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Psalm 27 NKJV An Exuberant Declaration of Faith​

A Psalm of David.​

1The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
2When the wicked came against me
To eat[a] up my flesh,
My enemies and foes,
They stumbled and fell.
3Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.

4One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the https://biblehub.com/nkjv/psalms/27.htm#footnotesbeauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
5For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.

6And now my head shall be [c]lifted up above my enemies all around me;
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of [d]joy in His tabernacle;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

7Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!
Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
9Do not hide Your face from me;
Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
You have been my help;
Do not leave me nor forsake me,
O God of my salvation.
10When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the Lord will take care of me.

11Teach me Your way, O Lord,
And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
12Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
For false witnesses have risen against me,
And such as breathe out violence.
13I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.

14Wait[e] on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!
Went to water yesterday and the garden still had some moisture from last weekend and the rain on tuesday. Ended up getting a round of thunderstorms with about half inch of rain this morning! Will be great to help keep them moving! It had been drying for several days and was good to get some more water. God knows whats best. Going to leave them alone this weekend with watering.

Put down some Liquid Fence repellent and pulled weeds before the rain.

Was good I didn't water because we got a 30 mph wind and the plants may have been blown down. Also trying to promote better rooting by letting them have dry cycles this year. Had some root rot issues last year and saw lots of surface rooting. Starting to see some surface rooting and adventitous roots emerging from the base of the stem on some plants, so may have been a little wet some days. They like the air. Easy to overwater, but they grow fast when you water them deep. The key is letting them have period to dry out.

How about some views from the garden. 5th set of leaves and leaflets are over 2 inches wide!








Daddy Long Leg. These are predatory but don't make webs. These are welcome to hunt my garden.



These plants are on the move. Another half a foot this week and the leaves are filling out! Stems are getting fat! Looks like a good crop this year! Rain was perfect, about a half inch this morning will keep them with moisture but still have plenty of breathing room. They love oxygen in the rootzone! Saw some surface roots and adventitious roots at the base of the stem. :smoke:
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ICMag Donor

See chunks of horse manure in there, looks like it was hot. Maybe he got busy and missed a watering. He had just planted, should have still had some water.
Guerilla Composter (for thirdd round seedlingk)
Got a nice healthy mix, been cooking for a couple weeks, I'll give a light mist of water and kelp here and there.
Approx ingredients.....
3 cuft lightly limed peat
4cuft native top soil
2 cuft aged horse manure and straw
.75 cuft Hummus
3 gal bucket of shitty native clay (idk why)
....fortified with
Cottonseed meal (lightly)
Jones organics bloom 3-5-4
Used Columbian coffee (a bit)

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Got round 2 out, mostly sativa candy chunk
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Was a tough morning, really wet out.
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Check this jawbone....seen a few bear tracks, lots of turkeys and nearly had a big doe trample me, we were both startled, haha, I had a doob hanging out my mouth. Yes!
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Lots of mushrooms and huge snails in this forest as well.
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Natural spring and natural clay, I kinda made a clay rock, holds my funnel and hose in place, gotta mesh screen, but really not needed. As the water stays completely clear. Just for shits I done a ppm check .. read 0?
View attachment 19018407 if I was diligent (which I'm not) the end of this hose would fill my 60 gallon res, but...I started late! Got a on off valve at end for filling jugs.
Round 3 goes out next weekend, shiskaberry and KC 33, and my signature Afghan Skunk.

Got some infrastructure,now I need bigger plants, a lot bigger.

Happy Sunday everyone!


Mitsuharu, I noticed you had some autos going. You ever get any potent bud off autos?

I've grown a few here and there, they looked and smelled great, but the content just wasn't there.
One was a supposive high THC ,strain

Got a few going this year as well just as a little side crop, and they are my best looking ones as of now.

Hope the buds hits good this time

Hanging it up this year, catch you guys next year! Heat wave, total loss, going to massive indoor SOG. Hope for a good season for you fellas.


