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ICMag Donor
Hi all,
Did someone say prune?
if anyone wants cuts...





This caterpillar, daughter of lucifer, was on tobacco this morning, I don't think cancer will kill it, it has been eaten by chicks .

@Eltitoguay No te fíes mucho de mis plegarias que son más culturales por parte de madre que sentimiento fervoroso interior, pero te mando siempre que puedo buen karma de corazón, primo, que en eso si que creo., karma boomerang lo llamamos los creyentes ;)
Si esa thai sale como la de aquí, se te queda pequeña la perrera primo

Found a caterpillar on my plants yesterday wrapped up in leaves at the top. It had eaten the meristem growing point on a plant, and I was wondering what happened to it, then I found him. He got the squish treatment. Thankfully there wasn't more than 1 that I found. Keep an eye out! :smoke:

Why did you take cuts, el mani? Are you reducing size of the plants or are you growing them out inside?


Active member
Hey friends, in first thanks for the help, the transplanted plant have survived.👨🏻‍⚕️ Rarely observations, the plant start to flowering the day after, I don't know why, the other's don't have start yet, my theory it's the plant metabolism have forced the plant to start flowering for the pain caused by the transplant or the roots asphyxia. If one of you know the real reason I'm here for learning 😉
In first the OGkush SFV:
The transplanted in 300L (but i have put 250L)

The second have better health:

Himalaya gold, its very sativa this year:

Jamaican dream are suffering for the warm but its resisting:
The first


Diet Durban thcv, are resisting but she don't like that dry warm (I suppose because they are mostly Thai, they prefer wet climate)
The first:




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ICMag Donor
Is that a verified OG Kush SFV clone or is it from seed? Its seems to have very sativa/equitorial shape and structure.

Loving the beautiful mountian views and the little kitty. They must get good sun. Are you going to transplant any others? I'd say its too late now. Glad that one worked out well! Just keep them watered, they will be alright.


Active member
Is that a verified OG Kush SFV clone or is it from seed? Its seems to have very sativa/equitorial shape and structure.

Loving the beautiful mountian views and the little kitty. They must get good sun. Are you going to transplant any others? I'd say its too late now. Glad that one worked out well! Just keep them watered, they will be alright.
There's OG Kush sfv seeds from advanced seeds (a Spanish seed bank)
Yeah I now, all my plants look very sativa, the Afghani and Hindu Kush too (indica leaf but sativa structure), I trust in the growshop it's the biggest of Europe. I'm sure it's for other reasons but what? It's a good question haha 😂 no normally I don't transplant more, my budget it's burning hahaha 😂 I hesitate for two of her, because there Big for 50L (one Jamaican and one diet) but I think the same of you, it's too late, the best I can do it's so much water and nutrition wait and see 😉


ICMag Donor
I would not let it get close to wilt stage, thats really bad for plants and will permenantly slow their growth phsyiologically. If you water to depth of root once per week that is about right. So if you water in 6-10 days the soil should be dry enough for another watering depending on the weather. Just make sure its mostly dry on the surface. I have read about how to water on ICmag where the pros were saying you want to water established plants at about 10% of the soil volume.

A 10ftx10ftx1ft area is 750 gallons of soil, which translates to 75 gal water needed to water to depth of root.

Water to depth of root and water infrequently so it has a chance to dry out. About 7 day interval is good under normal growing conditions.


ICMag Donor
Another 19 plants have been culled. Most were plants that were severely shaded out, with upper leaves that weren't expanding.

Found 2 SCC females with a strange growth I had seen before at the node by the preflower, and I think it is stamen being produced. The Champion #1 male sativa candy Chunk has that same special structure where it has a preflower and then another stamen being produced off to the side, maybe a little larger and with more developing bract/leaves. There are so many different expressions in cannabis it could just be a minor mutation, but I think its best to play it on the safe side and cull them since its early.

Got some airflow now after removing all the plants! Watering tomorrow and it will be easier now with it opened up. Heat coming back this week getting into low 90's for a couple days! Going to see them spread out hopefully! I can smell the cottonseed meal working and there is visible white fungus from the fertilizer on top of the soil. So they have plenty to eat! :smoke:



ICMag Donor

Apologies in advance academic post and long read... spoiler alert ;)

Terpenes and cannabinoids as medicine click to see more

May update this single post and edit / link it with more scientific study posts as opposed to multiple posts

Feel free to share as well on using as a med :huggg:
A cannabis flower a day keeps the doctor away. The miracle resin does it all. Thank you God!


Well-known member
Hey everyone,
Been getting things ready and thought I’d share this photo. It’s the (Blackdog x AOG f5) f1 from last year. It’s stem at ground height is as round as my calf muscle.
The (Blackdog x Golden Tiger) bx3’s are all looking very similar except for the odd mutant. I’ve done three plantings, to hit numbers, after reusing old soil full of pathogens. I’m hoping this has culled out weak plants from the off.
The (Blackdog x AOG f5) bx1s are also very similar. They seem to be very small seedlings and I can’t really remember a run of smaller plants. I think because of this they’re starting slow but this can be a good sign for the selections I’m making.
Keep up the good work,


Well-known member
25% more rain than usual. It's not the rain though, it's the continued cloud cover and cold it brings.
Perhaps one day we will get a forecast for DLI, or at least a roundup of what we did have.

Outlook is bleak. Rain till late August, then 30mph winds. September doesn't look terrible, but rain around the 10th is forecast, like every year. I rush to get it down before then, but if I bare some losses, the rest of the month might be alright. Though it might be just weatherman 'spin' to keep us happy. 16c is claimed, when 12-14c is more likely. Nothing much happens at 12-14c. It's just at risk. It's not rained for hours, and at mid day, it's 15c today(should be 22 in july). They said 18c. The standard gap between forecast and reality. I don't think they are as bad at this as they claim. They are consistently lying, is all.
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ICMag Donor
Had a dandy day yesterday, and had a nice hot lunch picnic at the garden with the camp stove and skillet! Went through the plants looking for more that needed taken out.

