2.3 million bucks and counting.
Correction! $2,300,020.12
2.3 million bucks and counting.
By John McCormick -
Enlarge image Herman Cain
Herman Cain
Herman Cain
Scott Eells/Bloomberg
Herman Cain, former chairman and chief executive officer of Godfather's Pizza.
Herman Cain, former chairman and chief executive officer of Godfather's Pizza. Photographer: Scott Eells/Bloomberg
Businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney are in a statistical tie for the most support among Republicans in Iowa, where the presidential nomination contests start Jan. 3, a poll shows.
The Iowa Poll, conducted by the Des Moines Register newspaper, shows Cain with the support of 23 percent of likely caucus participants and Romney backed by 22 percent.
Texas Governor Rick Perry has considerable work to do in Iowa, the poll shows, if he wants to regain his standing in the race. Perry has support from 7 percent of likely caucus-goers in the poll, trailing Representative Ron Paul of Texas at 12 percent. Besides Cain and Romney, Paul was the only other Republican candidate to exceed 10 percent.
Voting for him in the republican primaries is how we get him elected. we cant sit around saying "oh nobody will vote for him" then not bother and vote for him yourself.
and to think he CANT get the nomination is silly, he consistently is in the top three, no matter who the other two are
fron the RP website :
This Real Clear Politics aggregate survey combines the results from Quinnipiac, Rasmussen Reports, Democracy Corps (D), Associated Press, Time, PPP, NBC News/Wall Street Journal, CNN, Washington Post, Reuters and Gallup. It is a pretty comprehensive survey of existing credible polls. When averaged, the results in order are: 1. Romney, 2. Paul, 3. Cain, 4. Perry, in a general election match-up against President Obama.
But in line with the Bill O’Reilly school of journalism, don’t expect this pertinent election fact to penetrate the news cycle. Here’s the breakdown:
Obama vs. Romney: 46.0 (D) 44.3 (R)
Obama vs. Paul: 47.6 (D) 41.6 (R)
Obama vs. Cain: 48.6 (D) 41.2 (R)
Obama vs. Perry: 49.6 (D) 40.4 (R
Big moneybomb is on for TODAY for Congressman Paul's presidential campaign! So far over a million dollars has been raised and we're shooting for a lot more!
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