Old Piney

Well-known member
Do you know a way to deal with the worm duky in August? I’m under oak’s and one worm crap can ruin a bud. I get mold on the spots.
We get agrabond for beds let’s in 80% light and passes rain I’ve covered tomatoes with it to keep the moths off. Seemed ok.
Oh man I can see how that sucks, any dead organic matter is a real problem . Of course the simple solution is not to grow under trees riddled with gypsy moth. The only thing I can think of is a light breathable row cover but that may be a problem with stealth


Well-known member
this is why i spray spinosad...that's just one grasshopper left alone...some phenos they like more than others, not sure why yet. But i have no predators that can deal with my grasshoppers so i spray not on a routine, but just when i notice insect pressure increase.


Well-known member
Catching up on some reading and just realized TychoMonolyth passed a few seasons ago rest easy to a real good dude full of knowledge. Did anyone ever pickup that semi auto strain he had
Yeah great guy, one of the first dudes to help me with outdoor when I joined the site a few years ago. Was definitely sad to hear he passed, everyone seems to have nothing but good things to say about him. Im not as familiar as you with his work but I think @Chuck Jägerschnitzel was working with some of his stuff that had autoflowering traits and maybe honduran/jamaican but my pot addled brain is failing me at the moment


Well-known member
Outdoor is staying relatively dry and the plants are enjoying the heat. Last year rains flooded the patch and killed 10/12 plants, this year I think I'm in the clear and have improved drainage. Put most plants in the ground last weekend and they seem to be settling in and growing alright.

Put most things in at 4-5 nodes and all survived. My potting mix gave me so much trouble starting seeds and I lost like 3 weeks veg time so I'm glad theyre coping well with the elements now. Still have to sex these starts lol.

2/3rds of the patch, looking real brown. Only clone I'm running this year is on the right and has been in ground for a while. Looking to root another cutting and throw it out there before it gets too late. Got a few more stragglers to hopefully plant out too. Probably not gonna grow any monsters this year unfortunately. Seed starts average around 1ft tall

Hit everything with some bone meal, gotta finish processing the rest this week and theyll get another top dressing of some nutrients and maybe a couple cu ft. of compost.


Planted out my 5 Pine tar Kushes, hoping to make seeds with all 5. They grew great in a 2" pot under shadecloth stuck 2 inches in the ground, I might grow all my seeds like this next year.

I transplanted 6 autos start of May. 4/6 died. This one getting close to finishing up. Looks and smells alright but I hate growing autos because it lays bare all my weaknesses as a grower. These got watered about 2x in the past 7 weeks but are pushing thru.


Started another auto. Gonna pamper this one and see if I can get it to grow large. No transplant shock and 7 gallons should be a real help. This one will get more water at least.


ICMag Donor
Love it when they smell like that in veg. Starting to see some differences on stem rub now for sure. Is M39 a freisland plant? Looks like it has some sativa influence. Will be interesting to see how it turns out!


ICMag Donor
View attachment 19022289 View attachment 19022290 this is why i spray spinosad...that's just one grasshopper left alone...some phenos they like more than others, not sure why yet. But i have no predators that can deal with my grasshoppers so i spray not on a routine, but just when i notice insect pressure increase.
Thats pretty significant damage. How many leaves are damaged significantly? I had a couple that looked similar to that but not too much, and a couple plants with a bunch of shot-hole type insect damage. Most plants are untouched. Its interesting how some plants are affected more than others. Thats good to do inspections and spray as needed rather than just all the time.

Thankfully the plants seem to outgrow the damage and its not too bad. If plants get hit with insects before flowering could even delay flowering time. I wouldn't want to spary too far into flower if possible though.

I am an organic grower, wondering if neem would do the same? I have a bottle of cold pressed neem I got last year just in case. Will have to bring it with me in case its needed.


ICMag Donor
Outdoor is staying relatively dry and the plants are enjoying the heat. Last year rains flooded the patch and killed 10/12 plants, this year I think I'm in the clear and have improved drainage. Put most plants in the ground last weekend and they seem to be settling in and growing alright.