Found a couple small plants in the shad that needed pulled and ended up deciding to remove 2 males, Male #6 and Male #3 that was next to the large Champion Male #1. These males are the indica dominant structure with smaller stamen that are slower to develop. Pollen must drop on time or the male is useless for early pollination. One of these was in the middle of the garden and was shaded out quite a bit, the other that was next to the champion #1 male I decided to pull not only because it was behind a little, but it was shading out the champion #1 male which needs a little more sun to make sure it drops on time. So we have 4 good males, that are able to drop pollen the 1st week of August, and everything is spaced out really well!

Let them grow during the good daylight and started watering in the evening to help keep them moving.

Not going to do compost/mulch this year, the cottonseed meal seems to be doing a good job and I want to keep the root zone happy with plenty of oxygen. Surface roots are all developed and are visable across the surface, so I think the plants have it under control. Will apply some more in mid August.

Got some pics in the sun. This is before culling 4 or 5 more plants, but I think you'll get the picture. Some plants have reached 7+ ft. Going to be a heavy harvest, hoping to keep mold at bay with better spacing and healthy plants going into fall.

Not pruning lower growth this year per Reverend's recommendations. Seems to go with my understanding of carbohydrate source and sink balance working in the plant. Lower leaves are utilized to feed to roots even though they are mostly in the shade. Will let the plants be the boss. :smoke:



Well-known member
Mountain Outlaw,
I gave you my opinion on this problem a few pages back, did you take my advice 🤔🤔
Inter-veinal chlorosis never was and never will be a sign of “normal plant growth” or development.
It’s probably a sativa leaner and feeds in a different way to the rest of your plants.

Hey Hashlife,
There’s a lot of reasons why plants flower early, being root bound is definitely one. It was Tom Hill that first surmised that it’s a build up of root exudes that effect root bound plants ,not the fact that they’re root bound. Flush them with water, if you want.

And someone asked about the paint on tar and if anyone’s used it…….l have, it’s good stuff. I then got the spray on stuff that l feel is better because of it’s ability to penetrate.


Active member
Mountain Outlaw,
I gave you my opinion on this problem a few pages back, did you take my advice 🤔🤔
Inter-veinal chlorosis never was and never will be a sign of “normal plant growth” or development.
It’s probably a sativa leaner and feeds in a different way to the rest of your plants.

Hey Hashlife,
There’s a lot of reasons why plants flower early, being root bound is definitely one. It was Tom Hill that first surmised that it’s a build up of root exudes that effect root bound plants ,not the fact that they’re root bound. Flush them with water, if you want.

And someone asked about the paint on tar and if anyone’s used it…….l have, it’s good stuff. I then got the spray on stuff that l feel is better because of it’s ability to penetrate.
Thanks for the answer😉 I go to read tom hill work (if I find it haha 😂)

I have forgot a question, that's intrigued a few times, if someone know. Why seedsman named Diet Durban a strain if it's mostly Thai with a skunk touch?
"It was bred by crossing a traditional landrace Thai strain with Caprichosa Thai, resulting in shorter plants with a faster flowering time. An 80% sativa strain."
GeneticsThai Landrace x Caprichosa Thai
Flowering TypePhotoperiod
Max. THC Content %Approx. 14% total THC+THCV (1:1)
CBD Content %Medium (1-5%)
Taste/FlavourAniseed|Citrus|Floral|Pine|Spicy / Herbal
Medicinal PropertiesYes
Flowering Time63 - 70 days

Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
I found an early developing male in my early flowering Swazi project that I've been working on for a few years. This male is the result of a stellar early flowering Swazi BX1 female that I crossed with an early flowering Swazi BX2 male last summer. Hopefully I find an early developing female to match him up with.

I got 8 sprouts from the 8 Swazi BX3 seeds I started. These are way too late to look for early flowering characteristics, my plan for them is to use them to breed with an auto that is 3/8 Swazi genetics to make an auto that is slightly over 65% Swazi genetics.
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ICMag Donor


Going to be average to above average precipitation for most folks in the Unite States of America. Going to be a jungle the rest of this summer. Will be nice if I don't have to haul water as much. Hope it dries out a little in September and October.

Mold inspections are so time consuming, last flower season was a drought and it was super easy with very little mold. Wish it was like that every year. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Had a storm yesterday so had to go back out and check on them to make sure they were standing. All looked pretty good, a couple were leaning. We didn't get more than a tenth to a quarter inch rain but its something, and will really help with the heat wave this week. Going to be a jungle out there with heat index up to 105 and actual temps in the mid to upper 90's! These plants are going to grow. They are 7+ looking for 8-9 ft on some of these with lots of branches! :smoke:

May need to bring out a ladder to do inspections! Would be a good idea, last year broke a main flower bending it down to inspect. :smoke:

Few pics from the morning. After this pic, pulled the 2 males and a couple little plants, so there is plenty of space now for most of the plants!





Early Skunk x Lebanese


Early Skunk x Lebanese


Pine Tar Kush


Pine Tar Kush


Deep Chunk x Blueberry


Deep Chunk x Blueberry


Deep Chunk x Blueberry


Deep Chunk x Blueberry






Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush busy stacking pistils. Will have lots of seeds from this one! :smoke:


Paradise Cheese x Lebanese--struggling in the shade of a couple DC x LVPK x HK. Will see how it develops in flower, and may decide to pull it. I'd like to see the flavor on it though! I may be able to lean it over to find some light. :smoke:


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