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Well-known member
0ctober-26 :
Thai A5 Haze
fem (A.C.E.):
Born on May-1, she has, now, the 4 lower nodes&half (9 lower twigs) pruned. More than 2'25 metres of stem length.
Complex aroma: pâté/livers + leather/dry hash/dried lavender + a faint lemon finish.

I have finished tying up the longest lower branches:






Active member
Never. And I don't think it will be easy to grow it in my mountains without a greenhouse, like I grow...
I had a wonderful and super sativa in 2020 Zamalmistyc [(Zamal Mafate 80's) x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)] F5; Tropical Seeds Company / Underground Seeds Collective, which came out very Zamal (I had another one before in which the Dutch part was much more noticeable).
Born on 20-July, I harvested it on December 4 (just 1 month & 3 days before an exceptional snowfall, of which I left photos a few messages ago, when I was commenting on how fickle and different my winters can be in my Sierra).
Strongly cerebral-introspective-creative effect, clear and clean; with a part of physical excitement. High potency.
Fruity mango-melon flavour with a light herbal/creamy finish of mint and baking...
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I understand, just in case, the pure zamal is more resistant and rustic than zamaldelica, and there is the mountain zamal, which is more resinous and flowering more quickly (the island of reunion has several micro climates), they grow without a greenhouse up to 43N. Frenchtouchseeds has several phenotypes, maybe there is one that interests you.😉


Well-known member
I understand, just in case, the pure zamal is more resistant and rustic than zamaldelica, and there is the mountain zamal, which is more resinous and flowering more quickly (the island of reunion has several micro climates), they grow without a greenhouse up to 43N. Frenchtouchseeds has several phenotypes, maybe there is one that interests you.😉
...But is that latitude of 43°N in the narrow French Mediterranean coastal strip, or in the interior of the country? Because if so, even though they are further north than me, they have a much milder winter there than mine: somewhat colder than Gerona city, for example, and Gerona's is almost subtropical compared to mine... My latitude is not so much the problem, but combined with the height above sea level (+ 800 meters), and on a north-facing leader of a hill in an interior mountain range, and being in the interior almost 400 km away from the climate-softening influence of the Mediterranean sea.
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Active member
...But is that latitude of 43°N in the narrow French Mediterranean coastal strip, or in the interior of the country? Because if so, even though they are further north than me, they have a much milder winter there than mine: somewhat colder than Gerona city, for example, and Gerona's is almost subtropical compared to mine... My latitude is not so much the problem, but combined with the height above sea level (+ 800 meters), and on a north-facing leader of a hill in an interior mountain range, and being in the interior almost 400 km away from the climate-softening influence of the Mediterranean sea.
Zamal is a very hardy and resistant sativa, disease, infections, fungi etc..., its only enemy is the cold, it will survive up to 0°C and continues its development with around 15°C for low altitude phenotypes and 10°C for mountain phenotypes. There are between 3 and a half and 4 months in a temperate climate (on Reunion Island it's more like 6 months, but it's normal there it's 12/12 all year round), it Also take into account that flowering will generally start 2 weeks earlier than a hybrid. If you meet these conditions, that’s great. I knew a person from Reunion who managed to make one in the north of France, even if the quality is not the same it was very good 😉. personally, where I live in Spain (mountain 40N), late super sativas are risky too, the months of October and November are different every year, I sometimes grow them, but I mainly focus on more classic plants, and super sativas I consider them a bonus if it's a good year


Well-known member
Zamal is a very hardy and resistant sativa, disease, infections, fungi etc..., its only enemy is the cold, it will survive up to 0°C and continues its development with around 15°C for low altitude phenotypes and 10°C for mountain phenotypes. There are between 3 and a half and 4 months in a temperate climate (on Reunion Island it's more like 6 months, but it's normal there it's 12/12 all year round), it Also take into account that flowering will generally start 2 weeks earlier than a hybrid. If you meet these conditions, that’s great. I knew a person from Reunion who managed to make one in the north of France, even if the quality is not the same it was very good 😉. personally, where I live in Spain (mountain 40N), late super sativas are risky too, the months of October and November are different every year, I sometimes grow them, but I mainly focus on more classic plants, and super sativas I consider them a bonus if it's a good year
Ah, no me acordaba que vivias "del lado africano de los Pirineos", je, je... Entonces, o vives en mi misma Autonomía, o en alguna de las fronterizas por su parte norte...

