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Listen my username is from 07 lol
Wanted to get all the branches lollipoped today an removw every preemie bud but it's pours an I'm gonna roool up a 10g half kings sherb/haf plat terple an order food


Not ICMag Donor
@Hombre del mont Zacatecas Tribute + bonus doggo

She's begging for a transplant, watering twice a day, but I'm holding out til flower to keep them small.


Well-known member
Yesterday, at 21:50, just before sunset, still 32°C/90°F and 15% humidity, somewhere whose name I don't want to remember but about 39° North latitude, 800 metres/2625 feet above sea level, and about 400 km/250 miles from the nearest sea, (aprox, if I remember correctly), we climbed up my hill to have a look at the plants...

Zamaldélica (A.C.E.), the still very small [(Colombiana de Santa Marta X Dorada de Santa Marta) X Original Haze]S1 (MadMac) and almost indistinguishable, an automatic with Jamaican blood budding, and in the background, the always thirsty Thai A5Haze (A.C.E.):



Well-known member
Cool and cloudy this morning, felt a drop or two of moisture in the air. There was still a bit of moisture on the ground, I'm paranoid about root rot so I held of on watering. The clouds burnt off my noon and everyone was starting to droop when I checked them at 2. I don't like to water in the middle of the day but I don't like wilty plants either. Growing near the ocean isn't easy.

There's a good chance this (Critical 47 x Shishkeberry) X (C99 x GG#4) will be the best this year. Last year the cross was one of my best but the plant was small. It turned out super sweet, one toke and your mouth is coated in sweetness. This year I had several females, they were all nice, but this one stood out early for size, vigor and smell. Stuck it in the ground early in a prime spot. It's bushing out and getting big I think it's going to be a monster.

The stalk is already coated in crystals, when I give it the rub and sniff it's on another level. It's amazing, Himalayan incense that turns to a lingering sweet fennel anise smell. It's on another level. It may be a coincidence but since I started using langbeinite, potassium magnesium sulfate, the smells in my garden have hit another level. I kept one other female of this strain, it smells great but this plant is on another level.


Last year my best plant, maybe my best overall plant ever combining yield and quality, was a Huckleberry Punch from Dynasty Seeds. I did a bit of research and found a strain they have called Lime Berry Mega. It's (Kali Snapple x SSH) X Oregon Huckleberry #5. Their description gives a warning about how potent it is, 'not for beginners' which I find amusing. I'm excited to get something with Kali Snapple in it. Bodhi's Snow Queen was one of my all time favorites and it has a Kali Snapple somewhere in it's background.

I got a pack, here's a look at what I got out of it.


The smell isn't as amazing as the Critical 47 ..... but it's nice, predominately lime with a bit of berry. Aptly named. It's suppose to be a big yielder, it'll be interesting to see if it blows up.

My outdoor plants grown by an indoor grower seem to be thriving?

When my stuff gets complimented a lot of times people will say 'it's like indoor but it's outdoor'. I guess that's the best compliment I can get. The best crop I've seen of 'indoor grown outdoor' was a legal state crop a friend of mine was growing in the desert in eastern Washington. He had 3/4 of an acre or so light depped in. He'd stick his clones in the ground, scraggy little runty things, veg them for two weeks. Then light dep them for 8 or 9 and harvest. He'd run from late May to mid October, get 3 crops in. He had a simple mix in the ground, something like Sunshine Mix, simple peat moss and perlite. He had two chemical fertilizers, one for veg and one for bloom. The plants would get 3-6 feet tall, minimal branching.

He could pull it off because it's 90 degrees every day, full sun from 7 am to 7 pm, never rains, never a cloud in the sky. He had killer stuff, purple glue and Bruce Banner and something else. And the quality was top notch, crystal coated. I couldn't believe my eyes. Never seen so many plants in my life. As soon as he'd harvest he'd be ready for the clones for the next round. Sell it all to the oil makers for $200 a lb. He made a lot of money.


ICMag Donor
Found another choice strong Deep Chunk dominant male out of Sativa Candy Chunk so now we have 6 good males. Some have stamen hanging about to drop in a week or so!

Culled about 22 plants that were mostly runts but a few more males and a couple mutants. Not much benefit from the really small plants in the understory, so they have to go, even a few pine tar kush sorry to say. Disease pressure is pretty high, so trying to help airflow. Also the remaining taller plants will have more sun and rootzone available.

Opened things up a little. Plants will like the free space! :smoke:



Champion Male #6


Another male about to drop pollen- leaned it over a bit to slow it down


Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush is stacking up! will be a little too much seed on that one. Oh well, should still have plenty of seedless on it.



