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Well-known member
November-1 :
Thai A5 Haze
fem (A.C.E.): Born on May-1, she has, now, the 4 lower nodes&half (9 lower twigs) pruned. More than 2'25 metres of stem length. Complex aroma: pâté/livers + leather/dry hash/dried lavender + a faint lemon finish.
Looking to South-West:

Looking to West (The rooster is saying: -"Tito, hand me some of those green leaves, come on..."):

Looking to North-West:

Lower branches, floral developemet:

Hasta la vista, guapis.


Well-known member
Yesterday (with a little more sun than today), November-1 :
(Reunion Island's Zamal X Golden Tiger; Golden Tiger being: Koh Chang Thai/Hmong Thai X Malawi Killer), (A.C.E.).
Born during the second half of April, she measures 1.65 meters.
She has, now, the 4 lower nodes (8 lower branches) pruned.
Current scent: fruity/citric/sweet/delicate smell: mandarin and a finish with fruity melon (the sweet carrot scent has finally been disappearing).
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Correction on the composition of the version of Golden Tiger used in this Zamaldélica:
finally ripening @Eltitoguay :) hope the greenhouse is protecting plants from the strong winds we are having.
Just a note: Zamaldelica is Zamal x Old Killer Malawi/Meao Thai, does not contain 2 Thais like Golden Tiger 2nd version does.
(The greenhouse thing is just a joke, not lack of sight)


Well-known member
November-3 :
...je, je... Pues mira @dubi, so cachondo: a lo mejor me hago finalmente con un invernadero...o puede que incluso con varios, je. Solo tengo que esperar a que cese el viento, y a que caigan sobre mi terreno los trozos de invernaderos de los campos vecinos, que vuelan ahora mismo por los cielos...
Fijate en este video de ayer, de la cascada y nacimiento del río Mundo (en el SurEste de mi Comunidad Autónoma en mi misma Sierra, principal afluyente del río Segura, que sí conocerás): con el vendaval, el agua de la cascada está fluyendo hacia el cielo y cayendo en lluvia sobre el terreno, en lugar de alimentar el curso del río...:

...heh, heh... Well look @dubi, so horny: maybe I'll finally get a greenhouse...or maybe even several, heh. I just have to wait for the wind to stop, and for the pieces of greenhouses from the neighboring fields to fall on my land, which are now flying in the sky...
Look at this video from yesterday, of the waterfall and source of the Mundo river (in the Southeast of my Autonomous Community in my own Sierra, main tributary of the Segura river, which you will know): with the gale, the water from the waterfall is flowing into the sky and falling as rain on the ground, instead of feeding the river course....:

...Y en directo, ahora mismo que el aire ha dado cierta tregua (¿momentánea?):
..And live, just now that the air has given some (momentary?) respite:
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ICMag Donor
For long-term storage, after the first 2-3 weeks of opening containers to burp, is it recommended to open the containers to burp periodically. I used to open once a month for 10 minutes for long term storage.


Boveda profile


Burping is up to you. Burping will not harm the Boveda and how it works to maintain the RH in your container.


Burp if you like!

Yeah, wouldn't use up the Boveda if done infrequently. Would be good to do as usual I would assume to help keep from getting stale. Thanks!

Boveda profile


Vacuum doesn't seem necessary with Boveda!


Boveda profile

Correct. Boveda will maintain the RH. If you choose the vacuum, please leave some air in the container to ensure the Boveda work properly.


Alright yeah. Moisture from humidity helps keep oxygen out of the resin. Moderately packed containers essentially does the same thing as vacuuming. Could use 2 smaller 4 gram (1/2 oz packs layered into 1 oz flower if packed tight, but that sounds like overkill. Going to open up a bit of headspace at the top and use a single 8 g pack except more moist ones.

Boveda profile

Sounds good! Reach out with any other questions.

have a fantastic day!


Does Boveva have any effect on Organic certification? The membrane is impermeable, but I was curious what is used as a thickening agent and the toxicity of that material. Thanks

Or- membrane is permeable only to water*

Boveda profile


Boveda is FDA approved. Boveda contains only natural salts, purified water and a food grade thickener - usually found in salad dressing.

The patented reverse osmosis membrane allows for only pure water vapor to emit or absorb from the Boveda to maintain equilibrium with the Boveda RH you are using in your container.



Put 58% Boveda packs in all the jars yesterday. Removed some flower from the top on the full ones to allow a little headspace. Moisture is about right now and its been a couple weeks so going to burp one more time this weekend then go to monthly burping.

For long term storage, is monthly burping recommended? That's what I have been doing, and it seems to help them keep from getting stale compared to a time when I didn't burp monthly.

