, Aug 1939, and Aug 1941 (only two years).

Germany invaded Poland (starting ww2) Sept 1939, (with Soviet help), and then invaded the Soviet union less than two years later (june 1941).

Hitler was 'contained' and 'appeased' in 39; by 41, everyone outside the 'Reich' and the 'Empire', would celebrate someone who killed him.

Its not an exact analogy to Al-aliwaki (sp), just an illustration of the 'blurring of the lines'. This guy inspired two others, had contact with the barracks killer, and was apparently in the company of 'the bomb maker' who made the 'underwear' (and i think the print cartridges).

the guy was guilty of inciting terrorism, and by extension treason, they just didnt want to try him because the next guy might not have such a strong case...

If i can bring this somewhat back to MJ legalization...

this demonstrates the same shitty judicial oversite that put Marc Emery in prison for 'drug trafficking'. Douchbag he may be, as far as 'drug traffickers' go, Emery is WAY less dangerous or a threat than most of the coke, meff, H, traffickers on the mexican boarder..

Kill a man get off in 5, sell him seeds and you face possible life?

I hope Justice Thomas is forced out, considering he is claiming ignorance as to how to fill out his tax forms... (not claiming hundreds of thousands of dollars of wifes income).


Active member
i think poland was neutral, or mabey from your view forced to get neutral to attack russia, but i get what your saying.but also these two forces were at war with eachother and i guess (not morally) killing of the others leader would settle it.
they of course had no sort of freedom of speech or constitution that protected them.

the great depresion was a monetary contraction from the FED,(the stock market crash was a smoke screen for exporting the contraction) and through the FED it financed the nazi party,and the nazi party took control by force.so we financed all that killing.
you need to understand banks need people to go into debt in order for them to control a country,war is the primary tool.

and although he advised those guys to make bombs ect.... they act on their own accord.

judges are touchey when it comes to outing them and their curruption. he'll have you whacked like this man for speaking,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Tr3QChAy4Y


I agree with almost none of that.

Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland in Sept 1939. (In addition, without Soviet raw material, Germany never could have invaded Western Europe.)

Poland had anti jew laws just like Germany.
Poland annexed part of Czechoslovakia right after the Germans did.
Poland petitioned France for a war against Germany.
Poland was threatening to annex parts of Lithuania, and forced a treaty upon them.
Poland was essentially fucked over when the treaty of Versailles did not define a german-polish boarder, and the french decided to build the (defensive) Maginot line; Poland would be forced to fight alone.

The Nazi party was funded by GERMAN industrialist, including some early multinational corporations (IBM, CocaCola, etc). Perhaps 'the Fed' pumped money into these companies, (we certainly bought a bunch of IBM machines; look up the german origins of Fanta), but its still a far stretch to say the US put the Nazis in power.

Hitler (with ~40%) won only one national election, after that elections were cancelled...
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Active member
i mabey was sloppy in my wording , i meant the 2 powers fighting eachother where germany and russia, not poland and germany.

obviously if you where a bank you just wouldnt prop one individual up and disreguard leagle policy,oh -wait thats us,but the banks found a crazy prick ,to do it for them in germany.
the stretch is only a stretch cause we dont give evil people enough credit that they could be more intillectual than the masses,and dont have silly things like concern for others to get in the way.

the short : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXt1cayx0hs awwww shit i messed this one up here ya go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USGSOViaulc

the long : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXt1cayx0hs
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obviously if you where a bank you just wouldnt prop one individual up and disreguard leagle policy

all in the name of fighting communism!


So i assume this Paul/Frank bill is just sitting 'on the legislative desk', and is not likely to be acted upon soon?

Normls website is pretty poorly run, they should stay on top of current events better. Ill read (vague) news articles about 'legalization' measures in states, and you would figure norml's site could have a lot more DETAILS.


Active member
communist countries are the best places for bankers,they can expand or contract money ,depending on the output or revinue of that country, and no one can say anything.
that ,unless we rid ourselves of the banks,is our future.

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