Well-known member
Yesterday, at 21:50, just before sunset, still 32°C/90°F and 15% humidity, somewhere whose name I don't want to remember but about 39° North latitude, 800 metres/2625 feet above sea level, and about 400 km/250 miles from the nearest sea, (aprox, if I remember correctly), we climbed up my hill to have a look at the plants...
View attachment 18868361

Zamaldélica (A.C.E.), the still very small [(Colombiana de Santa Marta X Dorada de Santa Marta) X Original Haze]S1 (MadMac) and almost indistinguishable, an automatic with Jamaican blood budding, and in the background, the always thirsty Thai A5Haze (A.C.E.):
View attachment 18868363
(just kidding with the kindest of intentions):
...It gets dark, and I decide to leave the watering for the next morning; Let's see if I'm lucky and some of the prayers with which so kindly and from different beliefs, several of you pray for some rain to be granted...
👍🏼 :dance013:

Wishing you guys 🌧️ + ☁️
Too bad for the cousins who stay in the sun ... Somewhat cloudy appeared here , the worst is the humidity .
Take the opportunity to get up early, do homework and fresh air.

The plants will not move from the site



The chickens seek the shade of the tomatoes

The children and the canids to the river a dip in very cool water and to fish for a while




Primo...Le puesto una vela al Santo a ver si se lleva la bolsa de calor sahariano a noringlaterra , pero no me ha hecho falta encenderla

...The believers say that faith can move mountains, and I would be happy if it rained here in summer to certify a miracle for you...
(So I strongly urge you to refrain from moving the mountains by force of brute Faith... Contrary to popular belief popularized by Francis Bacon, the Prophet Mohammed never even attempted it, warning of the enormous danger and chaos that such a practice brings; even almost 3 centuries after his death, when Abd al-Rahmān ibn Muḥammad al-Nāṣir li-Dīn Allāh proclaimed himself the first Caliph of the West, Successor and Delegate of the Prophet, and Prince of the Believers, had an engraving on one of the exterior walls of the Mosque of Córdoba (in Arabic, Mozarabic and Sephardic, so that both Muslims, Christians and Jews would all have the warning clearly:

"At first the Faith moved mountains only when absolutely necessary, so the landscape remained the same for millennia.

But when the Faith began to spread and people found the idea of moving mountains amusing, they kept changing places, and it was harder and harder to find them where you had left them the night before; which of course created more difficulties than it solved...

The good people then preferred to abandon the Faith, and now the mountains generally remain in their place;

...But when a landslide occurs on the road under which several travelers die, it is because someone, very distant or immediate, had a slight glimmer of faith."

(From the translation from Arabic to Spanish by Augusto Monterroso)

But as for it raining here in the summer, I'm afraid it might be a more accessible miracle if you moved my mountain to (for example) Scotland (but don't even try: remember previous warnings). As I already told El Mani:
...Pueeeee...o cambias de Santo, o de religión, o...
Hoy en la vertiente Norte de Sierra Morena, he tenido las misma temperaturas que los campamentos de refugiados saharahuies de Tinduf , y he superado ampliamente a Tombuctú en Malí.
Y aún así, nos han vuelto a ganar en la vertiente Sur, y a solo 80 kilómetros al Sureste, Andújar a llegado a los 46°C...a la sombra.

...Well, you're going to have to change your Saint, or your religion, or...
Today on the northern slope of Sierra Morena, I had the same temperatures as the Saharahui refugee camps in Tindouf, and I have far exceeded Timbuktu in Mali. And even so, they have get over to us again on the South slope, and only 80 kilometers to the Southeast, Andújar has reached 115°F......in the shadow.
View attachment 18863914
...Aunque ya te vale a ti también, mi primo, irle a prender velas al pobre Santo, como si no cayera ya bastante fuego del cielo, y encima para pedirle que me refresque el tiempo, cachondo. Si le hubieras puesto una horchata de esa vuestra bien bien bien fresquita...
Ahora en serio, todo esto me recuerda una vez cuando siendo niño, en un pueblo extremeño del Valle del Guadiana (dónde por cierto nació siglos atrás Pedro de Valdivia, conquistador de Chile, y a unos 15 km de la casa natal de Hernán Cortés; que no falte el salséo cultural), una tremenda sequía y calor sahariano amenazaban con reducir a polvo toda cosecha de tomates de su fértil vega.
Mucha gente del pueblo acudió al cura de iglesia, para rogarle que les permitieran sacar en procesión rogativa por las calles del pueblo, a determinado Santo de la iglesia, para rogar por la anhelada lluvia...
El cura, tras escuchar a la gente reunida ante la puerta de su iglesia, miró sólo un instante hacia el cielo: Sol cayendo fundido en cascada a través de un interminable desierto azul cobalto, hasta caer a plomo y como plomo fundido contra las losas de piedra de la plaza, y rebotar amplificado en onda expansiva contra las paredes de cal blanca de las casas...
-"Hijos míos..."- se dirigió a sus feligreses, a los que apenas podía distinguir entre la explosión de luz y la vibracíon/ondulación del aire entre ellos por efecto las ondas térmicas y la calima...
-"...Hijos míos; sí vosotros queréis sacar el Santo en procesión por las calles, por mi no hay problema... Pero ya os digo yo que mucha pinta de llover, no tiene...-"