The flower in my small 1/2 oz. CVault as retained flavor and smell really well. They said may notice a difference in 24 hours, and jar reaches equilibrium in 7-10 days. It seems to help the flavor and effect of the terpenes really pop! :smoke:

Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
These are my last two plants, both Swazi x Jägerschniztel that I started very late in the season. Looks like they still have a couple weeks to go. I topped them both because I didn't want them getting too tall. The quartet of Swazi BX3s all got botrytis so I chucked them all, but these ones seem they're more resistant to that problem.

This is the top of the one on the left in the pic above

And this is the other one


Well-known member
The weather for 39°N on the northern slope of my Sierra, this weekend (again, abnormally windy here), and the forecast for the rest of the week:


Before moving on to marihuana, this is what the olive trees of the earliest varieties look like now, after the blessing of the autumn rains:

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Well-known member
(...)Nov-4 :
(Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (@MadMac)
¿(Punto Rojo de Santa Marta / Dorada de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1 aka (Moño Rojo de Santa Marta / Moño Amarillo de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1?; aka  Cumbiambera :

Hey buddy & TY

e.T mailed me his cut of SMC which is the purple Colombian I believe from Kiona farms as he & Zamalito are boys, or were boys. You can find more details there I’m sure on the SMC aka Purple Colombian

SMG I reproduced 5 years ago or so from 20+ year old seeds Wesos / Huesos got from a Colombian Lady iirc, Wesos was in Vibes with Charlie of Cannabiogen, Luis of Ace etc - I popped like 30 seeds and got 14f/14m - proseeds sells my SMG I donated to them for free a few times (over a thousand seeds in total), if anyone has issues with the price (already had my balls busted for it, lol) take it up with someone else, again I gave for free a few times reupping stock after selling out - and of course I paid to get them there…

SMC x SMG imo is as good as any Colombian there is and I’ve tried many many of them. You could dig within them alone for years. SMG grew like clones or like heirloom plants should

Born on May-16, she has, now, the 5 lower nodes of the stem (10 twigs) pruned. 1'65 metres:

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Chasing The Present
(...)Nov-4 :
(Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (@MadMac)

Born on May-16, she has, now, the 5 lower nodes of the stem (10 twigs) pruned. 1'65 metres:
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what does she smell like ?

I also made SMC/SMG x Goli 90 Ohaze before I even shared the SMC / SMG seeds with Mac, you see great minds think alike... :)

I wonder which Ohaze Mac used, looks like maybe the mutant one, I'm sure he'll weigh in... I made Regs, looks like he made Fems with it, everyone wins, haha

Peace - thanks for sharing buddy


Well-known member
(...)Nov - 4 :
Thai A5 Haze fem (A.C.E.):
Born on May-1, she has, now, the 4 lower nodes&half (9 lower twigs) pruned. More than 2'25 metres of stem length. Complex aroma: pâté/livers + leather/dry hash/dried lavender + a faint lemon finish.
Main cola developeming bud:

Lower branches' developeming flowers:







Well-known member
(...)Nov - 4 :
Thai A5 Haze fem (A.C.E.):
Born on May-1, she has, now, the 4 lower nodes&half (9 lower twigs) pruned. More than 2'25 metres of stem length. Complex aroma: pâté/livers + leather/dry hash/dried lavender + a faint lemon finish.
Lower branches flowers developing (all photos taken with day's natural light, only):


Here we are already bundling up, because at night the cold is starting to bites...

"Shi-shi-shi-shishi-shishishi...Shivering of cold..
..Four gypsy girls went down
Along the small shore
Of a river...
Shi-shi-shi-shishi-shishishi...Shivering of cold...

Moon, that brights in the seas,
In the dark seas.
Moon, aren't you tired of going around the old world?
Moon, stay with me and don't go
'cause they say that sometimes the dawn is getting later.

Singing "bulerías"
Like the Pearl said,
No one will say it better in life.

A cross in the shoulder,
Made of gold and ivory...
...Let me to die in her,
That without her I can't live.

And don't sing to me anymore, cicada,
And turn your singsong off,
That I carry sorrow in my soul,
Like a knife, it sticks me,
Knowing that when I sing,
My luck goes whispering.
Under the shadow of a tree,
And at the rhythm of my guitar,
I sing so glad this huapango,
Because my life ends...
...And I don't want to die dreaming
like how the cicadas die!!...

