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Osmocote, my favorite plant food - easy peasy, complete


Yeah but the speed of nutrient delivery is slightly different, I was thinking in the 3-4 months will perform best due to its fast delivering capacity, but it will need a second dose at the middle or at the end of blooming stage.

I think I'll choose 5-6 months.


Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Again, I've used it forever, decades. Just apply. No need to over think this.

Folks in pot growing areas (Afghanistan, India, Mexico, etc.) are not screwing around with NPK values. They're applying some donkey, cattle or chicken dung before planting, maybe applying some more and letting the plants do there thing until harvest.

It's forum members that have to screw things up by over thinking this stuff.

Good luck
Again, I've used it forever, decades. Just apply. No need to over think this.

Folks in pot growing areas (Afghanistan, India, Mexico, etc.) are not screwing around with NPK values. They're applying some donkey, cattle or chicken dung before planting, maybe applying some more and letting the plants do there thing until harvest.

It's forum members that have to screw things up by over thinking this stuff.

Good luck
Let's say you were also living in those areas growing the same weed with the same resources. How would you grow the plant better?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Cheers for this thread Uncle Ben. Have just started a few experiments with Osmocote applications and have to say I'm pretty impressed so far. I had a horticultural background prior to growing cannabis and had always had as good or better results using pretty basic nutrients compared to the cannabis specific ones, especially in soil. I hadn't even thought about Osmocote though so reading this thread reminded me of this, had see it used in nearly every nursery I've ever worked in so why not with cannabis. Decided to grab a basic 'Potted plant" mix as it had about the right NPK levels I was looking at. I've added in differing amounts to my organic mix and found the lower applications seem to keep the plants in that right spot so far. Anyways, this is the internet so pics or shut up....

Zkittles - Around week 3, lower application rate, fed only water from 2 weeks before flower until last night. Mix is a local organic potting mix, added organic compost, fish emulsion, and high P guano. This one seems to be responding the best to the small addition of osmocote. She had some serious leaf yellowing prior to the osmocote application/up pot, about 4-5 weeks ago. Full plant followed by two bud shots.


Here's a comparison between the same strains all using different mixes, the Osmocote plant looks the best by far, though they're not all at the same stage. The others that are visible are the same organic mix with either biochar added, or nothing added and all are fed just water.


Here's one I over did the osmocote on, same Zkittles, but the soil ph sits a good point and a bit below the others (5.6) as well and her seeming to over veg and burn a little at the tips. She's about a week and a half into flower, I only up potted her into the current container with the osmocote at the time I moved her into the flowering tent.



Well-known member

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Oh Brother, that's stacked with nh4 and nh2, it's going to taste terrible to many people. The yield will be foul to.

Is it even for edibles?
No it won't. Ammonical is converted into nitrates by microbes such as soil fungi.

Of course that food can be used for edibles, why wouldn't it be?. Explain, in plain English please.

My only critique is it's light in P.

When it comes to plant nutrition, you don't have a clue. You just bullshit your way from post to post, never showing a thing.

See my avatar? The main N source was blood meal, ammonical->nitrate. Same goes with stuff like Urea or UAN. They are very high performance sources of N.


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Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
We will see, that is the point of experimenting. I chose the zkittles specifically as she is quite a stinky and tasty strain so any deviation from the regular will be noticed.
Yep. I've experimented for about 50 years and have few "aw shits". When you're doing commercial crops, failure isn't an option.

Noobs over think growing this weed, confused by all the confusing posts. Kewl factor and bro science is what counts LOL.

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Brother Nature

Well-known member
I am a keen subscriber to the don't over think it method. With the P I’ve added a bit of guano derived bio phos granules, 0-9-0, am hoping that should be sufficient to fill in the gap. This whole tent has been my personal experiment tent for the last year or so, for our production runs we stick to coco and a basic jacks type nutrient regime.

Will keep people up to date on the developments on this run, good or bad..

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Osmocote + a little Miracle Grow recycled potting soil with steer manure and California sunshine. View attachment 18870361
Damn, I thought only old dinosaurs like me use Miracle Grow potting soil, or whatever else peat-based soil, is on sale. I use Peters instead of Osmo cuz that's what I've always done/used and I'm happy with it. Supplement with Black Cow and a handful of Epsom salts every couple of grows and I'm good to go.

I am _so_ envious of people who can grow outdoors! Being in a S.E. US prohibition state, that probably will never happen for me.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Oh Brother, that's stacked with nh4 and nh2, it's going to taste terrible to many people. The yield will be foul to.

Is it even for edibles?
I'm a Registered Respiratory Therapist and ordinarily, I'm all over frontiersin.org articles and right now, I don't have time to plow through all of that massive info, but luckily, I'm a speed reader and a great scanner of scientific articles. All I had to see was this picture:


With this caption:

Early symptoms of NH4 toxicity in medical cannabis...

To know this article wasn't worth wasting a _nanosecond_ of my time. Just because you quote a highly technical and scientific paper doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. Those of us who actually do know what they're talking about, and have the education and experienced it back it up, get angered when people like you quote scientific papers to try to prove an invalid point.

Let me guess, you're a big organic supporter who believes in flushing the fuck out of cannabis plants plants before harvest, so the buds will _taste_ better, amirite?

I hate to demonstrate my ancient age, but let me quote from an old movie, that's not black and white... Beverly Hills Cop. Victor Maitland says to Axel Foley, " ... you have no earthly idea who you're fucking with" .

Like me, Uncle Ben has been around for a while, I knew him when he was _young_ Uncle Ben.

Speaking of that UB, since this is your thread, weren't you also known as Uncle Ben Dover at one time? <vbseg>

Guess I should switch to all organic and chase after whatever Blueberry Bloom Buster Bullshit that is marketed these days... but come to think of it, nah... I'm happy with this:

UB, I know you believe in showing pictures or it didn't happen but please tell me you have shit canned the GPS data of the pics you are posting.
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Active member
Glad I happened onto this thread, I tried a product by fox farm, that I believe is similar and I had the greenest plants I've ever grown. It's a dry nutrient and very cheap, slow release if I understand it correctly. I've moved to liquid nutrients, mainly to follow a feed chart, but I sometimes wonder if I could go back to dry nutrients, they seem to work very well.

Is this similar to osmocote? 15 bucks and I have enough to last me a lifetime. (no joke)..



Here is a plant that I used Cultivation Nation Veg dry nutrients with (nothing else added at all until mid flower) I just sprinkled it on top of the soil and watered, didnt have to think much at all....Now that I think about it, the more I think, the more my plant suffers..... I gotta knock it off !

My second grow, and one of my best. (had no idea what I was doing, which may be a good thing)

week 9 F 4.JPG


Well-known member
We will see, that is the point of experimenting. I chose the zkittles specifically as she is quite a stinky and tasty strain so any deviation from the regular will be noticed.
Experimentation is great. You can see I like watching peoples experiments.
Is it for edibles though? My concern the the npk of a general garden feed, and the use of urea, which further guides my concerns. Here, a lot of urea comes from slaughter house byproducts, and can't be used for edibles. Them tanks under the floor are a breeding ground. Getting very ill is quite possible, from urea containing products, that are not listed for food.


Well-known member
Well you be the bigger man and post what you've got, about the subject.
They can't listen. I show (someone else) a paper, and they see a personal attack. One deleted the angry face they left. Objective criticism is a conversation, but just making stuff up about someone is some psycho drama protection method, that logic is wasted upon.

You are a civil guy to have in a discussion. If there is anything you need, I will always lay out a table of knowledge for you to pick from.
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