...It is the problem of the interior plateau, La Meseta; its distance from any sea, and its height above its level (and if you live on hills or mountains...) What you mention is what the second half of autumn and the first half of winter on the Meseta have, and the same thing happens to me, only because I lives one degree less latitude than you, and/or I'm more generally growing sativa plants with a longer flowering duration, in my situation It happens to me with November, December and the first half of January... Without a greenhouse, in the "best" years I can grow until mid-January; the "worst", only during the first week of December... Note that I am in one of its mountainous edges, and that only a little more than 50 kilometers to the South or West do they always have three degrees °C higher than the minimum here, and they can grow cherimoyas, avocados and/or mangoes, and there are winters here when my oranges and lemons freeze, or it even snows... ...But this is the Meseta...


...D'ailleurs (et avec un traducteur), j'ai aussi à côté de vous des gens des Pyrénées, dans l'Hexagone. Du côté de Nîmes et d'Arles; vous savez déjà qu'il y a là beaucoup d'émigration et de coutumes hispaniques. Ils sont venus me rendre visite il y a quelques semaines, et ils m'ont ramené des chocolats de Camargue ("bombones de La Camarga", en espagnol)... Bon sang, comme c'est riche et délicat... Les Français savent vraiment faire des chocolats ; Il ne reste bien sûr que la boîte :
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Ah, no me acordaba que vivias "del lado africano de los Pirineos", je, je... Entonces, o vives en mi misma Autonomía, o en alguna de las fronterizas por su parte norte...

...It is the problem of the interior plateau, La Meseta; its distance from any sea, and its height above its level (and if you live on hills or mountains...) What you mention is what the second half of autumn and the first half of winter on the Meseta have, and the same thing happens to me, only because I lives one degree less latitude than you, and/or I'm more generally growing sativa plants with a longer flowering duration, in my situation It happens to me with November, December and the first half of January... Without a greenhouse, in the "best" years I can grow until mid-January; the "worst", only during the first week of December... Note that I am in one of its mountainous edges, and that only a little more than 50 kilometers to the South or West do they always have three degrees °C higher than the minimum here, and they can grow cherimoyas, avocados and/or mangoes, and there are winters here when my oranges and lemons freeze, or it even snows... ...But this is the Meseta...


...D'ailleurs (et avec un traducteur), j'ai aussi à côté de vous des gens des Pyrénées, dans l'Hexagone. Du côté de Nîmes et d'Arles; vous savez déjà qu'il y a là beaucoup d'émigration et de coutumes hispaniques. Ils sont venus me rendre visite il y a quelques semaines, et ils m'ont ramené des chocolats de Camargue ("bombones de La Camarga", en espagnol)... Bon sang, comme c'est riche et délicat... Les Français savent vraiment faire des chocolats ; Il ne reste bien sûr que la boîte :
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That's a fine looking box!

I can only fantasize about how good were the contents .


Well-known member
Hey everyone, l hope you’re all well.
I’ve really been enjoying the photos but I’ve been out of action due to phone reception problems here on my mountain.
The weather’s warming up and our spring is what l would say is “back to a more normal pattern”, even if the overnight temperatures are still a few degrees below average.
Here’s an update of the (Blackdog x Golden Tiger) bx3’s, the majority of these plants are really tough now and these two males are the absolute stand outs. The female has some twisted gnarley looking leaves due to the cold temperatures these plants have endured since being put outside but the buds are like little marbles. They’ve never been fed, other than the original, used, potting soil, with a bit of blood and bone in it and I’ve never really watered them; check out the pots they’re in and they’re about two feet tall, in.about one and a half litres of soil.
I believe with these males, the bx4 generation will be on point and meet %90 plus of the breeding goals l started out with.

Anyway, well done, I’ve enjoyed watching, even if l would of liked to join in, every now and then.


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Well-known member
Great Halloween last night w my kids, and holy crap did kids come from all over, we had 250 pieces of candy and it was all gone by 7:30, animals !***************And even better a nice dusting of lake effect this morning, huge flakes, first snow to stick this year
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Dang we actually getting some decent snow today for this time year, surprisingly it’s sticking well as ground still quite warm
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Bomb cyclone coming to you Euros from the change we just got here in the NE across the pond
November-2 : ...What a gift you have sent us, heh... Right now the strongest winds arriving here:









...Behind & under that big eucalyptus, are my bushes...
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ICMag Donor
November 1
Is it ok to use plastic bags to separate types of flowers in the mini C-Vault? I think the strain hunter micro ones may be a better option. Also, does Boveda work in vacuum sealed containers?

