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Organic Fanatic Collective

Scay Beez

Active member
BeAn: I think you're supposed to add mycos and trichs fungis after the tea is brewed. I know mycos can't live in a tea because they need plant roots. I added some Trichoderma harzianum (not sure which strain) to my teas with good success but not sure about all of the trichos. Biobizz makes good stuff, so their mushroom compost is probably safe. Careful using mushroom compost because fungus gnats love mushrooms, both decomposers. I bet those coffee grounds make the tea smell nice. I wonder how caffeine affects the microbes? I know mountain dew, jolt, or any high caffeine soft drink will kill yellow jackets (bee killing bastards) and fungus gnats.

jaykush: Yeah! Drink some! I wonder if almond or soy milk could be used instead of cow's milk. If you ever have extra lactos around and have a sore throat... gargle that shit and it will knock a sore throat out quick! Slippery elm bark + Acidophilus = best remedy for sore throat since whiskey honey and lemon.

jaykush said:
mix some science style and some stoner style see what we get.

Corporations you have been warned: all your organic products are going to be reverse engineered. People before profits. MuHaHaHa!

- sbz


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
jaykush: Yeah! Drink some! I wonder if almond or soy milk could be used instead of cow's milk. If you ever have extra lactos around and have a sore throat... gargle that shit and it will knock a sore throat out quick! Slippery elm bark + Acidophilus = best remedy for sore throat since whiskey honey and lemon.

hehe i was thinking about it but i dont know yet. maybe after i got the process down a bit and i get a new microscope so i know whats in there. it smells pretty funky as of now. but then again im going to dilute it 1:20 for the main culture and then dilute again. well see in the end. took me a while to drink some nettle tea, was so sketch about it at first lol. specially eating them.

Corporations you have been warned: all your organic products are going to be reverse engineered. People before profits. MuHaHaHa!

lmao, now what should we call this new kick ass style????

ps:dont hate on the wasps. i like wasps, not specifically yellow jackets but wasps in general. love the little guys, there my organic friends.


Pull my finger
whew! ok i made it. through the whole 75 pages of the ofc. i must say that this is the most informative read ever. i just had to post and thank everybody who contributed to this thread and i will reference back continuously. T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
YOU GUYS ROCK! well, time to take a break(im getting the evil eye from the misses cuz i have been ignoring her for a bit). thanks once again. oh, dont i get a souvineir mug or something? lol! merry christmas everybody!


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
oh, dont i get a souvineir mug or something? lol! merry christmas everybody!

LOL, not a bad idea at all !! ,,, maybe have them made up the same time the t-shirts are printed!

hope you all have a safe & merry xmas.



stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Yeah I gotta admit Jay, I'm a sucker for a nice outdoor plant too, the beauty of it all.

Like I said earlier, the first time I successfully reversed the sex of a male plant (outdoors) was by accident,,, I only intended to postpone flower set. It wasn’t until after it started showing pistillate flowers that I recalled reading something about it in Marijuana Botany. Here's the excerpt by Robert Clarke which involves 3 different methods of sex reversal:

Galoch (1978) indicated that gibberelic acid (GA3) promoted stamen production while indoleacetic acid (IAA), Ethrel, and kinetin promoted pistil production in prefloral dioecious Cannabis. Sex alteration has several useful applications. Most importantly, if only one parent expressing a desirable trait can be found, it is difficult to perform a cross unless it happens to be a hermaphrodite plant. Hormones might be used to change the sex of a cutting from the desirable plant, and this cutting used to mate with it.
This is most easily accomplished by changing a pistillate cutting to a staminate (pollen) parent, using a spray of 100 ppm of gibberellic acid in water each day for 5 consecutive days. Within two weeks staminate flowers may appear. Pollen can then be collected for selfing with the original pistillate parent. Offspring from the cross should also be mostly pistillate since the breeder is selfing for pistillate sexuality. Staminate parents reversed to pistillate floral production make inferior seed-parents since few pistillate flowers and seeds are formed.

If entire crops could be manipulated early in life to produce all pistillate or staminate parents, seed production and seedless drug Cannabis would be greatly facilitated.

Sex reversal for breeding can also be accomplished by mutilation and by photoperiod alteration. A well-rooted, flourishing cutting from the parent plant is pruned back to 25% of it's original size and stripped of all it's remaining flowers. New growth will appear within a few days, and several flowers of reversed sexual type will often appear. Flowers of the unwanted sex are removed until the cutting is need for fertilization. Extremely short light cycles cause sexual reversal. However, this process takes longer and is much more difficult to perform in the field.