...Although it's worth it to you too, my cousin, to go light candles for poor Santo, as if there wasn't enough fire already falling from heaven, and on top of that, to ask him to cool off the weather for me, horny. If you had put an horchata of yours, well, well, very fresh...
Now seriously, all this reminds me of a time when I was a child, in a town in Extremadura in the Guadiana Valley (where, by the way, Pedro de Valdívia, conqueror of Chile, was born centuries ago, and about 15 km from the birthplace of Hernán Cortés; that don't miss the cultural gossip), a tremendous drought and Saharan heat threatened to reduce to dust all the tomato harvest in its fertile plain.
Many people from the town went to the priest of the church, to beg him to be allowed to take a certain Saint of the church in a begging procession through the streets of the town, to beg for the long-awaited rain... The priest, after listening to the people gathered at the door of his church, looked up for an instant at the sky: Sun cascading molten through an endless cobalt blue desert, until it fell plumb and like molten lead against the flagstones. stone of the square, and bounce amplified in expansive wave against the whitewashed walls of the houses...
-"My children..."- he addressed his parishioners, whom he could barely distinguish between the explosion of light and the vibration of the air between them due to the thermal waves and the Saharian haze...
-"My children; if you want to take the Saint in procession through the streets, it's no problem for me... But I'm telling you that it doen't looks like...,It doesn't look like it's raining..."-

Comentario aparte merece lo de enviarles este "regalito" a los ingleses... Primo, que va a pensar de nosotros nuesto primo adoptivo Del Monte, o l@s forer@s británicos, en general...: Primero les enviamos la Grande e Felicísima Armada (lo de "Invencible" se lo inventaron los ingleses); luego a Leonor, Princesa de Asturias y las Demás Españas, y ahora quieres que les endosémos tambien la flama sahariana... Mejor sigamos sólo con los envíos de trailers cargados de cajas para fruta, con fruta solo en la parte visible, je...

A separate comment is worth sending this "little gift" to the English... Cousin, what is our adoptive cousin Del Monte going to think of us, or the British foreigners, in general...: First we sent them the Big One and Very Happy Armada ("Invincible" was invented by the English); then to Leonor, Princess of Asturias and the Other Spains, and now you want us to endorse the Saharan flame as well... Better let's just continue with shipments of trailers loaded with boxes for fruit, with fruit only in the visible part, heh...

Eso sí, verte sufrir la humedad del Turia, es mi consuelo de tontos ante "la caloraca"... Solo tengo que mirar en cauce seco del riachuelo local, invadido de cardos, pitas y chumberas, para reconfortarme, je, je... ¡Que lo sigais disfrutando!
Y saludos al primo Del Monte.

Of course, seeing you suffer from the humidity of the Turia, is my fool's consolation before "the heat"... I only have to look at the dry bed of the local stream, invaded by thistles, pitas and prickly pears, to comfort myself, ha ha .. . May you continue to enjoy it!
And regards to Cousin Del Monte.
...So, if the mountain does not come to Mohamed, Mohamed uses the water from the well...

...and while the basin is finishing filling and listening to El Camarón de la Isla sing to the water, I leave you the same view (but morning) of the plants as in my first photo of them last night...: Zamaldélica (A.C.E.), the still very small [(Colombiana de Santa Marta X Dorada de Santa Marta) X Original Haze]S1 (MadMac) and almost indistinguishable, an automatic with Jamaican blood budding, and in the background, the always thirsty Thai A5Haze (A.C.E.):

"Clean goes the water of the river,
like The Morning Star;
My love goes clean
to the spring of your clear source...

Like the water... Oh, like the water... Like the water...

...Like clear water
that comes down from the mountain:
so I want to see you,
day and night.

Oh, like the water... Like the water... Like the water...

I put my arm around your shoulder
and a moonlight glow lit up your eyes...

..I want all the heat from you;
For you my body if you want it;
Fire in the blood runs us both...

Oh, like the water... Oh, like the water... Like the water...

If your eyes were green olives,
all night I would be grinding, grinding, grinds that grinds...
All night I would be grind that grind, grinds that grinds, grinds that grinds...

Light of my soul, divine,
that you light up my heart;
My body walks happy
because of you he has and carries the illusion...