Boveda profile


Thank you for the additional question. Don't mix different RH levels in the same container. Other than that - you can use multiple Boveda in the same container.

Boveda needs air to properly maintain the RH in your container. With this said, we recommend leaving some air in your vacuum sealed container to allow for air movement.

Please reach out with any other questions.


The climate here isn't always humid, but its not arid. Being in the midwest near Illinois, there are periods of humidity, but things tend to dry out as well. Which would be more appropriate for our climate, the 58% pack or the 62%? Thanks for the help!

The flower moisture level would probably be taken into consideration. But its a little on the moist side this year, so chose to purchase the 58%. However in the C-Vault it came with a 62% and that would make sense for flower that is out of storage and soon to be used for medicine.

Using the mini C-Vaults, the Boveda pack is laying over the seal when placed in the lid. Wanted to know, is it alright to just fold the Boveda pack in half? Thanks for the help!

I found the answer to the CVault question in the instructions they provided. It says to fold the pack along 3sides.

November 2
Boveda profile

Perfect! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Have a wonderful week!


Is the 58% Bovida the recommended one to use for long term storage for midwest temperate climates which gets rain periodically? Humidity can be low for some periods so I was curious if the 62% is generally more appropriate for long term storage if its not humid all the time like west coast areas. Thanks

Boveda profile


Both the 58%RH and 62%RH will maintain your cannabis below the mold threshold. Choosing the RH for you is really personal preference. The 58%RH gives a slightly drier bud, the 62%RH gives a slightly stickier bud.



Good to know, I hadn't seen that FAQ. Thanks! Have a great week

Boveda profile


I was wondering, if I wanted to store a used Boveda pack taht wasn't expired, could I just place it back into the re-sealable bag with the other new ones? Maybe it could just be utilized in another container until needed again down the road.

Boveda profile

Yes. Storing Boveda in an airtight environment when not in use will help them last longer.


Great, Thought about doubling up on a couple of the more moist jars. Also the some of the mini c Vaults may be used intermittantly.

How long does it take to rehydrate flower?

Boveda profile

Sounds good.

You should notice a change in 24 hours and it can take 7-10 days to bring your flower to equilibrium with your Boveda.


fresh flower that is mostly dry. Seems like bovida has made a bit of a difference already

yeah buddy


Boveda profile


Thank you for reaching out to Boveda. Boveda works best when there is some air in the jar. With this said, Boveda can be placed in your jar and is safe to touch your flower.

If your flower is more tightly packed, it may take a little longer to bring your jar and flower to equilibrium.


These packs work! I noticed a stronger more distinct flavor after using the 58% Boveda pack.


Well-known member
Yesterday (with a little more sun than today), November-1 :
(Reunion Island's Zamal X Golden Tiger; Golden Tiger being: Koh Chang Thai/Hmong Thai X Malawi Killer), (A.C.E.).
Born during the second half of April, she measures 1.65 meters.
She has, now, the 4 lower nodes (8 lower branches) pruned.
Current scent: fruity/citric/sweet/delicate smell: mandarin and a finish with fruity melon (the sweet carrot scent has finally been disappearing).

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Well-known member
November-1 :
(Reunion Island's Zamal X Golden Tiger; Golden Tiger being: Koh Chang Thai/Hmong Thai X Malawi Killer), (A.C.E.).
fruity/citric/sweet/delicate smell: mandarin and a finish with fruity melon.
Medium and lower branches:






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Well-known member
November-1 :
(Reunion Island's Zamal X Golden Tiger; Golden Tiger being: Koh Chang Thai/Hmong Thai X Malawi Killer), (A.C.E.).
fruity/citric/sweet/delicate smell: mandarin and a finish with fruity melon.
Medium and lower branches fowers.
All photos with natural light, only:




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Well-known member
November-1 :
(Reunion Island's Zamal X Golden Tiger; Golden Tiger being: Koh Chang Thai/Hmong Thai X Malawi Killer), (A.C.E.).
fruity/citric/sweet/delicate smell: mandarin and a finish with fruity melon.
Medium and lower branches fowers' details.
All photos with natural light, only:


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