Funny how Robert Clarke uses the word mutilation to describe a method of genetic manipulation, but that's exactly what you have to do,,, mutilate it.
Sometimes I've had the odd staminate flower re-appear, just have to keep a close eye on it. I've also used the GA3 with good success. I'll give you a run down later.

have a good one fellas, smurf


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
wow you read the whole thing? even all the links and the reads they got? today i was reading building soils for better crops. took out 30 or so pages, damn i thought i was kicking ass till i found out theres 200 pages.... you want a trophy? maybe i should make a OFC certified logo or something. add it to the avatars.

nice avatar smurf

oh yea i finished that lacto bacilli procedure today, too drunk and hashed out too edit now. and most likely will be so stoned im in the north pole tomorrow so in a few ill update.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
i don't think boys are always the biggest. biggest arent always the best choices to take to the next generation too. most boys do grow faster though, they need to be ahead of the females so there maturing when the females are barely starting to ensure survival of the seeds and pollination. thats the way nature does it we just tend to cheat.


I think I am going to start giving the whole amino acid thing some focus as I have not been doing anything different lately.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
very nice azeotrope. amino acids are great and very easy to source cheap. i like how it tells you which does what. check out the amino acids and other goodies in wheatgrass and barelygrass. go for it let us know what you learn thats the whole point of this forum, we have people experimenting with dozens of different things.


jaykush -

Thank you. I am going to try a fermented or enzymatically decomposed solution of hops, wheatgrass and barley. I know that Canna uses hops to generate the high levels of oligarchines(sp?) that they use in BioBoost and Canna Boost. I think that some of the legumes (beans/peas) that are rich in protien may also contribute good levels of amino acids when properly "digested".

What struck me about the information on that site was that the amino acid can stimulate a release of sugars by the roots that strengthens the symbiotic relationship between plant and microbe. Isn't that relationship the key in organics?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hmmm that sounds a lot like a process that scay beez posted called rejuvelac. might want to look that up as well. fermented barely, rye, and wheatgrass seed. i made it once and it saved a dying mint plant for a test. was nutrient defficient, and drying. as of now its become a very nice plant. been meaning to try it on mj but no plants round here atm.

yes thats true, usually a plant that is mycorrhizae will release basic sugars for the microbes usually fungi but bacteria to feed on as well and in return help the plant with there process of decomposition. its part of the soil life web which is key to organics. a healthy soil is the best soil, which makes for healthy nugs and a happy stoner.

Scay Beez

Active member
Azeotrope: Try messing around with Bragg's Liquid Aminos. It has 16 free amino acids derived from soybeans. The only thing that worries me about using this is the sodium level, so don't use too much. I wish she made a low sodium version. Soybeans, chickpeas (aka garbanzo), and black beans have all the amino acids. Grains and legumes are worth investigating as food sources for compost tea.

Man, I've been root dunking my plants w/ pyrethrins for about two months now and I saw another bug last night. Spidermites are pussies compared to these things. Life has been really kicking my ass. Sorry I haven't been around much guys/gals.

- sbz


Why not add soybean meal to your soil mix? Nitrogen and amino acids. Add everything, including the kitchen sink, when you build the soil. Give it all time to play king of the hill and balance itself out? I understand using soybean to feed the goodies in tea. I guess I'm trying to make my tea as simple as possible. I'm thinking add it all..fungus, amino acids, bacteria all in the beginning and let nature work it out.
Crap...3 edits and still not right..fudge it.
Last edited:


BeAn said:

Hey organic fanatics, hope your all well..:wave:

This tea has been brewing for a couple of days, it contains a sock full of:
  • Bat Poop
  • Used Coffee grounds
  • BioBizz Pre-Mix(shroom compost n stuff)
  • EarthJuice Catalyst(in with the water)
  • Tricoderma funghi powder

Also i threw in some raw cane sugar after the initial froth went down, is this a good recipe for the stretch???:smile:

Jah bless.. :rasta:

^^Just wanted to show a couple of the girls 'post tea', i think they liked it...a lot lol. After two days they have stretched(day 6 of 12/12) over 4", and greened up considerably. Thanks guys.:D:yes:


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
your ladies look quite content there BeAn, thats what its all about, mix it up a bit etc, to suit whats available to you.

I have to Thank the 'Subaru' myster for my new avi jaykush

I'm well aware that you folk up north are well into your winter, (I'm envious in a way) cause we've just had our 3rd day on the trot of over 40 C,,, atm its 43 in the shade down here and my poor girls are showing the stress,,, I have to get the shade cloth out early this year (normally not for a few more weeks) any one who's burnt their plants on lights know what I'm talking about.
I had a digital temp gauge out in the sun and the LCD screen just went black from the heat!.. no reading at all, almost f--ked it.
The forecast for tomorrow is 33 niiiice!, then back to 39 on Wed.

anyway have an excellent new years eve guys'n'gals. Party hard, but know your limits.

thanks for a great year ofc


Yep New Year and New Avatar. Good job this year everyone...........now lets really spread the organic way next year.

Have a good one. See ya next year.


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