Hi all,
Did someone say prune?
if anyone wants cuts...
This caterpillar, daughter of lucifer, was on tobacco this morning, I don't think cancer will kill it, it has been eaten by chicks .
@Eltitoguay No te fíes mucho de mis plegarias que son más culturales por parte de madre que sentimiento fervoroso interior, pero te mando siempre que puedo buen karma de corazón, primo, que en eso si que creo., karma boomerang lo llamamos los creyentes
Si esa thai sale como la de aquí, se te queda pequeña la perrera primo
Found a caterpillar on my plants yesterday wrapped up in leaves at the top. It had eaten the meristem growing point on a plant, and I was wondering what happened to it, then I found him. He got the squish treatment. Thankfully there wasn't more than 1 that I found. Keep an eye out!

Why did you take cuts, el mani? Are you reducing size of the plants or are you growing them out inside?