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Packn's "Big Kola Clubhouse"


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
twistedtree..Thanks man..they've greened up nice..I hope the whole grow will go smooth.. :wave:

NorthernKronic..Right on..right on..I should have got them in the 1 gals already..I'm out of soil..get some tomorrow..they're ready to run..
Thanks for stoppin in brutha.. :wave:

-VT-..Thanks VT..They're right on course now..the 12 day little ones are impressing me..
I threw caution to the wind and gave them the full feed with the larger ones..no harm done they love it.. :wave:

They need to up pot now..although I took a few last grow out to 25 days in cups..they were fairly well bound..
but the plants kept up with the ones in the 1 gals..early..My water mix can be used in Hydro as is..the pH just needs to be adjusted from 6.3 to 5.5..
That and I use a higher ratio of coir/soil in the cups..so I can run in cups a little longer than normal..

I should be able to sex them in about a week or so..BubbleDust seems to show sexual maturity & preflowers at around 30 days veg..males sooner
So far I've never had to flip to 12/12 to sex a plant..I just wait until they're sexually mature..I usually run a total of 100 days 40veg/60flower..

Hopefully next pic will be in their new homes :wave:


What's up Packn

Little ones are looking really healthy. And those Nug shots you posted are ridiculous. On the black, it really brings out the Dank in them :joint:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
New Shoes

New Shoes

Insomniac..Thanks man..those shots made a mess out of my background..bud material stuck all over it..hehe.. :wave:

I put them all in 1 gals..well #1P pots anyway..more like 3 litre..they'll be in those till the beginning or so of flower..
I haven't decided if I'll use my standard flower pots or go bigger..have to see how many females..

Most took to the re-pot good..dropped GDS BD #1 and a few crumbled around the rapid rooter..
I let them get real dry..makes transplant so much easier..this time it almost worked against me..

Put them out where the last pic was shot..Was gonna take another dusk shot..but I fell asleep on the couch..when I awoke it was already getting dark..
I had to run them back to the MH..I'll take some tomorrow..after they stabilize from the transplant.. :wave:


The Tri Guy
I like to pick favourites at this stage, and mine is dead central in that group shot Packn, alfa #2. Hope its a girl.


Hey packn :wave: I just found out that at least two of my plants are male :frown: :wallbash: :no: :puppydoge :badday: :cuss: :cuss: I took care of them, though:

Speaking of males, my wife and I just had a baby boy this morning! :jump: :woohoo:

I can't wait 'till I get some experience cloning. No more fussing with nutsacks.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
3 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

Grow Strain(s): BubbleDust: 3 GDS BD..5 Alfa plant BD..
Growdate: 9/1/2007 most..21 days from germ..last 3 Alfa BD #3,4,5 (14 days)..
Stage: Veg 18/6 .. Status: Healthy; New pots today

GMT..Right on..you picked a beaut..I didn't have the Alfa BD's in order..so you picked AL BD #4..she's in order now.. :wave:

twistedtree..lol..those males didn't stand a chance..hehe..congrats on the baby boy..that's awesome dude..blunts all around :jump: :joint:
I'll stop by shortly.. :wave:

I couldn't wait till morning..so I took some shots under the MH..this time they are in order..they all seemed to have perked up..
Alfa #5 has spots where I dripped runoff on her..doh.. :spank:

GDS BD in back row Left-to-Right #1, #2, #3

Alfa plant BD F2's middle and on Left-to-Right #1, #2, #3, #4, #5..

BubbleDust Veg 9-1-2007 (21 & 14 days {AL BD #3,4,5)

BubbleDust Veg 9-1-2007 (21 & 14 days {AL BD #3,4,5)

BubbleDust Veg 9-1-2007 (21 & 14 days {AL BD #3,4,5)


Hey Packn :wave: thanks for the congrats. He ended up weighing 7 and a half lbs. and was 20 inches long. Newborns look crazy. Purple hands and feet:yoinks: Plants look nice. 21 days from germ, you say? About how tall are they?


What's happening.. :wave:
How do those girls like being under the MH? Does it make a significant difference from a HPS in veg? Just curious on node spacing and dumb stuff. Have a good weekend :joint:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Dude Looks Like A Lady

Dude Looks Like A Lady

twistedtree..A 20" 7 1/2 pounder eh..and healthy..sounds great man..didn't measure um, but about 7-8" .. :wave:

Insomniac..what's up bro..the MH seems to work well for veg..I just got a good deal on a MH Hortilux conversion bulb for my 400W HPS Ballast..
Figured why not save some hours on the HPS and the plants leaves really angle up for the MH..I've only had this bulb since last grow..
I have a 175W MH I've used for years for veg..that's worked pretty good for me..but this 400W seems to really keep them squat..
Probably not a huge difference from HPS..I think lumens help keep them squat even more so..
I like to put them in the sun when I can too during veg..nothing beats the sun :wave:

Well I wasn't looking..but I saw..balls..walnuts on a stick..GDS BD #2 my fav..is a dude..and then there were 7..
Nothing else is showing yet..this guy had like 7 nuts going..middle back row in last group shots..
Alfa BD #5 leaves really took some damage to some leaves..I think that's where run-off got on her..other than that things are going well.. :wave: :nanana:
Last edited:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Sure is going well! :D Lookin' good over here as expected....thanks for comin' in the coco forum and dropping some knowledge in my thread.....very impressed with the AN line.....seen some awesome grows in coco (and other media) with AN products (from those who document grows around here)

Cya soon bro :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
packn2puff, plants look awesome, so healthy. Looking forward to watching them grow up.