...And life, life, life is...just a setback, life is...
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Well-known member

Thanks for sharing the lovely plants! I always enjoy what you are showing

Look at the bored ones..:
With their feet depressed
Look how they get up with their twisted legs
Look how they purse their lips
Look at the fat one, holding her belly in
Look how breathless she gets
Going down to the bottom, deep, real down
With a round movement
A bit of tequila with salt
To stimulate the spine
And wake all the organs of your body up
We're gonna resurrect the dead
Those who never dance, who are forgotten
Without getting up with the balls touching the blessed thigh
Those who smell like an old man's piss
Those are the ones that I bring back to life
And to them I bring back the appetite
With a bit of pornography
Woman, you're all geometry
You got the pudding that I like
Full of stretch marks
Like in a candy shop
With a short skirt
With a style from Miami
Showing half the salami
Here, I bring you gandinga
Old ldy, stamp 'cause you're not a Gringa
I'll shake you like a sneeze
I'll make you vomit your breakfast
I'll teach you my masculine language
And with it I vaccinate you

Look at the bored ones… booo!!
With their feet depressed… booo!!
Look how they get up with their twisted legs
Look how they purse their lips… look, look
Look at the fat one, holding her belly in
Look how breathless she gets… look
Going down to the bottom, deep, real down… look, look

To the old ladies I talk with my feminine rhetoric
With a bit of Greek philosophy
So that they loosen up
And start stinging like bees
If there's no partner
Well, we dance with our shadow
Here there's no carpet
Here we dance in the mud
With a bit of Charango
Let's slide those feet like in Tango
And if you got tanga
To show all the belly
Where the gang comes from
With a fuss
To get an eyeful of your junk
My god! You're gonna kill me with an asthma attack
You're gonna kill me like a ghost
With the fear of all this mess it moves
I go all the way to Cusco
I go all the way to Peru
Nake… naked
I eat the entire chicken
I eat your steak raw
You, you, you, but only you, no one else
You got me fat and well cared for
But very spoiled
She cooks for me and I cook for her
A real turkey like the Pilgrims
You got me spinning like a whirlwind
From side to side like a penguin
You're a fantasy, you're a myth
Like Snow White and the seven dwarfs
With this little shake to my balls
They feel like having thirteen little bastards

Look at the bored ones… booo!!
With their feet depressed… booo!!
Look how they get up with their twisted legs
Look how they purse their lips… look, look
Look at the fat one, holding her belly in
Look how breathless she gets… look
Going down to the bottom, deep, real down…
With a round movement… look
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Well-known member
...How boring this thread always becomes after mid-October... I'm always almost alone in December, heh heh... Let's see if those from the Southern Hemisphere start to liven it up... Meanwhile, since here it's night outside, it's raining and the wind is howling, I'm smoking an early taste of Zamaldelica, and over there I see a bottle of aged Canarian rum... I dedicate these other invigorating musical pills to all you, ...and because I feel like it...



...And whoever wants to just dance, then just dance...; and whoever wants to just listen, then just listen...; and whoever wants to only drink and smoke, then only drink and smoke...
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Well-known member
November-5 :
...Nothing like waking up from a night of partying without any hangover and fresh as a lettuce... It has been mentioned that I already had two lower branches of the Zamaldélica dry (I cut them around the twenties of October as a precaution for bending over on the wet floor all night, and to be able to try an early sample, incidentally), and fill the house with people... Bastards, when I call you to get a manicure, not even God comes... Still I have people dozing on the sofas... -"Come on, go out, go to the street... A cup of black coffee for everyone and everyone go home; there's no more ganja or rum left, and I don't have a bed for so many people"-...

...As for the early sample of Zamaldélica, if its freshly cut smell was tangerine with a slight finish of very fruity, dry melon, its smell is sweet orangey with a now even lighter finish , melon. When you carve it, it smells like smelling a jug of sugary orangeade, alone and exclusively. When smoking it in a joint, the smell and flavor coincide, and a slight fruity finish is added to the previous orangeade, although now I wouldn't know how to choose melon or mango, or a mixture of both... As for its psychoactivity, it is better to judge it in other circumstances than to mix it with rum; Of course, it is clear that it is happy and powerful: this early sample is already more so than my previous Zamaldélica, harvested on November 8, but left almost without care in a semi-guerrilla state from the end of September until its harvest.
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ICMag Donor


Well-known member
November-7 :
Today here was a cold day more typical of December 7 than November: minimum night time of only 3°C / 37.5°F, and maximum in the shade without exceeding 14°C / 57°F.. However, the always very accurate forecasts of the AEMet predict that temperatures will rise progressively until reaching 10°C /50°F (night minimum) and 21°C / 70°F maximum in the shade next Sunday...

(Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (MadMac); (Punto Rojo de Santa Marta / Dorada de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1 aka (Moño Rojo de Santa Marta / Moño Amarillo de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1.
Born on May-16, she has, now, the 5 lower nodes of the stem (10 twigs) pruned. More than 1'65 metres high:
Photos of this evening, with the flashlight of the mobile phone:






Well-known member
November-7 :

Thai A5 Haze fem (A.C.E.):
Born on May-1, she has, now, the 4 lower nodes&half (9 lower twigs) pruned. More than 2'25 metres of stem length.
Aroma: (pâté/livers) + (leather/dry hash/dried lavender) + a (lemon+peppermint) finish.

Photos of this evening, with the flashlight of the mobile phone; Looking to East:










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