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Well-known member
Hey everyone.
Mahalo85 and xtsho, l posted up the same thing last year. I use reveg to stress selected plants in my breeding and it helps me find flaws in the genetics, such as hermaphroditism.
There was some debate last year surrounding the very questions you’ve just asked and l did the experiment of allowing the plant to go to senescence. This particular plant threw seed therefore, it was a hermaphrodite.
Maybe someone that knows how to link the posts could do that for us.
P.S. Calle Minogue, that UEL F7 x Nepali IB is beautiful.
Cheers 40.


Well-known member
She topped herself or some bug wrapped top and i didn't know, can't reach top anyway oh well. Dammit i wanted super tall, not super wide bush.

Phenos that didn't warrant further love, i finish them anyway in same pots.

And the main grow

, lots of phenos, me happy
So may I ask what is that you got a budded out already?
That lady..... well story goes.........I bought a pack of 209 Melons regular photoperiod seeds from BW Genetics, along with many other flavors......sprouted them , vegged them and BAM....... the males showed right of the bat and were autos , pulled 3 as females , but 1 was no really showing but came.up male, the others like I stated flowered and were males , autoflower males , and the 2 females 1 was an auto as.well and 1 regular photoperiod.......not sure what they really are , maybe 209 Melons, maybe not, but the 1 I posted and your asking about has been flowering and will be done soon in next few weeks , took a small.amount of pollen from the bunch of auto males and pollinated the auto female in the pics, so a.few seeds to play with


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the tip Old Piney! I saw they turned red, but I see some that aren't turning red. Some of them are new pistils from new flowers so they aren't going to show red as pollinated for a period of time.

Thanks lavoslovacs--- Pollenation should be timed at the right time or else you may get too many seeds or they may not have time to ripen fully before harvest. Seed ripens pretty quick, but its good to give it plenty of time. I like to pollinate early and get nice big healthy seeds which are vigorous and grow well.

Got the plants fertilized with 10.5 lbs Organic Cottonseed meal 6-2-1-and 12 lbs Alfalfa meal 2-0-2 and watered with 100 gallons. Found the plants with bottom leaves that were a little yellow from being dry and starting to get hungry. A little bit of burn symptoms. Nothing too unusual.

They should respond well with the fertilizer and water. It was hot a couple days last week and its been raining a lot before drying out, so it exaggerates the drought related issues. Getting some rain likely a day or 2 this week so that should help them recover well. Watering is a lot of work. Thank you God! They need a good natural rain, washed some of of the fertilzer off watering them in. :smoke:






I may change fertilizer next year from Dave's healthy grow and try that Tru organics. I want to see if that helps with the drying and burning issues I always see mid summer. I think the Espoma Organic cotton seed meal is good. Espoma has good products, but anything with composted chicken manure needs to be used with caution in my opinion. It can be used in low amounts as part of a fertility program or for home lawns with low risk of burn issues.

The Tru Organic fertilizer has composted chicken manuer from organicly fed chickens, and its also a blend with other fertilizers. The Dave Thompson's Healthy Grow I used this year was mainly chicken manure.




Well developed flowers


Sativa Candy Chunk "Original Phenotype' tructure on a few of them! Red stems and petioles and somewhat more narrow leaves with less course serration on the leaf margin.

Sativa Candy Chunk 'Original' phenotype


SCC 'Original' Phenotype with red stems

Other SCC pheno with leafhopper.
Update to Pipeline Farms 2024

Hanging in there, let them get dry last week and the lower leaves are yellowing and dropping off. Seeing just a couple lower leaves with tip burn from the cheap HI Yield Cottonseed meal. It has some sort of ph issues or solvent residue I think.

Fertilized with good Espoma organic cottonseed meal and Alfalfa meal and watered 100 gal. Had a nice picnic day at the garden!

Check out the last pic in the last post with the leaf hopper.


Old Piney

Well-known member
Crazy looking nodes on my Purple satellite plants. @Holyherb420 look closely at the back right of bottom of the upper node see that little bastard .I didn't notice till I was editing the pic , later I'm out there spraying some Bt and I look and their they are starting a hole.I think I'm gonna try some Tree tanglefoot on the bace of the stem. The only thing is I got to do all the plants that touch and be sure there's no weeds touching , the little bastards are persistent and will find another way up.

Old Piney

Well-known member
Can't get a good picture with my phone , I tried .The bud worms are hatching they are very small this is when you got to get them ( when they are small on maturing buds), I spray with BT. Look for the white butterfly adults I usual seem them first hanging around


ICMag Donor
Thanks for letting me know the timing with the BT for caterpillars. So just one time around mid august? Thats not bad at all! Its just bacterial . I have sprayed serrinade which is similar.

A broad spectrum biofungicide, Serenade Garden contains a patented strain of Bacillus subtilis. Provides protection against many of the most common fungal and bacterial garden diseases (see label). Now you can grow beautiful disease-free fruits, vegetables and flowers – without chemicals that can be harmful to people or the environment. It is so safe you can confidently harvest and eat fruits and vegetables the very same day they are treated. Will NOT harm bees or beneficial insects. OMRI Listed for use in organic production. This product is NOT registered for sale in the state of California.

• Broad spectrum disease control (fungal & bacterial)
• Approved for organic gardening
• Safe to use — treat and pick crops the same day!
• Non-toxic to birds, bees, beneficial insects, fish and wildlife
• No weather or timing restrictions for application


Old Piney

Well-known member
It depends on how full the buds are ,they like chunky vegetation your candy chunk are just about there. I think the butterfly's don't bother laying eggs till then. I just keep a close eye and wait till I see the little buggers. Sometimes you might get a second flush of them hatching out a few weeks later.just keep a close eye I know your good at that