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my outdoor is slackin, been having lots of problems with bugs and small animals.....but on the plus side, their has been beautiful weather and the Phils are kickin some ass! 8 straight!


Hey, y'all! Lookit wut I found growing in what I would estimate to be a 100 gallon smart pot!

oh, fuck, I think I forgot to swipe the EXIF data on that one. Does it matter anymore? What if it's an attachment? I keep doing that! .... And IE won't let me save when I go into Advanced editing, either.
I got some Sour D growing somewhere, though! Actually f2 Strawberry Diesel. Hee-hee!~ It looks really good, too~! It's flowering. :)


New member
PA here as well gotta represent. OD ive had problems with the deer especially this season but not recently as the girls have been getting big. Awesome thread going here Kevin kolb era starts tonight eagle fans....well kinda go birds!


East Coast represent.


(Reuters) - For Mike Monteiro, a transplanted Philadelphian who now lives in California, his T-shirt says it all.

When he moved to San Francisco a decade ago he realized he needed to explain his direct language to Californians who seemed to have a different approach to communication.

After an exchange with an official who accused him of being rude and angry when he was just trying to make a point, he designed a T-shirt, not to get his feelings off his chest, but on it.

"I'm not angry. I'm from Philly," it said.



I say commonsense could be pathway but only time will tell.

If anybody was interested I have gone back to my roots of being completely outdoors and completely nocturnal. They could come and check my pad out any freakin time they want. I stashed my stash outside.

Also I have been around the block many times over my 55 years and I have never been busted and am not going to get busted. You have to know who you are dealing with and you have to rely on your gut. My gut says Shack is one of us. A pot loving pot smoker average joe. Shack told everyone what went down. He never hid anything. He isn't hiding anything now.

pathway4/commonsense/3otherbannedpathway4names my gut tells me what you are. A cheese eating rat. I saw you. You saw me. You weigh 135lbs soaking wet. The scar on the back of your head needs reopened. Shack wasn't even the type grower the attorney general wanted. The word on the net is you were going to help them get some Pa commercial growers busted to help you get reduced time on heavy gun charges. You befriended shack. You knew he accepted a deal for county time. He got lucky because the search was shaky. He was getting his job back and probably work release. He didn't nark anybody out. They had NO SALES on him. He was to have everything settled on Monday April 12th. But you visited him on Friday April 9th. Took pics of his grow. Ask for clones of stuff you had given him in the first place. Then after you left the cops came and raided him. Then after you gave the cops access to your pathway4 account and you maybe set some IC maggers up at your 420 party you got your name banned to start the cover up.

I wish I knew who all you got busted. I know about shack. I think weldflash might have been another casualty. Only time will tell there too.

I have been ickis for awhile now. I used to be Tarzan of THc but got banned for getting mad at dutchgrow. But I apologized and ask her to come back. I might be whacky and overeact sometimes in posts but I have always put on a few grow shows and 100% pay on all my orders and I am not a narc cheese eating rat. There are plenty of people on the net that can say they are still safe after knowing me online. I used to be on PG as Fat Freddy's Cat. Well known and totally known as safe and NOT A NARC.

This thread is safe and so is the site. It is what people do outside the site that can lead to problems. It isn't really worth it to meet up and trade stuff in the long run. Sad but true.

I think this topic needed to be addressed because Shack and pathway4 were a part of it. I hope jjscorpio or whatever mod sees I am trying to protect the community. I think my post history, grow history and username history vouch for who I am. I hope these posts don't get deleted. If jj does though he does what he thinks is best. I trust JJ in most matters.

Stay safe and stay away from pathway4/commom sense.

you maybe set some IC maggers up at your 420 party - dude are you fucking serious!?!?!?! i was supposed to go to this thing but wasnt able to make it!! OMG/SMH.

you know what, so far i have been blessed to actually meet one person on here, had a session a couple times and hoped to have a couple more, really cool dude, down to earth as fr as i care, but in light of this shit, thats it for me.

wow, im reading this after stopping my grwo after so many problems and starting up again. when i started to come back around, after i figured out my problems and how to deal with them, pathway4 was one of the first dudes i wanted to get back into contact with!!!

awwwwe damn, dodged that friggin bullet, major. yo on some real shit. . . .IC mag i love y'all but fuck y'all, theres no other way for me to say it. and lord knows i cant tell my wife this shit, cause i told her that i wanted to go and she advised me against it.



Nothing that a 4-5 foot fence won't cure.

My problem is with rippers. Had White Queen halfway through flower when it got ripped this week... IM PISSED!

Exact reason I will never grow outdoors without proper measures taken..

If I didn't live in a weed-friendly state, the only way I would grow is in a greenhouse which would pretty much mean that the narc heli's couldn't determine what was in the greenhouse by flying over...

and if i lived in a weed friendly state such as cali i'd be sure to enclose my property with proper fencing, cameras, motion detecting lights, cameras, etc.

I'll stick to indoor. You can control many more things that way, but obviously the huge harvests are still outdoors


New member
Phillysurfer im with you. I had 10 ChemdogxKali Mist that got taken by the eye in the sky 2 days ago been bumming ever since. Worst part is i was passing thru the area nearby and seen the chopper about 100 ft above the ground circling above the plot. Live and learn but man outdoor can be so unbelievably frustrating sometimes


yes it can but I absolutely love it. I really get in touch with my "nature loving" side. I love going on long walks through the woods only to be greeted by my loving girls :D

anyone else guerilla growing up here in the northeast? this is my 4th guerilla grow and this time I am 99% confident that rippers wont be a problem for me. it feels good and a lot less stressful.

i am guessing I have about 4 weeks left..





It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
how 'bout them steelers?

long time no see PA! what the fuck's been up with you guys? take care bros :joint:

Bring it back! REPRESENT

Bring it back! REPRESENT

Lets try to put some life back into this Thread TRISTATERS!

Reppin' PA with this post


Some Green Crack outdoor2010





Casey Jones (SCHMOE CUT) Outdoors2010



Purple Pakistan Chitral x Guerilla Gold (Outdoor2010)




White Caramel








Active member
Good Work TenToesTall, niiice!

How about those Eagles!

PhillyPride/Usual Suspect checking in, hope all is well with all. FriendIndeed whats up my man?



Official Tree Taster
WOW! This is ogre, back from the dead!

When I first started this thread I had no idea. You guys have taken it to a whole different level and I'm impressed.

I'm coming out of a LONG hibernation which you can find detailed in the main forum.

I am going to need some help getting back into things (genetics mainly) but all of that will be discussed in another thread. I can't wait to start adding some stuff to this thread again.


Welcome back :wave:

Any outdoor growers having a problem with this rain? Im going to check my last plant in an hour or so. Its rained for the last 2 days, and temps are dipping into the 40s at night.

I am going to start a flush today. Looking to chop in a week or so. :jump:

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