Put most things in at 4-5 nodes and all survived. My potting mix gave me so much trouble starting seeds and I lost like 3 weeks veg time so I'm glad theyre coping well with the elements now. Still have to sex these starts lol.

2/3rds of the patch, looking real brown. Only clone I'm running this year is on the right and has been in ground for a while. Looking to root another cutting and throw it out there before it gets too late. Got a few more stragglers to hopefully plant out too. Probably not gonna grow any monsters this year unfortunately. Seed starts average around 1ft tall
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Hit everything with some bone meal, gotta finish processing the rest this week and theyll get another top dressing of some nutrients and maybe a couple cu ft. of compost.

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Planted out my 5 Pine tar Kushes, hoping to make seeds with all 5. They grew great in a 2" pot under shadecloth stuck 2 inches in the ground, I might grow all my seeds like this next year.
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I transplanted 6 autos start of May. 4/6 died. This one getting close to finishing up. Looks and smells alright but I hate growing autos because it lays bare all my weaknesses as a grower. These got watered about 2x in the past 7 weeks but are pushing thru.

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Started another auto. Gonna pamper this one and see if I can get it to grow large. No transplant shock and 7 gallons should be a real help. This one will get more water at least.
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Looking great, still plenty of time to get some big plants. Looks like there is some sun there, and thankfully not flooded out this year!

I thought about doing compost/mulch late season, but I am thinking about leaving it alone. I am fertilizing with cottonseed meal 6-2-1 and want it to get into the root zone. If I did mulch compost I would want it to be done early as possible so the roots have time to adjust before flowering begins in July.

Would be a good thing to help moisture retention, and also helps water infiltration during watering/rain, reducing runoff. Compost/mulch makes it tougher to top dress additional nutrients, so leaving it alone.


Well-known member
Thats pretty significant damage. How many leaves are damaged significantly? I had a couple that looked similar to that but not too much, and a couple plants with a bunch of shot-hole type insect damage. Most plants are untouched. Its interesting how some plants are affected more than others. Thats good to do inspections and spray as needed rather than just all the time.

Thankfully the plants seem to outgrow the damage and its not too bad. If plants get hit with insects before flowering could even delay flowering time. I wouldn't want to spary too far into flower if possible though.

I am an organic grower, wondering if neem would do the same? I have a bottle of cold pressed neem I got last year just in case. Will have to bring it with me in case its needed.
Not alot cuz i sprayed and that grasshopper is now dead.i tried neem. For my particular needs it doesn't bring a unique benefit


Well-known member
Looking great, still plenty of time to get some big plants. Looks like there is some sun there, and thankfully not flooded out this year!

I thought about doing compost/mulch late season, but I am thinking about leaving it alone. I am fertilizing with cottonseed meal 6-2-1 and want it to get into the root zone. If I did mulch compost I would want it to be done early as possible so the roots have time to adjust before flowering begins in July.

Would be a good thing to help moisture retention, and also helps water infiltration during watering/rain, reducing runoff. Compost/mulch makes it tougher to top dress additional nutrients, so leaving it alone.
Yeah the drainage ditch I dug last year should keep them from drowning. I already spotted two plants with female preflowers, gonna try to pick my favorite male and do some general seed making cuz these are the last beans I have for a couple strains.

I'm also trying to raise the planting areas a bit every year hence the compost. Every plants crown is a bout 4-5 inches above the surrounding soil. I held off putting some compost cuz like you say I gotta add some more amendments and I'm gonna put the compost on top. This weekend will be a major top dressing, just gotta compute some stuff and then theyll get a layer of compost on top of the amendments. But compost is definitely needed for a few.

The mounds are prone to erosion when watered heavily, also the land was full of ferns until I started growing and I just chopped down another section to increase plot size. The soil is filled with fern rhizomes in places so more media is needed to fill the hole I dug and I typically use compost for this. Each plant got a bunch of chicken manure and bloodmeal at transplant so they should have plenty of food but I'd like to push things. Never tried cottonseed meal sounds interesting.
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