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Paul/Frank co-sponsoring legalization bill


Active member
Keeping something illegal doesn't keep people from doing it. Quite the opposite. Drugs are a social problem and shouldn't be a state and fed problem. People addicted to drugs need help, not punishment.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
do you guys realize Ron Paul wants all drugs legal, every substance legal.... im sorry to say this but some shit people do not need ever. Meth is the biggest thing i can think of i dont want legalized. id rather the weed stay illegal

since most anti-paul'ers dont seem to read or research >>> ill requote myself that was 6 posts before yours::::

Legalize ALL drugs. People are going to use them regardless. Why not have them produced in a safe, regulated enviornment?

+Tax Money
+New Jobs
+Quality Control

People who wont slam heroin, smoke tweek or freebase cocaine arent going to wake up one day and say "you know heroin is legal now - might as well give that a try!!" and if they do so fucking what? We got too many people in this country as it is and i thought this was a country based on FREEDOM. As long as what you do doesnt harm me or my family - I could give a fuck what you put in your lungs or your veins.

Shit ive seen used and been around everything. the only drug more dangerous (to public safety) than alcohol is sherm.



BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c


I bought 100 of these 4x9" magnets. Going to wallpaper my new truck with em... ill upload a picture when im done


Freedom Fighter
sweeeeeeet ,

heres a list of links,to your home states to request voter registration forms ,you must be republican to vote for paul in the primaries.and when the general happens you may vote for whoever you want reguardless of your affiliation.


I am not trying to dis any Party, but Republicans seem to have the biggest anti-cannabis sect-- So, since there are many who will vote with whatever other Republicans are voting...we should all start registering Republican...so the numbers will show a huge Republican acceptance of cannabis issues...causing some of the fence sitting robots to vote with their Party-- Also getting the Republican Politicians to start catering to what their voters are asking for--
Just a thought--:tiphat:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I am not trying to dis any Party, but Republicans seem to have the biggest anti-cannabis sect-- So, since there are many who will vote with whatever other Republicans are voting...we should all start registering Republican...so the numbers will show a huge Republican acceptance of cannabis issues...causing some of the fence sitting robots to vote with their Party-- Also getting the Republican Politicians to start catering to what their voters are asking for--
Just a thought--:tiphat:

i was watchin bill maher and he said obama should come out and support a republican candidate in 2012 since republicans will vote against anything he does.:laughing:


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
yup just a fatter version of romney/perry ,christie seems like a complete dick too. i remember him trying to defend the chopper rides to little league games,thats rediculous.
ron's gonna squash him ,he's just another run of the mill theif.

COMPLETE dickhead. holds up the NJ med law for years till he figured out how to get his buddies rich off of it(see the med law link in my sig). he's also been a constant media seeking whore from the beggining too.
IMO, Chris Christie won't run.

Course not, hes way too fat to speedwalk even.

Democratic coverage of Republican debates isn't likely to concentrate on candidates the Republicans themselves aren't courting. As an independent, RP never received more than 1 to 2% of the national vote. As a Republican his primary bar may be even higher.

IMO, Chris Christie won't run. Whatever he's doing in NJ is for NJ. I recon the guy has presidential ambitions but he's smart enough to wait for a better opportunity. Even if he could win the election he doesn't want this time and this economy. supposition off.:)

He has always been about running for president, I've seen him on the news over a year ago quipping about how he could win the presidency. I dont think he will run this cycle, but ya never know. The lackluster republican field so far has many trying to hype him up.

some local articles---http://www.nj.com/njvoices/index.ssf/2011/09/christie_meter_will_he_or_wont.html

Christie Meter: Will he or won't he run for the White House?
Published: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 12:01 PM
What’s this, a fresh stirring of Christie fever? And the governor himself doing a seductive dance of the veils?

Another one of the fundraising groups that rely on secret donors popped up last week with a $1.5 million ad campaign, touting the governor’s accomplishments and noting that Washington could learn something from Christie. It was slated for Philadelphia and New York TV stations. Remember Christie’s secret trip to Colorado in June, when he pitched himself to a group of wealthy donors assembled by the Koch brothers? Could this be the payoff? In any case, the governor said he appreciated the help.

In addition, last week he held an event with Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who said Christie’s refusal to run for the Republican presidential nomination is not final. "I’m not taking no from Christie. I’m taking ‘not yet,’ " Daniels said. At the event, Christie upbraided Washington again over its failure to solve Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.


bitch >> where the fuck are my cheezeee biskiutz???



Active member
change your avitars !!!! support ron paul wherever you post. (this forum and others)
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My pet theory is that it will be Republican that legalizes MJ. The Republican party will slander any Democrat into submission if they suggest it with the 'they want to sell crack to kids' argument. So, if I am going to get a Republican on the next election I would rather have Ron Paul than the rest of the lot.


Active member
I encourage everyone to watch the upcoming PBS show Prohibition on October 2,3,4 8PM EastCoast, 6PM WestCoast .... should be a great documentary.
PROHIBITION is a three-part, five-and-a-half-hour documentary film series directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick that tells the story of the rise, rule, and fall of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the entire era it encompassed. The story of Prohibition's rise and fall is a compelling saga that goes far beyond the oft-told tales of gangsters, rum runners, flappers, and speakeasies, to reveal a complicated and divided nation in the throes of momentous transformation. The film raises vital questions that are as relevant today as they were 100 years ago – about means and ends, individual rights and responsibilities, the proper role of government and finally, who is — and who is not — a real American.


Active member
OT: al awalaki ,was assasinated he was a US citizen and the president had no proof he killed anyone, but mcveigh blew up a federal building killing hundreds and he was still given a trial.
so all they have to do is erase your constitutional rights just by propaganda and calling you a enemy combatant/terrorist and they can off any one of us with out a trial.

and recentley they can take away your guns for being a cannibis smoker where its leagle.

WTF is going on? they seriously want to end the constitution and ALL our freedoms.

and i cant help but feel ,its all comming down soon.


Active member
what sound bites brotha ,its pretty easy stuff to understand,obama assasinated somone,they are a citizen of the united states,now hes dead and the administration is now having a press party so to speak, about the subject takingcredit for it.

if you were reffering to somthing i left out then i appologize and am ready to listen to ya.