Oh, like the water... Like the water... Like water..."
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Well-known member
Zamaldélica (A.C.E.), the still very small [(Colombiana de Santa Marta X Dorada de Santa Marta) X Original Haze]S1 (MadMac) (also very thirsty for water), and part of the automatic with Jamaican blood budding:

The still very small [(Colombiana de Santa Marta X Dorada de Santa Marta) X Original Haze]S1 (MadMac) (also very thirsty for water), an automatic with Jamaican blood budding, and in the background, the always thirsty Thai A5Haze (A.C.E.); the basin is already full...:



Well-known member
Zamaldélica (born on April 15)

and Thai A5 Haze (born on May 1) after watering
(both with about 1'5 metres/5 feet high, both from la Asociación A. C. E.).

¡Hasta la vista, prim@s!

Postscript: The biggest reggae festival on the planet is starting soon in the lands of @revegeta666 , in case anyone is interested...:

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Well-known member
...Y para aunar todo lo anterior, me despido con un poco de reggae del país y aquello de "cuidado con poner a lobos (¿y no perros?) a cuidar ovejas...", recordando a tod@s l@s prim@s que mañana son las Elecciones Generales aqui:




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ICMag Donor
Cool and cloudy this morning, felt a drop or two of moisture in the air. There was still a bit of moisture on the ground, I'm paranoid about root rot so I held of on watering. The clouds burnt off my noon and everyone was starting to droop when I checked them at 2. I don't like to water in the middle of the day but I don't like wilty plants either. Growing near the ocean isn't easy.

There's a good chance this (Critical 47 x Shishkeberry) X (C99 x GG#4) will be the best this year. Last year the cross was one of my best but the plant was small. It turned out super sweet, one toke and your mouth is coated in sweetness. This year I had several females, they were all nice, but this one stood out early for size, vigor and smell. Stuck it in the ground early in a prime spot. It's bushing out and getting big I think it's going to be a monster.

The stalk is already coated in crystals, when I give it the rub and sniff it's on another level. It's amazing, Himalayan incense that turns to a lingering sweet fennel anise smell. It's on another level. It may be a coincidence but since I started using langbeinite, potassium magnesium sulfate, the smells in my garden have hit another level. I kept one other female of this strain, it smells great but this plant is on another level.

View attachment 18868419

Last year my best plant, maybe my best overall plant ever combining yield and quality, was a Huckleberry Punch from Dynasty Seeds. I did a bit of research and found a strain they have called Lime Berry Mega. It's (Kali Snapple x SSH) X Oregon Huckleberry #5. Their description gives a warning about how potent it is, 'not for beginners' which I find amusing. I'm excited to get something with Kali Snapple in it. Bodhi's Snow Queen was one of my all time favorites and it has a Kali Snapple somewhere in it's background.

I got a pack, here's a look at what I got out of it.

View attachment 18868420

The smell isn't as amazing as the Critical 47 ..... but it's nice, predominately lime with a bit of berry. Aptly named. It's suppose to be a big yielder, it'll be interesting to see if it blows up.

When my stuff gets complimented a lot of times people will say 'it's like indoor but it's outdoor'. I guess that's the best compliment I can get. The best crop I've seen of 'indoor grown outdoor' was a legal state crop a friend of mine was growing in the desert in eastern Washington. He had 3/4 of an acre or so light depped in. He'd stick his clones in the ground, scraggy little runty things, veg them for two weeks. Then light dep them for 8 or 9 and harvest. He'd run from late May to mid October, get 3 crops in. He had a simple mix in the ground, something like Sunshine Mix, simple peat moss and perlite. He had two chemical fertilizers, one for veg and one for bloom. The plants would get 3-6 feet tall, minimal branching.

He could pull it off because it's 90 degrees every day, full sun from 7 am to 7 pm, never rains, never a cloud in the sky. He had killer stuff, purple glue and Bruce Banner and something else. And the quality was top notch, crystal coated. I couldn't believe my eyes. Never seen so many plants in my life. As soon as he'd harvest he'd be ready for the clones for the next round. Sell it all to the oil makers for $200 a lb. He made a lot of money.
Chunky pigs said he was using sulfer and it was helping the plants develop better flavors. Interesting. Wonder what the optimum pH is?


ICMag Donor
Sulfur = elemental Potassium = elemental Phosphorus in PPMs as a rough rule of thumb although I've been pushing sulfur higher and it helps the flavor.

you want to look into N too, it will be on the Spectrum test. ouch on the $108 tho...

el mani

Well-known member
Hi all,
Did someone say prune?
if anyone wants cuts...





This caterpillar, daughter of lucifer, was on tobacco this morning, I don't think cancer will kill it, it has been eaten by chicks .

@Eltitoguay No te fíes mucho de mis plegarias que son más culturales por parte de madre que sentimiento fervoroso interior, pero te mando siempre que puedo buen karma de corazón, primo, que en eso si que creo., karma boomerang lo llamamos los creyentes ;)
Si esa thai sale como la de aquí, se te queda pequeña la perrera primo