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Active member
Like I said correct me if I am wrong, but an Epic Fail. . . . . please. If it is that serious to you then your a lame. You got the just of what I was trying to say Fancy picture boy.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Like I said correct me if I am wrong, but an Epic Fail. . . . . please. If it is that serious to you then your a lame. You got the just of what I was trying to say Fancy picture boy.


1) If it is that serious to you.....then your a lame. <---You used an adjective to describe a noun that's not even there.

2) You got the just of what I was trying to say. <--- I think I got the gist of what you were saying, because I suggested the appropriate word that you were probably thinking and instead had an epic grammatic failure (which failed in an even greater way the second time you tried to use the english language).

If you're going to try to come off as being smart, at least ATTEMPT to use words properly. Otherwise the "just" of things are a "lame".:tiphat:

BTW: where did you learn english....Lincoln tech?



Active member
Laughing my ass off at the clown shit, trust me you cant look up the definition of Lame in the dictionary. Your really judging grammar and punctuation? You my man are an Internet Lame. Be Well


New member
Some people around here are such whiners, like all you guys involved with this whole ordeal. Learn from your mistakes, grow up and get over it....growing is suppposed to be a positive experience not the hectic girl games that you have been wasting this and many other forum threads with. Whomever and to all involved...ENOUGH!!!!! You guys are ruinning it for everyone!!! Thanks Mods for doing your jobs!!!!! K+


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
bringin it back

bringin it back

lets get this thread goin with good vibes and bud porn
what i got goin on atm

peace stonE


Whtas up tri-state? PA in the house right here....tis the season for some outdoor monsters, lets get this shit goin!!! goob vibes to the tri-state and overgrow PA!!


This year im runnin 10 Hawaiian skunks (from seed), 5 Endless sky (clone), and 5 Jock Horror.......pics comin soon...i hope i get a nice feamle ratio on the seeds