The Tri Guy
Hey Packn, nice to see the updates, time to place bets on the remainders I guess:
BD 3....Male
Alfa 1..Male
Alfa 3..Female
Alfa 4..Female
Alfa 5..Female
Odds on 6 guesses, should get 3 right,


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent


-VT- ..Sorry if I over-posted there..seemed like that was part of the discussion going on..and I know there are lovers and haters of AN..
just want to spread some love..my friend at the HS also gave me AN Monkey Juice Part A & B Bloom nutes formulated for coco coir to try out..
used it for flower last grow instead of the 3 part..no probs..I don't have the Grow parts though..
I don't know if it's taboo or not to mix coir with potting soil..I just did it to see what would happen..seems to work fine so far..
I only use Ready-to-Use coir..lower end stuff I fear would cause bad salt problems..right on VT.. :wave:

Black Rain..they seem to be livin the dream right now..just a little transplant shock..other than that A OK..thanks for stoppin in man.. :wave:

GMT..What's up mate..not to get side tracked..but I think Rezdog was a little harsh on your POTM comment..
I saw at least 4 people on that month alone having problems posting..
your request is valid and would ultimately save bandwidth from tons of peeps asking how to do it every month..
I was gonna say it there but he closed the thread..
Place your bets now..the game is about to begin..I'm afraid to look like a jackass now..my fav turned out to be the 1st male..
Ultimately I like your picks except I'll trade GD #1 to be female & Alfa #5 to be male..that would be fine by me..
If it helps out of a ten pack of seeds..
the 1st three produced 2 females, 1 male..these three have so far produced one..I have two left..a word problem.. :wave:

I have a tradition of torturing male plants once they are discovered..
The father of the Alfa seeds was a tortured male known as "Two Pump Chump" named by sackoweed..21 days with no light or water..
One day I added some water and put him in the empty veg area..he sprung to life..so I decided to make F2's since the girls were in mid flower..

I put GDS BD #2 outside in a thunderstorm getting pummeled by huge rain drops and wind..kind of storm that makes you run..
leaves were straight down..he looked ravished..this morning he's still the happiest plant on the block..
Here's probably the last pics of him.. :nanana:

GDS BD #2 Male 9/3/07

GDS BD #2 Male Cluster 9/3/07


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Packin2,

Well now your kids are getttin big quick now arnt they... hmmmm i cant wait to put my seedlings under the new 250 watt i just got, should really help things get bigger quicker. Everything is looking super around here. Good luck on gettin the Ladies!!!! Peace bro.



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Labor Day BBQ

Labor Day BBQ

Grow Strain(s): BubbleDust: 2 GDS BD..5 Alfa plant BD..
Growdate: 9/3/2007 most..23 days from germ..last 3 Alfa BD #3,4,5 (16 days)..
Stage: Veg 18/6 .. Status: Healthy; Al#5 leaf necrosis; sexual maturity begins for older plants

NK..I know MH in veg and HPS in flower is a little old school..seems most just use their HPS or compact fluros in veg these days..
but I like the MH..I think you'll like that 250W..right on man.. :wave:

I like to put them in the sun when I can..usually just the weekends..I have to move them every hour and I only get direct sun in a safe place from 1-5pm..
But it's a good sun..a mile above sea level..UV out the roof today..

Here's some shots in their sliver of light..white wall blends into post background..kinda cool..no tripod just quick snaps..not in any order
The Magnificent Seven.. :nanana:

Patio conditions 9/3/07

BubbleDust On The Patio 9/3/07

BubbleDust Sliver Of Light 9/3/07


Hey Sparky those are some nice looking plants sunning in your patio. I think they'll have donkey dicks soon?



Cannabis Helper
Found you again, nice to see some new pics from you and i will be watching the show... dont worry youll be great and so will ur plants.



Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Packn, Your babes are lookin really nice man, just chillin on the back porch catchin some rayssss.. nice way to spend your labor day if i do say so myself hahaha. How big are you gonna let em get before you flip?? On the subject of MH for veg, i think its the way to go unless you got big CFL's which i dont, i like how plants grow under MH anyway, nice and stocky and straight to the point, i hate when things look too stretchy ya know what i mean.. hahah sorry bout the rant. Im out though, peace brah.
